Individual Details

Benjamin Wynn

(Abt 1796 - 15 May 1876)

Buried in St. Charles Cemetery, Butler County, OH. on route 129 1/2 mil e e ast of St. Charles Road, 3 miles west of Auburn, Next to St. Charles M e thodist Church George DavisSubj: Re: Wynn-Davis Date: 97-04-06 16:22:3 0 E DT From: GDAVISD120 To: Lunetta595 I scanned through my Morgan Twp c en sus records for 1850 and found the following: Benjamin Wynn, 54, born P A , wife Nancy 50, born PA, children: Sarah 21, John 20, Geo M 10, Franc i s M 10, all born OH. He was afarmer & lived near St. Charles. Ja m es Wynn, farmer, 30, born OH, wife Catharine 26, born OH, childr e n: David 4, Sarah 2, born OH, lived near Rt 126 & Kiatti Creek Rd near w h ere I was raised. Mathew Wynn, 24, born OH, wife Rhoda20, born I N , child: Francis M 7/12, born OH. He was a farmer & lived next toLot A b raham near St. Charles. William Wynn, farmer, 30, born OH, wife Elizab e th 30, born Wales, children: Nancy P. 7, born OH; Benjamin 5, born OH; M a ry Eliza 4, born OH; Sarah Jane 2, born OH. Lived 2 mi east of Scipio n e ar Davisfarm. Jonathan Wynn, farmer, 24, born OH, wife Rachel Ja n e 23, born OH, child: Mary Eliza 1yr, born OH. Warren Wynn, farmer, 42 , b orn OH, wife Rachel 42,born PA, children: Reuben 18, born OH; G eo 15 , born OH; Susan 13, born OH; Rebecca 11, born OH; Margaret J 10 b orn O H; Sarah 8, born OH; Nancy C 6, born OH. Lived in southern Morgan T wp n ear postoffice of Alert. (Caution: Have found people have confused W ar ren and Warner and switched them or misspelled them) I have only a pa r t of the Census of 1860 which shows Reuben Wynn, farmer, 28, born OH, w i fe Phoebe (Davis) 25, born OH, child: Rachel 4, born OH. Reuben w a s the son of Warren. Phoebe Davis was the sister of my g-grandfather, J e hu Jay Davis, aka J.J. Davis, born 1826, died 1885. @ @@S202@p 13-Benja min Wynn d- 15 May 1876, age 85 yrs.p 14-wf.Nancy Wynn, d-29 June 1879, a ge 86 yr s.@S201@ S uggests Benjamin and wife, Nancy were members of Wa shington Methodist C hurch, Reiley Township Military Listed in Muster R oll of a Company of I nfantry Militia under command of John Hamilton, of t he Third Detachmen t from theState of Ohio, --,From 6 Feb 1813, when fir st mustered to co ntinue in service until 6 Aug 1813.@S198 @@S296@ @@Nam Will @S 197@Named as son of Warner Wynn,1827 But ler Co, OH Submitter f or w5552123: Karen Winn-McAllister , 13430 Spoon C reek Rd. , Olat he, KS 66061 , Phone 913-856-4023 , Email: Lunett, Locator : Lunetta595@ Family Information: LDS Descendency c hart of Warn er Wynn AFN:NQHK-JT (1747-CENSUS: 1850 OH, Morgan Twp., B utler Co., p. 472Dw.1365 Fam.1512 WYNN, Benjamin 54 M farmer Real-Val 3 000 B-PA Can' t read orwrite Nancy 50 F B-PA " " S a rah 21 F B-OH John 20 M B -OH School in year George W. 10 M B-OH " " F rancis 1 0 M B-OH " "Burial: A History a nd B iographical Cyclopaedia of Butler County, Ohio. Western Biographica l P ublishing Co.: Cincinnati, OH. 1882. Page 412. Photocopy from The St at e Library of Ohio. Suggests Benjamin and wife, Nancy were members of W a shington Methodist Church, Reiley Township, Butler County Ohio Cemeter i es, by Anne Smyth Hacking, Print It Write, Middletown, OH. Photocopy f r om The State Library of Ohio, Columbus, OH. p 13-Benjamin Wynn d-15 M a y 1876, age 85 yrs. p 14-wf.Nancy Wynn, d-29 June 1879, age 86 yrs.Mi l itary: IBID. Page 101. Listed in Muster Roll of a Company of Infantry M i litia under command of John Hamilton, of the Third Detachment from the S t ate of Ohio, --, From 6 Feb 1813, when first mustered to continue in s e rvice until 6 Aug 1813.Also, lists James Wynn, substitute for B. B l ew and Warner Wynn mustered in same Company, dated 31 May 1813.BUTLER C O UNTY OHIO CEMETERY RECORDS; Supplement to VOLS I-VII; by Hazel S t roup,35 Ohlinger Dr., Hamilton, OH: VOL IV; Pg.50 Will/Warner 1827 But l er


BirthAbt 1796Berks Co. PA
Marriage1813Berks Co. PA - Nancy McCarty
Residence1850Morgan, Butler, Ohio
Residence1870Morgan, Butler, Ohio, United States
Death15 May 1876Shandon Twp., Butler Co., OH


SpouseNancy McCarty (1799 - 1879)
ChildJames Wynn (1819 - 1898)
ChildWilliam Ross Wynn (1820 - 1893)
ChildParmelia Wynn (1821 - 1910)
ChildEzekiel Wynn (1822 - 1914)
ChildMathew Wynn (1827 - 1903)
ChildSarah H. Wynne (1828 - )
ChildJohn Wynn (1830 - )
ChildBarbara Wynn (1832 - )
ChildFrancis Marion Wynn (1839 - 1924)
ChildGeorge Washington Wynn (1840 - )
FatherWarner Wind Wynne (1747 - 1827)
MotherMary Abraham (1747 - 1808)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1776 - )
SiblingSarah Wynne (1778 - 1830)
SiblingNancy Wynne (1780 - )
SiblingPolly Mary Wynne (1782 - )
SiblingPolly Mary Wynn (1782 - )
SiblingHannah Wynne (1784 - 1819)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1785 - 1830)
SiblingJonathan Wynn (1786 - 1830)
SiblingWarner Wynne (1790 - 1860)
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1795 - 1830)
SiblingJames Wynne (1797 - )
