Individual Details

James Wynn

(1819 - 1898)

source: Robert D. Craig, BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO MARRIAGES 1803-1823, p. 44 .     Wynn, Benjamin m. Elizabeth Ashcraft 17 Mar 1822 source: EARLY MAR R IAGE RECORDS OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO, VOL.III, ??  1835-1847, John R eil y Chapter          Wynn, Isaac m. Harding, Nancy, 10 Oct. 1826            Wynn, Jonathan, m. Daniel, Mariah, 3 Mar 1831          Wynn, Mary, m .   Joliff, Thomas, 27Jan 1831          Wynn, Thomas m. Seals, Louisa, 1 5 A pr 1832          Wynn, Warner, Jr., m. Evans, Rachel 27 Jan 1831                         ??         (above couples married by J of P) source: E A RLY MARRIAGE RECORDS OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO, VOL. III,             183 5 -1847, John Reily Chapter, DAR, 1942, p.233.      ??  Wynn, Elizabeth m . H all, Benjamin, 21 Dec 1837         Wynn, James m. Williams, Catherin e, 3 M ar 1842         Wynn, Parmelia m. Flory, James M., 10 May 1846 Ge orge D avisSubj: Re: Wynn-Davis Date: 97-04-06 16:22:30 EDT From: GDAVIS D120 T o: Lunetta595 I scanned through my Morgan Twp census records for 1 850 a nd found the following: Benjamin Wynn, 54, born PA, wife Nancy 50, b or n PA, children: Sarah 21, John 20, Geo M 10, Francis M 10, all bornOH . H e was a farmer & lived near St. Charles. James Wynn, farmer, 3 0, b orn OH, wife Catharine 26, born OH, children: David 4, Sarah 2 , b orn OH, lived near Rt 126 & Kiatti Creek Rd near where I was raised. M a thew Wynn, 24, born OH,wife Rhoda 20, born IN, child: Francis M 7/12, b o rn OH. He was a farmer & lived next to Lot Abraham near St. Charles. W i lliam Wynn, farmer, 30, born OH, wife Elizabeth 30, born Wales, childr e n: Nancy P. 7, born OH; Benjamin 5, born OH; Mary Eliza 4, born OH; Sa r ah Jane 2, born OH. Lived 2 mi east of Scipio near Davis farm. Jonatha n W ynn, farmer, 24, born OH, wife Rachel Jane 23, born OH, child: Mary E l iza 1yr, born OH. Warren Wynn, farmer, 42, born OH, wife Rachel 42, bo r n PA, children: Reuben 18, born OH; Geo 15, born OH; Susan 13, born OH ; R ebecca 11, born OH; Margaret J 10 born OH; Sarah 8, born OH; Nancy C 6 , b orn OH. Lived in southern Morgan Twp near postoffice of Alert. (Caut io n: Have found people have confused Warren and Warner and switched the m o r misspelled them) I have only a part of the Census of 1860 which sh ow s Reuben Wynn, farmer, 28, born OH, wife Phoebe (Davis) 25, born OH, c h ild: Rachel 4, born OH. Reuben was the son of Warren. Phoebe Dav i s was the sister of my g-grandfather, Jehu Jay Davis, aka J.J. Davis, b o rn 1826, died 1885. CENSUS: 1850 OH, Morgan Twp., Butler Co. Pg.477, D w .1636, Fam.1589 Enumerated 19 Nov 1850. WYNN, James 30 M Farmer Re a l Val. 1200 B-OH Catherine 26 F David 4 M Sarah 2 F!Marriage : Ear ly Marriage Records of Butler Co., OH; Vol. III; 1835-1847; DAR, H ami lton, OH; 1942 Page 233 Wynn, James m Williams, Catherine; by Rev. B en jamin Lawrence March 3, 1842MARRIAGE: Wynn,James m Williams,Catharin e ; by Rev. Benjamin Lawrence Mar 3, 1842 Source:Early Marriage Records o f B utler Co. OH, Vol.III, 1835-1847, DAR, 1942. p.233 Submitter for ha0 00 112: Ellin Jones HARTUNG , 302 Speaker Place , Trappe, PA 19426 USA , P h one 215-652-9363 , FAX 215-652-8846 , Email: Ellin_Hartung@, L ocator:Ellin_Hartung@ EARLY MARRIAGE RECORDS OF BUTLER COUNTY , OHIO, V OL III, 1835-1847, John Reily Chapter, DAR, 1942, p.233 W ynn, Ja mes m. Williams, Catharine, 3 Mar 1842, by Rev. Benjamin Lawrenc e. Bur ied in St. Charles Cemetery, Butler County, OH. on route 129 1/2 m ile e ast of St. Charles Road, 3miles west of Auburn, Next to St. Charle s Me thodist Church


Birth1819Butler Co., OH
Marriage3 Mar 1842Butler Co., OH - Catherine Williams
Death1898Shandon Twp., Butler Co., OH


SpouseCatherine Williams (1824 - 1869)
ChildDavid Wynn (1846 - )
ChildSarah Wynn (1848 - )
FatherBenjamin Wynn (1796 - 1876)
MotherNancy McCarty (1799 - 1879)
SiblingWilliam Ross Wynn (1820 - 1893)
SiblingParmelia Wynn (1821 - 1910)
SiblingEzekiel Wynn (1822 - 1914)
SiblingMathew Wynn (1827 - 1903)
SiblingSarah H. Wynne (1828 - )
SiblingJohn Wynn (1830 - )
SiblingBarbara Wynn (1832 - )
SiblingFrancis Marion Wynn (1839 - 1924)
SiblingGeorge Washington Wynn (1840 - )