Individual Details

Jonathan Wynn

(1786 - Sep 1830)

1830, Morgan census shows Jonathan Wynn, age between 40 & 50, wife betw e en 40 & 50; children: 5 males, 3 under 20 and 2 over 20; 7 females, al l u nder 20 yrs. He was a farmer and lived near Rt 129, St. Charles, whi ch i s in Section 2 of Morgan Twp. Chancery Records book 6, page 226 & 2 27- --1836 Elizabeth Wynn - widow of Jonathan Wynn Children: Warner Wynn , J ohn Wynn, Mary Wynn m. John McCann, Ann Wynn m. Hiram Thompson , N imrod Wynn, Sarah Wynn m. Nelson Clark, Elizabeth (minor), Cathrine ( m inor) Jonathan (minor) Nancy (minor) Hannah (minor) ( I have a c o py of this) Jonathan WYNN & Sarah Ann TOTTEN According to his gravesto n e, Jonathan WYNN was born in 1828 in Ohio.1 Other recordsindicate that h e w as born on 16 Oct 1825 in Morgan Twp., Butler Co., OH.2 His census r e cords for 1850 give his age as 26 (born-1824); 1860 gives 34 (born-182 6 ); and 1870 gives his age as 46 (born-1824), so 16 Oct 1825 may be cor r ect. Jonathan WYNN, age twenty-six, was listed in the 1850 Ohio Census i n B utler County, Morgan Township3 , with wife Rachel Jane, twenty-three 4 , a n done year old daughter, Mary Eliza.(beth). He was working as a farmer, b u t noreal estate value was listed. Living with them was Elizabeth GROOM S , thirty-three, and her daughter, three-year-old Johanna5. While their r e lationship toJonathan and Rachel is unknown, it seems likely that Eliz a beth was either Jonathan or Rachel's widowed sister. Jonathan WYNN mar r ied Rachel Jane LLOYD on18 Jun 1848 6 in Morgan Twp., Butler Co. , O H. Daughter Mary Eliza.(beth?) was born in 1849. Their son, W. Benja mi n WYNN was born 3 Aug 1849 and died 3 July 1851. He was buried at Sha n don Cemetery in Butler County. His gravestone tells of his short l i fe: "W. Benjamin WYNN, age 1y. 1m. Son of Jonathan and Rachel.""7Rache l J ane and Mary Eliza.(beth?) disappeared sometime after her young son' s d eath in 1851 and before Jonathan's second marriage in May 1853. I fo un d no death or cemetery records to learn what happened to Jonathan's w i fe and daughter, I but presume they died, perhaps in one of the Choler a e pidemics that swept the region about that time. Jonathan's sister, S ar ah, was born in OH in 1820 and married Jacob TIMBREL 27 Sep 1838 in B u tler Co., OH. They had a son, Lot TIMBREL born 9 Jan 1845. Sarah d i ed in March 1850 in Granville Twp., Mercer Co., OH. Sarah WYNN's husba n d, Jacob TIMBREL was born 24 Feb 1814 in OH. He died 24 Aug 1883 i n P eoria, Mahaska Co., IA, and was buried on 26Aug 1883 in Granvi ll e Cemetery, Mahaska Co., IA. Sarah's death left him a widower with a s m all son, so he wasted little time in finding a wife. Only four m o nths later, 36 year-old Jacob married 17 year-old Mary Jane TOTTEN on 1 J u l 1850 in Mercer Co., OH. Mary Jane had a younger sister, Sarah Ann, s o w hen Jonathan lost his first young wife and children, his brother-in- la w, Jacob TIMBREL, introduced Jonathan to his young sister-in-law. Jon a than, 27, married Sarah Ann TOTTEN on 29 May 1853, in Mercer Co., OH, 8 j u st seven days past her 16th birthday.9 Family Records indicate that Jo n athan and Sarah Ann WYNN emigrated to Iowa from Ohio in October or Nov e mber 1856. The first record of them in Iowa lists them living in R i chland Township, in Mahaska County, 24 July 1860, with Peoria gi v en as theirPost Office. Jonathan, then age thirty-four was working as a F a rm Laborer, and had a personal property value of $150, but showed no r e al estate holdings. Records from both the 1860 and 1870 census, as wel l a s a search for land records at the Iowa Historical Society, show no s i gn that Jonathan ever owned land in Iowa. Sarah Ann was listed a s nine teen, and a housewife. Jonathan and Sarah Ann had a daughter, Mar y Ann , listed as three years old, who was born in Iowa, which indicates w er e in Iowa since at least July 1857. Sons were listed as Chas. W., age o n e, who would be Wilson, and a one month old, (Doug) who was then u


Birth1786Berks Co. PA
Marriage1806Berks Co. PA - Elizabeth Wynn?
Residence1820Morgan, Butler, Ohio, United States
DeathSep 1830Butler Co., OH


SpouseElizabeth Wynn? (1786 - )
ChildWarner Wynn (1807 - 1882)
ChildJonathan Wynn (1809 - )
ChildMary Wynn (1811 - )
ChildAnn Wynn (1813 - )
ChildNimrod Wynn (1815 - )
ChildSarah Wynn (1817 - )
ChildElizabeth Wynn (1820 - )
ChildCatherine Wynn (1823 - )
ChildJonathan Wynn (1825 - 1872)
ChildNancy Wynn (1828 - 1886)
ChildHannah Wynn (1830 - )
FatherWarner Wind Wynne (1747 - 1827)
MotherMary Abraham (1747 - 1808)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1776 - )
SiblingSarah Wynne (1778 - 1830)
SiblingNancy Wynne (1780 - )
SiblingPolly Mary Wynne (1782 - )
SiblingPolly Mary Wynn (1782 - )
SiblingHannah Wynne (1784 - 1819)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1785 - 1830)
SiblingWarner Wynne (1790 - 1860)
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1795 - 1830)
SiblingBenjamin Wynn (1796 - 1876)
SiblingJames Wynne (1797 - )
