Individual Details

Jonathan Wynn

(16 Oct 1825 - 3 Sep 1872)

Jonathan Wynn, He appeared on the census in 1850 in Butler Co., OH, He a p peared oon the census in 1860 in Richland Twp., Mahaska Co., IA He app e ared on the census in 1870 in Richland Twp., Mahaska Co., IA. He was b u ried on 5 Sep 19723 in Baldwin Cemetery Richland Twp Mahaska Co. IA Ma r riage of Jonathan Wynn and Rachel Jane Lloyd MARRIAGE: IGI M5511-9621 C E NSUS: 1850, Morgan twp., Butler Co., OHIGI: Submitter for ha000112: El l in Jones HARTUNG , 302 Speaker Place , Trappe, PA 19426 USA , Phone 21 5 -652-9363 , FAX 215-652-8846 , Email: Ellin_Hartung@, Locato r: Ellin_Hartung@ George DavisSubj: Re: Wynn-Davis Date: 97-0 4-06 16:22 :30 EDT From: GDAVISD120 To: Lunetta595 I scanned through my M organ Tw p census records for 1850 and found the following: Benjamin Wyn n, 54, b orn PA, wife Nancy 50, born PA, children: Sarah 21,John 20, Geo M 1 0, F rancis M 10, all born OH. He was a farmer & lived near St. Ch arl es. James Wynn, farmer, 30, born OH, wife Catharine 26, born O H, c hildren: David 4, Sarah 2, born OH, lived near Rt 126 & Kiatti Cree k R d near where I was raised. Mathew Wynn, 24, born OH, wife Rhod a 2 0, born IN, child: Francis M 7/12, born OH. He was a farmer & lived n e xt to Lot Abraham near St. Charles. William Wynn, farmer, 30, born OH, w i fe Elizabeth 30, born Wales, children: Nancy P. 7, born OH; Benjamin 5 , b orn OH; Mary Eliza 4, born OH; Sarah Jane 2, born OH. Lived 2 mi eas t o f Scipio near Davis farm. Jonathan Wynn, farmer, 24, born OH, wife R ac hel Jane 23, born OH, child: Mary Eliza 1yr, born OH. Warren Wynn, fa r mer, 42, born OH, wife Rachel 42, born PA, children: Reuben 18, born O H ; Geo 15, born OH; Susan 13, born OH; Rebecca 11, born OH; Margaret J 1 0 b orn OH; Sarah 8, born OH; Nancy C 6, born OH. Lived in southern Morg an T wp near postoffice of Alert. (Caution: Have found people have confu sed W arren and Warner and switched them or misspelled them) I have only a p a rt of the Census of 1860 which shows Reuben Wynn, farmer, 28, born OH, w i fe Phoebe (Davis) 25, born OH, child: Rachel 4, born OH. Reuben w a s the son of Warren. Phoebe Davis was the sister of my g-grandfather, J e hu Jay Davis, aka J.J. Davis, born 1826, died 1885. Jonathan WYNN marr i ed Rachel Jane LLOYD on 18 Jun 1848 6 in Morgan Twp., Butler Co., OH. D a ughter Mary Eliza.(beth?) was bornin 1849. Their son, W. Benjami n W YNN was born 3 Aug 1849 and died 3 July 1851. He was buried at Shand on C emetery in Butler County. His gravestone tells of his short l ife : "W. Benjamin WYNN, age 1y. 1m. Son of Jonathan and Rachel.""7Rache l J ane and Mary Eliza.(beth?) disappeared sometime after her young son' s d eath in 1851 and before Jonathan's second marriage in May 1853. I fo un d no death or cemetery records to learn what happened to Jonathan's w i fe and daughter, I but presume they died, perhaps in one of the Choler a e pidemics that swept the region about that time. Jonathan's sister, S ar ah, was born in OH in 1820 and married Jacob TIMBREL 27 Sep 1838 in B u tler Co., OH. They had a son, Lot TIMBREL born 9 Jan 1845. Sarah d i ed in March 1850 in Granville Twp., Mercer Co., OH. Sarah WYNN's husba n d, Jacob TIMBREL was born 24 Feb 1814 in OH. He died 24 Aug 1883 i n P eoria, Mahaska Co., IA, and was buried on 26 Aug 1883 in Granville C em etery, Mahaska Co., IA. Sarah's death left him a widower with a small s o n, so he wasted little time in finding a wife. Only four months l a ter, 36 year-old Jacob married 17 year-old Mary Jane TOTTEN on 1 J ul 1 850 in Mercer Co., OH. Mary Jane had a younger sister, Sarah Ann, s o w hen Jonathan lost his first young wife and children, his brother-in- la w,


Birth16 Oct 1825Morgan Twp. Butler Co., OH
Marriage18 Jun 1848Morgan Twp. Butler Co., OH - Rachel Jane Lloyd
Marriage29 May 1853Mercer Co., OH - Sarah Ann Totten
Death3 Sep 1872Peoria, Richland Twp, Mahaska Co., IA


SpouseSarah Ann Totten (1837 - 1910)
ChildMary Ann Wynn (1857 - 1862)
ChildCharles Wilson Winn (1859 - 1952)
ChildStephen Aaron Douglass Wynn (1860 - 1943)
ChildFlorence Leoni Wynn (1866 - 1922)
ChildLuke Wynn (1869 - 1964)
SpouseRachel Jane Lloyd (1827 - )
ChildMary Eliza Wynn (1849 - )
ChildWilliam Benjamin Wynn (1849 - 1851)
FatherJonathan Wynn (1786 - 1830)
MotherElizabeth Wynn? (1786 - )
SiblingWarner Wynn (1807 - 1882)
SiblingJonathan Wynn (1809 - )
SiblingMary Wynn (1811 - )
SiblingAnn Wynn (1813 - )
SiblingNimrod Wynn (1815 - )
SiblingSarah Wynn (1817 - )
SiblingElizabeth Wynn (1820 - )
SiblingCatherine Wynn (1823 - )
SiblingNancy Wynn (1828 - 1886)
SiblingHannah Wynn (1830 - )