Individual Details


(22 Feb 1814 - 15 May 1849)

Called Crandall, he was named in honor of the long-serving first Baptist minister at New Canaan, Joseph Crandall, and would appear to be the first of many Ryder's who were given surnames of local note worthies as Christian middle names.

He married New Canaan NB 1 Nov 1837 Esther Rider.

Crandall farmed at lot 27 New Canaan and owned two tracts of land, lot 39 in Salisbury and lot 27 in Studholm (now Havelock Parish). He is listed on the Muster Rolls of Capt Keith's Company September 28 1846. He wrote his Will 6 April 1849 when "weak in body but of sound mind and memory," naming Reuben Rider his executor, who declined to serve. He devised the western half of lot 39 to "Joseph Rider, son of Ebenezer Rider, deceased"; he gave Norman the eastern half of lot 39 and Eastman lot 27; he gave his daughter Levina £25, and his father Ebenezer "the sum of £1 per year during his natural life," and Esther "a good comfortable living out of the last described pieces of land."

Although Crandall seems to have been ill some time before his death, the story of his demise has taken on heroic proportions. Crandall was said to be a man of great strength. One day he was working on the covered bridge in Canaan, and the support gave way just as a funeral was passing. Crandall held up the bridge with his back until the cortege passed, but died later that night of internal injuries. In any event, he died 15 April 1849, aged only 35.

Crandall's wife, Esther, became Reuben Rider's second wife [see Fam#11].

References: Dana Ryder; Nellie Rider; Fremont Rider; Rowland Corey; Queen's County Probate, Will of Joseph C. Rider 6 Apr 1849, probated 1859; census 1851, '61, '71; cemetery inscription, Wheaton Settlement; story collected by Dana Ryder; R. Wallace Hale, Queens County New Brunswick Marriages, Vol A, 1812-1861.


Birth22 Feb 1814New Canaan, Brunswick Parish, Queens County, New Brunswick
Marriage1 Nov 1837New Canaan, Brunswick Parish, Queens County, New Brunswick - ESTHER RYDER
Death15 May 1849New Canaan, Brunswick Parish, Queens County, New Brunswick


SpouseESTHER RYDER (1818 - 1864)
ChildNORMAN RYDER (1840 - 1875)
ChildLEVINA RYDER (1841 - 1871)
ChildEASTMAN RYDER (1843 - 1859)
FatherEBENEZER RIDER (1771 - 1853)
MotherANN GOLDSMITH (1777 - 1849)
SiblingJOHN RIDER (1794 - 1866)
SiblingSTEPHEN RIDER (1798 - 1861)
SiblingMARY RIDER (1798 - 1845)
SiblingEBENEZER RIDER (1800 - 1849)
SiblingJAMES RIDER (1802 - )
SiblingELIZABETH RIDER (1804 - 1888)
SiblingANN R. RIDER (1806 - )
SiblingMERCY R. RIDER (1808 - 1820)
SiblingHENRY RIDER (1810 - 1892)
SiblingREUBEN RIDER (1812 - 1860)
SiblingNATHAN RIDER (1817 - 1896)
SiblingCAROLINE RIDER (1818 - )
SiblingBENJAMIN RUFUS RIDER (1823 - 1894)
