Individual Details

Simon Clement

(Abt 1715 - Bef Nov 1800)

Simon Clement, son of John, married first Susannah ?Locket, 24 Oct 1740 in New Kent Co VA. They had children Zephaniah, Sarah, Simon Jr., Obadiah, Stephen, John, Anne & Samuel. He married Mrs. Mary Pridham Wright, 24 Nov 1783 in Granville Co NC and they had Susanna, Isabella who married Gideon Freeman, William Simeon, Mary who married Wm. R. Welch, and Anthony. The first wife's name is also proved from deeds when they lived in Amelia Co VA.

Databases online state that Simon was probably born between 1725-1730 - if he married in 1740 he was likely 10 years older. A FindAGrave memorial gives him a birth of 1738 - not possible since he first married in 1740. He was a landowner in Hanover Co VA by 1751 and was a processioner in 1755. By 1758, he was a resident of Amelia Co. Simon and wife Susannah sold land in Amelia Co in 1778. He was a member of the Cherokee Expedition in upper NC in 1776 and received payment from the state of NC for supplying was effort.

Wife Susannah's surname is seen as Lockett, but no authority given for the choice, other than it may be an assumption from the following:
The will of James Lockett, dated 26 May 1758, Amelia Co VA, said to list seven brothers and four sisters, one named Susanna (no surname provided). The witnesses to the will were Simon Clement, William Russell, and John Drinkwater. Probate 22 Mar 1759.

12 Apr 1750 New Kent County Court
Petition presented by the Protestant Dissenters of the Presbyterian denomination under the ministerial care of the Rev. Mr. Davies, requested a place of worship on the land of William Clopton, New Kent County. One of the signers was Simon Clement.

8 Feb 1760 Amelia Co VA DB 7, p.149
Richard Booker, Francis Anderson, Edmund Booker & Stith Hardaway to Thomas Tabb (all of Amelia Co), 318 acres upper side of Flat Cree, patented to Henry Farley, 20 Aug 1745. Bounded by lands of William Jackson Sr., William Farley Sr., William Farley, Jr., Simon Clement, Francis Jackson and John Thorp. Rec. 28 Feb 1760

24 Apr 1760 Amelia Co VA DB 7, p.304
Simon Clement and wife Susanna of Amelia to Joseph Gooch of Caroline, 200 acres, for 51#'s. Adjacent Benjamin Lockett, Philip Jones, Osburns path, Willaim Sismore now John Drinkwater, meanders of Mayses Branch. Signed Simon Clement, Susanna (X) Clement. Susanna relinquished dower. Wit: John Thorp, Benj. Lockett

12 May 1760, Amelia Co VA DB 7, no page number. Robert Vaughn to members of the Presbyterian Congregation (includes Simon Clement) for 5 sh, one acre on lower side of Flatt Creek, part of tract granted Vaughan by patent dated 24 Mar 1740, to place a house of worship. Rec. 23 Oct 1760.

28 Aug 1760 Amelia Co VA DB 7, p.307
Simon Clement and wife Susanna to John Thorp for 38 #'s, 150 acres in the fork of Mayses Branch, John Drinkwater's line, Henry Farley's line. Singed: Simon Clement

31 Mar 1764 Will of John Farley (WB 2x, p.157) John named wife Sarah and children, John, William, Jeremiah, Stephen & Sarah. Wit: Simon Clement, Stephen Farley, Faith (+) Blake. Sworn to by Simon Clement.

Rec. 24 Oct 1765. Amelia Co VA DB 8, p.689. John Gooch of Raleigh Parish, Amelia to Benjamin Locket. Tract of about 180 acres between Flat Creek & Mayes Creek, bounded by Simon Clements, John Thorp, Joseph Gooch, John Pride. Part of tract purchased by Simon Clements of Col. Samuel Cobbs and by him deeded to Joseph Gooch. Signed: John Gooch.

23 Aug 1767 Amelia Co VA DB 9, p.206. John Brown to Francis Jackson for 30#'s, tract of 100 acres bounded by Mays' Branch, Nicholas Hudson's lin, William Jackson. Signed: John (B) Brown. Wit: Simon Clement, Obaciah Clement, Zephaniah Clement. Rec. 24 Sep 1767.

Simon was executor of the following will in Amelia Co, along with Benjamin Lockett:
#30450 Amelia Co Wills
Book 2, 1771-1780
p. 181
Francis Jackson, County of Amelia and Parish of Raleigh
To son Rowland Jackson tract of land purchased of John Brown whereon he now lives and Negro man named Jo
To son Josiah Jackson tract he now lives on dividing from my plantation by a branch, up near the lower end of Simon Clements plantation, down the branch to birch tree in William Jackson's line and south side of Hayses branch
To daughter Mary Jackson negro woman Lucy & her increase to her & her heirs forever
To daughter Elizabeth Jackson, girl Rose
To Dau Prissilla Jackson girl Bid
To each of my daughters before mentioned one cow & calf apiece
To my son Francis the plantation whereon I now live & the remainder of my lands not before given Also the remainder of my Negroes: Pat & Tom, Shadrach & Jude and the remainder of stock of all kinds, household furniture, necessary utensils whatsoever to me belonging only he to pay my just debts
My daughters to have the priviledge of living with their brother Francis during the time they continue single
Friends Benjamin Lockett & Simon Clement to be Executors
4 Mar 1776
Signed: Francis Jackson
Wit: William Lockett, John Clement, William Clement

1776. Amelia Co. VA. Simon Clement appointed guardian of Francis Jackson, Jr. He was a neighbor.

Simon married in Granville Co NC, 24 Nov 1783, to Mrs. Mary Pridham Wright. Mary is thought to have been much younger.

Dr. A. B. Pruitt
#88 James Cozzort enters 250 a in Granville on waters of Windowses Cr, bordering his own land to include his improvement; claim entered May 2 by Simon Clement & bond filed. Compromised & Clements ordered to issue the warrant Oct 3 1779
#194 2 May 1778 Simon Clement Sr enters 500 ac in Granville waters of Hamptons Mill Cr. Borders own land purchased of George Thompson, James Cozzort & others. Claim entered 2 Jun 1778 by Saml Slaughter & bond filed. Warrant 21 Jul 1789 agreeable to verdict
#275 Charles Partee enters 640 a on waters of Hamptons Cr: border Simon Clement, James Cozzart and his own line. Warrant Nov 7. [1778?]
#636 Dispute Slaughter vs. Clements. Jury was of the opinion that Simon Clements, defendant should have the land agreeable to his entry #194. 29 Oct 1778.

Timothy W. Rackley
DB O, p.2,3
Zachariah Boughan & wife Drucilla of Granville to Simon Clement of same for 160#'s. Track on Hampton Mill's Creek, 20 acres. Begin Spanish Oak in Simon Clement's line……..Signed: Zachariah Boughan, Durcilla (X) Boughan
Wit: Obadiah Clement, Daniel Gooch.
Jurat: Samuel Clement
Granville County Nov Court 1779. Proved by oath of Daniel Gooch & ordered registered

Zae Hargett Gwynn
DB L, p.284 George Thompson Sr & wife Lucy sold to Simon Clement of Amelia Co VA on 15 Dec 1777
DBQ, p.297 Zepheniah Clement of Edgefield Co SC sold land in Granville to Samuel Clement adj lines of Simon Clement & Stephen Clement 10 Dec 1795

Zae Hargett Gwynn
p.26 Simon Clement deed to Wm Bennett, 250 acres. Aug 1788
p.62 1786 Simon Clement proved will of Thomas Bradford

1790 Census. Granville Co NC. Beaver Dam District: Simon Clement

Simon's will dated 3 Apr 1800 and proved Nov 1800 Granville Co NC Court. He listed eight children of the first marriage, six children of the second marriage.
Given a death date of 12 Jan 1821 on FindAGrave - not possible in view of will record. His grave is unmarked but said to be on what was his farm, Oxford, Granville, NC
Granville County North Carolina; Original Wills, Vol. 1, 1749-1810; abstracted by Timothy W. Rackley.
#79. Simon Clements Sr of Granville Co NC, 3 Apr 1800
To sons Obediah Clement, Zephaniah Clement, Stephen Clement and Simon Clement, each 5 shillings sterling. To son Jno. Clement the plantation where he lives and 150 acres adjoining, beginning at the Creek near the lower end of the old plantation & running near South to Charles Partee's line, one Negro man he has in his possession named Allen. Lend to my son-in-law Charles Jones, Negro woman Lively Jordan who was lent to my daughter Sarah when he married her during his natural life and after his death to be equally divided, she and her increase, betwixt the two children of my daughter left living, William and Betsey Jones. Lend to my daughter Ann Terry, Negro woman Tabitha and her increase and after the death of her and her husband to be equally divided between all her children. To my son Samuel Clement, the land whereon he lives, 200 acres between the land I purchase of my son Obadiah and my son Jno. Clement. To my son William Clement, that tract I purchase of son Obadiah Clement, 200 acres, one Negro boy Ford, feather bed & furniture, 2 cows & calves, 1 sow & pigs, 1 horse, saddle & bridle. To my son Simon Clement, land I purchased of Brereton Jones on Tarr River and that tract of land purchased of my son Stephen with the 100 acre survey adjoining, on Negro boy Johnston, one feather bed & furniture, 2 cows & calves, 1 sow & pigs, 1 horse, saddle & bridle. My son Anthony Clement, the tract whereon I now live, the tract I purchased of Jno. Champion Junr and that tract I purchased of my son Simon, one Negro boy Ishmael, son of Ishmael, 2 cows & calves , 1 sow & pigs, 1 horse, saddle & bridle. To my daughter Isabell Clement, one Negro girl Obedience & her crease, one feather bed and furniture, 1 horse, saddle & bridle, 2 cows & calves. To my daughter Mary Clement, Negro girl Milly & her increase, one feather bed and furniture, 1 horse, saddle & bridle, 2 cows & calves.
I lend to my beloved wife Mary Preddom Clement, the tract I now live on or either of my other tracts she chooses, but not to hinder any child from cultivating it, five Negroes - Ishmael, Mansil, Moses, Charles & Amy and any increase, with all my stock, working tools, household furniture, and my still, during her natural life. Daughter Susannah to live with her mother. If she outlives her mother she is to have 2 Negroes sufficient to support her well, one bed & furniture, and she to live with either of her brothers or sisters. After her death, the bed & furniture to go to her surviving brothers & sisters. My children are to be raised and have sufficient schooling out of the profits of my Estate. My two daughters, Isabell & Mary, after the decease of my wife to have a likely young Negro. The residue lent to my wife to be equally divided betwixt my living children by my last wife, Susannah excepted. If any of my children died before age or marry, their part to return and be equally divided among the children of my last wife, Susannah excepted. If ever my Negro woman Angelo (Angillo) is got, the child recovering her to have one half and the other half equally divided between my children of my first wife. Executors: beloved wife M. Preddom Clement, son William Clement, friend G. Brasfield. Signed: Simon Clement
Wit: Wm. (X) Ballentine, G. Brasfield, Jeremiah Bailey
Nov Court 1800. Proven by oath of Ballentine and Bailey. Mary P. Clement & George Brasfield quality as Executrix & Executor.
Aug Court 1812. William Clement qualified as Executor.

Granville NC, Will Book 5, p.183, 1 Nov 1800. Inventory of Simon Clement. Included 11 slaves, 5 horses, 25 head of cattle, 17 head of sheep, 70 hogs, 21 geese, tobacco, etc. Signed by Mary P. (A) Clement. Returned to Feb Court, 1802.

Feb Court, Granville, NC, 1802. Gideon Freeman Junr. appointed guardian to William Clement, Mary Clement, Simeon Clement, and Anthony Clement. Bond with Edmond & Richardson Freeman.
Gideon Freeman was married to their older sister, Isabella.

Simon's estate file is said to have a paper concerning a slave that belonged to his mother, Isabella, who had married Anthony Haden. When I contacted the NC Archives, they could only find the estate file of Simon's son Samuel. I have found one note which says that Simon's will was being contested by descendants in 1807 and John Clement's will was written into the record there in Granville Co - which is the only reason it survived from Hanover County. A note from the Hanover Co records states that a true copy of John Clement's will was made 29 Apr 1801.

Once I could read the entire microfilm, I found the record.
LDS #2208030 NC Estates, Granville County - Clements files
There is a file for John Clement, 1801. The papers in the file concern the settlement of Simon's estate, not John's. There is also a separate file for Simon, 1802. Simon's heirs were in dispute over ownership of some of the slaves - Zephaniah Clement sued his stepmother, Mary P. Clement over ownership of the slave woman Angillo and her son Moses. Not only was John Clement's will sent for, but there is also a copy of an indenture from Anthony Haden and wife Isabella, widow of John Clement, to Simon, written 1757 in Hanover Co VA. Angillo was one of five slaves that Isabella had as part of her inheritance from her deceased husband. Anthony and Isabella gave all the property she had brought to the marriage to Simon upon her decease; they let him go ahead and take it all but he was to return the slaves and personal property should Anthony die and leave her again widowed. Zephaniah's brother Obadiah, living in Edgefield, South Carolina, and a Sarah Tharp, wife of John Tharp, both testified that they remembered Isabella [Obadiah specifically called her his grandmother] gave Angillo to Simon's son Zephaniah and the slave Ismael to Obadiah. Obadiah stated that Moses, son of Angillo, was in the hands of Mary P. Clement; his testimony dated 21 Mar 1801. Sarah Tharp stated it had been 40 or 50 years ago that the slaves were given; her testimony dated 7 Mary 1801.

It is obvious that the slave Angillo is the one mentioned in Simon's will as being the woman "if she is recovered" bequeathed to the children of his first wife Susannah. Zephaniah believed he was the rightful owner, not his father. It does appear from the testimony given that Zephaniah's grandmother did give him the slave, but then she later deeded her to Simon, probably believing that Angillo would eventually become Zephaniah's anyway.

Filed seperately under Simon's name, p.311 on the microfilm, are more details
Granville NC
Testimony of Simon Clement [Jr] - about April or May of 1799 his father, Simon Clement Senior Dec'd, made him an offer of a Negro winch named Aqila & her increase which she should have had since the ranaway or was taken out of his possession, provided I could get the said winch and would return one half to him. I would not undertake it as I knew my brother Zapheniah would contend for the increase. The wench is the mother of a fellow named Moses now in possession of Mary P. Clement. My father says Zepheniah has no title because after they had been given to Zepheniah, his mother had made him a deed of gift for the said Negro girl. She gave the negro to him no longer than for his life but intended them for his children and further sayeth not. 4 Jan 1802
Edgefield District, SC
5 Oct 1801 Dwelling house of Obediah Clement. Order of Court of Granville on 1st Mon Aug 1801. Sarah Clement [wife of Obediah] to come before us and depose:
She remembers that Zephaniah Clement went from Granville to Virginia after a negro woman slave named Angilla which was informd by the family run away from Simon Clement dec'd when he was about to move from Virginia to Granville in NC. Said Negro woman was understood by Zephaniah to be in a low state of health. As he was bringing the said woman out to Granville he left her in a house to her self expecting she was too low in health; that she would not leave him but next morning she was gone. Zephaniah came on out to Granville to his fathers & told how the sd Negro got from him and stayed some time before he went back to Virginia again. The sd deponent further sayeth that she heard his father Simon Clement Sen grumble at his staying so long before he returned back to Virginia, saying Zephaniah lost the sd Negro Angillo, it was his own loss. Deponant sayeth that ever since she was married into the family that she head say that this Negro woman Angillo was a gift of his grandmothers. And further sayeth not. Signed: (Sarah (x) Clement
Obadiah Clement being sworn sayeth that he heard his father & mother one or both say when his brother lost the above mentioned Negro twas his own loss…. Signed: Obd. Clement.

5 Aug 1803 George Brasfield appt guardian to Mary Clement.
And to Simion, Anthony & William

4 Feb 1811
Mary P. Clements in acct with Mary Clement, orphan of Simon.
…..with Simion….
…..with Anthony…..
Aug Court 1803
Faded document, but Inventory of the Estates of William, Simion, Anthony & Mary Clements by their Guardian Gideon Freeman. Ordered recorded

William Clement in account with Anthony Clement, orphan of Simon dec'd. 1 Feb 1819

There were many accounts from the guardians in the file.

29 Apr 1820 Anthony Clements - rec'd of William Clements my guardian all property which he hath in hand

Simon Clement by his will lent unto his wife Mary P. Clements sundries & articles. At her death to be divided among all his surviving children., Said Simon not extending the gift to the heirs of said children. All of the undersigned being joint heirs & legatees, do mutually agree to and with each other that if either or more of them die before the said Mary P., that the heirs of such deceased shall be entitled to an equal part. Bond of $2000.
17 Jul 1821
Signed: William Clements, Simeon Clement, Anthony Clement, H. R. Welch, Mary Welch, Gideon Freeman, Isabell Freeman

6 Nov 1822 Gideon & Isabell Freeman relinquished all right and title to estate of Simon Clement dec'd & Mary P. Clement unto William Clement.

Zae Hargett Gwynn
p.184 Midterm Court 1800, Nov 3
Will of Simon Clement dec'd,
proved by William Ballentine & Jeremiah Bailey & Pridden Clement, wife & relict of Simon Clement, qualified as executrix and George Brasfield as executor
p.195 Gideon Freeman Jr appointed guardian to William, Mary, Simeon, & Anthony Clement with Edmund Free & Richard Freeman as bondsmen. Estate of Simon Clement returned by Mary P. Clements & George Brasfield. Feb Term 1802
p.204 Aug Court 1803
George Brasfield appointed guardian to Simeon, Anthony, Mary, William Clement, orphans of Simeon Clement dec'd with Mary P. Clement & Gideon Freeman as securities. Gideon Freeman returned inventory of estate of William Simeon, Anthony & Mary Clement.
p.244 Aug 3 1812
William Clement qualified as executor of will of Simon Clement, dec'd.

Zae Hargett Gwynn
DB W, p. 98
Benton Badgett to William & Simon Clement 3 May 1813
DB W, p. 216 Simon Clement to William Clement. 29 Mar 1814
DB W, p.331 Mary P. Clement to Simeon Clement. 23 Aug 1814
[Simon's widow to her son]

Dr. A. B. Pruitt
#1006 4 May 1814 John Russell enters 180 ac on waters of Tar R. borders John W. Philpott, estate of Simon Clemments, himself & others. Warrant issued 8 Aug 1814.
Other Clements listed in Index: Thomas, Obadiah, Peyton, William, Samuel

Possibly there were continued disputes concerning Simon Clement's estate but the final settlement could not take place until the youngest of the children reached legal age. If Anthony Clement was born 1799 as shown, that would be not until 1820.

Zae Hargett Gwynn
DB Z, p.332 Simon Clement, Anthony Clement, Mary P. Clement, and William R. Welch & wife Mary lent to George Freeman & wife Isabella, certain personal property for their natural lives and at their deaths to be divided among heirs of Isabella. William Clement also signed the deed. 21 Jul 1821
p.345 William Clement, Simon Clement, Anthony Clement, Mary P. Clement, & Gideon Freeman & wife, Isabella, to William R. Welch & wife Mary personal property for life and then to be divided among heirs of said Mary. 17 Jul 1821
DB Z, p. 356 Legatees of Simon Clement, dec'd, namely, W. R. Welch, Gideon Freeman, Isabella Freeman, & Mary Welch, relinquish rights to property left to Isabella & Mary Clement by will of Simon Clement, dec'd. 12 Jan 1821
DB 1, p. 234 Matthew Joyner deed to Simmeon Clements for military land warrant in the State of Tennessee issued to said Joyner for service in the NC Continental Line in the Revolution. 21 Oct 1822
DB 1, p.306 Gideon Freeman & wife Isabella, deed to William Clements for all their rights in estates of Simon Clement, dec'd, and Mary P. Clement, dec'd. 6 Nov 1822
DB 2, p. 268 Simon Clement to Mary P. Clement. 4 Nov 1822

(The following abstract leaves out many provisions of the above transcribed will)
17 Jul 1821 Simon Clement willed to wife Mary P. & at her death to her children, his last wife's children excepting Susanna. We have agreed among ourselves that our descendants shall have a part whether one or more of us is dead. Signed: William & Anthony Clement, Mary Welch, Simeon Clement, W R. Welch, Gideon & Izabell Freeman.


BirthAbt 1715
Marriage24 Oct 1740New Kent County, Virginia - Susannah ?Locket
Marriage24 Nov 1783Granville County, North Carolina - Mary Pridham Wright
DeathBef Nov 1800Granville County, North Carolina


SpouseSusannah ?Locket ( - )
ChildZephaniah Clement (1750 - 1811)
ChildSarah Clement ( - 1801)
ChildSimon Clement Jr ( - 1838)
ChildObadiah Clement ( - 1802)
ChildStephen Clement ( - )
ChildJohn Clement ( - 1822)
ChildAnne Clement ( - )
ChildSamuel Clement ( - 1815)
SpouseMary Pridham Wright (1760 - 1847)
ChildSusannah Clement ( - )
ChildIsabella Clement (1786 - 1865)
ChildWilliam Clement (1788 - 1867)
ChildSimeon Clement (1792 - 1870)
ChildMary Clement (1794 - 1863)
ChildAnthony Clement (1799 - 1883)
FatherJohn Clement ( - 1749)
MotherIsabel [Clement] ( - )
SiblingStephen Clement ( - 1748)
SiblingJohn Clement ( - 1748)
SiblingWilliam Clement ( - 1760)