Individual Details

William Clement

( - 18 Feb 1760)

Correspondent Cynthia Haden Haythe, descendant of Benjamin Haden, grandson of Anthony, is also a descendant of William Clement.
William and wife Anne lived in Amelia Co VA
Daughter Elizabeth Clement married Hezekiah Ford of Henrico and Amelia.
Son John Ford and wife Frances Pryor lived in Cumberland Co VA
daughter Mildred Croxton Ford married Dr. Humphrey Belt of Cumberland & Powhatan. A descendant of the Belts moved to Pettsylvania Co where he married a Daniel - the correspondents g grandparents. Some of the Belts are buried at Spring Hill Cemetery in Lynchburg VA near the graves of her g grandparents, Judge John G. and Cornelia Flora [Haden] Haythe.

There is a curious deed in Amelia Co DB 7, p.232, in that several of the Clements cannot be identified. For that reason it cannot be determined if the land is actually that of this William Clement. By 1760, certainly William's brother John was already deceased and he had no brother named Francis. There was a nephew John Clement, son of Simon that lived in Amelia but Simon Clement was married in 1740, and could not yet have a son age 21 likely to be a landowner. However, a man married before 21 was considered of age, so he cannot be discounted.
Fras. Clement to William Clement, both of Amelia Co, 300 acres for 250 #'s. bounded by John Pigg, William Clement, John Clement, Richard Jones, George Booker, and Cox. Contains a water mill. Signed: Francis Clement. Rec. the same day.

A death date found in an old genealogy report is 18 Feb 1760, Amelia Co. VA. and does list sons of William & Anne as William, Francis & John - all named in the above deed in 1760. The same report suggests that William, John & Stephen Clement were all the children of an earlier wife, Elizabeth, not Isabel, and were some older than Simon, having all received their inheritance prior to the writing of the will of their father, the elder John Clement.

Will of William CLEMENT, dated 18 Feb 1760, Amelia County, Virginia, Will Book 1, pages 157-159, Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, 3 October 1998 :Proved: 28 February 1760 • Amelia Co., VA.
In the Name of God Amen the eighteenth Day of February In the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred And sixty I William Clement Sen.or of the Parish of Raleigh In the County of Amelia Planter being sick & weak In body but in Perfect memory of mind thanks be given unto Almighty god therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die Do make and Ordain this to be my last will & Testament that is to say Princibly & first I give And Recommend my soul into the Hands of Almighty god That gave it & my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Excrs. not Doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty Power of God and as touching my Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath Pleased the Almighty god to bless me with in this life I Give & Demise & Dispose of the same in the same in the following manner & Form.
Item I give to my son Benjamin Clement Two Negroes to wit York & Bess all which I give to him & his Heirs Forever.
Item I give to my son Wm. Clement Caesar & Philis all which I give to him & his heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my son John Clement Two Negroes to wit Ned & Judy paying Twenty Pounds back to the Estate all which I give to him & his Heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my son Francis Clement Two Negroes to wit Jemboy & Hannah also the Land & Plantation & Mill where I now Do live containing three hundred Acres by Estimation to him & his Heirs forever. I also give to my son Francis Clement & his Heirs forever one Hundred & fifty Acres of Land which I bought of George Evins whereon the said George Evins Now do live the said Land being not yet Conveyed to me for which my will is that my Estate Pay the Remainder of the Purchase money & Desire that the said Evins convey the same by Deed to my son Francis Clement And that my Son Francis shall pay thirty Pounds to the Estate at the Death of my Wife.
Item I lend to my Daughter Elizabeth Ellyson Two Negroes to wit During her Natural life Gin & Davey & after her Decease I give Gin to Anne Ford Daughter of Hezekiah Ford Deceased & Davey to Hezekiah Ford Son of the said Hezekiah Deceased.
Item I lend to my Daughter Barshaba Major During her Natural Life Two Negroes to wit Peter & Sarah and Five Pounds Current Money & at the decease of the Bathsheba I Give the said Negroes & money to be Equally Divided Amongst all her Children.
Item I give to my Daughter Ann Pigg Two Negroes to wit Ben & Lucy all which I give to her & her Heirs for ever.
Item I lend to my Loving Wife Ann Clement During her Natural Life all my whole Estate as well the Part before Disposed of as the Part not already Disposed of & at her Decease my will is that the Land I bought of Wm. Ross and all my Estate not Given in Legacy be sold to the highest Bidder sand Equally Divided Amongst my seven Children. Item my will & Desire is that there be no appraisment nor no Inventory Returned to the Court.
Item I Constitute & Appoint my Son John Clement and my son Francis Clement my hole & Sole Exrs. of this my last will & Testament & I do hereby Disanul and Revoke & make Void all other Forms Wills and Testaments Legacys and Bequiffs by me any Ways before named Ratifiing and Confirming this and no Other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day & year Above Ritten further my Will is that no account of mine stand against any of my Children.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In Presence of } William Clements
Thomas Tabb
Benajah Parker
Isaac Clement
David Wilson
At a Court held for Amelia County the 28th. Day of 1760. This Will was proved by the Oaths of
Thomas Tabb Benaj.a Parker &
Isaac Clements
Witnesses thereto, sworn to by John & Francis Clements, the Executors therein named and ordered to be recorded and on the Motion of the said Executors who entered into & Acknowledged Bond as the Law directs with Edmund Booker their Security Certificate was granted them for obtaining a Probat in due Form.


Death18 Feb 1760Amelia County, Virginia


FatherJohn Clement ( - 1749)
MotherIsabel [Clement] ( - )
SiblingStephen Clement ( - 1748)
SiblingJohn Clement ( - 1748)
SiblingSimon Clement (1715 - 1800)