Individual Details

John Clement

( - 27 Dec 1822)

There are records of a John Clement in Amelia Co VA - if they belong to this man, he would have had to be one of the oldest sons of Simon.
These seem a bit too early since John would not yet be age 21. However since a married man, under 21, was still considered "of age", he cannot be discounted. It is possible this is a cousin - a son of one of Simon's deceased brothers.
Amelia Co DB 7, p.232 22 May 1760
Fras. Clement to William Clement, both of Amelia Co, 300 acres for 250 #'s. bounded by John Pigg, William Clement, John Clement, Richard Jones, George Booker, and Cox. Contains a water mill. Signed: Francis Clement. Rec. the same day.
Amelia Co DB 7, p. 502 27 Aug 1761
John Clement of Raleigh Parish to John Hughes of Cumberland Co, for 30 #'s, 30 acres in Amelia, bounded by John Clement, James Seay, Bent Creek, Jacob Sea, John Clement's old surveyed line. Signed: John Clement. Rec. same day. Frances, wife of John, relinquished dower.
1763 Tax List. John Clement owned a "chair" - a light one-horse carriage.

These next records could easily be this man:
Amelia Deed, ? Book, p.337 27 No 1776
John Clement to Edward Booker, both of Amelia, for 100 #'s, 288 acres adj lines of George Ham, John Hugh, Jacob Sea, and John Clement. Wit: Edward G. Walpole, Thomas P. Overton, George Farley Scott, Matt. Walton, Samuel Overton.
Revolutionary War Claims: John is listed four time, an Isham, and two entries for Stephen Clement.

LDS #2208030 NC Estates, Granville Co - Clements files
John Clement Senr. 1822

Among the vouchers:
27 Dec 1817 Promise to pay Isabel Clement, $30 on demand the 25 Day of Jan 1818. Signed: John Clement
John had a daughter named Isabel, but I'm not why he would be signing a note to her. He also had a half-sister named Isabella, but she was married long before 1817.

Inventory & appraisal - $786.15 total
Negroes in possession of John Clements when dec'd 27 Dec 1822 & those advanced to the heirs Jesse Bumpass admr. Returned May Court 1823
A note on the inventory states that John died 27 Dec 1822.

Jesse Baumpass - Administrator's Bond: Signed by Jessee Baumpass, Saml. Clements. Anthony Clement, Lawson Neal 6 Feb 1823

25 Dec 1823 We promise to pay to Jesse Baumpass admr. of John Clements dec'd the sum of $8 value rec'd of him witness our hands & seals. John T. Clement, S. M. Clement
Wit: Saml Clement, G. M.?Nestle

29 Apr 1825 John Clements Senr deceased.:
Be paid over to William Clements $60, to Stephen $28, to Samuel $44 and to Martha Bumpass wife of Samuel $21 and to Anne Bumpass wife of Jesse $43 out of the estate due and owing by John T. Clement. Signed: N., Jones, John Eastwood, Pleasant

William Clements of Davidson Co KY; Samuel Clements of Granville, Stephen Clement & John Clements of Orange Co & Samuel Bumpass and Martha of wife also of Orange Co. Ann, wife of Jesse Bumpass

In the petition for division of the slaves, Bumpass noted that the number of slaves owned by John at his death, or previously given to his children, totalled 35. He also makes the point he has been unable to contact the distributee William Clements who had been gone for about six years, that he had advertised in the newspapers of Ohio and made inquires in Kentucky and Illinois.

Negroes to Wm Clement Lot #1; Lot #2 - Stephen; Lot #3 to John T. Clement, Lot #4 to Saml Clement. Lot #5 to Martha Bumpass, wife of Saml. Lot #6 to Anne Bumpass wife of Jesse


Death27 Dec 1822Granville County, North Carolina


FatherSimon Clement (1715 - 1800)
MotherSusannah ?Locket ( - )
SiblingZephaniah Clement (1750 - 1811)
SiblingSarah Clement ( - 1801)
SiblingSimon Clement Jr ( - 1838)
SiblingObadiah Clement ( - 1802)
SiblingStephen Clement ( - )
SiblingAnne Clement ( - )
SiblingSamuel Clement ( - 1815)