Individual Details

Jesse K. Williamson

(August 23, 1776 - March 21, 1853)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: The children of Jesse K. Williamson were given in a Bible belonging a descendant of Hampton Williamson. I have not seen this Bible or copies of it, only transcriptions of it, which is shown below. The birth dates given in this record are as shown in the dates of the children. I had thought at one time that John Calvin Williamson was a son of Jesse K. Williamson, but as he does not appear in this Bible record, it appears he is not a child of Jesse K. Williamson.)

From the Bible of Jesse Williamson, belonging to Ruth Garrett (in 2005), a descendant of Jesse Williamson:

"Benajah W. born 1805; Miranda born 1807; Wiley M. born 1810; Malinda M. born 1813; Joseph P. born 1816; Elizabeth Matilda born 1818 (died 1819); Francis C. born 1825; Hampton Lafayett born 11 August 1829 in Alabama."

1850 Newton County, Mississippi census, Dwelling/Family #403/403: Jesse WILLIAMSON, 74, m, w, farmer, $360, SC; Kessiah (or Heziah) WILLIAMSON, 64, f, w, NC; Meranda WILLIAMSON, 43, f, w, NC; Hampton WILLIAMSON, 21, m, w, Ala.

" "Newton County, Mississippi
October 3, 1841

Dear Wiley,

After impatiently waiting for a few lines from you and not meeting with the pleasure of receiving any, I am under the necessity of troubling you with a few. I the first place, Frank was taken with the fever about the 16th of August. With the blessing of God and a very good doctor he is still alive and getting well. Jim and Fayette also have been very low, but by the same help are recovering. Little Ann was also taken sick one week ago and Monday night, September 27th she died notwithstanding all the skill and care we could use. I think moetification took place and I can't write about her. Jesse is a heartly, pert little fellow. Myself, your mother and Miranda have not had the fever yet, but are nearly worn out. Joe and Mary are well, but their children had a touch of the fever, but are mending. John and family are well. Melinda has a promising boy named James, and he is quite pert. I hope, my much respected son, that you are doing very well. I feel some uneasiness respecting your delay in writing as I undersood you were to write in a few weeks after you got back there, and send me a return of the election. We frequently hear from your section of the country; that it is not sickly this season. Our section is very much so for the first time. I have nothing worth troubling you with more. Praying you to remember your Creator, and prepare to meet your precious little Ann in Heaven is the prayer of your poor old father and mother, til death.

(Signed) J. K. Williamson"

This letter was addressed to Wiley Williamson. Evidently it was written before he married Almarine Brown in 1841.

Here is a note written by my mother, Laura Williamson Turpin:

"Almarine Laura Williamson, born 9/25/1824 married Wiley Madison (Williamson) the year of 1841. She had two stepchildren - She had only the little boy, Jesse, who died at the age of five. The little sister, Ann, died at the Williamson home in Newton, Miss. Her first child was born in 1844."

This is the way I remember my mother telling this, and the letter and note bear it out. I don't know where the information that the children were Frank Willliamson's came from. (M. T. Marshall)

Frank had 3 children but moved away with them when his wife died." (copy from Bobbie Crocker, 2005.)

"For the Advocate. Departed this life, on the 21st of March, 1853, at his residence, Newton County, Miss., Jesse Williamson, in the 77th year of his age. Brother Williamson was a native of South Carolina; born in Darlington District, in said State, on the 23d of August, 1776; emigrated to North Carolina, and was married to Miss Kisiah D. Bullard, of North Carolina, on the 27th of September, 1804; returned to South Carolina; remaining a citizen of South Carolina until the year 1819; removed thence to Clark County, Ala.; resided there up to 1836; from thence to Newton County, Miss., where he ended his earthly pilgrimage, which was closed in peace. Brother Williamson joined the M. E. Church, South, about the year 1837, and remained a consistent member and Christian. The deceased left eight children and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. May God sanctify this bereavement to their good. This writer preached the funeral of brother Williamson on Sabbath, May 1st, from 2 Samuel xiv, 14, to a large congregation, and hopes good was done. R. A. Sibley. Decatur, Newton County, Miss., May 9, 1853." (Obituary - Christian Advocate.)


BirthAugust 23, 1776Darlington District, South Carolina
MarriageSeptember 27, 1804North Carolina - Kesiah D. Bullard
DeathMarch 21, 1853Newton County, Mississippi


SpouseKesiah D. Bullard (1787 - 1852)
ChildBenajah W. "Ben" Williamson (1805 - )
ChildMiranda Williamson (1807 - )
ChildWiley Madison Williamson (1810 - )
ChildMalinda M. Williamson (1813 - )
ChildJoseph Johnson "Joe" Williamson (1816 - 1879)
ChildElizabeth Matilda Williamson (1818 - 1819)
ChildFrancis Marion "Frank" Williamson (1821 - )
ChildJames "Jim" C. Williamson (1825 - )
ChildHampton Lafayette "Fayette" Williamson (1829 - )
FatherWilliam Williamson (1756 - )
MotherUnknown ( - )
SiblingRachel Williamson (1780 - 1840)
SiblingRobert Williamson (1781 - 1803)
SiblingCharles D. Williamson (1783 - 1842)
SiblingShadrack P. Williamson (1785 - 1860)
SiblingThomas Williamson (1790 - )