Individual Details

Nicholas Gentry Jr.

(Abt, 1697 - February 20, 1777)

"Richard Brooks of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, Planter, to Nicholas Gentry and Mary Gentry, his wife, of same. For paternal affection to my son-in-law, Nicholas Gentry and my daughter above named, 100 acres on Dirty Swamp, Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County, Virginia. (signed) Richard (R) Brooks. Witness: John Venable." (Louisa County, Virginia, Deed Book A, Page 6, paragraph 77-78, 13 June 1743.)

"In the name of God, Amen, I, Nicholas Gentry of Albemarle Co., do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, Imprimis, My desire is that my well beloved wife, Jane Gentry, remain in possession and enjoyment of my whole estate, both Real an d Personal during her life and after her decease, I give and bequeath to my son Martin, a negro girl, Milly, and likewise a negro Ray Charles and Anna, children of the said Milly, with all her future increase to him, his heirs or assigns forever , provided my son, Martin Gentry, his heirs, executor or administrator to pay to my son, Nathan Gentry, the sum of 15 pounds, current money of Virginia. To him, his heirs or assigns, to be paid yearly 5 pounds, until paid. I likewise giv e to my son, Martin Gentry, my copper mill and my gun to him, his heirs or assigns, forever. I give to my grandson, Bartlett Gentry, son of Martin Gentry, one negro boy named Patrick and to his sister, Patty, my granddaughter, I give one negro gi rl named Minny, to them, their heirs or assigns forever. But if either of my grandchildren, Bartlet or Patty Gentry, die without a lawful heir, then the said Negroes, Patrick and Minny, descend to my son, Martin Gentry, his heirs or assigns forever and further my will and desire is that my sons Moses, David and Nicholas Gentry and my daughter, Mary, have 20 shillings a piec e and no more to be gained out of my estate and that they nor any of them shall enjoy any more, unless the laws of this country should entitle them to a greater sum in that I and my desires is that they shall not inherit nor enjoy any more than th e law entitles disinherited children to further my desire that after my will as above desired shall be executed the remaining part of my estate shall be equally divided between my sons Robert, Benjah, Nathan, Martin and my daughter Elizabeth Hagga rd and my granddaughters, Jane Timberlake and Ann Jinkens which tow last Timberlakes and Jinkins shall have half as much as my son Robert shall have and no more and Ann Jinkins shall have as Elizabeth Timberlake and no more. My desire is tha t my estate be appraised, and lastly I appoint my well loved Jane Gentry and my sons Martin and David Gentry, executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby disannul and revoke all former wills by me made and declare thi s to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Seventy-seven.Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of; Bezaleel Brown, Benjah Brown, Nicholas Gentry (Seal). This will was proved at the Albemarle April Court 1779, by the oath of Bezaleel Brown and Benjah Brown, witnesseth thereto and ordered to be recorded and upon motion of Martin an executor therein named who made oath according to Law Certificate gr anted him for obtaining a probate in due form, whereupon he gave bond with Bezaleel Brown and Benjah Brown his securities and they acknowledged the same accordingly." (Will of Nicholas Gentry II.)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: Some researchers show the first wife of Nicholas Gentry, Jr. as Jane Brown. Could Jane Benajah Martin have been Jane Brown and married a Martin?)


BirthAbt, 1697New Kent County, Virginia
BaptismMay 30, 1697New Kent County, Virginia
MarriageAbt, 1721Albemarle County, Virginia - Mary Brooks
MarriageBef 1729probably New Kent County, Virginia - Jane Benajah Martin
DeathFebruary 20, 1777Albemarle County, Virginia


SpouseJane Benajah Martin (1708 - )
ChildRobert Gentry (1730 - 1814)
ChildElizabeth Gentry (1731 - 1820)
ChildBenajah Brown Gentry (1733 - )
ChildNathan Gentry (1741 - )
ChildMartin Gentry (1747 - 1827)
SpouseMary Brooks (1699 - 1729)
ChildJames Gentry (1721 - )
ChildMoses Gentry (1722 - )
ChildDavid Gentry (1724 - 1813)
ChildNicholas Gentry (1726 - )
FatherNicholas Gentry (1655 - 1736)
MotherLucy Cornelius (1660 - )
SiblingElizabeth Gentry (1687 - )
SiblingSamuel B. Gentry (1695 - 1789)
SiblingMable Gentry (1702 - )
SiblingMary Gentry (1704 - )
SiblingJames Gentry (1706 - )
SiblingDavid D. Gentry (1707 - 1761)