Individual Details

Robert Tormey "Bob" Lovejoy

(10 Oct 1899 - 5 Nov 1976)

Robert "Bobby" Lovejoy left home at 17 to take a job building Highway 101 for two years. He bought a truck and began a freight and lumber hauling business. He worked for George Ells at the Muir Co. store in Covelo. Bob married George's daughter Inice Ells in December 1919. He managed power company in Covelo until explosion in 1939; rancher; road equipment operator for Mendocino County.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) 17 Jun 1921, Fri · Page 7
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lovejoy arrived home from San Francisco the first of the week.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Fri, Jul 1, 1921, Page 2
COVELO, June 25, Mr.s and Mrs. Bob Lovejoy departed for San Francisco Sunday night.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Fri, Mar 3, 1922, Page 4
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy returned home Monday from San Francisco where they have been for several months. George Lovejoy came home with them.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Mar 22, 1922, Page 8
Covelo, March 21 - ............
Clarence O'Farrell moved into the home he recently purchased from Will Clark Saturday. Mr. Clark move into George Lovejoy's home and Mr. Lovejoy moved into Robert Lovejoy's residence.

The Fort Bragg Advocate (Fort Bragg, California) Wed, Oct 10, 1923, Page 3
Through Thomas, Thomas & McCowen, Robert Lovejoy has filed a petition asking for a decree vesting the estate of Inice R. Lovejoy, deceased, in himself as surviving husband of deceased. The property is valued at about $1500.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Oct 31, 1923, Page 3
The Fort Bragg Advocate (Fort Bragg, California) Wed, Oct 31, 1923, Page 7
Inice R Lovejoy Estate to Robert T Lovejoy, dated October 19 1923. Lot 75X150 ft in Town of Covelo.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Sat, Jul 14, 1928, Page 2
The Robert Lovejoy residence is gradually approaching completion. It is a stucco bungalow in Spanish type, a style new to our community. It adds much to the attractiveness of Commercial avenue.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Sat, Oct 6, 1928, Page 7
The Robert Lovejoys have moved into their beautiful new home on Commercial avenue, just south of Dr. Osborne's.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Jan 21, 1931, Wed · Page 1
Trade In Trucks.
The Standard Oil Co. has furnished its local distributor, Austin Gray, a new Ford truck, for winter use. The purchase was made through Leslie Vann, local Ford dealer. Mr. Vann acquired the old Standard truck in the deal and later sold it to Bob Lovejoy. Mr. Lovejoy, by the way, has made his big truck look like new with an entire coat of fresh paint.

"Covelo, 19 Sept., ...took out $10,000 in live hogs." DD 23 Sept. 1932

Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, California) Fri, Sep 30, 1932, Page 1
A hunt in Tehama Co., was enjoyed over the week end by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy and two children, Kendall Wallace and Marjorie Ann, Mrs. Will Clark and son, Joe, George Lovejoy and John English. The party took camping equipment and two horses in Bob's big truck and enjoyed a novel outing. The result of the hunt was a large forked horn, killed by Mrs. Clark.
Last Wednesday, in the same locality, John English brought down a forked horn buck, (five on one side and seven on the other), that dressed 134 pounds.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat, Friday, 1-6-1933
On New Years Day, Mr. and Mrs. George Ells entertained a party of guests at Hotel Covelo. Those around the table were Mr. and Mrs. Ells, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Florence Gray and Margaret Perkins.

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat, Friday, 1-12-1934:
G.E. Lovejoy and son, Robert Lovejoy, were in Ukiah a short time yesterday in route to Santa Rosa, where they had a business mission. The former is very enthusiastic over the stock prospects for the season from the standpoint of range feed.

Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, California) Tue, May 15, 1934, Page 1
Undergoes Operation
Robert Lovejoy was taken seriously ill Saturday. Dr. Pinto was called at once and was with him most of Saturday night, but on Monday it was deemed necessary to take Bob to Howard Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lovejoy and Bob's father, George Lovejoy, accompanied by Mrs. Madeline Moore, nurse, started with him shortly after noon Monday. A swift diagnosis at the hospital revealed an immediate appendectomy operation necessary. The patient stood the operation nicely and is reported doing fine. George Lovejoy returned home last night, but his wife will remain until the first of the week. Bob's many Covelo friends wish him s speedy recovery.

"...of Covelo is recovering at Howard Hospital in Willits from operation for appendicitis." DD 18 May 1934

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Oct 6, 1937, Page 6
In New Ranch Home.
The Robert Lovejoy family has moved to the new house built on their ranch in the foothills north of town. Mr. and Mrs. L. Tardy, of the high school faculty, have taken possession of the Lovejoy town house.

Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, California) Fri, May 5, 1939, Page 2
Death Swings Close in Covelo Electric Plant
COVELO, May 4, - For an instant, at the electric plant Monday evening, the life of Robert Lovejoy hung in the balance. There was an explosion, various sized pieces of pipe flew all around and over him and imbedded themselves in whatever timbers came in their way. Bob received the force of some 800 [pounds of compressed air, full in the face. was blinded and deafened but suffered no bodily harm. He was rushed to Dr. Mooy's office by his wife who had, upon hearing the explosion hurried to the plant from their nearby home. At this writing, although he is suffering severely, there is every indication that neither his sight or hearing will be permanently impaired.
Lovejoy, as is customary at the peak of power requirements in the evening, was starting the big engine when the automatic check valve in the cylinder head failed to close and the compressed air blew back through the air starting line causing the explosion. Lovejoy was thrown for some distance and under some other machinery, but he crawled out as soon as possible. He was alone in the plant at the time, the manager, Clifford Foster, being in Ukiah on business and the other plant employee, J. M. Wilson, being home for dinner, so Bob's first thought was to shut off the big engine. He probably will never know how he groped his way around and accomplished the task by touch alone, but someway it was managed and power continued.
Upon Foster's arrival home, later in the evening, he repaired the damage to the machinery sufficiently to put the big engine back on the job. He has telephoned the owner, Clyde Henry of San Francisco, notifying him of the accident and ordering the new parts. No appreciable damage was done to the plant.

Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Volume LXXIV, Number 73, 11 May 1939
Youth Injured in Covelo Electric Plant Explosion
For an instant, at the Covelo electric plant last week, the life of Robert Lovejoy hung in the balance. There was an explosion, various sized pieces of pipe flew all around and over him and imbedded themselves in whatever timbers came in their way. Lovejoy received the force of some 800 pounds of compressed, air, full in the face, was blinded and deafened but suffered no bodily injury. It is thought that neither his sight nor hearing will be permanently impaired.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Aug 23, 1939, Page 8
Brought One Back.
Time and again I have heard folks -excitedly and thrillingly tell of so and so killing a panther -a fine chase, and so on. I don't know where I've been all these years, but it has so happened I had never seen one of these animals, dead or alive, and there has been little enthusiasm on my part; but now I'll tell one. Five o'clock Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy, Marjorie Ann and Kendall Wallace drove up to my back door and nicely arranged and squeezed onto the bumper was a real big panther - yes, dead. Of all people to have such a trophy! I was surprised - they were surprised, too. The Lovejoys had gone deeer hunting on Black Butte and had taken Mrs. Wm. Clark's Shepherd dog along. The little dog had dashed off into a willow thicket and a few seconds later the panther came out and treed, making a 15-foot leap into a fir tree. One shot, and the Lovejoys returned to town. From tip to tip the large male beast measured eight feet, weighing 130 pounds - huge, strong shoulders - a villainous looking creature, nevertheless a handsome animal.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Mar 6, 1940, Wed · Page 6
Go To The Ranch
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lovejoy have moved from their attractive town house to their ranch on the northern foothills. This home site overlooks Round Valley and is most pleasingly situated - not too far from the bright lights - but far enough. The couple plan to go into the chicken business and have a chicken house completed that will house 1000 chicks. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson English have moved into the townhouse - and Miss Marjorie Ann Lovejoy and Kendall Wallace will live with their grandparents during the school semester. Mr. Lovejoy has been employed at the electric light plant.

Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah, California) Mon, Aug 24, 1942, Page 2
Ground Observers Awarded Medals for 500-Hour Service
Ninety-one of Mendocino county's ground observers of the Aircraft Warning Service have been certified by County Director James E. Busch as eligible for the 500-hour service medals recently issued by the Fourth Fighter Command as award of service.
At the beginning of the weekly "Eyes Aloft" radio program on Monday, August 17, General William Kepner, commander of the Fourth Fighter Command, paid an excellent tribute to the observers of the Pacific coast, commending them for alertness and excellent work done since the outbreak of the war.
In Mendocino county, organization of the ground observation service was completed by Director Busch long before the war threat became acute and was ready to "spring to arms" immediately when the Pearl Harbor incident made war inevitable. The organization work was accomplished thoroughly and everything placed in such readiness that great credit is due District Attorney Busch and his assistants. ......
Bell Springs - ....
Piercy - ......
Ukiah - .....
Cummings - .....
Covelo - Mrs. Vera Martindale, Robert Lovejoy, Mrs. Anna Lovejoy, Rolland Hurt, Lois Hurt, Nellie Ham.
Dos Rios - .....

Ukiah Dispatch Democrat (Ukiah, California) Fri, Jan 23, 1948, Page 2
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lovejoy and son Kendall of Santa Rosa arrived about noon last Saturday for a weekend visit with relatives in Covelo, Vinson English and Shirley English in town and the Judge Clarke family and Mr. Lovejoy just out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Vinson English are Mrs. Bob Lovejoy's parents and Shirley English is her brother. Mrs. Clarke is a sister of Bob Lovejoy and the older Mr. Lovejoy is his father.
Kendal teaches sixth grade and low seventh grade in the Geyserville school, has full charge of music and band there and had a piano class after school hours. Marjorie Ann, his sister is a graduate of Armstrong College in Berkeley, and is working for the Berkeley Guarantee Savings & Loan Association.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) Wed, Jan 5, 1949, Wed · Page 8
There was a pleasant family gathering at the Bob Lovejoy home on the hill. Those present besides Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy, Kendall Wallace and Marjorie Ann were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent English and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley English and children.

Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, California) 20 Apr 1949, Wed · Page 7
Visiting at the Bob Lovejoys through the Easter holidays is their daughter Marjorie Ann of Berkeley and son Kendall of Kelseyville.

Ukiah News (Ukiah, California) Thu, 26 April 1951, Page 8
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy have returned from the wedding of their only daughter, Marjorie Anne to Charles Prouty of Torrance, Calif., at St. John's Presbyterian church in Berkeley. The groom is in the naval reserve and is a student at San Luis Obispo. He is taking a course in forestry and has one more year. The young folks will live at San Luis. Besides the bride's parents, her brother, Kenneth, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vinson English, witnessed the ceremony.

Geyserville Press, Number 6, 7 November 1958
Archie Austins Visit Lovejoys At Covelo
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Austin accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beers and son, Charles, to Covelo for a Sunday drive and a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy.
Geyserville residents will remember Kendall Lovejoy, former band director of the elementary school. The Covelo family is Mr. Lovejoy’s father and mother.
Mrs. Austin reported a very interesting drive and visit with the Lovejoys, who showed them the evidences of the ”55 flood in Covelo.

Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, California) 1 January 1959
Covelo Notebook
... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy visited Mrs. Lovejoy's mother, Mrs. Fannie English, Ukiah, recently.

Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, California) 30 November 1961
Personals From Covelo
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovejoy have been his daughter, Mrs. Imogene I Lovejoy Saunders, and children, Susan, Sally and Linda.


Birth10 Oct 1899DeHaven, Mendocino, California, United States
Marriage12 Dec 1919Sonoma, California, United States - Inice Rebecca Ells
Census (family)14 Feb 1920Precinct 2, Round Valley Township, Mendocino, California, United States - Inice Rebecca Ells
Marriage19 Dec 1924San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States - Anna Francis English
Census (family)10 Apr 1930Round Valley Township, Covelo, Mendocino, California, United States - Anna Francis English
Census (family)Apr 1940Covelo, Mendocino, California, United States - Anna Francis English
Census (family)1950Round Valley Judicial Township, Mendocino, California, United States - Anna Francis English
Death5 Nov 1976Sebastopol, Sonoma, California, United States
BurialNov 1976Valley View Cemetery, Covelo, Mendocino, California, United States
Soc Sec No557-18-8826


SpouseInice Rebecca Ells (1896 - 1923)
ChildImogene R Lovejoy (1921 - 2010)
SpouseAnna Francis English (1906 - 1972)
ChildKendall Wallace Lovejoy (1928 - 1992)
FatherGeorge Edgar Lovejoy (1870 - 1962)
MotherAnna Laurie Lockhart (1875 - 1929)
SiblingHarriett "Hattie" May Lovejoy (1895 - 1996)

