Individual Details

Rezin Porter Haden

(1 Dec 1806 - 10 Feb 1893)

In 1814, lived in Todd County KY.

On Logan Co Tax List for 1829 only. No land listed. 1 white male, 4 slaves under 16, 9 total, 3 horses. Total value $2300. [Did he perhaps live on the county line?]

Logan Co DB S, p.314 18 Oct 1830 Samuel Clinton to Rezin P. Haden. 20 acres in fork of Read River. Begin on Mrs. Nancy Haden's Eastern boundary, corner Mrs. Haden's tract. Signed: Samuel (X) Clinton. Wit: Jonathan Nelms, Adam Pence. Proved by witnesses on 12 May 1834.
Logan Co DB T, p.66 18 Oct 1830 Richard D. Bradly and Culliman Bradley his wife to Rezin P. Haden. $200.50. Land in the fork of Red River containing the house and 2 acres being the part of Mrs. Hadens tract which was reserved for said James H. when she purchased from Richard D. Bradley as described in her deed. Signed: R. D. Brandly, Caleny Bradly. Wit: Jeremiah Nellms, Adam Pence. Said deed was proven before John B. Slaughter, late deputy for Spence Curd, late Clerk on the 1 Nov 1830 by oaths of Jeremiah Nelmes & Adam Pence. Rec. 12 May 1834.

Logan Co DB V; p.603 12 Mar 1838 Rezin P. Haden & Nelly Anne Haden his wife to Samuel Clinton Jr, all of Logan Co. $400 Tract between the forks of Red River and about 1 ½ mile of Adairs mill on the East side of the Nashville Road. Corner to the Tract formerly owned by Mrs. Nancy Haden. Also a brick house & two acres of land near the above described tract which was conv to sd Haden by Richard Beall, part of tract which was inserted for the said James H. Bradley when the sd Mrs. Haden purchased from Richard D. Bradley, deed by Richard D. Bradley to sd Haden dated 18 Oct 1830. Signed: Rezin P. Haden, Eleanor Ann Haden. Teste: J. J. Mackall, Levy Graham.
Macall & Graham, JP'ls examined Nelly Ann Haden.
Ack. by Haden & rec. 26 Mar 1838.

Moved to MO c. 1839 with 30-40 slaves they later freed. Operated a grist mill and largest whiskey distillery in Greene Co
Found in Logan Co KY Census 1840 age 34 (30-40), with wife age 34 (30-40), one male age 5-10 - he was counted here before he went to Missouri
Logan County Court Records (Book 10) Monday 22 Apr 1839, p.26 maintenance of road included "the hands where Rezin Haden formerly lived"
First land patent found in MO dated 10 Sep 1844 for 160 acres in Greene Co

1850 US Census, Greene County MO Farmer in Campbell Twp. Listed with Eleanor A. age 43 and George D. age 15, all born in KY. 19 Slaves, most listed as Mulatto.

Sold the mill and distillery to brother Joseph Douglas Haden in 1856. Whisky sold by the barrel at the store of McGinty & Haden in Springfield - 40 cents per gallon.

Book D JR
p 113/114.
Samuel Fulbright Sheriff
For the use of the Heirs of Joseph Cannefax
William J. Cannefax, Sarah Cannefax
Rezin P. Haden & Raglin M. Langston [his dau would marry Rezin's son]
Now at this day comes the Plaintiff by his attorney and the Defendants being thrice solemnly called come not but herein make default and the said Defendants being duly served with process the demand being founded on an instrument of writing purporting to be signed by said Defendants and the amount ascertained thereby and they neither pleading answering nor demurring to Plaintiffs petition. It is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff have Judgment against said Defendants and the Court doth find on examination of the premises that the said Defendants are indebted to said Plaintiff in the sum of $2080 his debt and the sum of $167.21 damages by reason of the detention thereof. It is therefore considered by the Court that the Defendants have and recover of and from the said Defendants his said debt and damages and also his costs laid out and expended and that he have execution therefor.

1860 US Census, Greene County MO Still there-George Haden next door (son)
Reason Hayden, age 54, b. KY. Elnar, age 54, b. KY.
James Blakey, age 6, b. MO.
Value of Real Estate $3000, Value of personal property $28,000
He owned a total of 27 slaves.

Greene Co MO Deed Book, L
1 July 1862.
Know all men by these presents that I Reason P. Haden of the county of Greene and state of Missouri for and in consideration of the love and affection that I have to my grand son Joseph D. Haden and for divers other good and valid considerations, do hereby give grant confirm and convey unto the said Joseph D. Hdaen, all and singular the goods and chattels follows, to wit, one bed and beding & one negro boy named Granville a slave for life, also a negro girl named Martha a slave for life, also the following named negros slaves for life. Hopson, David, Lucelia, Glorence, Agness, Amanda & Abe Lincoln, also one bay mare seven years old, one horse colt one year old, and one sucking colt, also a yoke of work cattle 6 & 8 years old, also 6 cows from two to 8 years old, to have and to hold the above named property for his sole use and benefit forever, in testimony whereof I hereby deliver the said property; in the hands of his father G. D. Haden as trustee for said Jos. D. Haden
This July 1st A.D. 1862
Witness my hand and seal R. P. Haden
W. J. Cannefax
Samuel Wood
State of Missouri, Greene County. Be it remembered that on this 30th day of July 1863, personally appeared before the undersigned clerk of the circuit court within and for said county, R. P. Haden personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing & acknowledged that he executed and delivered the same for the use and purposes therein contained
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court at office this 30th day of July 1863. M. Hubble clerk, By E. M. Hendrick DC
Filed July 30, 1863

1870 Census. Spring Creek Twp. Douglas Co MO Hh 38
Resen P. Hayden, age 63, Farmer, b. VA [gave no value for property]
Eliner A., age 63, keeping house, b. KY
George D., age 34, Farmer, b. KY
Elizabeth, age 33, keeping house, b. TN
Resen, 15, b. MO. Joseph 12, b. MO. William B. 10, b. MO. Mary E. 7, b. MO
Nettie Ann, 2, b. MO.
Mary Merrit, age 13, b. MO. Thomas 11 b. TN, Grant 5, b. Indiana

Rezin and his wife are buried in Spring Creek Churchyard Cemetery, Douglas County, MO .

Google Books:
Personal Reminiscences and Fragments of the Early History of Springfield and Greene County, Missouri Related by Pioneers and Their Descendants at Old Settlers' Dinners Given at the Home of Capt. Martin J. Hubble, March 31, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911.
Inland Printing Co, Springfield, MO, 1914.
Told at the Dinner of 1908
p.49 Joseph and Resin P. Haden were early settlers. R. P. Settled and entered the Hooper farm, two miles east of town, about which the courts are now "wrestling."

Obit February 16, 1893.
R. P. Haden, an old and respected citizen of Spring Creek Township, died at that place on the 10th ins. The deceased came to this county in 1868, and by his uniform honesty and integrity had won a host of friends who look upon his death as a personal affliction

A descendant of this line had a brief correspondence which would be interesting to confirm:
her claims to be the descendants of Rezin Porter Haden. She is African American and says her ancestor was the Slave son of Rezin Porter Haden, so it looks as if he may have had more than one child. Rezin Porter Haden's other son's name with the slave woman was Granville Atchinson Hayden. He was born 1827 in Kentucky and appears in the 1870 census in Campbell Twp, Greene Co, MO with his wife and children. It is said Granville received preferential treatment and was taught to read and write. 1 Jul 1861, Granville along with eight other slaves was deed to Rezin's grandson, Joseph D. Haden (Greene Co DB L, p.588). The 1850 and 1860 censuses both show a male slave of the age to be Granville, as well as only one Black slave old enough to be his mother - she was age 50 in 1850, 60 in 1860.

Slaves Before 1865 Greene County,
Greene County Missouri Cemeteries Volume IX, page 288, published by the Ozarks
Genealogical Society, is a mention of Haden Slave burials in section 17, township 28N, range 21W In Greene County.
This has been interpreted by some to be the slaves of Rezin P. Haden - however, this land in this Section was owned by Charles A. Haden (1858), James H. Haden (1848) and Joel H. Haden (1844). This is surely the Rev. Joel H. Haden and two of his sons - they were also slave owners.
Rezin P. Haden's land was in Section 20 (1844) - an entire quarter, 160 acres.


Birth1 Dec 1806Albemarle County, Virginia
Marriage26 Jan 1833Logan County, Kentucky - Eleanor "Nellie" Ann Blakey
Death10 Feb 1893Douglas County, Missouri


SpouseEleanor "Nellie" Ann Blakey (1806 - 1893)
ChildGeorge Douglas Haden (1834 - 1889)
FatherJoseph Peatross Haden (1783 - 1820)
MotherNancy Ann Porter (1781 - 1850)
SiblingElizabeth Tooley Haden (1808 - 1862)
SiblingMary Kasiah Haden (1810 - 1891)
SiblingJoseph Douglas Haden (1814 - )
