Individual Details
Nancy Ann Porter
(22 Jun 1781 - 13 May 1850)
1820 Census. Todd Co KY
Nancy ?Haden, living next door to Wm Porter, and Mary Porter.
1 male under 10, 1 male age 10-16. 1f under 10. 2 females 10-16, 1 female over 45. 6 slaves.
There is a question about her name as written and it may not be Haden, although certainly the first three letters are "Had"
There is also a Jos. Haden in Todd Co - he had 2 males under 10, 1 male 16-26 and 1 male 26-45. and a female age 26-45. 5 slaves.
Neither of these is a good fit as Joseph & Nancy would have both been in their late 30's, but their children in 1820 were Rezin, age 14 and Joseph D., age 6, Elizabeth 12, and Mary age 9. As far as I know, the exact date of death of Joseph is unknown. The first entry is a closer match to the family except there is an extra female age 10-16, and Nancy is a bit too old.
Neither Joseph nor Nancy is listed in Christian or Logan Counties in 1820.
Logan Co DB O
p.352. 22 Jun 1827 James Porter, Geo. R. Dismukes & Jane his wife and Nancy Haden & Wm Porter of one part to David Burks of the other part. For $1400. Tract in Logan Co South of Russellville ...corner of James Williams 290 acres. One other tract in Todd Co. Charles Barkers line . Tract deeded to Reson Porter by Charles Meriweather & Azariah Daviss & allotted by mutual consent of the heirs of said Resin Porter to David J. Burks and Mary Porter, heirs of the said Resin Porter.
Signed: William Porter, George R. Dismukes by Joseph Covington his attorney in fact, Jane Dismukes by her attorney in fact Joseph Covington, James Porter by his attorney in fact Joseph Covington, Nancy Haden.
Deed Ack by Wm Porter & Nancy Haden & Joseph Covington. Rec. 23 Jun 1827.
p.353 Power of attorney. 11 Jun 1827 Humphrey Co, TN James Porter to Joseph Covington of Warren Co KY Transfer all right & title of tract in Logan Co derived through Mary Orindu deceased, sister of the aforesd James Porter. And transfer & convey right & title in three tracts in Todd Co, property of Rezin Porter Decd to 1/7 part of which I am entitled as one of the heirs of sd Rezin, Dec'd. The lotts to be conveyed being designated in the divisions as #2, 3, and 7 and containing each 70 1/3 acres.
Signed: James Porter
Witness: Robt Jarmon, James Teas, Justices of Peace in Humphrey Co TN Rec. Logan 22 Jun 1827
p.355 Davidson Co TN 8 Jun 1827 George R. Dismukes & James his wife late Jane Porter appoint Joseph Covington of Warren Co KY attorney. Transfer right in tract in Logan Co derived through Mary Orindorff dec'd sister of aforesd Jane.. And transfer right in 3 tracts in Todd Co, property of Rezin Porter, dec'd. 1/7 part entitled as heirs of sd Rezin. Lotts designated #2, 3, 7, each containing 70 1/3 acres. Signed: George R. Dizmukes, Jane Dizmukes Ack in open Ct.. Rec. Logan 22 Jun 1827
Beginning in 1826, Nancy Hayden/Haden is listed on the Tax Rolls of Logan Co KY; 100 acres land on the Red River; 7 total slave, 2 horses in 1826. She had a son at home, age 21 in 1828 - this would be Rezin Porter. In 1829 Rezin is listed alone & seems to be claiming ownership of her slaves as she does not state any this year, although she still claims 100 acres of land. In 1830, only Nancy is listed with 200 acres on the Red, 11 slaves, 4 horses - perhaps a joint household with Rezin again.
Logan Co DB Q, p.324 2 Aug 1830 Nancy Haden to Samuel Clinton. Tract near the road, corner to Genl. R. Ewing, on his line. 10 acres. Wit: R. D. Bradley, David Clinton, who proved 4 Oct 1830.
p.326 2 Aug 1830 Robert Ewing to Samuel Clinton for $240. 120 acres south side Red River, near Clintons fence, Bakers, line, on widow Haden's line, corner to sd widow Haden & sd R. Ewing. Signed: Robert Ewing. Wit: R. D. Bradley, David Clinton, Thos. Townsend. Proved by Bradley & Clinton on 4 Oct 1830.
Logan Co DB T, p.66 18 Oct 1830 Richard D. Bradly and Culliman Bradley his wife to Rezin P. Haden. $200.50. Land in the fork of Red River containing the house and 2 acres being the part of Mrs. Hadens tract which was reserved for said James H. when she purchased from Richard D. Bradley as described in her deed. Signed: R. D. Brandly, Caleny Bradly. Wit: Jeremiah Nellms, Adam Pence. Said deed was proven before John B. Slaughter, late deputy for Spence Curd, late Clerk on the 1 Nov 1830 by oaths of Jeremiah Nelmes & Adam Pence. Rec. 12 May 1834.
Bill of Sale from Greene Co MO, DB D, p.57
John De Bruin of Greene Co in consideration of $600 paid by Nancy Haden of same. All interest and claim to the following property [which interest is all I have to the said property by virtue of my intermarriage with my present wife Mary K. De Bruin, formerly Mary K. Sprout] to wit. Negro woman Malinda, age 45, Negro girl Judith Ann, age 10. And I do by these presents convey to said Nancy Haden all title. 16 May 1845. John De Bruin
Missouri, Greene Co. 16 May 1845. John De Bruin acknowledged the same to be his act and deed. Recorded. Joshua Davis, Recorder.
[Mary K. & John DeBruin also married in Greene Co MO. Possibly they went to Missouri before the rest of the family.]
Logan Co DB V; p.457 19 Oct 1837 Nancy, Rezin P, and Joseph D. Haden of Logan Co to David J. Burks of same. $8 per acre. Tract in Logan Co of 100 acres. Corner to Wm Ross, his line; another corner Ross, corner of James Bradley's field. Conveyed to Nancy Haden by Richard Bradley & to Bradly by Amos Milliken and to Millikin by John Trimble and being the same tract where Joseph D. Haden dec'd of his last lived. Reserving the land sold out of the above tract by Nancy Haden to Richd D. brandly and deed to Samuel Clinton.
Signed: Nancy Haden, Rezin P. Haden, Joseph D. Haden
Wit: John P. Burks, John L. Burkes
Proven by oaths of witnesses and rec. 26 Feb 1838.
Letter in "John Haden of Virginia "children were born in Virginia, but moved to Kentucky when young". By 1839, she had gone to Springfield, MO, with her children. Deed #932 from Greene Co MO Deed Index - John Debruin (who would marry Nancy's daughter Mary Kasiah) to Nancy Haden, 16 May 1845.
Hers is the only visible marker in a cemetery in Section 27, Twp.19N, Range 21W in Greene County, Missouri (Greene Co. Cemeteries, Vol. IX, p.221)
Nancy Haden, Consort of Joseph Haden, deceased, born 22 June 1781, died 13 May 1850
Nancy Haden is listed on the slave schedule for 1850 with two slaves, a male age 30 and a female age 12.
Birth | 22 Jun 1781 | ||||
Marriage | 1 Mar 1806 | Albemarle County, Virginia - Joseph Peatross Haden | |||
Death | 13 May 1850 | Springfield, Greene County, Missouri |
Spouse | Joseph Peatross Haden (1783 - 1820) |
Child | Rezin Porter Haden (1806 - 1893) |
Child | Elizabeth Tooley Haden (1808 - 1862) |
Child | Mary Kasiah Haden (1810 - 1891) |
Child | Joseph Douglas Haden (1814 - ) |
Father | Rezin Porter ( - 1828) |
Mother | Elizabeth Tooley ( - ) |
Sibling | James Porter ( - ) |
Sibling | William Porter ( - ) |
Sibling | Jane Porter ( - ) |
Sibling | Mary Porter ( - ) |
1. The Hayden Family. The First Family Magazine in the World Vo.l 1 & 2, 1929 & 1930 Bound (Charles Hayden, 507 West 65th St., Chicago, Illinois), Vol. II, No. 4; October 1930, p.196 (abt 1805).
2. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
3. Greene County Missouri Court Minutes, Book B (Genealogical Society Room), Footnote, p.20.