Individual Details


(20 Apr 1821 - 17 Nov 1881)

Wayne Co TN formed 1817 out of Hickman Co. Hardin Co formed out of Wayne 1819 and 1820. The petition of 1819 asking for a new county was signed by people living in the area which is now Wayne & Hardin Counties. Signatures included John White, Saml White, W--- White, Andrew White This, of course, could not be this Andrew White who was not born until 1820, but wonders if the presence of other White families in the area would explain why his father came there to settle.

Family members have given him a middle initial "B" but I have been unable to confirm this my any actual document. He did have a nephew, also named Andrew that had a middle initial "B" so presumably the name was confused.

I did not find Andrew or his brother Alfred in the 1840 census - they did not appear to have been counted in their father's household.

14 Apr 1841 Survey for Thomas White - 90 1/2 acres on Flat Creek, Hardin Co TN. Chain carriers were William White & Andrew White

The middle initial for Andrew is intriguing. It was recorded on his baby son's grave marker. His older brother William had a son named Andrew Burris White. Another brother was Thomas B. White. The mother's maiden name is unknown - was she perhaps Martha Burris/Burrows?

The family of Andrew's first wife lived in St. Francois Co MO prior to coming to Fannin Co; presumably Andrew came with them as he married Elizabeth Sebastian in St. Fancois Co.

Andrew White of lawful age and Elizabeth Sebastian, a minor, with consent of her parents, all residents of St. Francois Co MO were married on 17 Dec 1844 by Samuel P. Harris JP.
Audrey Haden had this date with the name of the 2nd wife.

I first found Andrew White on the tax rolls for Fannin Co in 1848 with 160 acres of preemption land. He didn't report any other land through 1872 - as far as I read the film. In 1869 in reported 7 horses, 15 head of cattle, 35 head of sheep - the amount varies only a little during the next few years.

1850 US Census; Fannin Co TX; p.161b, Household 226. Andrew White age 28, born in TN, Farmer with property worth $300. E. White, female age 20 born MO. William age 2, born MO. M. E. female [infant] born in TX.

Fannin Co DB G, p.330 W. S. McClure to Andrew White, for $120, 160 acres in Fannin Co. Very faded - description impossible, mentions Reuben Brown. 16 March 1853. Signed: W. S. McClure. Wit: Samuel Wall, Theophilus ?McNeil. Samuel Wall proved deed, 9 May 1853.

Texas Preemption Certificate for 160 acres issued to Andrew White on 23 May 1858. adj. Jasper McFarland & Wm K. Bridges. Signed 24 Nov 1862.
Statement by J. F. Crawford Chief Justice, Fannin Co, that Andrew White has resided upon and cultivated the land for three years and he was a resident of the State of Texas at the time of passing of act donating 160 acres [13 Feb 1854] to settlers. He has never enjoyed the benefit of a Preemption in Texas.
Affidavit filed in Surveyor's Office in Bonham on 12 Mar 1855. Land on waters of the North Sulphur River.
Note: Jasper McFarland was one of several members of the McFarland family that also came from St. Francois, MO to Fannin Co TX.

1860 US Census; Fannin Co TX; Beat #4 p.87; Household 572. A. White, age 40 born in Tennessee, S. C. White age 26 born MO. Wm age 16, born MO; Martha E age 11 b. TX; Thos. M. age 8 b. TX; F. A. age 6, female, born TX; Hiram age 4, b. TX; and Charles M. 1, born TX. In the Pension application of Sarah C. White she stated she had come to Texas from Missouri and married Andrew White in 1859. Andrew obviously had an earlier marriage.
On p.88; household 579 is M. Sebastian, age 61, born NC with wife "M" age 60 also born in NC. Catherine, age 27, Rachel 19, and Lucinda 17 all born in Missouri. This is father-in-law for Andrew - father of his first wife Elizabeth Sebastion. Other Sebastians in Fannin Co in 1860 were E. Sebastian, age 36, born in MO and family - this is Elijah, brother to Elizabeth; and E. B. age 46, born Ind and family all born in Ind or TX, probably an unrelated family.

From Sarah's Widow's Indigent Application for Pension, dated 20 Oct 1899: Andrew enlisted, Civil War, Confederate, at Bonham in the Fall of 1863 in Bolands Regt, Co. H, Andersons Company; he served about a year.
I have not found any service record for Andrew - he was a bit old to have served. I have never found a Regiment by this exact name as she misspelled it - there was a Confederate unit known as Border's Cavalry [Anderson's Regiment) more properly referred to as Bourland's Border Cavalry Regiment and the soldiers were from East Texas. Col. James Bourland, was in command. There was an "A. B." White who served as Captain of Company D in Bourland's Regiment. This man's name was Ambrose B. White and he was from Whitesboro, Grayson Co, TX. He was of no relation. It is true that Confederate records are incomplete, particularly those from East Texas. It is also true that two of Andrew's children by his first wife had married into the Bourland family in Fannin Co.
There is also another pension file for an Andrew B. White - but he was born about 1836 in Hardin Co, TN and applied for his pension from Titus Co, TX. I believe he was a nephew, the son of this Andrew's oldest brother William. He fought for the Confederacy in Tennessee.
At least two other Andrew Whites served in the Texas Confederacy but their service records would suggest they were indeed other men of the same name.

Bourland's Cavalry Regiment was organized during the spring of 1863 and served in the Trans-Mississippi Department. The purpose of this unit was to guard the northern border of Texas and at times, therefore, was called the Border Regiment. It confronted the Federals in the Indian Territory and Texas, and on January 1, 1865, it reported 4 officers and 564 men fit for duty. The regiment surrendered in June.

1870 US Census; Fannin Co TX; Precinct 4, p.17, Household 108: Andrew White age 50 born in TN, Farmer, Real estate $1000, pers prop $800. Sarah C. age 30, born in MO. Martha E. age 21, Thomas M. age 18, Frances N. age 15, Hiram S. age 13; Charles M. age 11, Nancy L. age 8, and John S. age 5.

1880 Census, Fannin Co., p.436a; Andy White, age 56, born in Tennessee; father born in Delaware, mother born in NC. S. C. White, b. MO, no place of birth for parents. C. M. White [Charles] age 21; J. S. White [John Sebastian], age 17, M. E. White, a daughter, age 8.

Date of death given by granddaughter Audrey (White) Haden as 12 Jul 1868 - this date of death cannot be accurate [it's actually the date of death of his son named Andrew]. Sarah's application for his Confederate pension states that he died in 1881. Certainly he was living for the 1870 Census. Date given here is from his grave marker in Oak Ridge Cemetery.

Andrew & Sarah had an infant son named Andrew also buried in this cemetery - he died 12 Jul 1868 - I was told he had the middle initial "B" on the marker of the infant son - but a photo reveals no middle initial - just the symbal &. "Andrew J. Son of Andrew & S. C. White". A baby daughter, Sarah J. White, is also buried there, "Daughter of Andrew & S. C. White", born 26 Dec 1874, died 5 Oct 1876. Andrew's inscription reads "husband of Sarah C. White" and his name shows no middle initial.

Search for parents for Andrew White in St. Francois Co MO:
First mention of the surname White in St. Francois deeds:
St. Francois Deed Book A;
p.328 20 Dec 1827 John Smith T. and Nancy his wife of Washington Co to James M. White & Ann W. White his wife of Jefferson Co $100 & for paternal affection for Ann W. White, wife of the sd James M. White. E ½ SW ¼ and W ½ of SE ¼ of S9, T36, R5. East ½ of SE ¼ & West half of SW ¼ of S9. E ½ of SE ¼ of S*. 400 Acres purchased by John McKee & patented in 3 patents 10 May 1824. One tract of 80 a purchased by John Murphy & by him sold to John McKee - the West ½ of SW ¼ of S10, T36. R5. Purchased by the before named John Smith T. One other tract adj to a tract of 2500 arpents on both sides Flat River granted by the Spanish Govt to Campbell DeLasus . Signed: Jno Smith T, Nancy Smith Witn: John Farrer, Elisha Sims
Deed Book B:
p.93 10 Oct 1835 James M. White & Ann W. White of Washington Co to Thomas Tarpley. For $1600 Tracts in St. Francois:
E ½ of SE ¼ and W ½ of SW ¼ of S9, T36, R4 160 acres
E ½ SW ¼ and W ½ of SE ¼ of S9, T36, R4
E1/2 of SE ¼ of S8, T36, R5 - 80 acres
W ½ of SW ¼ of S10, T36, R4
Being same purchased of John Smith T. Signed: James M. White, Ann W. White. Wit: Ferd. Kennett Rec. 30 Nov 1836
Deed Book B:
p.365 19 Dec 1838. Elias White and Lilly his wife to Edwin C. Sebastian. $55. Tract on waters of Castor on which sd White now lives, 39.42 acres. SW ¼ of NE ¼ S6, T34, R8. Signed: Elias White, Lilly X White. Lilly relinquished dower.Rec. 8 Jan 1839
[These Whites apparently all came before the family of Andrew and are probably unrelated.]

Federal Land Patents issued to White:
1 Mar 1848 Thomas White NENE; S9, T34, R6 40 acres
1 Jun 1849 Samuel C. White S 1/2 2NW; T31, S38, R4 52.73 acres
15 Apr 1853 James White S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of S34, T35, R6 80 acres
10 Oct 1856 James White SWSW; S35, T35, R6, 80 acres
10 Oct 1856 James White NESE; S34, T35, R6, 80 acres

White families that remained in St. Francois Co MO for the 1850 census included:
James White age 37, b. TN. Wife Rutha age 39, b. KY. These children born in TN: Elijah 18, Martha 17, Sarah 15, Carroll [m] 13, Thomas 12, Daniel 10. They must have moved to Mo about 1841 because these children were born in MO: Nancy E. 8, James K.P. 5, John W. 3, and Henry J. 10 months. p.159b, Household 109
Living near James White was the family of John J. Williams, age 56, born SC. He had a daughter Sarah, age 15 who could very well be the Sarah Williams who married Andrew White as his second wife. p.159, Household 107.
Also Elijah Sebastian, age 78, his wife Sarah and several of his grown children were in Household 106. Elijah was the grandfather of Andrew White's first wife Elizabeth Sebastian.

The only other White family was that of Alfred White found on p.173, household 287. He was age 35, also b. TN. Wife Nancy age 32, b. KY. Children born in MO: William C. 8, Mary S. 6, John B. 5, and Eliza J. 3.

James or Alfred or both could easily be older brothers of Andrew who was age 30 in 1850. All born in Tennessee. Indeed there is online evidence that there is a family of Thomas & Martha White, who had sons James P. & Alfred. This seems most likely the family of Andrew White.

No White families are found in Liberty Twp St. Francois census in 1840, although John J. Williams and Elijah Sebastian were there.


Birth20 Apr 1821Tennessee
Marriage17 Dec 1844Saint Francois County, Missouri - Elizabeth Sebastian
Military1863 - 1864Bolands Regt, Co. H, Andersons Company, Civil War
Death17 Nov 1881Fannin County, Texas


SpouseSARAH C. WILLIAMS (1833 - 1914)
ChildNancy Lucinda WHITE (1861 - 1958)
ChildJOHN SEBASTIAN WHITE (1863 - 1917)
ChildAndrew J. WHITE (1866 - 1868)
ChildMary Evelyn White (1871 - 1965)
ChildSarah J. WHITE (1874 - 1876)
SpouseElizabeth Sebastian (1829 - 1859)
ChildWilliam White (1844 - )
ChildMartha Elizabeth White (1848 - 1936)
ChildThomas M. White (1852 - )
ChildFrances A. White (1853 - 1931)
ChildHiram S. "Hige" White (1856 - 1930)
ChildCharles Marion White (1858 - 1937)
FatherTHOMAS WHITE (1775 - 1869)
MotherMARTHA [White] (1784 - 1870)
SiblingWilliam Thomas WHITE (1804 - 1884)
Sibling[Daughter] WHITE ( - )
Sibling[Daughter] WHITE ( - )
Sibling[Daughter] WHITE ( - )
SiblingJames Polk WHITE (1811 - 1902)
SiblingMartha WHITE (1812 - )
SiblingAlfred WHITE (1813 - 1863)
SiblingThomas B. WHITE (1814 - )
SiblingJohn W. WHITE (1822 - 1904)
Sibling[Daughter] WHITE (1823 - )
SiblingLucinda WHITE (1830 - 1869)
SiblingCharles Russell WHITE (1832 - )
