Individual Details
Thomas Flynn
( - Bef Sep 1814)
The following could be those of this Thomas Flynn - Thomas his father was likely already deceased, probably prior to 1783.
In 1782, a Lanurt Flein again appears on the tax lists - with 500 acres. Possibly that is another mis-spelling of his name. He had 3 horses/mules and 5 head of cattle. Immediately following his named is Thos. Flein, Jacob Flein, and John Flein - all taxed as Single Men - his younger brothers?
Surry Co NC Deed Book C:102 9 Nov 1784 Thomas McCarroll to Thomas Flynt & Martin Burrows 400# 256a Oldfield Creek adj James Hampton. Signed: Thomas McCarroll. Wit: Andrew Robinson, Augustine Blackburn
ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRYS: SURRY CO NC 1784-1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1988
#364 Entry withdrawn & settled for. 13 Aug 1789. Thomas Flin. 100 acres on waters of Frees Crk. Includes 3 springs; borders Leoflin Flin.
#365 Entry withdrawn & settled for. 13 Aug 1789. Thomas Flin. 50 acres N side Big Yadkin R on branch called Rail Run. Borders on East side of entry made by Gideon Wright dec'd and runs up both sides of branch.
Note: These appear to be the same entries that were entered in Stokes Co and grants received. The entry book found under Land Records, 1790-1795 in the unindexed North Carolina Probates, Stokes County.
Image 30:
#18. Warrant Granted State of North Carolina
Justice Reynolds Enters fifty Acres of Land lying in Stokes County on the Waters of the Yadkin adjoining the lines of Edmund Kerbey to the South & the Lands of Gideon Wright to the West & North of Thos. Flyns bee the same More or less being Vacant land without Improvement.
3 April 1790
In the Margin: February the 2nd, 1791. Entry withdrew & money returnd.
8 Sep 1791. Three suits in Stokes Co, State vs. Laughlin, Elizabeth & Thomas Flynn. All were not guilty. Witnesses at all three trials: Walter Franklin, Alexander Tommerlin for the defendants. Witnesses for the state; George Sprinkle, Mary Ann Flynn
DAR Application shows no marriage for Thomas Flynn. Notice in the land records below that the Flynns were neighbors of Gideon Wright's family.
The only reference I've found that stated Thomas Flynn married Sarah "Sally" Wright, daughter of Gideon Wright, is in the Poindexter book by Dorothy Knox Brown. That Gideon had a daughter of that name is recorded in the Moravian Records. There is no doubt that a Thomas Flynn lived next to Laughlin Flynn that married Elizabeth Wright, another daughter of Gideon's. And both had property that bordered that of Gideon Wright. Thomas Flynn was also administrator of Gideon Wright's estate.
If indeed Thomas married Sarah Wright, she must have died and he remarried - his widow at the time of his death was Maryam (sic - likely Miriam). A descendant of this family believes she was always Miriam Wright.
I did find a query in Everton's Genealogical Helper, Dec of 1968. Mrs. John C. Clegg of Provo, Utah, was looking for information on the family of James Flynn b. 1727 and Rebecca Laughlin, b. 1731, and stated they had raised their children in Stokes Co. Unfortunately she then lists their children as those who were actually children of Thomas Flynn: Elizabeth who married Isaiah Guymon, Laughlin who married Elizabeth Wright, George who married Eleanor Prather, and Thomas who married Sally ??? [So at least somewhere there must have been a record of her name.... Thomas, father of these children, probably had a brother James, whose wife was Rebecca [Scribner, not Laughlin], but they were not in Surry/Stokes County. NC - they remained in the Lunenburg/Mecklinburg area of Virginia.
1793 Stokes Co Deed, Vol 2, p.5
15 May 1793. Thomas Flin to Walter Franklin for £100. Tract on Frees Creek, begin at stake in the old line of Thomas Flin's deed ...part of a tract of 350 acres granted by the State to Thomas Flin, bearing date 26 Dec 1792. 116 2/3 acres.. Thomas (X) Flin. Wit: Laughlin Flin, James Coffey. Proved by Laughlin Flin, Sept Term of Court 1793.
ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRIES, STOKES CO NC 17901798; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
p.5/18 3 Apr 1790 Warrant Granted. Justice Reynolds enters 50 acres in Stokes on waters of Yadkin. Borders Edmund Kirby on S; Gideon Wright on N; N of Thomas Flyn and vacant land w/out improvement.
p.14/55 29 Jan 1791 Wt Granted. Alexander Thomlinson entered 50 acres on Frees Cre; borders Lin Flin & Thomas Flin
p.19/76 8 Jun 1791 Wt Granted. Thomas Flin entered 100 acres on waters of Frees Crk; includes three springs, borders Leoflin Flin. [Sold to Henry Waller, 21 Mar 1801]
p.20/77 8 Jun 1791 Wt Granted. Thomas Flin entered 50 acres, N side big Yadkin on branch called Rail Run. Borders E line of entry formerly made by Gideon Wright dec'd and runs up both sides of the branch. [See NC Grant #556, Stokes Co, 14 Oct 1880. Sold to George Hauser.]
p.33/130 10 Nov 1792 Wt Granted. Christian Lash entered 120 acres, waters of Frees Crk. Borders Thomas Flinn & Alexander Thomlinson
p.101/402 24 Nov 1794 Wt Granted. George Houser entered 250 acres in Stokes on waters of Big Yadkin. Borders George Springle, Leoflin Flynn, Gidn. Wright and Edmond Kerbey.
Surry Co NC Court Minutes 1796-1800
Vol II
Agnes M. Wells & Iris M. Harvey 1991
Wed 12 Feb 1800
p.180 Thomas Flynn vs Edward Lovill not tried
Tues 13 May 1800
p.187 Thomas Flynn vs. Edward Lovill.. Jury impannelled and sworn; find for defendant.
Pledge Poindexter, wit for pltff proves 30m and 1 day
1800 Census. Listed in Salisbury Dist, Surry Co NC p.707 [this list is not alpha and was apparently a separate section of the county - perhaps the actual city of Salisbury]
Thos. Flinn: 3m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 2f under 10, 2f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
Stokes Co Deed Book 3, p.372
State of North Carolina, Grant #556 to Thomas Flin. 50 acres in Stokes Co. Begin chesnut tree on Gideon Wright's line ...stake in Wrights line.
14 Oct 1800.
DB 4, p.2
21 Mar 1801. Thomas Flinn of Surry Co to George Hauser of Stokes Co. For $50, 50 acres in Stokes Co being a tract granted to Thomas Flin, No. 556, 14 Oct 1800. Entered in the Entry taking office of Stokes Co, 8 Jun 1791. Wit: Charles Banner, Th. T. Armstrong. Signed: Thomas (x) Flin
June Term 1801. proved by oath of Charles Banner. [Banner will continue to appear as a associate of this family]
Stokes DB 4, p.128
21 Mar 1801 Thomas Flinn of Surry Co to Henry Waller of Stokes Co for $100. Tract in Stokes Co of 100 acres being land granted by the state to Thomas Flinn, 14 Oct 1800. Begin at stake in Loflin Flinn's line. Signed: Thomas (x) Flinn
Wit: Thos. Armstrong & Chas. Banner
June Term Court 1802, proved by Cha. Banner.
Laughlin Flynn had also sold land to Henry 1798.
Surry Co NC County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Vol III, 1801-1804
Iris M. Harvey & Agnes M. Wells 1992
Wed 11 Nov 1801
p.41 Letter of admin de bonis non upon the estate of Gideon Wright dec'd granted to Thos. Flynn who entered bond with Leofflin Flynn security in sum of 400# & qualified according to law.
I did not find a Stokes Co deed to Thomas for the following; perhaps it is the Surry deeds prior to the formation of Stokes Co.
Stokes Co Deed Book 5, p. 281
7 Dec 1808. Thomas Flin of Stokes Co to Thomas Right [Wright] Flin of the same, for £200. tract in Stokes on the Little Yadkin. Begin near Horn's northwest corner,, thence west on Milton's line ...line agreed upon between David Milton Deceased and his son John Milton ...said Milton north line ...bush at the mouth of a branch on the River bank. Containing 250 acres being the South end of a tract granted by the State to David Milton, 10 Dec 1778. ...said 200 acres [250?]. Signed Thomas (x) Flinn
Acknowledged Stokes Co Court Sept Term 1809.
19 Mar 1804. Surry Co DB L, p.106. Thomas Flin of Surry to Michael Tague of same. 80 acres on Grassy Creek and Raccoon Branch near county line. Wit: J. Shepperd, Henry Tague. Proven Feb 1806 by Jacob Shepperd. Surry Co NC Deed Abstracts, vol. I & L, Carol Leonard Snow.
1810 Census. Richmond Dist, Surry Co NC, p.553/120
Thomas Flynn: 1m under 10 (George), 1m 10-16, 2m 16-26 (Thomas W. & Laughlin), 1m over 45 [born bef 1755 - not sure he was quite this old]. 1f under 10 (Mary), 1f 10-16 (Honor), 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45 (younger wife - Mariam?).
There is a small existing estate file for a Thomas Flynn, Stokes Co, NC, containing only the following. Thomas Flynn is deceased, leaving the widow Miryam.
13 Sep 1814 Administrators bond of Maryam Flynn, Loefflin & Thomas Flynn for $150 for her to become Administrator of the estate of Thomas Flynn, deceased. Signed by Miram Flin, laugh lin flin, Thomas W. (his X mark) Flynn
6 Oct 1814 "This is the amount of the sale of the property of Thomas Flynn Deceased which is £25.0.7. signed: Miriam Flynn, Administrator
Thomas Wright Flynn, some show he is the son of Hezekiah Flynn, therefore a nephew, sold the 250 acres from Thomas Flynn, in two parcels, the sales some 10 years apart. I believe he was a son of Thomas given the fact he received this tract from Thomas...
Stokes Co DB 5, p.536
26 Apr 1814 Thomas Wright Flynn of Stokes to Jesse Kerby of the same. for 34p 10sh. Tract in Stokes Co on waters of the Little Yadkin. Begins Jesse Horns old northwest corner ...Milton's old line and passing by his corner, said Horns old line. 100 acres, land granted by the State to Sarah Davis, or Jesse Horn assignee of Sarah Davis. Signed: Thos. Wright Flynn. Acknowledged in open court, Sept Term 1814
DB 8, p.337-338
27 Nov 1824 Thomas W. Flynn of Stokes to Thomas Kirby of Stokes for $230. 129 acres in Stokes on west side Little Yadkin River. Old corner formerly made for David Milton, along the old line, branch to the confluence with the Little Yadkin. Including the house & plantation whereon said Thomas Kerby now lives. Signed: Thomas (x) Flynn. Wit: Jacob ?Holenbach, T. Busby, P. T. Kerby. Proved by P. T. Kerby, Sept Term of Court 1825.
This doesn't seem to be the same Thomas - too young, too many young children. Perhaps he had died.
1820 Census. Surry Co, Capt Davis District, Thomas Flinn: 2m under 10, 1m 26-45. 3f under 10, 2f 16-26. [this Thomas could be Hezekiah's son ...the other Flynns in Surry Co in 1820 were all in John G. Poindexter's District.]
Stokes Co. Thomas W. Flynn: 2m under 10, 1m 26-45. 3f under 10, 1f age 26-45.
Most databases attach Thomas Wright Flynn to Hezekiah. I doubt that's correct. I think it much more likely he was Thomas Flynn's son. Particularly since all the evidence points to Thomas's wife being Sarah Wright. There would be no reason for a son of Hezekiah to bear the given name "Wright" since his mother would have been a Lakey. Hezekiah could have named a son Thomas since Hezekiah's father was apparently Thomas. Laughlin Flynn, most likely a brother of Thomas, also married into the Wright family, but there is no evidence he had a son named Thomas at all; Laughlin did name a son Zadock Wright Flynn. Another brother of Laughlin, Thomas & Hezekiah, was George, and he named a son Thomas, but that son can be traced to Lawrence Co, Indiana, where his family migrated. And why would Thomas Flynn be selling his land to a nephew, instead of a son, when the census of 1800 shows he likely had grown sons. It can also be shown that Mary Flynn, widow, or abandoned wife of Hezekiah, lived in a different part of Surry Co.
The census continues to show both a Thomas Flinn in Surry County, and a Thomas W. Flinn in Bethania District of Stokes Co [the area where Laughlin & the older Thomas had lived prior to the formation of Stokes Co]. In 1840, the Thomas of Surry was age 40-50 [born between 1790 & 1800], and there was a Rebecca Lakey counted on the same census page. This would seem to be a better fit for Hezekiah's son Thomas. The Thomas Flin of Stokes lived in Bethania District along with his son Hezekiah and he was age 50-60, appropriately ten years older than he had been in 1830 when he was listed as Thomas W. Flinn.
I suspect the following marriages to be those of children of Thomas Flynn:
Marriage Bond, Stokes Co NC. Honor Flynn to James Moore, 4 Apr 1812. Thomas Flynn, Bondsman
Marriage Bond, Surry Co NC. Rebekah Flynn to John Logan, 7 Aug 1822 Thomas Flynn, Bondsman.
Lawrence Co IN - where the families of Thomas's brothers William, Jacob, and George had gone.
There was an Aaron Flinn. There is a marriage of Aaron Flinn to Jane Edwards, Jul 7, 1833 in Lawrence Co. Some think Aaron was a son of William. Some Databases place him as a son of Thomas Flinn and state he was born ca 1814 and married second to Agnes Speer in 1865. Agnes lived until 1902.
There is a second Aaron Flinn in Lawrence Co, Flinn Twp, Hh 1430. He is 36, b. IN
Wife is Jinsey, age 36, b. NC.
Elizabeth 16. Austin 11. William E., age 5.
Spouse | Living |
Child | Thomas Wright Flynn (1788 - 1846) |
Child | Laughlin FLYNN (1790 - 1835) |
Child | Josiah Flynn (1797 - 1865) |
Child | Honor Flynn (1798 - ) |
Child | George FLYNN (1803 - ) |
Child | Mary "Polly" FLYNN (1805 - ) |
Father | THOMAS FLYNN (1720 - 1783) |
Mother | ELIZABETH [FLYNN] (1730 - 1792) |
Sibling | LAUGHLIN FLYNN (1746 - 1825) |
Sibling | George Flynn (1748 - 1828) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Flynn (1755 - ) |
Sibling | William Flynn (1755 - 1837) |
Sibling | John FLYNN ( - ) |
Sibling | Jacob Flynn (1759 - 1846) |
Sibling | Hezekiah Flynn ( - ) |
1. Nealon Rhea Agee and Dorothy Louise (Knox) Brown, Poindexter Family History: Knox-Bard; Kreager-Harrell; Crawford-Pledge-Flynn & Related Families (Self-Published Nov. 1995), Wright Family pp.489-499.