Individual Details
George Flynn
(11 Feb 1748 - 6 Jan 1828)
FAR FLUNG FLINNS gives a birthdate of 11 Feb 1755 to 1759 which makes absolutely no sense unless some record was hard to read. Also says he was born in Surry Co NC which was not formed until 1770. I do think it possible he was younger than his brother Laughlin, based on the military bounty given to his mother and Laughlin. However, George first appears on the tax lists in Surry Co in 1772 with one poll - indicating he had likely reached his 21st birthday, born in 1751.
Surry County, North Carolina, Wills: 1771-1827; Annotated Genealogial Abstracts, by Jo White Linn, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore MD, 1992; Reprinted 2007.
Book I, p.99a 1 Oct 1773 Bill of Sale from Samuel Praytor to William Prayator for L60 money, a negro girl Anna, a bay horse, named Blaze, personality, crop of corn to be divided betw Samuel Praytor & David Gordon. Wit: George Flyn, Thomas Flyn. Rec. Feb Ct. 1778
Note: the 1774 Surry Co tax list of Martin Armstrong shows Samuel Prather and son Wm Prather charged with 2 polls, etc.
Obviously a mortgage deed. George Flynn married Eleanor Prather, 1779. Laughlin Flynn was bondsman.
JOSEPH WINSTON HIS ENTRY BOOK, SURRY CO NC, LAND ENTRIES; 1778-1781 by Agnes M. Wells, Virginia G. Phillips, Carol J. Leonard; 1987
p.10/93 John Horn, Senr. entered 250 acres both sides of the Little Yadkin adj claim of George Flyn, John Connel & Henry Kerby. 14 May 1778. Warrant granted.
p.92/1048 George Flin entered 200 acres both sides of the Little Yadkin adj John Horn Senr to include his improvement. 8 Dec 1778. [Granted Surry DB C, p.158 on 3 Nov 1784]
North Carolina marriage Bond dated 27 Sep 1779 in Surry Co: George Flinn to Eleanor Prather. This is the same day George signed bond for his brother Laughlin and Elizabeth Wright to marry.
The Flinns of Auld Ireland mentions Surry Land Entries 1778-1784, found on a film of wills, inventories, etc. "George Flin enters 100 acres of land in the county of Surry of the Little Yadkin River joining Samuel Kerby including whereon Elizabeth Flin now lives" This would likely be the widow of Thomas. It was entered 14 Feby 1784. It was apparently entered and surveyed but never granted. The land was later assigned to Obediah Martin, 19 Sep 1807 and surveyed for him.
SURRY CO NC DEEDS; DB C; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.158 3 Nov 1784 NC Grant to George Flinn. 200 acres on Little Yadkin. Jesse Horns line.
This would appear to be the grant for the survey of 8 Dec 1778.
ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRYS: SURRY CO NC 1784-1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1988
#248 Warrant issued. Transferred to Jacob Flin. 15 May 1787. Matthew Mathias entered 125 acres on waters of Forbis [Forbush] Creek. Borders George Flin & William Flin on the North. Includes improvement he lives on and runs North up Rockhouse Branch.
SURRY CO NC DEEDS; DB D; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.389 29 Aug 1789 William Flinn to Thomas Childress. For £80. 200 acres Sunny Branch adj Andrew Speer, Peter Elder & Michael. Sprinkle. Signed: William Flinn. Wit: James Matthis, George Flinn
p.147-148 20 Jan 1792 Mathew Matthis [Matthews?] labourer to George Flynn labourer for £100, 150 acres N Fork Forbis [Forbush] Crk. Land entered by Silas Morphew, sold at public auction in consequence of distress warrant to pay a substitute in Militia Service of sd State. Silas refusing to go himself & later bought by Reuben Matthis; later seized & sold & sd Matthew bought. Signed: Mathew Matthis. Wit: James Mathis, James Flin.
STOKES CO NC RECORD OF DEEDS, VOL. 2 1787-1793; Mrs. W. O. Absher & Mrs. Robert K. Hayes.
p.40 10 Oct 1788 George Flyn & wife Eleanor to John Kelly for £100. 100 acres both sides Little Yadkin, mouth of Rocky Branch. Signed: George (x) Flyn Eleanor (x) Flyn. Wit: Wm London, James [sic] East.
Copy of deed downloaded from Stokes Co website - the tract bordered that of Jesse Stover. Deed was proved by Joseph East. The abbreviation when he witnessed was Jos. East.
SURRY CO NC COURT OF PLEAS & QUARTER SESSIONS; Vol 1; 1790-1795; Agnes M. Wells & Iris M. Harvey, 1990
1 Feb 1790 Mark out road from Shallowford on the Yadkin to the White Rock Ford: included Isaiah Coe and George Flynn.
Mary Term 1790 William Prather [prob kin to George's wife Eleanor] vs. George Flynn. Jury finds the defendant detains the Negro Ama in the plaintiffs declaration of the price of £125. Assessed the plaintiff damage of £28 and costs.
Wed, 14 Feb 1792. Deed from Mattew Mattews to George Flynn ack in open court and ordered recorded.
ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRYS: SURRY CO NC 1784-1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1988
#723 Warrant Issd. 13 May 1794 James Matthias entered 100 acres on waters of N fork of Forbis [Forbush] Crk. Borders George Flin, Archelius Johnson & himself.
Additional Records found in database online - not seen by me:
11 Feb 1795 Stephen Wallen sold George Flynn 100 acres on Little Moccasin Creek in Lee Co, VA. DB i, p.19
5 Sep 1797 Survey for 100 acres, Little Moccasin Creek, Lee Co, VA
13 Aug 1801 George Flynn transferred a deed to John Bevender Jr in Surry Co NC
10 May 1812 Stephen Walling sold to George Flinn & Elindar his wife, 105 acres on the head of Little Mockison Creek, including the plantation that said George Flin now lives on. DB 2, p.479 [Lee Co VA?]
7 Oct 1812 George Flynn sold 105 acres to Ruben McCuly and George Goff [obviously in preparation for going to Kentucky]
There is more to the story about the deed to John Bevender Jr in Surry:
Surry Co NC County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Vol III, 1801-1804
Iris M. Harvey & Agnes M. Wells 1992
Thur 13 Aug 1801
p.32 Deed from Jacob Flynn to John Bevender Jun proved by oath of James Flynn and ordered recorded.
George is said to have died 1828 in Leesville, Lawrence Co KY in FAR FLUNG FLINNS, and later says they moved to Shelby Co KY, then Lawrence Co Indiana, settling there about 1811. Leesville, in Lawrence Co, Indiana, was where the Flynn & Guymon families settled.
FindAGrave does have a grave marked for George Flinn, Flinn-Guthrie Cemetery in Lawrence Co. and gives 11 Feb 1748 as a birthdate; 6 Jan 1828 as his date of death.
The Shelby Co KY census for 1810 had only two Flinns - Robert, age 16-26, and William, age over 45; listed next to each other. William had two males age 16-26 and himself; 2 females under 10, 3 females age 10-16 and a spouse over 45. This would appear to be George's brother and eldest son.
I found no George Flinn/Flynn at all in 1810, perhaps he was moving at that time.
In 1820 there is an interesting group of Flinns in Johnson/Jackson Co, IN, to include the only George Flinn anywhere around.
George Flinn: 1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m over 45. 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.
William Flinn Junr: 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 1f 16-26.
Robert Flinn: 3m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45
Aaron Flinn: 1m 26-45. 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f over 45
a William Flinn Senr is found in Jackson Co IN: 1m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26
Note: there is something very peculiar about the indexing of these two counties in Indiana on Ancestry. On the last image of Jackson Co is a summary of the county saying "Jackson Co" and on the first image of Johnson Co is a note saying "Johnson Co". I'm sure they were divided properly.
The Lawrence Co IN Flinns in 1820 were Daniel, Jacob, and Martin Flinn.
Message boards online reveal that George has a will and Probate records in Lawrence Co. Said to be in Probate Court Book A, 1829-1831. George apparently lived with his son-in-law Hugh Guthrie for nine months preceding his death [said to be a difficult man].
Records are said to name: Nancy & Hugh Guthrie, Aaron Flinn, Jacob Flinn, Administrator, Thomas Flinn, William & Susannah Mathis, Andrew Quick and wife [Sarah?], Aaron & Millie Mathis, Moses Flinn, Joshua Flinn.
Appears that his wife predeceased George.
Birth | 11 Feb 1748 | Prince Edward County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | 27 Sep 1779 | Surry County, North Carolina - Eleanor Aldridge Prather | |||
Death | 6 Jan 1828 | Lawrence County, Indiana |
Spouse | Eleanor Aldridge Prather (1761 - 1827) |
Child | Nancy Flynn (1780 - 1862) |
Child | Thomas Flynn (1784 - 1867) |
Child | Jacob Flynn (1785 - 1836) |
Child | Susannah Flynn (1788 - 1862) |
Child | Aaron Flynn (1793 - 1868) |
Child | Living |
Child | Moses Flynn (1800 - ) |
Child | Amelia "Milly" Flynn (1802 - ) |
Child | Sarah Flynn (1804 - ) |
Father | THOMAS FLYNN (1720 - 1783) |
Mother | ELIZABETH [FLYNN] (1730 - 1792) |
Sibling | LAUGHLIN FLYNN (1746 - 1825) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Flynn (1755 - ) |
Sibling | William Flynn (1755 - 1837) |
Sibling | John FLYNN ( - ) |
Sibling | Jacob Flynn (1759 - 1846) |
Sibling | Thomas Flynn ( - 1814) |
Sibling | Hezekiah Flynn ( - ) |
1. North Carolina Index to Marriage Bonds 1741-1868, North Carolina Division of Archives & History. Alphabetized by Groom or Bride. County shown as a code which can be found in the computer Card Catalog. LDS Microfiche #6330285 (80+ fiche) This Index is now available on .