Individual Details
Jacob Flynn
(Ca 1759 - 29 Sep 1846)
Jacob born 1750-60
Surry Co, NC. In 1782, a Lanurt Flein again appears on the tax lists - with 500 acres. Possibly that is another mis-spelling of his name. He had 3 horses/mules and 5 head of cattle. Immediately following his named is Thos. Flein, Jacob Flein, and John Flein - all taxed as Single Men - his younger brothers?
Said to have married Sarah "Sukey" Martin about 1785.
ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRYS: SURRY CO NC 1784-1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1988
#248 Warrant issued. Transferred to Jacob Flin. 15 May 1787. Matthew Mathias entered 125 acres on waters of Forbis [Forbush] Creek. Borders George Flin & William Flin on the North. Includes improvement he lives on and runs North up Rockhouse Branch.
FAR FLUNG FLINNS states that he served in Capt Carson's District along with his brothers George & William. [Doesn't say where this was, presumably NC]. Jacob moved to Lee Co VA prior to 1790 [western Virginia], then to Shelby Co KY and on to Lawrence Co Indiana in November of 1811 with a migrating party of about 60 Flynns and Guthries.
I have found in Roster of North Carolina Soldiers an Andrew Carson who served as a private and then as a Captain in the NC Partisan Rangers under Gen. Davidson 1776-1782. He was also listed as being at the battle of King's Mountain where Daniel Morgan's rifle troops also served. Jacob's brother William is said to have served with Morgan.
1790 census of Surry Co., NC, Jacob is listed as a free white male over 16, with a family consisting of one white male over 16, and two white females. He does not appear in the 1800 Surry Co. census, as he traditionally had moved to Lee Co VA.
Surry Co., NC, File No. 2074; Jacob Finn (also Flin) - 125 acres - Grant No. 2011 - Issued 11 Oct. 1800 - Entry No. 248 - Entered 15 May 1787 - Book 109 - page 340
On Forbe's Creek - "Adjoining George Flinn and William Flinns land on the North - including the improvement he now lives on and to run North up to the Rockhouse Branch". 3 April 1794. Adjoining Mains Corner. Surveyed 8 Feb. 1797 - Chain Carriers: Reuben Matthews - Frederick Matthews.
Surry Co NC Deed Abstracts 1800-1803 Vol. I
Carol Leonard Snow 1995
Bk I, p.138 11 Oct 1800 State of NC to Jacob Flin 125 a #2011 Waters of Forbiss Crk and Rockhouse Br adj Haines. Entered 15 May 1787
Bk I, p.202 [no date - prob 1801] Jacob Flinn of Lee Co VA to John Bavender Junr of Surry for 100£ 125a on waters of Forbis's Crk Grant #2011. Signed: Jacob Flinn. Wit: Samuel Mayes, James Flin.. James Flinn proved Aug Term 1801 and OR
Surry Co NC County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Vol III, 1801-1804
Iris M. Harvey & Agnes M. Wells 1992
Thur 13 Aug 1801
p.32 Deed from Jacob Flynn to John Bevender Jun proved by oath of James Flynn and ordered recorded.
I found the following online, some may have come from the book The Flynns of Auld Ireland.
According to the early records Jacob Flinn, his brother William, and some of their Guthrie in-laws came into Lee Co., VA., and from there went to Shelby Co., KY., where they planned to stay for some time. They came through the Cumberland Gap, but some time after arriving in Kentucky, they heard of the Treaty of Ft. Wayne, made in 1809. Then they decided to come to Indiana, to what is now Lawrence Co.
You could call them squatters because they came to Lawrence County before the lines were laid out, based on the treaties. They built some cabins and then went back for their families, left in Kentucky. Family records state they arrived at what became Leesville on Nov. 7, 1811, where they built a fort called Flinn's Fort or Guthrie's Fort.
It was in this neighborhood that Jacob Flinn spent the remainder of his life. On March 13, 1813, the date of the "Leesville Massacre" by an Indian attack, Jacob saw his brother (or maybe son), Josiah Riley Flinn, slain and scalped by the Indians, and he, himself, was carried off as a captive by the Indian raiders. Family legend says he was probably taken to an Indian encampment on the upper courses of the Wabash River, about where the City of Lafayette stands today. Here he was cruelly treated by the Indians, but, watching his chance, one night he slipped into a boat, cut it loose, and let it float downstream. Rowing part of the time and floating part time, he managed to elude an Indian pursuit, until after several days, he arrived, gaunt and half starved at Vincennes. Here he was helped ashore, fed and clothed there, and after a long trek back to Lawrence Co., he again reached his family at Leesville, who had given him up for dead. In addition to the
date give above, the Indian attack at Leesville is also given as March 10, 1812. (NOTE: there is some question if it was this Jacob who was taken by the Indians as in one place the said Jacob was referred to as a young man.) My Note: Perhaps this was a Jacob Jr?
1820 Census, Lawrence Co IN
All on the same page
Jacob Flin, 3m under age 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 2f under 10, 1f 26-45. This makes little sense if it's this older Jacob - he's too young, and there are too many young children.
Martin Flin, 1m under 10, 1m 10-15, 1m 26-45, 1f under 10, 1f 26-45
Daniel Flin, 1m under 10, 1m 26-45, 1f 26-45.
1830 Census, Lawrence Co IN
Jacob Flinn: 1m 20-30, 1m 60-70. 1f 50-60.
His brother William, marked as the same age, also seems to be in Lawrence Co, along with 12 other Flinn households, of ages to be sons or nephews. George, another brother, had died in Lawrence Co in 1828.
Jacob Flinn made a deed in Lawrence Co, Ind. on Aug. 18, 1835, to John Flinn, in which his wife's name was given as Sally.
1840 Census. Lawrence Co IN [this census is indexed on Ancestry as Lagrange Co in 1840]
No Jacob Flinn was found, but here is Hugh's household:
1m age 30-40, 1m age 70-80. 1f under 5, 1f 20-30, 1f age 60-70
Would seem to be Jacob and Sarah living with their son Hugh Flinn.
Will dated 29 Sep 1846:
In the name of God, Amen. I Jacob Flinn of the County of Lawrence and State
of Indiana being weak in body but of sound discretion of memory and mind
Considering the Certainty of death it being uncertainly of the time thereof
and being desirous of settling any worldly affairs and thereby the better
prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me home do
therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and
form following,
That is to say first and principally I commit my sole unto the hands of
Almitey God and my body to the earth to be deacently intered and after my
funeral Charges are paid I give and bequeath to my beloved wife fifty
dollars. Item I give and bequeath to my dear daughter Elizabeth Gutherey
the sum of one hundred dollars. Item I give an bequeath to my dear
daughter Mary Williams fifty dollars. Item I give and bequeath to my son John Flinn
fifty dollars. Item I give and bequeath to my son William Flinn fifty
dollars. Item I give and bequeath to my son Alen Flinn my wearin apparel.
I will and direct after my debts and funeral expences are punctually paid I
allow the balance of said money to be divided equally amongst all my
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint Robert Ellison my sole
executor of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I Jacob
Flinn have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of September in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six.
Jacob (his X mark) Flinn
Signed sealed and published and delivered by Jacob Flinn the above named
testator at and for his last will and testament in presents of us who at his
request and in presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Samuel D. Todd
Jeremiah (his x mark) Pender
Admitted to Probate on the 12th day of October, 1846.
His will was administered by Robert Ellison, and had some interesting items:
For instance Richard Newkirk was paid $4.00 for a coffin; William Reed was
paid $1.00 for appraising the estate; Hugh Flinn paid the taxes, which
amounted to $5.00, and John C. Cavis was paid $7.50 for five visits for
medical attention and medicine. The amounts bequeathed to his heirs and the
amounts received were as follows in the settlement.
Sary Flinn ...$50.00 Not placed as an heir
William Flinn 50.00 paid $48.00
Mary Williams 50.00 paid $48.00
John and Elizabeth Guthrie 100.00 paid $100.00 or $96.00 [double payment? why? guardian?]
John Flinn 50.00 paid $48.00
Allen Flinn waaring apparel and 50.00 paid $48.00
Hugh Flinn 50.00 paid $48.00
George Flinn 50.00 paid $48.00
James, not mentioned in one settlement $50.00 paid $48.00 [could this have been Jacob?]
Each grandchild received $6.90. Other than Daniel, not yet placed, only the
heirs of Martin were named in the settlement. These were: William, son of
Malinda and James Box, both deceased, paid to Guardian Thomas Box of
Missouri; James and Rebecca Box; Hiram Flinn; Jacob Flinn; Samuel and
Matilda Box; and Daniel Flinn.
More about the Leesville Massacre. The sources do not agree on the date. I do not find other accounts of this incident.
Taken from "History of Lawrence, Orange & Washington Counties, Indiana"
Goodspeed Bros. 1884 Chicago
In 1810 the Flinns and Guthries settled near Leesville, and built a fort
there for their protection. It stood about half a mile north of the
village. In March, 1815, after it was thought the Indian troubles were
over, and the usual vigilance had been relaxed, the fort was suddenly
attacked by a band of Pottawattomies from the North. The men were engaged
in felling a tree near by, and were fired upon ere they were aware of any
danger. John Guthrie was shot dangerously in the breast, the ball passing
through his body. He ran for the fort, and fell near the door, but was
promptly resuced by his wife, who almost in the muzzles of the Indian
rifles, ran bravely out and half carrried him within the walls. He
affterward recovered and lived to a green old age. Josiah Flinn was
attacked by several Indians, and though he fought desperately, was
tomahawked and scalped, but did not die for four days. Jacob Flinn, the
other of the three men whom the Indians attacked, was captured and marched
to the head waters of the Wabash River to the principal Pottawattomie
village. He was beaten and half starved, but escaped in a canoe down the
river one night, four months after his capture, and after incredible
hardships, rowing down the river at night, and sleeping in the day in
concealment, living on frogs, roots, ets., he finally reached Vincennes so
weak that he had to be helped out of the boat. He stated that he could
have escaped several times earlier, but would not until he could take
Guthrie's ax, which had been carried off at the time of the attack. A good
ax was then a very rare and valuable piece of property. The above were the
only serious encounters with the Indians ever occurring in this county.
Flinn recovered.
Taken from "The Flinns of 'Auld Ireland'" by Forrest W. Faris.
Page 91
On the night of Nov. 7, 1811, the Flinn and Guthrie families, a score or
more, arrived at the present site of Leesville. Here they established the
first consequential settlement in Lawrence Co. They came from Virginia and
North Carolina. At first they built a fort to protect themselves from
Indian raids. They had been associates of Daniel and Squire Boone.
On March 13, 1813, the men were attacked by Indians. John Guthrie was shot
through the breast, the bullet imbedding itself in a nearby tree. Josiah
(Riley) Flinn was tomahawked and scalped - his skull crushed at the first
blow, while Jacob Flinn, a mere youth, was bound hand and foot and tied to
one of the horses. At the first alarm, Elizabeth Flinn Guthrie ran out
from the fort, seized her husband whom the Indians thought to be mortally
wounded, and helped him into the fort. It is doubtful if a more heroic act
has ever been recorded than that of Elizabeth Flinn Guthrie, wife of John
It came a hard rain that night, which to the panic-stricken families, must
have seemed an age. At daybreak the family ventured to the scene of the
attack. They found Josiah Flinn, still living, but unconscious - no
possible hope of recovery. Young Jacob Flinn could nowhere be found. The
Indians took him to their camp, but later he came back, starved and
mistreated until he weighed only 70 pounds. His almost lifeless body was
lifted out of a canoe at Vincennes. He was cared for, given a horse, and a
suit of clothes, and eventually arrived at Leesville.
John Flinn, a boy, rode the only remaining horse and came to Salem for Dr.
Lamb, who went back with him and treated John Guthrie, who after a long
illness, got well.
NOTE: The above article refers to Jacob Flinn as "a mere youth". He was
actually about 33 or 43 years of age when the Massacre occured. (born ca.
1770-80 based on 1840 census that lists him between 60 & 70). Mr. Faris
has that he was born ca. 1760-62 making him 43 to 45 at the time of the
The Elizabeth Flinn Guthrie mentioned is Jacob's daughter. The Josiah
Riley Flinn that was killed in the massacre was a son of Jacob. He was
born ca. 1800. Some accounts say that he was a brother of Jacob.
My note: I believe that Jacob was born about 1770 and would not have been a "youth" at the time he was carried off by the Indians. The Indians characteristically made off with young strong men they could adopt into the tribe. I suspect Jacob may have had a son of the same name. It is true that no Jacob was paid a share of the estate. I wonder if it could have been James rather than Jacob? Or maybe that was supposed to be Jacob, not James that received payment in the estate settlement. The 1850 census for Lawrence Co certainly has a Jacob of the right age to be in the family; I find no James Flinn. However, Jacob is thought to have been the son George Flinn, named in the probate papers of George. Perhaps the story has been placed altogether with the wrong Flinn family and these boys were both sons of George, not sons of Jacob at all.
Birth | Ca 1759 | Orange County, North Carolina | ![]() | ||
Marriage | Ca 1785 | Sarah Martin | |||
Death | 29 Sep 1846 | Leesville, Lawrence County, Indiana | ![]() |
Spouse | Sarah Martin ( - 1847) |
Child | Martin Flynn (1786 - 1836) |
Child | Elizabeth Flynn (1787 - 1867) |
Child | Mary Flynn (1793 - 1870) |
Child | John Flynn (1794 - ) |
Child | William Flynn (1797 - 1867) |
Child | Josiah Riley Flynn (1800 - 1815) |
Child | George Flynn (1802 - 1896) |
Child | James Flynn (1805 - ) |
Child | ?Daniel Flynn (1800 - ) |
Child | Hugh Flynn (1808 - ) |
Child | Allen Flynn (1811 - ) |
Father | THOMAS FLYNN (1720 - 1783) |
Mother | ELIZABETH [FLYNN] (1730 - 1792) |
Sibling | LAUGHLIN FLYNN (1746 - 1825) |
Sibling | George Flynn (1748 - 1828) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Flynn (1755 - ) |
Sibling | William Flynn (1755 - 1837) |
Sibling | John FLYNN ( - ) |
Sibling | Thomas Flynn ( - 1814) |
Sibling | Hezekiah Flynn ( - ) |
1. NSDAR Members Database, Members Only Website,, National Member #868115.
2. John W. Flynn, The Far Flung Flinns. (Self Published: J. W. Flinn, 1994)
3. NSDAR Members Database, Members Only Website,, National Member #868115.