Individual Details


(Abt 1788 - 1861)

1820 Jackson Co TN Census. James Goolsby age 26-45. No apparent spouse. 1 male and 2 females under the age of 10. One of the females is likely Sarah.

State of Tennessee Land Grant #1182. Entered 29 May 1826, 25 acres of land surveyed 11 Oct 1828. Jackson Co on headwaters of Martin's Creek on the North side, including said Goolsby's sugar camp. Granted 5 May 1829.

1830 Jackson Co TN Census: James Goolsby age 30-40. 1f age 20-30. 2m age 5-10. [John P. & Mark or Martin], 2m and 1f under age 5. One of the boys Mark or Martin; the female is most likely Mary. There are obviously children in this family who died or were tabulated in error.

Land Entry Book in Jackson Co Land Office
James Goalsby entered 25 acres on waters of Martins Crk begin on birch running N with his line of a 50 acre tract. 11 May 1835.

1840 Jackson Co TN Census: No adult male present in household. Probably an error since his name is given. 1f age 20-30 [Elizabeth Pippin]. 1m 15-20 [Mark or Martin] 1f 10-15 - Mary. 1f 5-10 [Elizabeth]. 2m under 5 [Wilson & Wade]

1850 Census. James, 63, and wife Elizabeth, 37, with Wilson, 14, Wade, 12, "Keria" [Kirby?], 9, (male). Merida, 6, (male), James, 3, Elizabeth age 18 and Jackson Pippin age 8/12.

1855 Tax List, Putnam Co TN
(typed list - obviously copied - but there is also a handwritten list;
James Goolsby. 200 acres, Value $450. Paid $1.35

In the 1860 Census for Putnam Co, James is age 70, Elizabeth 47. In 1870, Elizabeth age 55, is head of household. Wade, 21. James, 13. Goodall, 10. Francis, 7. Mary 3.

In 1880 Elizabeth, age 65, was counted in the home of her son Frank Goolsby in Jackson Co TN.

The names of Elizabeth Pippin & James Goolsby are on the death certificate of their son Goodall.


BirthAbt 1788Rowan County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt 1810[GOOLSBY]
MarriageAft 1820[Goolsby]
MarriageAbt 1830Elizabeth Pippin
Death1861Putnam County, Tennessee


SpouseElizabeth Pippin (1813 - 1880)
ChildSarah Elizabeth Goolsby (1831 - 1898)
ChildWilson Goolsby (1836 - )
ChildWade Goolsby (1838 - 1861)
ChildKirby "Kinc" Goolsby (1841 - )
ChildMerida "Merda" Goolsby (1843 - )
ChildJames B. "Jim" Goolsby (1846 - 1922)
ChildGoodall Goolsby (1850 - 1922)
ChildFrancis\Franklin "Frank" Goolsby (1853 - 1909)
ChildMary Goolsby (1857 - )
Spouse[GOOLSBY] ( - )
ChildSarah Goolsby (1810 - )
Child[Daughter] Goolsby (1810 - )
Child[Son] Goolsby (1810 - )
Spouse[Goolsby] ( - )
ChildJohn Pleasant Goolsby (1821 - 1909)
ChildJames Mark Goolsby (1823 - )
ChildMartin S. Goolsby (1824 - 1846)
ChildMARY "MOLLIE" GOOLSBY (1826 - 1870)
FatherWADE Goolsby (1767 - )
MotherJANE Crook (1765 - 1850)
SiblingPeter Goolsby (1788 - )
SiblingWade Goolsby Jr. (1790 - )
SiblingJohn Goolsby (1792 - )
SiblingWilliam Goolsby (1805 - )
