Individual Details

Wade Goolsby Jr.

(Abt 1790 - )

Married Rachael Richardson about 1816.

1820 White Co, TN
Wade Goolsby, 3m under 10, 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 2f 16-26

1840 Census. Overton, TN,
Wade Goldsby: 2m 5-10, 2m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 50-60. 1f under 5, 1f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 1f 40-50

1850 Census. Dist 2, Overton, TN, Hh 695
Wade "Goldsby", age 60, b. NC
Rachael, 56, b. NC
all children both in Tennessee
Elizabeth, 21. Wade 19, Martha 17. Jasper 15.,
Goerge Chaffin, 4.
Hh 696 was Martin "Goldsby", age 30, with Sarah 25, and Wade, age 6.

North Carolina & Tennessee, Early Land Records. []
Mountain District Land Grants; Roll 146; Book V, p. 409
State of Tennessee #10539
Entry #1747 made in the office in Overton County, 2 Mar 1849. Granted to Wade Goolsby, a parcel of 50 acres, survey made 22 May 1841 (1849?), in the county of Overton, on the south side of the River, north east corner of said Goolsbys' 32 acres tract, Joseph Brown's line, his corner.
1 Nov 1850

1860 Census. Dist 2, Overton, TN, Hh 1287
Wade Goolsby, 70, b. NC. Rachael, 70, b. VA
Elizabeth, 31.
George W. Chapin, age 14.


BirthAbt 1790


FatherWADE Goolsby (1767 - )
MotherJANE Crook (1765 - 1850)
SiblingJAMES GOOLSBY (1788 - 1861)
SiblingPeter Goolsby (1788 - )
SiblingJohn Goolsby (1792 - )
SiblingWilliam Goolsby (1805 - )