Individual Details
Stanley Gower
(17 Nov 1679 - 1736)
Abstracts of Land Records of Richmond County, Virginia 1692-1704, by Mary Marshall Brewer.
18 Oct 1701. Deed. STANLEY GOWER and SARAH my wife of N Farnham Parish Richmond Co for a valuable consideration hold ourselves fully satisfied , and contented by the penal sum of 12,000 pounds of tobb sold unto PETER KIPPAX CLARKE of same place ... a 350 a. tr of land in the forrest betweene Totuskey and Rappa Cr upon the maine road pt/o the land and plantation formerly in the tenure of HENRY CLARKE decd which land was divided per consent and good liking of ANGELL JACOBUS & my father FRANCIS GOWER decd. Wit: JOHN GOWER, WM LINTON, SAMLL BAYLY. Ackn 3 Dec 1701. Attest: JAMES SHERLOCK clerk. (Bk 3pg: 75)
2 Dec 1701. Power of Atty. SARAH GOWER the now w/o STANLEY GOWER of north Farnham Parish Rich Co do appoint my true and well beloved friend SAMLL BAYLY to be my atty to ackn all my right of dower in the [above] parcell of land unto PETER KIPPAX CLARKE of same place. Wit: THOMAS TAYLAR, JOHN GOWER. (Bk 3pg: 75)
Richmond Co VA, Deed Book 7, p.502-4
2 May 1720 Robert Tomlin of Northfarnham Parish, Richomnd, Gent. & Elizabeth his wife to Standly Gower of the same, Gent. For 40#'s sterling, sell tract of land in Northfarnham containing 40 acres, part of a deed for 400 acres belonging to sd Robert Tomlin & Elizabeth his wife, which is in Parish & County above mentioned, dated 3 May 1665. Begin at corner stake of land which Robert Tomlin lives on; to a stake in Standly Gower's line, stake in Capt. George Heal's line, his corner. Signed: Robert Tomlin, Elizabeth Tomlin
Wit: Rawleigh Chinn. Jno (+) Pierce, Richard (R) Evans.
Court at Richmond County 4 May 1720. Deed acknowledged,
Bond of Robert Tomlin & Elizabeth his wife unto Standley Gower, in the sum of 80 pounds to perform all covenants & agreements. (signed & witnessed by the same as above,
3 May 1720 Deed from David Berrick of North Farnham Parish, Richmond to Rawleigh Chinn of Parish of St. Maryes White Chapel in Lancaster. One Negro woman and 73#'s sterling sell to Rawleight Chinn, 264 acres, part of tract of 750 acres granted to Capt. George Brayer, and after his decease to Mr. Thomas Goose & the heirs of Brayer by patent, 30 Oct 1664. Begin stake Thomas Walker's line; John Pursell's Old field; old of Capt George Brayer's patent; where Thomas Bristoll now lives. Signed David Berrick, Ann Berrick
Wit: Robert Tomlin, Elizabeth Tomlin, Standley (S) Gower.
Acknowledged in Court 4 May 1720
3 May 1720 Stanley Gower of Northfarnham in Richmond Co and Sarah his wife to Rawleigh Chinn of Parish of St. Marys White Chappel in Lancaster. For 5 sh a tract of Woodland Ground in Parish of Sittenbourne, Richmond Co, 268 acres. Begin corn Butler's; East side of Rappahnnock Run Swamp; down the runn; Col. William Fitshughs line by the Swamp side; along his line; another line Fittshughs; line which divides this land with that of William Sergent; down the Branch on the SE side; land of Christopher Prichard. Paying yearly the rent of one pepper Corn if the same be demanded. Signed: Standly (S) Gower. Sarah (S) Gower
Wit: Robert Tomlin, Elizabeth Tomlin, Richard (R) Evans
4 May 1720. Stanley Gower & Sarah Gower acknowledged
4 May 1720 Stanley Gower, grandson and heir to Joan Clark, late of the Parish of Sittenbournce in Richmond, dec'd, & Sarah hiw wife to Rawleigh Chinn for 69#'s sterling. 268 acres part of tract of 1585 3/4 acres, first granted to Wm. Sergent and the afrsd Joan Clark by patent 26 Sep 1678.
Deeds of lease and release.
4 May 1720 Bond of Stanley & Sarah Gower, 138 #'s Sterling that will keep all covenants with Rawleigh Chinn. Signed and with same witnesses as original deed.
Richmond Co VA, DB 8
5 Oct 1726. Susanah Gower, Francis Gower, Stanley Gower & Richard Branham of Richmond are in the sum of 300#'s current money. The above bound S. Gower and Francis Gower, Exrs of the Last Will and Testament of John Gower, dec'd. to make a true and perfect Inventory of all goods, chattels & credits of the dec'd and make exhibit into the County Court of Richmond. To administer according to Law and make a just and true account of their actins and doings as required by the Court, and deliver all Legacies specified in the said Testament. Signed: Susanah (X) Gower, Grancis Gower, Stanley (X) Gower, Richard Branham.
Acnowledged in Richmond County Court, 5 Oct 1726
p.367 Guardianship of niece Elizabeth, daughter of his brother John.
5 Oct 1726 Stanley Gower and Joshua of Richmond Co are bound in the sum of 100#'s Sterling. Shall well and truly pay Eliza. Gower all estates belonging to her as shall come to his hands when Eliza. Gower attains lawful age or required by the court. Stanley (S) Gower. Joshua Singleton.
Acknowledged the same day.
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
p.75 p.274
Stanley Gower. Will dated 27 Oct 1732. Proved 5 Apr 1736
Son John to have 100 acres at head of tract whereon I now dwell, to include the 40 acres purchased of Capt. Robert Tomlin.
Daughter Catherine Gower, tract of land near Totuskey Ferry which I had in exchange with Mr. Joshua Singleton for that where he now lives
Dau. Frances Sisson, tract of land formerly taken up by my father in Essex Co on Hoskins Cree
Son Stanley, the plantation whereon I now dwell
Dau. Anne Singleton
Executors: friend Robert Tomlin and son-in-law Joshua Singleton
Wit: Samuel Barber, John Dozier, Nathaniel Thrift.
Birth | 17 Nov 1679 | Richmond County, Virginia | |||
Death | 1736 | Richmond County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Sarah Jackson |
Spouse | Sarah Jackson ( - ) |
Child | Ann Gower (1700 - 1734) |
Child | Living |
Child | Stanley Gower ( - ) |
Child | John Gower ( - ) |
Child | Living |
Father | FRANCIS Gower (1657 - 1690) |
Mother | ANN Clarke ( - ) |
Sibling | JOHN Gower ( - 1726) |
Sibling | Francis Gower (1682 - ) |