Individual Details
ANN Clarke
( - )
Mother was apparently Joan Clarke:
Richmond Co VA, Deed Book 7
3 May 1720 Stanley Gower of Northfarnham in Richmond Co and Sarah his wife to Rawleigh Chinn of Parish of St. Marys White Chappel in Lancaster. For 5 sh a tract of Woodland Ground in Parish of Sittenbourne, Richmond Co, 268 acres. Begin corn Butler's; East side of Rappahnnock Run Swamp; down the runn; Col. William Fitshughs line by the Swamp side; along his line; another line Fittshughs; line which divides this land with that of William Sergent; down the Branch on the SE side; land of Christopher Prichard. Paying yearly the rent of one pepper Corn if the same be demanded. Signed: Standly (S) Gower. Sarah (S) Gower
Wit: Robert Tomlin, Elizabeth Tomlin, Richard (R) Evans
4 May 1720. Stanley Gower & Sarah Gower acknowledged
4 May 1720 Stanley Gower, grandson and heir to Joan Clark, late of the Parish of Sittenbournce in Richmond, dec'd, & Sarah hiw wife to Rawleigh Chinn for 69#'s sterling. 268 acres part of tract of 1585 3/4 acres, first granted to Wm. Sergent and the afrsd Joan Clark by patent 26 Sep 1678.
Deeds of lease and release.
11 May 1720 Francis Yeates of North Farnham, County of Richmond, Planter, and Winifred his wife, in performin certain covenants & agreements of an Indenture dated 26 Apr 1707 made between the sd Francis & Winifred and Edward Bryan of the same parish and county, and for the consideration of 1,000 #'s tobaco, have quit claimed to Edwar Bryan, a tract in the Parish of Sittenbourne, Richmond Co, of 169 acres, 75 and 3/4 perches, part of a patent granted to Wm. Sergeant and Joane Clark and descended from Joan Clark upon Winnifred Yeates. Begin Corner Robert Davis; line of Clark's & Sergeant's patent by Mattox road; tree that divides this land the land of Stanly Goar (Gower). Signed Fra: Yeats, Winnefrid (W) Yeats
Wit: Will. Woodbridge; Tobias Phillips; Rawleigh Chinn
3 Aug 1720 Deed acknowledged by Francis Yeats & Winnifrid Yeats, she being first privately examined.
Spouse | FRANCIS Gower (1657 - 1690) |
Child | JOHN Gower ( - 1726) |
Child | Stanley Gower (1679 - 1736) |
Child | Francis Gower (1682 - ) |
Father | HENRY Clarke ( - ) |
Mother | Living |
Sibling | Elizabeth Clarke ( - ) |
Sibling | John Clarke ( - ) |