Individual Details
JOHN Gower
( - 26 Sep 1726)
Richmond County, Virginia Deed Book 7, pp. 13-14: “Anne (Hobbs) Greene for 5 pounds sterling deeds some Meade land to John and Hester Gower October 11, 1714. If John or Hester to die the land to go to Anne’s grandson Francis Gower. Witnesses: David Berrick, Samuel Pound, Sta. Gower.”
This deed states that Anne Greene was of the Parish of North Farmham and the land was also given for natural love and affection towards John Gower and Hester his wife. All that land on the West side of the Creek which Thomas Meade left in last Will & Testament to his two Son, Thomas and John Meade, and part of a patent granted to William Underwood of 1400 acres. To John Gower and Hester, for the term of their natural lives and the life of the longest liver and after their decease to be vested in grandson, Francis Gower, son of sd John Gower and Hester his wife. Ann signed with her mark, A.
1 Dec 1714. Anne Green acknowledged the deed in open Court. Test: M. Beckwith, Cl Cur
The next deed is to Stanley Gower and wife Winifred.
Richmond County Records, 1704-1724, p. 88, image 93: “p. 118. October the 12th 1714. I the subscriber doe own to have received from Mrs. Ann Green all dues belonging to me by Right of Hester my Wife Likewise I doe acquit and Discharge the abovesaid Mrs. Ann Green, relick of Mr. Richard Green dec’d from all Debts Dues and Demands bills bonds and acc’ts from the beginning of the wourld to this present Date. Witness my hand the Day and yeare above written. John Gower. Testis David Berrick Sam’ll Pound”
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983, p.56
p.20 Will of John Gower dated 8 Dec 1725, proved 5 Oct 1726. Mentions son Travis, daughters, Anne, Winifred and Elizabeth. Wife Susannah. Exec: wfe and son Travis. I suspect this is a error and was Francis, not Travis!!!! Susannah, a second wife.
Wit: William Tourney, Zacharias Heaford.
p.23 John Gower inventory, 2 Nov 1726
Wills of Richmond County, Virginia; 1699-1800, by Robert K. Headley Jr., GPC, 1983
Richmond Co Wills, p.29
Francis Gower, will dated 14 Dec 1726, proved 1 Feb 1726/7
Estate to be divided equally between wife Rachel and children including the child wife now goes with; daughter, Anne. Executrix: wife.
Wit: John Branham, John Campbell
Note: Two children - Anne and Francis/Frances?
Richmond County, Virginia Will Book 5, 1725-1753.
In the name of God amen, December 8, 1725, John Gower in the Couty of Richmond being in perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given to God, I do ordain this to be my last will and testament. FIRST: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Susannah Gower two Negroe men Roger and Luther. The two Negroes to be born during her life time. The said two negroes Roger and Luther to be returned to my son Francis Gower and then to be appraised and to the said Francis Gower paying an equal proportion what they shall be worth at that time to his three sisters, Anne, Winifred and Elizabeth Gower or to their heirs.
I give to my son Francis Gower one negroe man named Jack and my wearing ring and silver seale...
I give to my daughter Anne Thrift one negroe boy named Charles. I give the said negroe to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs the said Negroe Charles to be returned to the right heirs again.
I give to my daughter Elizabeth Gower one negroe woman named Rose and her for forever--Likewise I give to Elizabeth Gower the negroe child named Peter after my debts are paid.
I give to my wife Susannah Gower the half of my personal estate the other half I give to my son Francis Gower and my daughter Winifred Gower to be equally divided betwixt them. Likewise I desire that my daughters Winifred and Elizabeth Gower and their estate may remain in my wifes hands till they come to the age of eighteen years or the day of marriage. I make and ordaine my beloved wife Susannah Gower and Francis Gower my whole and sole Exors. of this my last will and testament. Signed: John Gower (Seal)
Signed, sealed in the presents of William Goruney, Zachrias X Heaford
This will proved in court 5 October 1726.
Virginia Extracted Vital Records:
John Gower departed this life Sept 26, 1726.
Marriage | Abt 1705 | Living | |||
Death | 26 Sep 1726 | Richmond County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Susannah [Gower] |
Spouse | Living |
Child | ANN Gower ( - ) |
Child | Winifred Gower ( - 1727) |
Child | Elizabeth Gower ( - ) |
Child | Francis Gower (1706 - 1726) |
Spouse | Susannah [Gower] ( - ) |
Father | FRANCIS Gower (1657 - 1690) |
Mother | ANN Clarke ( - ) |
Sibling | Stanley Gower (1679 - 1736) |
Sibling | Francis Gower (1682 - ) |