Individual Details


(21 Nov 1841 - 17 Dec 1927)

Age 12 when first came with his father to Crawford County, AR (1853) His mother died and they went back to Schuyler Co MO where his father married Susan Biswell. Sometime during the Civil War Joseph C. & his father took their families to Iowa for about a year; they went to Kansas following the Civil War for a few years but returned to Crawford County.
Joseph enlisted in Confederate Army under Captain Duncan [actually Col. Gunter was the officer] - traditionally fought at Pea Ridge and Sugar Creek [probably was at Battle of Prairie Grove, but not these battles]
Notes in Nora Comstock's handwriting give place of birth as Schuyler County, MO (Schuyler formed from Adair; Adair formed from Macon Co during this time period.)
Had a shoe repair shop at Arkalo, then added groceries. Built a store in 1880 at Hickory Grove with accommodations for his family upstairs. When he decided to add a post office, there was already another Hickory Grove in Arkansas so he may have named "Uniontown" at that time. Was first postmaster appointed in April, 1881. He later added a drugstore which was the first and only pharmacy in the history of Uniontown. He built his family a home across the street from the store and the upper story was rented out to the Masonic Lodge until about 1885.

Although family records state that Joseph & Letitia married in February of 1860, he appears to still be living with his father and stepmother in Crawford Co AR for the 1860 census. On p.787, Hh 1221, is William Wood, age 44, b. KY. Wife is listed as "Sarah" M. rather than Susan and she is age 22, b. MO. Joseph, 18, also b. MO. John, age 3, b. MO, is at the top of the next page. Letitia was also still with her family in that census.

Applied for a Civil War Pension which was awarded 12 Aug 1920. Civil War Service was in Woosley's Regiment of Infantry from Arkansas. "Left beside road with sick furlough shortly after Hindman evacuated Ft. Smith, 1863 or spring of 1864" Gratis Comstock and A. S. Matlock signed Proof of Indigency with K. M. Comstock acting as Notary Public. Thomas Howell testifies he remembers seeing J. C. Wood in the Confederate service as a teamster. The examination by Dr. O.M. Bourland stated Wood was in feeble condition resulting from age being nearly 79 years old.

A single Muster Card survives. J. C. Wood enlisted as a Private in Co. D, Brooks' Regiment, on 15 Nov 1862 for three years. Col. Gunter was the enlisting officer in Crawford Co. A roll of the regiment found online revealed that nearly all of Company D was composed of men from neighboring Sebastian Co. Brooks Regt was also know as the 2nd and the 34th Regt at other times during the War. In March & April of 1863, J. C. Wood was absent - he was on detached service at Teamster by order of Col. Brooks, Nov. 15, 1863. Perhaps he was with Woosley's Battalion. Gen. Thomas Hindman did indeed withdraw his Army from Ft. Smith in late August of 1863. The Battle of Devil's Backbone was fought near Waldron, Arkansas, on 1 Sep 1863 when the federal forces caught up to Brig Gen Cabell's retreating troops. During the battle, the Confederate lines collapsed and hundreds of men simply disappeared. Cabell reported that Woosley's cavalry "ran in the most shameful manner". Some of the deserters joined the Union following the disaster. If Joe Wood was left by the side of the road, ill, likely he was by this time not part of the Confederate army. Brooks Regiment, the 34th took part in the Battle of Prairie Grove in December of 1862, but apparently were not at Pea Ridge.

The site of the Battle of Prairie Grove in which Wood participated, according to family tradition, is an Arkansas State Park in Prairie Grove, Washington Co, AR. Their bulletin tells the story:
"On December 7, 1862, a Confederate Army under Major General Thomas C. Hindman engaged the Union divisions of Brigadier Generals Francis J. Herron and James G. Blunt near Prairie Grove Church. Hindman's original plan to strike Blunt, isolated at Cane Hill, Arkansas, was foiled by the timely arrival of two Union divisions under Herron.
Hindman bypassed Blunt at Cane Hill on the morning of December 7th, and marched to meet Herron. The two armies collided at Prairie Grove. Hindman's men took a defensive position on a ridge overlooking the Illinois River. The Battle began with an artillery duel which opened the way for a Union attack. Between noon and 2 p.m. two Union charges met with bloody repulse.
The battered Union forces were reinforced about 2:30 p.m. by Blunt's arrival on the battlefield. The fighting spread westward, with savage attack and counter attack until darkness ended the fighting. The Conferederate Army retreated southward during the night as it ammunition was exhausted.
Prairie Grove marked the last major Civil War engagement in northwest Arkansas. Never again would a southern army attempt to use the area as an avenue of invasion to Missouri."

1870 Census, J. C. is doing Farm Labor and has no value listed for real estate. Only three children - Franklin born in Iowa and Lucretia and Andrew born in Kansas. Since Andrew is only 1, they must have just moved back to Crawford County. Joseph C. Wood was in the Civil War. If Thomas was born in Iowa in July of 1865, they must have gone there near the end of the war. Within two years they were living in Kansas where Lucretia and Andrew were born, but had moved back for the 1870 Census.

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press 1877 Fran Alverson Warren
p.48 Jurors for fall term of the Circuit Court which meets Sep 24
William Carney, John Carney, Thomas Comstock, Joseph Woods - among others

The 1880 Census: Joseph C. was 39, a merchant.

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press 1881 Fran Alverson Warren
Jan. 8
p.2 Judge Hale has apptd following Justices of the Peace as apportioning justices for their respective townships: J C. Woods, Jasper

J. C. Wood was the Postmaster in Uniontown. My mother remembers that seeing some of the pigeon-hole type shelves in his house - it appears he had that duty for over 20 years. A database including the register of Civil Service employees on reveals the following:
1 Jul 1881. J. C. Wood was paid .38 for his duties as Postmaster, Uniontown, Crawford, AR
1 Jul 1883. He was paid $29.28
1 Jul 1887. He was paid $74.64
1 Jul 1889. He was paid $92.49
1 Jul 1891. He was paid $108.04
1 Jul 1895. $97.24
1 Jul 1897. $125.18
1 Jul 1899. $138.18
1 Jul 1901. $194.04
1 Jul 1903. $223.68

J. C. Wood was a charter member of the Uniontown First Christian Church in the summer of 1886.

6 Feb 1889 UNIONTOWN
Our town is on a boom. Mr. J. C. Wood and L. L. Bragg have formed a copartnership in the mercantile business, and J. C. Wood has renovated his store-house and got it up in style, with an iron roof, and has a complete stock of goods....... Mr. Wheeler bought out Mr. Thomas Howell. Mr. J. M. Comstock, or Comstock Bros., have a good storehouse and a good stock of merchandise.

Goodspeed's Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwest Arkansas was published in 1889. The bios were usually submitted by the individuals. Here is the article about Joseph C. Wood, p.1215. There are numbers of errors in this article which I have highlighted in parenthesis and italics.
Joseph C. Wood was born November 21, 1841, and is a son of William M. and Mary C. (Winkler) Wood. [Her name was Nancy E. Wood on her tombstone.] The father was born and reared in Madison County, Ky. and when twenty-four went to Missouri, where he bought and sold land until 1840, when he married the mother of our subject, who bore him two children, Joseph and William (deceased). September 12, 1852, Mr. Wood went to Benton County, Ark., and a few months later bought land near Uniontown, Crawford County, and in 1864 went to Iowa until the close of the war. Two years after the death of his first wife, in Arkansas, he married Susan M. Biswell, a native of Adair County, Mo., who bore him seven children: John W., Martha, George, Minnie, Charles, Lee, and Lavinia (deceased). Mr. Wood farmed in Douglas County, Kan., a short time after the war, and then returned to Crawford County, where he died in 1882, aged sixty-seven. The mother of our subject was a native of Madison Co, Ky., and died in Crawford County. Thomas Wood, the grandfather, was born in Pennsylvania, to English Parents, immigrated to Kentucky, and died in Madison County, aged sixty-two. He was a mechanic and stone-mason. His wife Agnes (Kinkaid) Wood was also born in Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish parents, and died in Kentucky. William Winkler, the maternal grandfather, was born in Germany [born in Rowan Co, NC], there became a shoemaker, and immigrated to Kentucky, where he married Mary Nolan [Nancy Noland], a native of Kentucky, of Irish descent. He died in Kentucky, and she in Missouri. Matthew Wood, the great-grandfather, was a cabinet-maker in London, England, who immigrated to Pennsylvania in an early day. The maternal great-grandmother, Sarah Nolan [Clarinda Noland], died in 1853, in Schuyler County, Mo., aged one hundred and thirty [she was about age 90, certainly not 130], and her husband was a Revolutionary soldier. Joseph C. Wood, our subject, was born in Adair County, Mo., and when twelve came with his father to Crawford County, afterward accompanied him to Iowa and Kansas, and after returning to Crawford County engaged in farming. He gained the greater part of his education by burning the midnight oil, and when of age enlisted in the Confederate army, under Capt. Duncan. He remained in this company about three months, and fought in the battles at Pea Ridge and Sugar Creek. After the evacuation of Fort Smith he worked on train duty in the Federal Army three months, and then on the ferry at Van Buren. He served until May, 1864, after which he lived in Kansas two and a half years. After returning to Arkansas he farmed until 1865, and has since enjoyed a good mercantile trade at Uniontown. In February, 1860, he married Letitia Maybery, a native of Virginia, and daughter of Charles and Ellen Maybery. To Mr. & Mrs. Wood ten children [There are eleven children listed which is correct, nine were living.] have been born, eight now living: Thomas F., Lucretia E., Andrew B. C., Antoinette, Nancy, Walter M., Ola, Omega, and Zellie. Charles W. and Dora E. are deceased. Mr. Wood is a Democrat and has served two terms as justice of the peace. He is the postmaster of Uniontown, and a Mason. His wife belongs to the Missionary Baptist Church and he to the Christian.

The 1890 "Reconstructed Census" from Real Estate Tax Records shows J. C. Wood living in the Uniontown School District at S31T11R32

1900 Census. Minnie and Zella still at home.
Union Twp, Crawford Co, AR, Hh 85
Joseph C. Wood, b. Nov 1841, age 58, married 40 years, b. MO, parents b. KY, Druggist
Lettitia A.,wife, b. Sep 1844, age 55, 11 children - 9 are living, b. West VA as were her parents.
Minnie O., dau, b. Jun 1884, age 17
Zella M., dau, b. Jan 1888, age 13

28 Sep 1904 Port Ewing has purchased a half interest in Joe Wood's establishment.
Raymond Dipboye has a position with Comstock Brothers, filling the vacancy made by Port Ewing's resignation.

Crawford Co 1910 Census: Joseph and Letitia still have Andrew living at home with them as well as Mabel Burchfield, a grandchild, age 18. Either Antionette or Nancy married a Burchfield.
Union Twp, Crawford, AR, Hh 1
Joseph C. Wood, age 68, married 50 years, b. MO, parents b. KY
Letitia A., wife, age 66, 11 children - 9 living, b. VA, as were her parents
Andrew B., son, age 41, b. AR, Barber
Mabel Burchfield, granddaughter, age 18, b. AR, parents b. AR

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press Argus 1918, Vol. 6 Fran Alverson Warren, p.6
15 Feb 1918
Appoints Recruits Committee
J. C. Wood of Uniontown was one of several men appointed by the Crawford County Council of Defense to secure recruits in their town for the shipbuilding industry. There are hundreds of competent men needed along this line and the next several weeks the time of these men will be occupied in securing recruits to assist in this great work.

The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 27, No. 3, March 1919; "Labor Administration in the Shipbuilding Industry During War Time"; found on JSTOR, Feb 2012.
The submarines were sinking our ships faster than we could build them. Not until July of 1917 was the Urgent Deficiencies Act given the authority and power to construct new vessels. We didn't even have the shipyards with capabilities to build the ships needed. By early 1919, we had the shipyards and the working force needed had increased ten-fold.

Crawford Co 1920 Census: Joseph C. Wood, age 78, Retired Farmer, born in MO; Father and Mother both born in KY. Letitia, age 75, born in Virginia, Father & Mother both born in Virginia.

Arkansas Death Certificate #324
Joseph C. Wood died of senility and failure of stomach, in Van Buren, AR, 18 Dec 1927. He was widowed. Born 21 Nov 1841 in Missouri. Parents were Wm M. Wood and Nancy Winkler, both born in Kentucky. Kenney Comstock of Van Buren was the informant. Buried at Dripping Springs Cemetery, Dec 19th.

Record of his Funeral from Ocker Funeral Home in Van Buren AR stated he was 86, died of ald age. Born 12/18/1841 in Missouri. Father: Wm M. Wood born in KY and mother was Nancy Winkler, born KY. Funeral was at 2 PM on 19 Dec 1927; burial at Dripping Springs. Mrs. Comstock paid - cannot read the initials to see which Comstock made the arrangements but likely "J.M." for his daughter, Ellen, married to James Monroe Comstock.

The antique cup that belongs to Daniel Ryan Haden was first given by Joseph Christopher Wood to his first grandchild (Kenney Marcus Comstock) in 1887. Kenney Comstock gave the cup to his first grandchild (Karen Kay A. McKim) in 1940. Kay gave the cup to her first grandchild (Daniel Ryan Haden) in 1987, 100 years later.


Birth21 Nov 1841Adair County, Missouri
Military1863 - 1864Co. D, Brooks' Regt; Woosley's Infantry Regt., Civil War
Death17 Dec 1927Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseLETITIA ANN MAYBERRY (1844 - 1926)
ChildCharles W. Wood ( - )
ChildDr. Thomas Franklin "Frank" Wood (1865 - 1931)
ChildLUCRETIA ELLEN WOOD (1867 - 1963)
ChildAndrew Bartholamew Christopher "Bob" Wood (1869 - 1958)
ChildDora E. Wood (1870 - 1876)
ChildAntoinette "Ettie" Wood (1874 - 1925)
ChildNancy E. "Nannie" Wood (1875 - )
ChildWalter M. Wood (1879 - 1916)
ChildViola "Ola" Wood (1881 - 1969)
ChildMina Omega "Minnie" Wood (1884 - 1964)
ChildZella May Wood (1887 - 1966)
FatherWILLIAM MOORE WOOD (1816 - 1883)
MotherNANCY E. WINKLER (1825 - 1853)
SiblingWilliam Wood (1841 - 1850)
