Individual Details

William Cloud

(Ca 1728 - 30 Aug 1811)

William Cloud said to have settled in Chester Co, SC before the Revolution. Went to Virginia during the war [probably NOT this William] and married Alice Hardin. Returned to Fairfield Co SC where he bought land in 1787. In the 1790 Census in SC. Will proved 20 Aug 1811 in Fairfield Co names "legal wife" as Alice .

It is extremely doubtful he is the son of the William Cloud of Brandywine Hundred.

WorldConnect File with noted errors
BIO: William Cloud, son of William of Brandywine
Hundred [NOTE - this was a different William Cloud],
first appeared in S. C. by official records on the
third day of January 1765 when he took a land grant on
Fishing Creek in Chester Co., S.C., then old Craven County.
[NOTE: first grant was in 1760]
He took to successive land grants for "increase in
family". Sometime before 1775 William Cloud deeded this
land on Fishing Creek in Chester County to his daughter,
Mrs. ALICE BOYLESTON. This land is still owned by the
Boyleston family. The other grant of William Cloud on
Fishing Creek in Chester Co. was deeded to their son, JAMES
CLOUD. WILLIAM CLOUD then removed to Virginia until after
the Revolution [likely NOT the William Cloud in the Rev War in VA
but it is possible]
when he came back to S. C. and records show
that he was buying lands in this county on the first of
January 1787. The family record is that WILLIAM CLOUD
married in Virginia to ALICE HARDEN before coming to S.C.
There are deeds in Fairfield and in Charleston [land grants] and deeds
showing ALICE CLOUD, the wife of WILLIAM CLOUD, as signing
dower rights [NOTE: in Chester Co]. WILLIAM CLOUD made his Will March 14,
1810, probated Aug 30, 1811, as follows: To wife and son,
JOSEPH, certain negroes, cattle and furniture, remainder to
be sold and divided equally between my daughters, SINA FORD,
ALICE BOYLESTON and grandson VINCENT BELL; to grandson,
WILLIAM CLOUD, son of DANIEL, all my lands lying on south
side of Thorntree Creek at death of my wife; to daughter,
ANN GUPHILL 5 schillings; JOSEPH CLOUD, my son and VINCENT
BELL, my grandson, to be exrs. Wits: Leod Godbolt, Ananias
Godbolt, Samuel Loughdote

The following very doubtful! Assumed - not proved. The William Cloud in Bradywine, Delaware did have a son William named in his will - but nothing connects the two - that William appears to have married Ruth Buckingham - different wives, children, wills. Old Family Group Sheets and various websites promote this highly improbable connection.
Father: William CLOUD b: ABT 1700
Mother: Elizabeth Ann HAYES b: 11 FEB 1692/93 in Fulwell, Oxfordshire, England

Many documents referring to William Cloud appear in on the South Carolina Archives website and are easily accessible.
Land grants were made by the Lords Proprietor from about 1670 to 1719, and recorded by the Register of the Province. Proprietary land titles, abstracts of title, and registrations of land grants are sometimes called “memorials.” They were housed in Charleston, not in the individual counties or districts. Governors issued warrants and ordered plats and surveys, but most of these documents are lost. After 1682 an indenture, or deed, was often used to deed land in exchange for quitrents. [In many cases, the surveyor's plat is available, or the grant, but not always both}

The following will be helpful - Craven County was formed 1682. Camden District was formed out of Craven, 1769. Fairfield County created out of Camden, 1785. William Cloud's records can be found in each of these.

First eivdence of William Cloud in South Carolina - Plat for 150 acres in Craven Co in Fishing Creek. Dated 1 Jan 1760. Also names John Gaston (he was the surveyor at the time) and John Troup. No image available.

Clues to where William Cloud lived prior to South Carolina:
8 Sep 1759. William Cloud to Thomas Robertson, North side of Neuse Rive, witness by Henry Hardin and William Allin. [Note - this deed not found since LDS films begin 1762 for Johnston Co - it may be our of order.
2 Oct 1762, Johnston Co, NC Deed Book D-1, p.82 [LDS #7513669, img 361} Wm Cloud of Johnston County to Wm. Safold of the same. For 25#'s Virginia money, tract in Johnston Co on the South side of Neuse River, 100 acres. Begin above Peter Edwards, up the river.. signed: Wm Cloud. Wit: John Redfern, Ronald Allen
25 Oct 1763. Johnston Co, NC Deed Book D-1, p. 227. [LDS #7513669, img 434} William Cloud of Craven Co, SC to William Reeves of Orange Co, NC for 70 #'s Virginia money. 300 acres on New Light Creek beginning at Wm Walls corner; Walls line; down the creek, Mallets line. wit: George Reeves, James Cobb.

Often cited as first evidence of his presence in South Carolina, but it isn't since the previous record was dated 1 Jan 1760.
Digital image of Plat Survey dated 1 Jan 1765 [possibly O.S. dating and actually 1 Jan 1766 since the order was dated 4 Dec 1765, or more likley the date for the order should have been 4 Dec 1764]
Pursuant to a precept from John Troup, Esq. DSG, dated the fourth day of Dec. AD 1765, I have admeasured and laid out unto William Cloud a tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres, situate, lying and being on the waters of Fising Creek, in Craven County. Bounded on all sides by vacant land: And hath such form shape and marks as the above plat represents. Certified by me this first day of January AD 1765. Johns Gaston D.S. [Deputy Surveyor]
A digital image of an unidentified plat of 150 acres shows that Wm Cloud's land (with the same markers as the above) on the eastern side, provided the plat is oriented with north at the top. Walter Robisen's land on the north, Vacant land west, Thos. Mowes [Muses?] land on the south

Digitzed survey plat for Henry Long, ordered 4 Dec 1764, and completed 14 Feb 1765. 100 acres on Fishing creek in Craven County bounded with land Surveyed for William Cloud bounded with the same land surveyed for the said William Cloud on the next line... John Gaston, DS. Also bounds George Neels. A note on the side of the plat states the breadth of Fishing Creek is near to four feet and the depth near to eleven inches in the Summer season.

Grants are only described on the South Carolina Archives but copies of the original can be ordered.
A Grant for 150 acres in Craven County was issed to William Cloud on 3 June 1765. This would be the grant for the tract on Fishing Creek as above.
Another Grant for 200 acres in Craven County was issued to William Cloud on 5 Jun 1770.
There is a Memorial Grant for 100 acres on the Catawba River, Craven County to William Cloud, and mentions Aaron Alexander and John Stover. Dated 1 May 1772.

Digitazed surveyor's plat reveals neighbors on Fishing Creek, dated 1 Aug 1773
Pursuant to a preceipt from John Bremar, Esq.,DSG, dated the 2nd day of March AD 1773, I have admeasured and laid out unto James Sullivan a tract of land continaing one hundred acres, situate on the waters of Fishing Creek in Craven County Bounded with lands belonging to Thompson, and Abraham Rush, and David Clark, and William Cloud and one line with surveyed land, whose owner is to me unknown, and one line with vacant land. And hath such form, shape and marks as the above plat represents. Certified by me this twenty and first day of Augt. Anno Domini 1773. John Gsston, DS

Digitized surveyor's plat of another neighbor on Rocky Creek, 2 Sep 1773 [NOTE: Rocky Creek was a branch of the Wataree River]
Pursuant to a preceipt directed by John Bremar, Esqr, DSG, dated the second day of March 1773 I have surveyed and laid out to John Ellis one hundred and ninety eight acres of Land & five tenths of an acre. Situate Lying in Craven County on the South side of Roky (sic - Rocky) Creek & Bounded SW by William Cloud & Jesse Minton Land, NE by land surveyed for Powell, other sides by land not known (the other part of the Warrant on the North side of Roky creek) and hath such shape form and marks as the Plat represents. Certified the 2nd of sept 1773 by John Smith, DS.

Another digitized surveyor's plat dated 21 May 1786.
I have caused to be admeasured and laid out unto William Cloud a tract of Land contaiing One Hundred Acres, located in the District of Camden on Thorn Tree Creek, the waters of Sawney's Creek and hath such form and marks, butting and bounding as the above Plat represents. Certified for the 21st day of May 1786. Jno Milling, D.S. Ephriam Mitchell, Surveyor-General.
The plat shows vacant lands on all four sides.

Surveyor's plat for neighbor on Thorn Tree Creek dated 16 Jun 1786
I have caused to be admeasured and laid out unto Moses Ayres a tract of land making one hundred fifty acres situate in the District of Camden on Thorn Tree Creek a branch of Sawneys Creek and form, marks, buttings, bounding as the above plat represents. Certified for the 15th day of June 1786. Jno. Milling, Depy Survr. Ephraim Mitchell, Surv-Genl
Boundaries show land of Walter Robison, Thomas R. Muses, Wm Cloud, vacant land

1790 census, Camden dist, SC, (M637-11, 22)
Wm Cloud

Surveyor's plat for neighbor on Rocky Creek, 27 Jul 1792
I do hereby Certify for Daniel Green ...248 acres surveyed for him the 18th of July 1792. situate in the District of Camden o Little Beaver Branch a branch of Rocky Creek....Given under my hand this 27th Jul 1792. Wm Boyd, DS, Bremar, Surv. Genl.
Boundaries show land of Wm Cloud, Walker, Thos. Stroud, Wm Nettles, John McBurney, Esqr

Surveyor's plat for a neighbor on Fishing Creek, 13 apr 1793
I do hereby Certify for Robert Robinson a tract of land containing one hundred & eight acres (Surveyed for him the 20th of Oct 1791) Situate in the District of Camden in Chester County on Fishing Creek... Given under my hand this 13th of Apr 1793. Andw. McDowell, Depty Survr. Bremar, Survr Genl
Boundaries show land of Wm Cloud, Jno Linard, Mr. Gleason, Moses McKewn

Chester Co DB D, p.311 [FHL #8196059, img 377]
1 Dec 1794. William Cloud of Fairfield County to Joseph Cloud of same. For 100 pounds sterling. 200 acres on branch of Rockey Creek in Chester County bounded on all sides by vacant lands when first surveyed. Granted to William Cloud, 1 Jun 1770. Signed William Cloud. Witnessed: James Cloud, Anna Cloud. Proved by James Cloud 21 Jan 1795.

Chester Co, SC DB D, p.312
20 Dec 1794. William Cloud of Camden District to James Cloud of Chester County. For Fifty pounds sterling, sold 150 acres on waters of Fishing Creek, Craven County, now Chester County. Bounded on all sides when surveyed by vacant land. Granted to William Cloud, 3 Jun 1765. Also tract of 100 acres in Chester Co, South side Carrawba River, granted to William Cloud 21 Feb 1772. Signed William Cloud. Witnesses: Anna Cloud, Joseph Cloud. Proved by Joseph Cloud, 21 Jan 1795.

Surveyor's Plat for neighbor on Rocky Creek, 7 May 1800
I do hereby certify for Richard Gather, a tract of land containing three hundred and twenty acres (surveyed for him the 25th of April 1800.) Situate in Chester and Fairfield District including Mr. Gathers's Houses and Fields on the waters of Rockey Creek a branch of the Wateree River.... this 7th of May 1800. Jno McCreary, Dept Surv. J. G. Guignard, Survr Genl.
Boundares shown as lands of Wm Cloud, Wm Sibley, Jesse Mintor, John Ellis, other lands of Richard Gather, Gardners.

1800 census, SC, Fairfield Cty, Fairfield, p, 22, (M32-47, 227)
William Cloud
1 male16-25, 1 male 45 and over
1 female 45 and over

Chester Co DB H, p. 179 [FHS #8299939, img 315]
20 Jan 1801. William Cloud of Fairfield District to Stephen Blissset of Chester District. 100 acres on Waters of Rockey Creek in Chester District, bounded by vacant land when surveyed - granted 16 Sep 1774 to Thomas Ford and conveyed to William Cloud. Signed William Cloud, Alice Cloud. Witnessed by Vimont Bell and Jess (X) Bandy

Surveyor's Plat for neighbor on Thorn Tree Creek, 18 Dec 1807
I do hereby certify for Richard Bell a tract of land contaiing thirty acres surveyed for William Cloud 28th Nov 1792 (this usrvey not found) Siuate on Waters of Thorn Tree in Fairfield County and Camden District. My hand this 18th December 1807. Andw. McDowell, DS John Dubose, Survr Genl.
Boundaries shown as lands of Wm Cloud, David Martin, John Morissey, John (unreadable), Anthony Seely

Fairfield District, SC DB R, p.268-269. FHS Film #8196355, Img 152 Mortgage deed of Samuel Starke to William Cloud dated 26 Mar 1808. Witnessed by Austin F. Peay and Thos. Pool. Proved by Thomas Pool on 29 Mar 1808. Debt of $1055.20. To pay $527.88 before the 5th of April, 1809. Bound by slaves, cows & calves, wagoon, household & kitchen furniture, etc.

William Cloud was also a Deputy Surveyor and is noted as surveying lands for himself as well as for many others.

Digitized Plat survey dated 16 Feb 1808
I do hereby certify for Wm Cloud and Bartlett Sanders, a tract of land containing four hudred & thirteen acres, Survey'd for them the 4th February 1808. situate in the District of Fairfield lying and being on the Waters of Thorn Tree Creek on the West side of the Wataree River and hath such shape form & Marks & Boundaries as the above platt represents. Given under my hand this 16 February 1808. Wm Cloud, D.S. John Dubose, Survr. Genl.
Bounded by other lands of Wm Cloud, lands of Enoch Seagland, Dixsey Ward, Enoch Seals, Robert McCarty & Alexander Crumton.
Also surveyed by William Cloud on the same day for Austin F.Peay - 489 acres on Morisses Creek, Fairfield District - boundaries inlcuded land of William Cloud, Isaac Arledge, Braham Childer, Magdalean Floyd, James F. Muse

Digitized Plat survey dated 30 July 1808
I do hereby Certify for William Ferguson, a tract of land Containing Six hundred & twenty One acres Survey'd for William Cloud & Barlett Sanders the 29 Jany 1808. Situate on the Cedar Fork, Water of Halfores Creek on the West side of the Wataree River & hath such shape form and marks as the abov Platt represents . Tiven under my hand this 30 July 1808. William Cloud, DS, John DeBose, Survr. Genl.
Boundaries noted: Mrs. Irving, Zack Nettle, Magdalean Ford & Zachariah, Thos. Muye

Digitized plat survey dated 11 Aug 1808
I do hereby Certify for William Cloud a tract of land Containing four hundred & twenty one acres. Survey'd for him 29th February 1808. Situate in the District of Fairfield on the Waters of the Wataree Creek, on the West Side of the Wataree River & hath such shape form and marks as the above platt represents. Given under my hand this 11th August 1808. William Cloud, D.C. John Du Bose, Survr. Genl.
Bounded by lands of Isaac Gibson, William Lewy, John Turner, Jacob Ketly & Austin F. Peay, the Estate of Patrick Bishop, Burwell Ivey, Douglass & Reubin Stark
A plat survey done by William Cloud for Austin J. Peay dated the same day, was for 20 acres on Reedy Branch of the Wataree Creek, Fairfield District. Bounded by John Saunders, Samuel & Thomas Stone

The last plat surveyed by William Cloud was dated 20 Feb 1810.

1810 census, SC, Fairfield, (M252-62, 582)
William Cloud
1 male 45 & over, 1 female 45 & over. 2 slaves.

Availble on the South Carolina Archives website:
State of South Carolina
Fairfield District
March 14th, 1810
I, William Cloud, of the above mentioned State and District, being in sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for it, I do at this time make this my last will and testament in the following manner. That is to say,
First I Recommend my Soul to God who gave it. Secondly, my body to decently buried at the discretion of my Executors; and after all my debts are paid.
Item. I do lend to my lawful wife, the Negro woman named Moll, one horse beast, two cows and calves, and two beds, half of my hogs and all the household furniture. My son Joseph Cloud, shall have the labor of the Negro man named Mose, by paying forty-five dollars yearly to my wife, and at her death the said Joseph in paying two hundred dollars, then he shall be fully possessed with the Negro man named Mose, as his right and property.
Item. The remainder of my stock and plantation tools to be sold at my death, the money, and likewise, all my in hand (money) and all debts due me is to be equally divided between Sina Ford, Alis Boylestone and Vincent Bell, my daughters and grandson; the horse beast and two cows and calves and two beds household furniture that I lend to my wife is to be sold at her death and the money to be equally divided between the above named three, that is to say Sinah Ford, Alice Boylstone, Vincent Bell my grandson, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah McRieon five shillings; I give and bequeath unto my son James Cloud five shillings; I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Cloud five shillings, also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Annnna Anna Guphill five shillings; the mentioned Negro woman named Moll, being a good and faithful servant, is my wish she would be freed at my wife's death, and no more controlled;
Item. I give my grandson, William Cloud, son of Daniel, all my lands laying on the south side of Thorntree Creek, of which he is to possess at the death of my wife.
Item. The two hundred dollars that the said Joseph Cloud is to pay for the said Negro man Mose, is to be equally divided between my two daughters and grandson, that is to say Sina Ford, Alice Boylestone and Vincent Bell.
I appoint Joseph Cloud, my son and Vincent Bell, my grandson my whole and sole Executors Jointly, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, Disowning all other Wills made by me, As Witnessed, my hand and seal this 14th day of March 1810.
William Cloud (L.S.)
Signed, sealed and Acknowledged In the presence of us,
Leod Godbolt, Ananias Godbolt and Samuel Loughadage
Proved August 30, 1811
Jno. Buchanan
Recorded in Book 5, Page 539
Apt. 11, File 86 [Will has been copied and is typed with the note that the original is missing from the packet]

This is the land William Cloud left his grandson William Cloud (son of Daniel)
Date: Feb 16, 1808
Description: Cloud, William and Bartlett Sanders, Plat for 413 acres on Thorn Tree Creek, Fairfield District, Surveyed by William Cloud.
Names indexed: Cloud, William/Sanders, Bartlett/Crumton, Alexander/Seal, Enoch/Ward, Dixsey/Mccants, Robert/
Locations: Thorntree Creek/Wateree River/Fairfield District
Type: Plat/
Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged -- William Cloud
in presence of us: Leod Godbolt, Ananias Godbolt, Samuel Loughadage
Proved August 30, 1811
Jno. Buchanan
recorded in book 5, Page 539


BirthCa 1728
MarriageCa 1751Alis Hardin
Death30 Aug 1811Fairfield County, South Carolina


SpouseAlis Hardin (1732 - 1777)
ChildDaniel Cloud (1755 - 1810)
ChildJoseph Cloud (1770 - 1851)
ChildAlice Cloud (1753 - 1834)
ChildJames Cloud (1754 - 1820)