Individual Details
Israel Comstock
(6 Nov 1743 - 1828)
Smithfield RI, DB 6, Pt. 2, p.31 26 Dec 1768 Azariah Comstock of Richmond in the province of New Hampshire, Blacksmith, sold to Israel Comstock, Daniel Comstock, and Jacob Comstock [his nephews, sons of brother Daniel], a tract of 100 acres, one half of all the land "my Honrd Father Daniel Comstock late of Smithfield died Seized of in quantity and quality". Zerviah Comstock also signed the deed. Rec. 10 Jan 1769.
p.41 11 Jan 1769 Azariah Comstock, of New Hampshire, to Israel, Daniel & Jacob Comstock. 45 acres in Smithfield, one-fourth part of land that his father Daniel Comstock, late of Smithfield, deceased, had purchased. Rec. 8 Feb 1769.
p.197 8 Jan 1769 Azariah Comstock, sold 200 acres in Smithfield to Daniel Comstock. It was on the southern side of the highway near John Read, bounding partly on land of John Read and land of Oliver Man, Joseph Comstocks land, Hazadiah Comstocks land, Jonathan Comstock's land, Adam Harkness' land. All the land that Daniel Comstock, late of Smithfield, deceased, died Seized of, all the homestead farm whereon he last dwelt. Zerviah Comstock, wife, surrendered all her Right of Dower. Rec. Jan 1769.
Israel Comstock, Ensign, 2nd Smithfield Co, June, 1769.
1774 Census. Israel Comstock was living in Gloucester, RI
Israel's brothers Daniel & Jacob were already living in Windham Co, CT - this seems to be when he joined them.
Killingly, Windham CT Deeds
Vol. 11, p.11
25 Feb 1781 Israel Comstock of Gloucester RI bought 200 acres of land in Killingly, CT, from Nathaniel Alger of Killingly for 550£. SE corner of James Woods farm where Richard Williams now lives upon the Bay Line, corner John Burts land, Bay Line, NW corner of Rhode Island State line, Laban Bates land, the river, land John Burt sold to Thomas Alger. All except three acres Thomas Alger sold to Josiah Balch that is now Laban Bates and 2 1/2 acres Nathaniel Alger my father sold to Joseph Chamberling. Nathaniel Alger and Margrat Alger made their marks.
Vol. 11, p.12
1 Mar 1781 Israel Comstock bought 20 acres in Killingly, adjacent the Rhode Island state line from Nathaniel Alger for 30£
Vol 11, p.88
7 Feb 1782 Israel Comstock made deed to Martha Farnum of Smithfield, Widow, [his mother] for two tracts of land in the parish of Thompson in the Township of Killingly, one tract of 200 acres, the other of 20 acres. Obviously the two above tracts purchased from Nathaniel Alger. The 200 acres bounded land of Daniel Comstock and the Rhode Island and Massachusetts Bay line [statelines]. This deed states that the 20 acre tract was sold off of the farm of Daniel Comstock. Being all the land Israel owned in the Township of Killingly. Signed: Israel Comstock. Witnessed: Daniel Comstock, Jacob Comstock [his brothers]
Israel appeared before Jacob Dresser, JP on Feb 11th and the deed was recorded on the 12th.
Vol. 11, p.154
2 Dec 1782 Martha Farnum made a quitclaim deed to Israel Comstock for 220 acres for 400£. She was listed as Martha Farnum, widow of John Farnum, Deceased, of Smithfield, Providence. She stated it was the same farm that she had bought of Israel.
Vol. 11, p.154 26 Mar 1783. Israel Comstock borrowed 168£ 6sh from Amasa Corbin of Williamstown, Massachusetts Bay, secured by the farm he was living on, about 200 acres. SE corner of James Woods farm where Richard Williams lives on the Bay Line. [this is the farm bought from Nathaniel Alger]
A notation, the meaning of which is obscure, at the bottom of this deed states the Contents of the winthin mortgage to be fulfilled to Israel Comstock Jr, me Jeremiah Arnold, John Johnson Jr. Rec. 26 Mar 1789.
Apparently the note had something to do with payment because on 7 Apr 1791, Israel & Mercy Comstock sold two tracts of land to Jeremiah Arnold and Israel Comstock Jr. was a witness. This sale was not recorded until 1797.
Thompson, Windham Co CT Deeds
Vol 1, p.95
17 Aug 1786 William Wall late of Providence but residing in New York on 19 Oct 1785, recovered judgment against Israel Comstock late of Thompson for debt. Israel Comstock has absconded. The sheriff of Windham or the constable of Thompson is requested to seize any money, good, cattle, or lands of Comstock and satisfy Mr. Wall. If goods cannot be found Comstock is to be committed to the keeper of the gaol in Windham until he pays. Signed: Simon Larned, JP
Vol. 1, p.96
16 Sep 1786 The constable went to the house of Israel Comstock - his last abode - but he was gone and no personal estate was to be found for plaintiff whose attorney is Jonathan Whipple of Douglas, Worcester Co, MA. Execution was levied on about 20 acres of woodland in the northeast part of Thompson. Begin at David Hooper's land, by land of Amasa Corbin, to a heap of stones on the Colony line, thence to a heap of stones at Daniel Comstock's land, thence to sd Hooper's. Whipple, attorney for plaintiff chose Mr. David Hooper for one of the assessors, Thomas Dike JP for Windham Co to appoint two more assessors, Nathaniel Mills & Lemuel Knapp, all being free holders as the Law directs. The land was taken and full satisfaction obtained. Signed: Alpheus Convers, Constable. Recorded 18 Sep 1786.
[This is apparently the 20 acre tract he first bought from Nathaniel Alger.]
Vol. 1, p.319
21 Dec 1789 Israel Comstock of Adams, Berkshire Co, MA sold to Stephen Farnum of Smithfield [probably his half-brother] 200 acres in Thompson, CT for 226£ 5sh 2p. It was the same farm that Israel Comstock gave a mortgage deed to Amos Corbin [See Vol. 11, p.154, Pomfret]. Also where Stephen Austin now or had lived and for which Comstock had recovered Judgment in the county court, Dec 1789. SW corner of James Wood's farm lately improved by Richard William, adjoining the line of Massachusetts, corner of John Burt's land, NW corner of the state of Rhode Island, David Hoopers land, Rocky River or Brook, land that John Burt sold to Thomas Alger, Hoopers & Daniel Comstock's land. Signed: Israel Comstock. Wit: Benjamin Hubbard, Harvey Chamberlin. Rec. 22 Dec 1789.
[Apparently the remaining 200 acres bought from Alger in 1781]
Vol. 2, p.268
Deed made 27 Nov 1783 but not recorded until 30 Jun 1795
Daniel Comstock sold 85 acres of land in Killingly [Thompson] to his brother Israel for 50£. Begin SW corner Charles Pollock, David Hoopers Land, land of Israel Comstock, line of Rhode Island State. All the land I have Easterly of said Hoopers land. Signed: Daniel Comstock. Wit: John Stewart, Elizabeth Comstock. Providence, Smithfield, 24 Jan 1795, Daniel Comstock appeared in person - Edwd Medbery, JP. Rec'd & recorded 30 Jun 1795, Jacob Dresser.
1790 Census. Windham Co CT
Comstock, Israel; 3; 2; 3;
Seth Comstock is in Berkshire Co MA in 1790, but Israel was not listed there.
22 Jun 1790 Nathan Comstock of Adams, Massachusetts deeded Daniel Taft and Israel Comstock of Adams, MA, 15 acres in Adams.
Darius Comstock & Caleb Comstock, Witnesses.
If Israel ever actually moved to Adams, he returned. It is also possible this was Israel Jr. Sarah, daughter of Israel Sr was married to Daniel Taft. Darius was a son of Nathan Comstock. Caleb probably son of Israel Sr.
On 25 Nov 1788, Daniel Comstock's land in Thompson was sold for back taxes - the two tax collector's, Benjamin Ruggles & Seth Grosvenor were the low bidders at the public auction.
Thompson Deeds
Vol. 1, p.433
12 Feb 1791. Benjamin Ruggles & Seth Grosvenor of Pomfret made Quitclaim to Israel Comstock - land in Thompson. 35£ 12sh. One tract of 205 acres - boundaries included John Robins, Mason, the Bay Line, Austin's land, Comstock's land. Another tract of 20 acres was bounded by David Hooper, the colony line, Pollock. The third tract of three acres, also bordered the Robins' land.
Vol 1. p.517-519
12 Feb 1791. Mortgage deed for 35£ 12 sh to Ruggles & Grosvenor from Israel Comstock of Thompson for the above three tracts that had once blonged to his brother Daniel.
Vol. 1, p.480
18 Feb 1791 Israel Comstock of Thompson sold to Amos Cutler [Amos Corbin?] 20 acres. Mentions the colony line and Charles Pollock's land. Signed: Israel Comstock. Wit: Israel Comstock Jun, Jacob Gleason. Rec. 29 Jun 1791.
This seems to be the 20 acre tract that was formerly Daniel Comstock's.
Vol. 2, p.166
21 Feb 1795 Israel Comstock, Seth Comstock, Seth Grosvenor, and the administrator for the estate of Benjamin Ruggles made quit claim to Asa Jacobs for 46£ 1sh 9p, the same three tracts of land in Thompson that had been previously sold for taxes - 205 acres, 20 acres, 3 acres. Signed: Benjmin Durkee, Admr [for Benjamin Ruggles], Seth Grosvenor, Israel Comstock, Seth Comsthock. Wit: Daniel H. Wickham, Thomas Dike. Rec. 21 Feb 1795.
Apparently Israel was never able to pay off the mortgage.
Vol. 3, p.42-44
7 Apr 1791 Israel Comstock of Thompson for 100£ to Jeremiah Arnold of Rhode Island. Lot of land begin NE corner of Amos Cutler, land of Benark Benson, the River, the Rhode Island state line - 100 acres. Second lot begin Massachusetts Line at NW corner of Howes land, bay line, land of Simeon Bates, the Long Pond - 40 acres. Signed: Israel Comstock, Mercy Comstock. Wit: Caleb Wright, Israel Comstock Jr. Rec. 2 Apr 1797.
1800 Census. Thompson, Windham Co CT
Israel Comstock: 2m 10-16, 1m 16-26, 1m +45. 1f +45.
1810 Census. Thompson, Windham Co CT
Israel Comstock: 1m over 45, 1f over 45.
Enumerated on either side: Daniel & Israel Jr., both age 26-45.
27 Jan 1824
Worcester MA Deeds Vol. 235, p. 479:
ISRAEL COMSTOCK, & DANIEL COMSTOCK both of Thompson, Co. of Windham, Connecticut and ISRAEL COMSTOCK, Jr. of Union and Co. of (unreadable) and State of CT for 550 dollars paid by Robert Smith of Oxford, South Gore, Co. of Worcester, situated in Oxford south gore...mentions bounds of Stephen Chamberland, grant on Douglas line...Dwight lot...a 30 acre lot sold to Phillip Brown...200 acres more or less. At Thompson on 27 January 1824. /s/ Israel Comstock, Daniel Comstock, Israel Comstock, Jr. Wits: Reuben Jepherson and George Ide. At Worces. on 29 January 1824, personally appeared Israel Comstock, Daniel Comstock and Israel Comstock, Jr. and acknowledged their signatures. Before Benjamin Craggin, Just. of the Peace. Rec. 2 Feb. 1824.
27 Jan 1824. (Probably recorded at Thompson, Windham Co) Israel Comstock, Daniel Comstock & Israel Comstock, Jr of Thompson, CT and Israel's wife Mercy deeded 200 acres in Oxford, MA to Philip Brown. Witnesses: Taft Comstock, Lemuel Comstock.
Birth | 6 Nov 1743 | Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island | |||
Marriage | Abt 1760 | Mercy Taft | |||
Death | 1828 | Thompson, Windham County, Connecticut |
Spouse | Mercy Taft (1733 - 1801) |
Child | Caleb Comstock (1762 - ) |
Child | Daniel Comstock (1764 - 1831) |
Child | Sarah Comstock (1766 - ) |
Child | Mercy Comstock (1768 - ) |
Child | Israel Comstock Jr. (1770 - 1848) |
Child | Olive Comstock (1774 - ) |
Child | Solomon Comstock (1775 - 1852) |
Child | Lemuel Comstock (1782 - 1856) |
Child | Rachel Comstock ( - ) |
Child | George Comstock (1786 - 1834) |
Child | Taft Comstock (1789 - ) |
Father | DANIEL COMSTOCK (1717 - 1753) |
Mother | MARTHA BROWN (1721 - 1812) |
Sibling | DANIEL COMSTOCK (1745 - 1814) |
Sibling | Jacob Comstock (1747 - ) |
Sibling | Caleb Comstock (1750 - ) |
Sibling | Chloe Comstock (1752 - 1818) |
Sibling | Martha Comstock (1754 - ) |
1. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
2. James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.. Birth, Marriages & Deaths (3 Volumes) (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co c1892), Vol 3 Smithfield - Births & Deaths p.95.
3. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).