Individual Details

Mercy Taft

( - )

Said to be the daughter of Israel Taft and Mercy Aldrich. I believe this is wrong as is the birth in 1733 - she could not have been the mother of all her children. Mery, daughter of Israel Taft was married to Benjamin Green, 2 Oct 1753, Unton, Worcester, MA.


SpouseIsrael Comstock (1743 - 1828)
ChildCaleb Comstock (1762 - )
ChildDaniel Comstock (1764 - 1831)
ChildSarah Comstock (1766 - )
ChildMercy Comstock (1768 - )
ChildIsrael Comstock Jr. (1770 - 1848)
ChildOlive Comstock (1774 - )
ChildSolomon Comstock (1775 - 1852)
ChildLemuel Comstock (1782 - 1856)
ChildRachel Comstock ( - )
ChildGeorge Comstock (1786 - 1834)
ChildTaft Comstock (1789 - )