Individual Details


(6 Jan 1745 - Apr 1814)

Daniel & Patience were married by Daniel Mowry, Jr., Justice. All Comstock references and RI Vital Records give the date of their marriage as 7 Apr 1768. The "Comstock Family in America" lists a Deed dated 17 Feb 1768 made by Daniel Comstock and wife Patience and Jacob Comstock and wife Abigail to Jonathan Comstock. This deed was read incorrectly - it was actually in 1778 - see later.

Smithfield RI, DB 6, Pt. 2, p.31 26 Dec 1768 Azariah Comstock of Richmond in the province of New Hampshire, Blacksmith, sold to Israel Comstock, Daniel Comstock, and Jacob Comstock [his nephews, sons of brother Daniel], a tract of 100 acres, one half of all the land "my Honrd Father Daniel Comstock late of Smithfield died Seized of in quantity and quality". Zerviah Comstock also signed the deed. Rec. 10 Jan 1769.
p.41 11 Jan 1769 Azariah Comstock, of New Hampshire, to Israel, Daniel & Jacob Comstock. 45 acres in Smithfield, one-fourth part of land that his father Daniel Comstock, late of Smithfield, deceased, had purchased. Rec. 8 Feb 1769.
p.197 8 Jan 1769 Azariah Comstock, sold 200 acres in Smithfield to Daniel Comstock. It was on the southern side of the highway near John Read, bounding partly on land of John Read and land of Oliver Man, Joseph Comstocks land, Hazadiah Comstocks land, Jonathan Comstock's land, Adam Harkness' land. All the land that Daniel Comstock, late of Smithfield, deceased, died Seized of, all the homestead farm whereon he last dwelt. Zerviah Comstock, wife, surrendered all her Right of Dower. Rec. Jan 1769.

Smithfield RI, DB 6, p.206 27 Jan 1769 Daniel and Jacob Comstock, both of Smithfield, sold to John Read a tract in Smithfield of 17 acres. Adjacent land of Israel Comstocks, corner bound of said John Reads other land. Witnessed by Ephraim Whipple, Israel Comstock, Benjamin Read. Rec. 10 Feb. 1769.
p.360 1 May 1769 Daniel & Jacob Comstock of Smithfield, sold to Nehemiah Shearman, 20 acres of a land on the west of a highway from the dwelling house of Adam Harkness to the Great Road, a bound of Israel Comstocks Land, dividing line between the Colony and the province of Massachusetts Bay. Rec. 7 Jun 1773.

Smithfield RI, DB 7, p.11-12 Feb 1769 Daniel & Jacob Comstock of Smithfield, to Israel Comstock. 50 acres in Smithfield, begin NW corner of Jonathan Reads land that he bought of Obadiah Sprague; road that leads to Adam Harkness. Patience Comstock, wife of Daniel, surrendered all her Right of Dower. Rec. 5 Jun 1769.

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] - Daniel Comstock listed as a resident of Smithfield in 1774; the only Daniel Comstock present in Smithfield.
The Census of 1774 shows Daniel with 1 male and 1 female over age 16; 2 males, 2 females younger than 16. [from Samuel W. Comstock's manuscript]
I suspect the males were William and Seth.

Daniel Comstock of Capt. Stephen Whipple's Company was in Spencer's expedition in Rhode Island. (Roll of Smithfield, R.I., Nov. 14, 1777)
Rhode Island Roots, p.71
1777 Military Census, Smithfield, Rhode Island. Daniel Comtock, Jacob Comstock, William Buffum

4 June 1776
Worcester, MA Deeds Vol. 75, p. 47:
JOHNSON LYND of Spencer, Worc. Co....for 400 pounds...paid by DANIEL & JACOB CUMSTALKE of Providence, RI, merchants...several tracts or parcels of land lying in Spencer bounded as the southeast corner bounded by land of Danl Hills..from there westerly on land of said Hills partly on the road leading to Brookfield at David Browne? line...then north of Browne and partly on land of Secretary Oliver's heirs to a heap of stones...then on land of Nath. Bartlett and partly on land of Joshua Draper...and easterly on land of Saml Bemis...and so forth.... for a total of 135 acres? and then the next descriptions..mentions Jeremiah Whittemore , etc. dated 4 June 1776. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Ebenezer Mason, Isaack Jenkes, Benj. Bemis, Jr. and Jason Angell. deed signed by Johnson Lynde and Abigail Lynde. At Worcester on Sept. 12, 1776, Johnson Lyne acknowledge his signature, and it was recorded on 14 November 1776. The Justice of the Peace who recorded the acknowledgment was Coram Wm. Ayres.

Providence Court of Common Pleas [Civil Cases]
Dec 1776 Daniel Comstock, Jonathan Comstock, Jacob Comstock of Smithfield, Abner Thayer and Nathaniel Landen both of Providence, Merchants vs. Amos Weeks of Providence, Mariner. Damages of 600£. Defendant made default. Daniel Comstock & others to recover the damages plus costs.

27 Apr 1777
Worcester, MA Deeds Vol. 80, p. 76:
We, DANIEL COMSTOCK and JACOB COMSTOCK of Smithfield in the Co. of Providence, and State of Rhode Island, gentlemen...for the sum of 500 pounds to me in hand paid hereof by Samuel Bemis of Spencer, Worc. Co., MA, yeomen, several tracts of land lying in Spencer...and mentions David Boon's Corner (looked like Brown in the earlier deed - believe it was actuslly David Barnes) Secratary Willard, Nathaniel Bartlett, Joshua Draper...Benj. Bemis, Jr., Isaac Prouty Sr. Asa Burden, Sam. Hall, P? White, Jeremiah Whittemore ...conforming to bounds contained in the deed given by Johnson Lynde to said Comstocks....dated 27 April 1777. Deed signed by: Daniel Comstock, Jacob Comstock, Patience Comstock, Abigail Comstock. Witnesses: Reuben Bemis, William Read, Isaac Jenkes, Benjamin Cook. At Providence on January 7, 1778 at Smithfield personally appeared Daniel Comstock and Jacob Comstock and acknowledge their signatures. By Daniel Comstock Justice of Peace. Recorded April 2nd 1778.
Descriptions of the above tracts of land
One, bounded by David Barnes, David Bemis & Secretary Willerd
Another partly on land of Nathaniel Bartlett & partly on land of Jushua Draper and bounded by Lawrence Jenckes, near road to James Draper's, by Benjamin Bemis, Isaac Prouty, line of Danl. Hills.
Another in Spencer, 8 acres, bounded by Isaac Jenckes & Benjamin Bemis
"Third", although it seems to the 4th tract - lying in the Great Meadow, bounded by Saml Hall, John White, Jeremiah Whittemore, Abe Hall.

DB 7, p. 195-196 17 Feb 1778 Daniel and Jacob Comstock of Smithfield sell to Jonathan Comstock [their 1st cousin, once removed] of the same town, three tracts in the township of Smithfield. One tract with dwelling houses and other buildings, 200 acres. South side of the highway, the line formerly a straight line between Daniel Comstock, deceased, and Jonathan Read, the River called the Branch, with the stream, to the NE corner of Joseph Comstocks land, running with Grantees [Jonathan's] land, a bound of Adam Harkness, the highway from Harkness to the country road. Another tract of 14 acres, bounded partly on land of Harkness, partly on land of grantee. Another tract of 70 acres, running westwardly with land of Elijah Arnold to the land of Oliver Read, the Colony Line, land of Adam Harkness Junr. Patience Comstock, wife of Daniel and Abigail Comstock, wife of Jacob, quit claim to said Jonathan Comstock all their Right of Dower. Signed by Daniel, Jacob, Abigail, but not by Patience. Four seals are indicated.
[Note: Is it possible that Patience died before signing this deed?]

The above land sale apparently marks the time the Comstock brothers moved from Smithfield to Connecticut. Pomfret was just west of Killingly. Thompson was a parish in the north part of Killingly along the RI and MA borders and became a separate township in 1785. Deeds are listed in Pomfret, Thompson & Killingly.

Pomfret, Windham Co, CT land transactions:
Vol. 6, p.182, 11 Jan 1778, Daniel Comstock purchased land from Benjamin Hubbard, Jr. for 1900£. One parcel was 110 1/4 acres with a house, barns, and a malt house. It was on Whippigman Brook on the South side of the Coutry Road from Pomfret to Windham. The second parcel was for 13 acres. Hubbard had purchased the land from Joshua Sabin the elder and his wife Mary. [The Sabin family were original settlers of Pomfret.] Witnesses were Daniel's brother Jacob and cousin Jonathan Comstock. [Most of this was sold to David Barton in March of 1881 - probably at the time Daniel relocated to Thompson.]

Vol. 6, p.185, 19 Jun 1778, Comstock sold land to Jeremiah Fields - about five and a half acres, bordering on said Field and land belonging to Ebenezer Williams and of Comstock, the East end of part of land purchased of Benjamin Hubbard Junr. Signed by Daniel Comstock and witnessed by Jerusha & Ebenezer Williams. Recorded 10 Aug 1778.

Vol. 6, p.189, 17 Apr 1778, Benjamin Durkee sold to Daniel Comstock now of Pomfret for 750£, land that Durkee had purchased of Josiah Chandler. It bounded on a highway from Col. Williams to the Metting House, land of Joshua Sabin, land of Comstock which he purchased of Benjamin Hubbard Jr. 50 acres with a dwelling house, barn and blacksmith shop. Signed by Benjamin Durkee and witnessed by Josiah Chandler and Jason Angell. Recorded 13 Feb 1779.

Vol. 6, p.190, 18 Apr 1778 [the next day after its purchase], Daniel Comstock sold 25 acres to Jason Angell of North Providence, cordwinder. One half of the land lately purchased of Benjamin Durkee - the Eastern half with the dwelling house, barn and blacksmith shop. Signed by Daniel Comstock and witnessed by Benjn. Hubbard Jr. and Marmaduke Whipple. Rec'd. 13 Feb 1779.

Vol. 6, p.229, 16 Mar 1781, Daniel Comstock sold land to David Barton of Coventry, Kent Co, RI. Two tracts, the first the home farm where Daniel was living on Whippigman Brook and the south side of the Country Road, 135 acres with the dwelling, two barns and malt house and 10 acres, I bought of Benj. Hubbard which was purchased of Joshua Sabin the elder & his wife Mary. The whole of the land Danile owned in Pomfret. Signed by Daniel Comstock and witnessed by Thomas Angell, Jr. and John Jeffords. Rec'd 19 May 1781.
This appears to be when Daniel left the Pomfret area and moved to Thompson, still in Windham County, CT and nearer the Rhode Island state line.

Thompson, Windham Co, CT Deeds:
Vol. 1, p.49 14 Jul 1781
Laban Bates of Bellingham, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts Bay sold to Daniel Comstock for 750£ a tract in Thompson Parrish, Killingly [Windham Co CT] containing 727 acres. begin north side of a bridge and east side of the water course under the bridge; Benjamin Cots line; land that belonged to Deacon Jonathan Marsh to land supposed to belong to Algers; colony line, land belonging to Daniel Gill; to Josiah Thobings; being all he owned in the Township of Killingly.
Signed: Laban Bates
Wit: Israel Comstock, Ephraim Bates. Laban Bates acknowledged 3 Jun 1785. Recorded 2 May 1786, Jacob Dresser, Clerk.

[Rehoboth, Bristol, MA?] Vol. 20, p.659 20 Aug 1782 Josiah Blake of Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts, for 1250£'s gold or silver sold to Daniel Comstock of Killingly, Windham, CT, and Jacob Comstock of Pomfret, Windham, CT, the following tracts of land in Rehoboth. 16 acres with the building thereon bounded on the north by the road from Fuller's Ferry to the town of Warren, on the east by land of Leonard Wyat, South by land of Anthony Perry, west by the banks of the river leading to Pawtucket; a small dwelling sold within the boundary. Another piece of land in Rehoboth, 9 acres and 23 rods, bounded on the south by the road from Fuller's Ferry to Warren, East by land of Joseph Franklin, North by land of John Dagget, West by the bank of the river. Another piece of land with a dwelling house, wharff, and other buildings with all my right and title to the Lower Ferry in the town of Providence, county of Providence, commonly called Fuller's Ferry on the river, bounded East on the Bank of the River being the line between Massachusets and Rhode Island, north on land of John Jones, West by channel of the river, South on land of Anthony of Perry, lying within the town of Providence and contained about one acre. Another piece of land in Providence of one acre bounded south on land belonging to the town of Rehoboth, east by the river, the line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, north by land of John Dagget, and west by the channel of the River leading to Pawtucket. All the same premises which purchased of Caleb Fuller. Judith Blake, wife of Josiah, released Right of Dower. Wit: John Lyon, Suzanna Lyon. Recorded by Theodore Foster, Town Clerk, 21 Aug 1782.

Providence Court of Common Please [Civil Cases]
Dec 1782 Caleb Fuller of Pomfret, Windham Co, CT vs. Daniel Comstock of Killingley, Windham Co, CT and Jacob Comstock of Providence. Defendants made Default. Fuller to recover 33.10 debt and costs. Ex Gr [Execution Granted] 7 Feb 1783.
Also in December of 1782 Caleb Fuller sued Jacob Comstock in a separate case. The case was found in favor of defendant Comstock but the plaintiff Appealed.
Dec 1783 John Innes Clark and Joseph Nightingale of Providence, Merchants in Company vs. Daniel Comstock of Providence, Ferryman. Defendant made Default. Clark & Nightingale to recover of Daniel Comstock, 55.2.4 debt and costs.

Worcester Deeds, Vol 62, p.441
18 Mar 1784 To the Sheriff of Bristol. Judgment. Daniel Comstock of Providence & Jacob Comstock of Rehoboth, indebted to Joseph Martin of Providence for 155.11, plus costs. Order to collect or take up bodys of Daniel & Jacob and keep in custody in goal until they pay.
29 Mar 1784 To Bristol from Rehoboth. John Mason, John Walker & Asahel Carpenter sworn to appraise land or estate belonging to Jacob & Daniel Comstock and make return. Total cost of exection 165.10.
1 Apr 1784. John Mason, John Walker and Asahel Carpenter, all freeholders of Worcester County appraised the lands & buildings in Rehoboth and laid off the required tracts. Interestingly they divided a house, fence in the line of the late Anthony Perry's, a house where the widow Blake lived - four and a quarter acres. Also the west half of a lot on the north side of the road leading to the Ferry - five acres and thirty-six rods which bounded John Daggest's land and the salt water, and the line of land left to Oliver Fuller by the proprietors of Rehoboth, and to the highway.
Signed by the three commissioners
1 Apr 1784, Daniel Barney, Deputy Sheriff, testified to the above and stated he gave possession to the credotr. Recorded 10 Jun 1784.

18 Mar 1784. To the sheriff of Bristol. Judgment in favor of Nicholas Brown of Providence on the second Tuesday of March against Jacob Comstock of Rehoboth of Bristol and Daniel Comstock of Providence for the sum of 130.16.2. Chattels or lands to be applied against the debt.

NewsBank online; Early American Newspapers
The Connecticut Gazette & the Universal Intelligencer; New London, CT; 26 Mar 1784, Vol. XXI, Issue 1063, p.4
To be Sold at Public Vendue on the fifth day of May next,
So much of the real Estate of Mr. Daniel Comstock, late of Killingly, being non-resident Proprietor of said Town, as will pay the state and town Taxes due and uncollected in my Hands, as will raise the Sum of 12.9.8 lawful money, together, with incident charges, on the List 1779. The Sale to be on the Premises, at one o'clock, P.M. on said Day. Benjamin Ruggles, Collector.

Killingly, Windham Co CT Deeds
Vol. 9, p.222, Recorded 7 Apr 1784, Daniel Comstock sold land to David Hooper [This appears to additional acerage sold to Hooper from the 727 tract bought in 1781 - approximately 77 acres are unaccounted.]

Vol 11, p.140
25 Feb 1783, Daniel Comstock sold 200 acres in Killingly to David Hooper for
450£. Both of Killingly. The land had one boundary on the Colony Line [CT-RI border]. Signed: Daniel Comstock. Wit: Stephen Keith, Samll. Wilson. Recorded 26 Feb 1783

Thompson, Windham Co CT Deeds
Vol. 2, p.268
Deed made 27 Nov 1783 but not recorded until 30 Jun 1795
Daniel Comstock sold 85 acres of land in Killingly [Thompson] to his brother Israel for 50£. Begin SW corner Charles Pollock, David Hoopers Land, land of Israel Comstock, line of Rhode Island State. All the land I have Easterly of said Hoopers land. Signed: Daniel Comstock. Wit: John Stewart, Elizabeth Comstock. Providence, Smithfield, 24 Jan 1795, Daniel Comstock appeared in person - Edwd Medbery, JP. Rec'd & recorded 30 Jun 1795, Jacob Dresser.
[Daniel bought 727 acres from Laban Bates. Sold 200 to David Hooper, 85 to his brother, 450 to his father-in-law. Total 735 acres.]

Bristol Co, MA Deeds, Vol. 66, p.332-333
13 Jan 1786
Daniel & Jacob Comstock, both of Providence in the County of Providence for 640£ [about half what they paid for it], sold the various tracts, buildings, ferry, to John Brown - a 2nd cousin of their mother. John Brown and his brothers had seized some of the property on the Rehoboth side in 1784 - the land was reduced by that amount and 9 acres on the Rehoboth side did not appear in this deed.
More about this deed ...One tract in Rehoboth contained 16 acres - from Fullers Ferry to the town of Warren, bounded on the east by Lemuel Wyatt, south by Anthony Perry, west by the river leading to Pawtacket except a dwelling house and land formerly belonging to Moses Blake and Spencer ___ and excepting that part set off by execution to Nicholas Brown and Joseph Martin, Esqs.
Another tract with a dwelling house, wharf, and other building with all right and title to the lower ferry in Providence, commonly called Fuller's Ferry on the east side of the river.
The last tract bounded on the east by the river, being the line between Massachusetts & Rhode Island, north by John Daggett, and west by the channel of the river to Pawtucked.
All which we purchased of Josiah Blake, 20 Aug 1782.
Signed by Daniel and Jacob Comstock in the presence of W. F. McGee and Henry Smith.
13 Jan 1786, Daniel and Jacob Comstock acknowledged the above.

Thompson, Windham Co CT Deeds
Vol. 1, p.62 12 Apr 1786
Daniel Comstock of Providence, Esqr. for 450£ paid by Oliver Fuller [his father-in-law] of Rehoboth, sell two parcels in the town of Thompson. 450 acres. Begin SE corner near David Hoopers house; with Corbins land to the line of Massachusetts, running with that line to land of Mason's, then south partly by Mason's and partly by land of John Robbins until it comes to David Hooper's, to the great road [Providence Pike? I-44?] and eastward by the road. Another parcel near the above beginning on NE corner of said lot to line between Connecticut and Rhode Island, south with that line to land of Charles Poluck's, then West with sd Poluck's land to land of David Hooper. All that same lot or parcel with I purchased of Laban Bates except what is contained in the deeds I gave to David Hooper. Sarah Comstock, relinquished all right and title of dower and power of thirds. Signed: Daniel Comstock, Sarah Comstock.
Wit: Samuel Chace, John Chace.
12 Apr 1786 Acknowledged by Comstock
Recorded 11 May 1786, Jacob Dresser, Town Clerk
Possible two deeds to David Hooper: One for 200 acres, 25 Feb 1783, and one in 1784 for which I have no further information. In 1794, Oliver Fuller sold the same 450 acres to Seth Comstock, son of Daniel.
Daniel and Sarah seem to have left Windham Co at this time. By 1790 they were in Providence.

Providence Court of Common Please [Civil Cases]
Jun 1786 Joseph Mowry of Smithfield, Executor of the Last Will & Testament of Joseph Mowry, deceased, vs. Daniel Comstock & Jacob Comstock, residing in Providence, husbandmen alias merchants. For recover of debt due by note to Joseph Mowry, deceased, in his lifetime, dated 3 Dec 1777. They have refused to pay although asked repeatedly. Defendants made Default. Mowry to recover 17.11.8 and costs.
Jun 1788 Reuben Ballou of Cumberland in Providence Co vs. Daniel Comstock of Providence. Promissory note dated 7 Mar 1787 to pay for 103 gallons of good New England Rum to be delivered by 13 Apr then next [1787]. Plaintiff avers that each and every gallon of Rum was delivered. Daniel Comstock has not paid any part of said sum. Parties settled.

Thompson, Windham Co CT Deeds
Vol 1, p.438
25 Nov 1788 Seth Grosvenor of Pomfret, tax collector, in order to satisfy unpaid taxes of Daniel Comstock late of Pomfret, sold 100 acres at public auction. The land was in Thompson and duly advertised in the Connecticut Gazette. Capt. Benjamin Ruggles of Pomfret was the high bidder. The land began North of David Hoopers house, bounded on Mr. Austin's land to the Massachusetts line, David Hooper's land. Signed: Seth Grosvenor, Collector. Wit: Marcia Grosvenor, Abigail Grosvenor. Rec'd 12 Nov 1789 and recorded Jan 1791 by Jacob Dresser Town Clerk.

Vol. 1, p.439-440
25 Nov 1788 Benjamin Ruggles, tax collector ....sold two tracts of Daniel Comstock's for back taxes. Seth Grosvenor was the highest bidder. The first tract was 20 acres: begin at David Hooper's SE corner, the colony line of Rhode Island, Pollock's land. The second tract was 105 acres: west of David Hoopers house, by the road, John Robine's land, the bay line [Massachusetts], land sold by sd Seth Grosvenor to sd Ruggles. All the whole of the land unsold that belonged to sd Daniel Comstock in sd town [Thompson]. Signed: Benjamin Ruggles. Wit: Marcia Grosvenor, Eunice Eldredge. Rec'd & filed 12 Nov 1789.

Listed in Providence RI Census in 1790
Daniel Cumstock 1 free white male over 16; 1 free white male under 16; 2 free white females, 1 person listed as "all others".

Thompson Deeds
Vol. 1, p.433
12 Feb 1791 The land of Daniel Comstock, purchased by Seth Grosvenor & Benjamin Ruggles, November of 1788 was quitclaimed to Israel Comstock on 12 Feb 1791. It was for three tracts - 205 acres, 20 acres and 3 acres
Vol. 1, p.517-519 Israel Comstock signed a mortgage deed to Grosvenor & Ruggles on the same day.

Vol 2, p.159
25 Aug 1794 Oliver Fuller of Rehoboth sold to Seth Comstock of Providence, tailor, two lots containing 450 acres being the same purchased of Daniel Comstock and recorded in Killingly also known as Thompson. Signed: Oliver Fuller. Wit: Ann Jenckes, James Arnold. Rec. 12 Feb 1795.

Vol. 2, p.166
21 Feb 1795 Israel Comstock, Seth Comstock, Seth Grosvenor, and the administrator for the estate of Benjamin Ruggles made quit claim to Asa Jacobs for 46£ 1sh 9p, the same three tracks of land in Thompson that had been previously sold for taxes - 205 acres, 20 acres, 3 acres. Signed: Benjmin Durkee, Admr [for Benjamin Ruggles], Seth Grosvenor, Israel Comstock, Seth Comsthock. Wit: Daniel H. Wickham, Thomas Dike. Rec. 21 Feb 1795.

24 Jan 1795 Daniel Comstock appeared in Court in Smithfield concerning deed made 27 Nov 1783 - 85 acres to his brother Israel in Thompson CT.

1800 Census. Providence, RI
Daniel Cumstock: 2m under 10 [Brown & Andrew], 1m 10-16 [Lyndon], 1m over 45 [Daniel]. 1f under 10 [Elizabeth], 2f 10-16 [Sarah & Nancy], 1f 26-45 [Sarah].
Although only an approximate birth of about 1784 is estimated for Lyndon - Brown was born in 1797 - the others can all fit neatly in between IF the birth order is correct as given in the Comstock books.

RI Genealogical Register, Vol 4, No. 1, Abstracts North Providence Wills, p.12
A Daniel Comstock witnessed the will of Elisha Brown of North Providence on 13 Nov 1801. Elisha was a cousin of Daniel's mother, Martha. There seems to be no other Daniel living in Providence at this time.

Several times in 1805 in the Providence Phoenix, there appeared the notice that Daniel Comstock of North Providence, had letters left at the Post Office.

The tax records of Lyndon Comstock in Lexington, Fayette Co KY, indicate an extra male for poll tax - very likely it is Daniel. He appears 1807, 1808, 1809. In 1810, Daniel would have been aged 65 and perhaps exempt from the tax as after that year only one white male over 21 is listed in Lyndon's household.

By 1810, Daniel and Sarah appear to possibly be living in the household of son Lyndon in Lexington, KY.

The following is from the Comstock books. Said to have moved to Providence from Smithfield after death of 1st wife. In the first settlement of Ohio he came west and brought Seth and William with him. William settled in Hardin County, KY; Seth and Daniel returned to Providence. Son Lyndon moved to Lexington, KY where Daniel and family eventually joined him. Daniel, wife, most of children buried there. This information was taken from a letter written to Noah D. Comstock by Caroline Porter, granddaughter of Daniel.

From Kentucky Gazette 11 Apr 1814: "Daniel Comstock of Lexington, formerly of Providence RI died April, 1814.

From Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records, H. K. McAdams, 1929, p.297
Funeral Notices
"Mr. Daniel Comstock, formerly of Providence, R.I.; residence of N. S. Porter. Apr. 7, 1814.
This section of the above book begins on p.294. Says that in the Lexington Public Library there is a large book, pasted full of Funeral Notices. The inscription in the front of the book reads: These Funeral Notices were collected by an honest colored man, named Cyrus Parker Jones, who, at his death, bequeathed them to J. M. Duff, who donated them to the Lexington Library, 1 Jan 1900. These notices began with "You and your family are invited to attend the funeral of _______ McAdams states that only gives name and date and reference to other relatives rather than repeat the entire statement each time. All are from Lexington unless stated otherwise.


Birth6 Jan 1745Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island
Marriage7 Apr 1768Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island - PATIENCE JENCKES
Military1777Capt. Stephen Whipple's Company, RI, Revolutionary War
MarriageCa 1782Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island - Sarah Fuller
DeathApr 1814Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky


SpousePATIENCE JENCKES (1750 - )
ChildWILLIAM COMSTOCK (1770 - 1818)
ChildSeth Comstock (1773 - 1848)
ChildJenckes Comstock ( - )
ChildChloe Comstock (1777 - 1804)
ChildCynthia Comstock ( - 1834)
ChildAbigail Comstock ( - )
SpouseSarah Fuller (1761 - )
ChildLyndon Comstock (1784 - )
ChildSarah Comstock ( - )
ChildElizabeth Comstock (1792 - 1877)
ChildAnn "Nancy" Comstock (1793 - 1833)
ChildAndrew Comstock ( - )
ChildBrown Comstock (1797 - 1852)
FatherDANIEL COMSTOCK (1717 - 1753)
MotherMARTHA BROWN (1721 - 1812)
SiblingIsrael Comstock (1743 - 1828)
SiblingJacob Comstock (1747 - )
SiblingCaleb Comstock (1750 - )
SiblingChloe Comstock (1752 - 1818)
SiblingMartha Comstock (1754 - )
