Individual Details

Joseph Clark

(1770 - 1842)

Joseph married about 1790 to Mary Ann Golden/Golding while still in Pendleton District SC. He testified in support of his brother Jonathan's Revolutionary War pension, stating he had been too young to go to War, and also in support of Charity Clark, widow of David Clark, and Joseph'e sister-in-law.

Pendleton Districk, SC Deeds 1790-1806, by Betty Willie, 1982
p.155: DB C-D, p.365
27 Dec 1797
Boling Clarke for $300 sold to Joseph Clarke a Negro fellow named Sambo
Wit: Richard Golden, Wm. Golden, Elizabeth Golden. Richard Golden made oath 28 Dec 1797. Rec. 28 Dec 1797.
p.155: DB C-D, p.365
5 Jan 1796
I, Boling Clarke for 60#'s, sold to Joseph Clarke the lower part of two tracts, granted to Boling Clarke, 21 Jan 1785 by Benj. Guerard, recorded Bk AAA, p.433 and 426 on branches of the East side 23 Mile Crk bounded by Jonathan Clarke, Joseph Clarke, 400 acres. Wit: Josiah Johnson, Jeptha Johnson, Boling Clarke Jr. Josiah Johnson made oath 16 Jul 1796. Rec. 28 Dec 1797.
p.172: DB C-D, p.410-411
16 Jun 1798
Joseph Clark for 60#'s to Thomas Coker, 200 acres where Coker now lives, part of tract of Bowlen Clark. Mary (X) Clark, wife of Joseph made oath to John Wilson, 16 Jun 1798. Rec. 26 Jun 1798.

p.282, DB G, p. 125-126
30 Jan 1798
Joseph Clark for $25 to Jean [Jain] Copling, 40 acres West side 23 Mile Crk & S side Blare's Branch, part of tract granted Bolin Clark 21 Jan 1785. Mary (X) Clark released dower, 4 Feb 1799. Rec. 21 Jul 1802
p.288: DB G, p.170
17 May 1796
Hugh McVay for 40#'s to Thomas Risener. 85 acres on 26 Mile Crk of the Savannah, bounded by Jonathan Clark, James Long & Boling Clark as recorded Bk C, p.539 on 5 Jul 1791. Wit: Joseph Clark, Mary (X) Clark, Fanny (X) McVay. Joseph Clark made oath. 4 Dec 1802. Rec. 7 Dec 1802.

p.353: DB H, p.114
17 Dec 1803
Joseph Black sold Thomas Coker 265 acres, part of tracts granted Boling Clark where Joseph Clark now lives, on 23 Mile Crk. Mary (x) Clark, wife of Joseph Clark, released dower 26 Apr 1804. Rec. 10 Jan 1805. Deed signed by Joseph Clark.
p.425: DB H, p.518-519
31 Oct 1806
William Cooker [Coker] for $800 sold John Bates, blacksmith, late of Georgia, 270 acres, part of 2 tracts granted Boling Clark, conveyed by Joseph Clark, son of Boling Clark, to Thomas Coker and from him to his son William Coker, another tract of 640 acres, dated 17 Dec 1800 on bank of 23 Mile Creek.

His will dated 21 Jan 1839 and probated in Christian Co KY, 8 Mar 1842. He named sons as James C., Lemuel, Jonathan, & Joab and daughters as Rachel Clark, Lucette Renshaw, and Harriest Brasher.


Birth1770Bedford County, Virginia
Death1842Christian County, Kentucky


FatherBolling Clark (1720 - 1813)
MotherWinefred Buford (1724 - )
SiblingChristopher Clark (1743 - )
SiblingElizabeth Clark (1744 - )
SiblingMicajah Clark (1749 - 1838)
SiblingDavid Clark (1758 - 1825)
SiblingJonathan Clark (1759 - 1851)