Individual Details

Jonathan Clark

(20 May 1759 - 12 Mar 1851)

Jonathan married Jane Rogers, 2 Aug 1787. She was born 20 May 1756 and died 17 Jun 1843.

Revolutionary Application, #2438. 3 Sep 1832. Jonathan was then age 73; he was born in 1759 in Bedfort Co VA. His father had removed to Surry Co [now Stokes Co] NC about 1773. Jonathan enlisted from Surry Co in the spring of 1776 and until 1783, spent more than half his time in the service. In 1784 he moved to South Carolina and in 1803 he moved to Christian Co KY where he still lives.
Deposition given by Joseph Clark on 20 Sep 1833; youngest brother of Jonathan and too young to be a soldier knew that from 1778 until 1781, was brother was always a soldier and served as a Lieutenant.

Pendleton Districk, SC Deeds 1790-1806, by Betty Willie, 1982
Several of the deeds in the 1780's mention plats surveyed by Jonathan Clark.

p.15: DB 1, p.275-278
6 Aug 1790. Jonathan Clark of 96 Dist., planter to George Forbes for 200#'s, 140 acres in 96 Dist on twenty Six Mile Crk, waters of Savannah River, bounded by David Clark, Bolen Clark, Canady, James Long. Wit: David Clark, John McMann, Hugh McVey. Rec. 30 May 1791

p.137: DB C-D, p.320-321
11 Jul 1795
David Clarke to Wm Bodenhammer for 80#'s, 200 acres on Hurrican Crk, granted Clarke 21 Jan 1785, bounded West by John Johnson and vacant land. Also 127 acres adj tract granted Johnathan Clarke, 4 Dec 1786. Wit: James Anderson, James Wilbern, Thomas Coker. Anderson made oath 11 Jul 1795
p.148: DB C-D, p.346
10 Aug 1797
John Hunnicutt to Patrick McCoy for 60#'s, 208 acres on 26 Mile Crk of Savannah River, bounded on NW by David Clarke, all other sides by John Hunnicutt, surveyed by Jonathan Clarke, granted Hunnicutt 7 Apr 1788. Rec. 24 Aug 1797.
p.185: DB C-D, p.442-443
10 May 1795
Jonathan Clark to Micajah Clark for 50#'s, 158 acres on S branch of Hurricane of Saluda River where Micajah Clark now lives, part of 212 acres granted Jonathan Clark, 4 Dec 1786, recorded Bk. PPPP, p.197. Wit: James Clark, John Johnson, Josiah Johnson. John Johnson made oath 19 May 1798. Jenny Clark, wife of Jonathan, released dower, 27 Nov 1798. Rec. 27 Nov 1798.

p.288: DB G, p.170
17 May 1796
Hugh McVay for 40#'s to Thomas Risener. 85 acres on 26 Mile Crk of the Savannah, bounded by Jonathan Clark, James Long & Boling Clark as recorded Bk C, p.539 on 5 Jul 1791. Wit: Joseph Clark, Mary (X) Clark, Fanny (X) McVay. Joseph Clark made oath. 4 Dec 1802. Rec. 7 Dec 1802.
p.288, DB G, p. 171
14 Aug 1792
David Clark to Hugh McVay for 25 #'s, acreage blank, on 26 Mile Creek of Savannah, bounded by James Long, Jonathan Clark, Boling Clark, rec Bk C, p.539 on 5 Jul 1791. Wit: Matthew Parker, Joseph Clark, Thos. Abbott. Hugh McVay assigned the tract to Thomas Risener in presence of William Golding. Joseph Clark made oath 4 Dec 1802. Rec. 7 Dec 1802.
p.295: DB G, p.228-229
8 May 1796
Boling Clark for 50#'s to Jonathan Clark, 320 acress [another place says 200 acres] on 23 Mile Crk where Jonathan Clark now lives, granted to Boling Clark 21 Jun 1785. On Line to branch between two plantations where Jonathan Clark and Joseph Clark now live. Wit: Josiah Johnston, Jeptha Johnston. Boling Clark witnessed receipt. Josiah Johnston made oath 16 Jun 1796. Rec. 8 Feb 1803.
p.295: DB G, p.231-232
7 Jun 1800
David Clark for $500 to Jonathan Clark. 395 acres on Hurricane Crk of 26 Mile Crk of Seneca River. Granted to David Clark by Chas. Pinckney, 2 Oct 1797. Wit: John Cochran, Bolin Clark, Micajah Clark. Micajah made oath 3 Aug 1801. Feb 8 Feb 1803.
p.324: DB G, p.478-480.
3 Sep 1803
John Robinson Sr of Abbeville for $100 sold to Jonathan Clark of Pendleton Dist, 150 acres W side of 23 Mile Grk granted Robinson 15 Oct 1784, where Benjamin Mulligan now lives. Rec. 27 Oct 1803

p.351: DB H, p.105-106
31 Aug 1803
Jonathan Clark for $1,000 to Thomas Coker. 200 acres granted Boling Clark where Jonathan Clark now lives, E side of 23 Mile Crk. Wit: Jos. Clark, Wm Coker, Lucinda (X) Rodgers, Wm Coker Made oath 2 Nov 1803. Jenny Clark, wife of Jonathan released dower 2 Nov 1803. Rec. 10 Jan 1805.

There were seven children:
John Rogers Clark born 19 Jun 1788
Bolin born September 9, 1790
Simeon Bluford [Buford?], born December 6, 1792
Lettis born February 1795
William Buford born May 1797
Sally born March 1, 1800
Phanuel born May 4, 1802

1850 Census. Christian Co KY. District 2, p. 412, Hh 774
William B. Clark, age 53, b. SC. Nancy, age 50, b. KY
All born in Kentucky: Mary J. 20, Elizabeth A. 16, James M. 10, Joseph P. 7
Jonathan Clark, age 91, b. VA, "blind"
Elizabeth Thompson, age 70, b. VA


Birth20 May 1759Bedford County, Virginia
Death12 Mar 1851Christian County, Kentucky


FatherBolling Clark (1720 - 1813)
MotherWinefred Buford (1724 - )
SiblingChristopher Clark (1743 - )
SiblingElizabeth Clark (1744 - )
SiblingMicajah Clark (1749 - 1838)
SiblingDavid Clark (1758 - 1825)
SiblingJoseph Clark (1770 - 1842)