Individual Details

John Carter

(26 Aug 1737 - 1781)

Baptized 30 Oct 1737.

His wife is listed as Mary Cunningham in assorted online databases. Said to be a daughter of Alexander Cunningham and Easter Michaux.

Mar 1760. 5 Halifax, Virginia, USA
Halifax County, VA - Pleas (Court Orders) Book 3, March Court 1760,
page 44 - Ordered that John Carter and his male tithables, John Mount, David Mount, Richard Smith and William Russell be added to the gang belonging to road whereof John Lawson is Surveyor.

Aug 24, 1767. 5 Halifax, Virginia, USA
Vestry Book of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia 1752-1817. At a
Vestry held for Antrim Parish at Halifax Courthouse the 24 August 1767. Page 108 - Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Halifax bearing date the 17 July last past for this vestry to appoint Processioners according to law whereupon it is ordered that John Lawson, John Mount and John Carter do procession the bounds of every particular person’s lands between Miller’s Road, Burches Creek, the County line and Dan River and it is further ordered that the Processioners aforesaid do begin their said work on the second day of November next and take and return to the Vestry on or before the last day of March next ensuing an account of every particular person’s land they shall so procession and the persons present at the same and what lands in their precincts they failed to procession and the particular reasons of such failure.

Virginia Military Records
Revolutionary Soldiers
Halifax County Records
Court of Pleas 1774-1777
Page 184
Carter, John 2nd Liet.
Capt. Charles Wells Company
William Paine, Ens

John Carter of Halifax Co VA bought 183 1/2 acres on the Dan River from Theodrick Carter of Prince Edward County. [date not given]

His will written 18 Jun 1781, probate 20 Sep 1781 in Halifax Co VA
Named beloved wife Mary Carter. Daughters: Ann Waddill, Elizabeth, Mary, Sally.
Three oldest sons were Richard, Theodrick, and Robert Carter.
Executrix: Wife, Mary. Executors: Mr. William Boyd and brothers, Richard and Theo. Carter.
Witnessed: Benjamin Hobson, David Bates, Charles Carter, Noel Waddill, Theo Carter.

Another source says his will named 5 daughters and 5 sons.
A chancery case, Nov 1801, identified his heirs at that time as Robert, Theodorick, Richard, Francis & James Carter, Thomas & Judith Whitlock, Noel & Elizabeth Waddill, Alexander & Mary Kent.

Here is a copy of the actual will:
Will, Jun 18, 1781. 5 Halifax, Virginia, USA
In the name of God Amen. I John Carter of Halifax County, Being
indisposed in body but of perfect mind and memory, I praise God for the same, do make, constitute and ordain this, and none other but this, to be my last will and testament in form and manner following, that is, I order, will and desire for all my lawful debts to be paid by my Executors.
Item, I lend to my well beloved wife, Mary Carter, during her widowhood for her use and the bringing up and educating my children the land and plantation whereon I now live with the use benefit and labour of the following slaves, Jack, Charles, James, Baker, Tainor, with my stock of all kinds, whatever household furniture &c.
Item. I give to my daughter Ann Waddill, twenty-five shillings.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Carter, one negro boy named Sam, also one feather bed and furniture. To her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Carter, one negro boy named Crafford, also one feather bed and furniture, to her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Judith Carter one negro girl, named Hannah, also one feather bed and furniture, To her my said daughter and to her heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Salley Carter, seventy-five pounds specia in gold or silver also a feather bed and furniture. To her my said daughter and to her heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my three eldest sons Richard, Theodrick, and Robert Carter my creek land I purchased of George Ridley containing 450 acres which I desire may be equally divided between the three brothers. Also a good feather bed and furniture apiece. And in case either of the said three boys should die before they come of age for the surviving said brothers to inherit the land of the deceased by equal division, to them my said three sons and their heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Carter the land whereon I now live with a good feather bed and furniture to him my said son and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Francis Carter two hundred and ninety acres of land lying out on the road adjoining the land of Mr. Hobson also a good feather bed and furniture to be given to him my said son and to his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. In case either of my two youngest sons Francis or James Carter should die before they come to the age of 21 years the surviving of the two is to heir the deceased brothers share of land. My will and desire is that in case either of my daughters that is Elizabeth, Mary, Judith or Salley Carter should die before they come of age or marry, that their legacy bequeathed to them shall be equally divided among the surviving sisters above mentioned.
Item. My will and desire is that at the coming of age of my youngest son that the above mentioned slaves, Jack, Charles, James, Baker, Tamer with the future increase, likewise with all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate be it of whatever nature kind or quality, should be equally divided among my beloved wife and children as before mentioned and described, my daughter Ann Waddill excepted.
And lastly I appoint, constitute and ordain my beloved wife Mary Carter, Executrx also Captain James Turner, Mr. William Boyd, with my brothers Richard and Theo Carter Executors of this my last will and testament, hoping they will see the same duly performed, as my trust is in them reposed. Confirming this and none other but this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of June 1781.
Signed sealed published and declared to be his last will and testament. John Carter, L. S.
Test. Benja. Hobson
David Bates
Chs. Carter
Noel Waddill
Theo Carter
At a Court held for Halifax County the 20th day of September 1781 this last Will and Testament of John Carter deceased was exhibited in Court by Mary Carter and Richard Carter two of the Executors herein named and the same was proved by the oaths of two of the subscribing witnesses hereto and the same was ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Executors who made oath hereto according to Law Certificate is granted them for obtaining Probate hereof in due form they giving securities, whereupon they together with Noell Waddill and William Watkins their securities entered into and acknowledged Bond for the same according to law.
Test. Geo. Carrington C.H.C.

Halifax Co VA WB 6
p.104   Sep Cout 1799  Estate of John Carter decd in account with Mary Carter, Exec.  Commissioners met at home of Beverly Barksdale to adjust account current between David Powell & Susannah his wife, admin of Richd Carter who was exec for John Carter dec'd.  They were not ready for settlement.  We settled account of Mary Carter.  Henry Cook. B. Barksdale, PhilipVass, Joseph Landford.

p.456   Jan Court 1803  Account of Estate of John Carter dec'd with Susanna Powell late Susanna Carter admin of Richard Carter, dec'd who was Executor of said John Carter, dec'd. Includes cash paid for Mary Carter for support of family, Jul 1781...last date is 25 Dec 1799
Note: Richard Carter was John's brother. Richard's wife was Susanna who married David Powell after the death of Richard.

From Carter Family Forum:
A chancery suit in November 1801 identified John's heirs as Robert, Theodorick, Richard, Francis, and James Carter, Thomas and Judith Whitlock, Noel and Elizabeth Waddill, and Alexander and Mary Kent.


Birth26 Aug 1737New Kent County, Virginia
Death1781Halifax County, North Carolina


ChildAnne Carter (1760 - )
ChildElizabeth Carter (1766 - )
ChildMary Carter ( - )
ChildJudith Carter ( - )
ChildSally Carter ( - )
ChildRichard Carter ( - )
ChildRobert Carter (1770 - )
ChildFrancis Watkins Carter (1772 - )
FatherTheodorick Carter II ( - 1778)
MotherAnne Waddill ( - )
SiblingSusannah Carter ( - )
SiblingTheodorick Carter III ( - 1805)
SiblingWilliam Carter ( - )
SiblingRichard Carter ( - )
SiblingAnne Waddill "Nancy" Carter (1749 - )
SiblingWaddill Carter ( - )
SiblingMolly Carter ( - )
SiblingSarah "Sally" Carter ( - )
SiblingSamuel Carter ( - 1830)