Individual Details

Robert H. Walters

(1 Dec 1793 - 24 Jun 1849)

North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
Groom: Robert H Wallers
Bride: Nancey Waddell
Bond_Date: 20 Oct 1817
Bond #: 000018877
Level Info: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
ImageNum: 008217
County: Caswell
Record #: 01 324
Bondsman: Asa Fitzgerrald
Witness: Ch. Willson

1830 Census. Warren Co KY
Robert H. Walters, 2m under 5, 1m 5-10, 1m 30-40. 1f 5-10, 1f 20-30
three names away is Noel Waddill, a young single man and possibly the brother-in-law of Robert H.

1840 Census. Warren Co KY
Robert H. Walters. 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50
1f under 5, 2f 5-10, 1f 15-20, 1f 40-50

Warren Co Will Book D, p.268
Robert Walters
25 Jun 1849
Warren Co KY - June 25th 1849 Being called upon last night to Witness a Verbal Will of Robert Walters who is now dead and knowing the weakness of my memory. I thought it best to give as near as I can his language.
Item first
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Walters all my estate whatsoever during her natural life or widowhood to use for the raising of our little children which will probably not be more than enough and I wish her to be empowered to sell the negro or negroes if they should prove refactory and use the prices as she thinks best for our little children. Item secondly My son Marshal Walters was indebted to me in a sum which I think equal to a child's part which debt I give for the benefit of his infant heir and I do not wish Mr. Nealy as its guardian or his successor to distress my wife Item third There was a contract between me and my son Fayett that I was to give him a certain negro boy, which contract I think forfeited on his part and it is my wish that he should not claim said negro nor interrupt his mother about it. Item fourth If my wife should marry again she must have her third and the balance to be divided among my children equally or at her death. All that may remain after raising my infant children I want them provided for and then if any remains for them to come in as equal heirs. I do not know if my wife is in a family way or not but if she is I want it provided for.
Attest: Jno. N. Mulkey
N.P. Funeral expenses and some just debts I should have named earlier but he stated that he had loaned Dr. Sale some money for which he has his note - he wished his wife to collect it and pay said expenses and debts.
Wit: John N. Mulkey, Wm B. (X) Waters
State of Kentucky, Warren Co Court
Sept Term 1849 This nuncupative will of Robt Waters dec'd was produced in Court & proved by the oaths of the two subscribing Witnesses thereto - John N. Mulkey and Wm B. Waters and ordered to be recorded which is recorded accordingly.
Test: A. B. Hobson, CWCC

1850 Census. Warren Co KY, Dist 1, p.62, Hh 851
Nancy "Waters", age 46, b. Virginia. All children born in KY
Abner, 20. William, 18. Cindarella 16. Leaner 14 [probably Leanna]. Harriet, 13. Flavius 10. Felix 7. Robert, age 2.
John N. Mulkey was listed in the same census as a Clergyman. William, son of Nancy & Robert, was actually William B. and was likely the other witness to the will above.
Note: some have confused this census regarding Nancy as belonging to a very different Walters wife. She was NOT Nancy (Hill) Walters who married Leburn Walters earlier in Warren Co, 31 Jul 1725, because they had left Warren County prior to 1850.

Warren County Court, Warren County Kentucky Guardianship Bonds Vol 1-2, film # 0339887 Salt Lake Genealogical Library
Know all men by these presents, that we Lafayette Walters, Nancy C. Walters & Abner C. Walters are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, etc. severally, and jointly, firmly by these presents; sealed with our seals, and dated this 25 day of November 1850.
The Condition of the above Obligation is such, That whereas the above bound Lafayette Walters has this day been appointed by the County Court of Warren County, Guardian to William B., Cinderilla, Leanor, Harriet, Flavius, Felix & Robert Walters Infant Orphans of Robert H. Walters deceased.
Now if the said Lafayette Walters shall faithfully discharge the duties of his said office as Guardian, according to law, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full test and virtue.
TEST: Lafayette Walters,
Nancy C. Walters (X her mark)
Abner C. Walters

Kentucky Death Record of son Robert Walters: Robt. Walters died 14 Nov 1916, Warren Co, KY, age 68. Born 22 Apr 1848 in Tennessee (no, I believe he was born in Warren Co) His father was Robert Walters; his mother Nancy Waddle, b. Virginia.

The following earlier will refers to Robert's wife. Robert would have been still living in 1832.
Noel Waddell
Warren County Kentucky Will Book D 1827-1844, Oct. 1832 pg. 55
FHL #0339885. Both the Will Book and the original appear on in Kentucky Probates.
In the name of God amen. I Noel Waddell of the county of Warren and state of Kentucky, sensible in my mind that very shortly close my eyes upon all temporary things and consign my body to the dust and my soul to God who gave it and feeling an interest to dispose of all my property as may seem best in my own mind make this my last will and testament as follows:
First: After all my debts and demands are paid, I will to my affectionate wife, Ruth Waddill my tract of land on which I now live to have and to hold and enjoy as hers forever.
Secondly: I will all my stock consisting of horses, cattle and together with household and other furniture to have and to enjoy as hers to dispose of as hers as she may devise.
Thirdly: my notes and accounts the proceeds of which I also will to my wife as aforesaid as hers to use and enjoy forever.
Fourthly: I desire that my executor herein after named shall buy at a fair price from Mr. Robert Walters, a certain negro woman named Silva and payment to be made by a deduction from the amount due me by said Wats (Walters?) and the said negro woman to be set free and emancipated according to law.
Fifthly: I will to my wife my two negroes Jack and Fanny to hold and enjoy as slaves and when they shall arrive at the age of thirty five years to be freed and set at liberty and the offspring if any of said negro girl Fanny to serve my wife during her life time and at her death to be equally divided between my sister Nancy Walters and my half sister Patsy Akin. Also I wish divided between my two sisters named above all my reversionary interest in money which I have coming to me from the State of Virginia to be equally divided between them if ever collected.
Sixthly: I will and request that my executors shall in three years from the date pay over to my sister Nancy Walters all the proceeds of the stock, crops etc. raised on the farm the sum of fifty dollars as a token of my well wishes. And lastly I appoint my wife, Ruth Waddill, Mr. Joseph Fielding, executors of this my last will and testament. Sworn under my hand and seal the 7 day of October 1832.
Noel Waddle
Seal (his mark)
E.B. Martin
John H. Gorin
Kentucky, Warren County Sct County Court October Term
This last will and testament of Noel Waddle [the Will Book spells his name as Waddle - it is never spelled that way in the handwritten original] deceased was produced in court and proved by the oaths of Edward Martin and John H. Gorin the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded which is accordingly done.
Test. Jon'a. Hobson Clk.
Notes: Reversionary interest is the interest that a person has in a property when a preceding estate ceases to exist. It means any interest the enjoyment of which is postponed.
Sct means this - (usually written beside county name) - abbreviation for Latin word "scilicet" (to wit), meaning "in particular" or "namely"; included to the right of the venue.

There was a young Noel Waddill in the Warren Co KY census in 1830. He appeared to be single at the time. He did marry Ruth Stahl late that year, 18 Nov 1830, in Warren Co.
Children of Mary Magdalene Vizziard and John Stahl are:
xii. Ruth Stahl was born 30 NOV 1808 in Warren Co.,KY, and died 1 JUL 1860. She married Walter M. Butt. He died bef 1846. She married William H. Wheeler, son of Ignatius Wheeler. She had married first Noel Waddle, 18 NOV 1830 in Warren Co.,KY.
The 1850 Census of Warren Co, lists Wm. H. Wheeler, age 34, Ruth age 40, John age 10 - surname apparently Wheeler. Prudence age 3. Mary age 4/12.

Noel Waddell, born about 1802, Halifax Co VA had a brother Marshall and a sister Nancy. they were the three children of a John Waddell who died 1811 in Halifax and was married to Patience Marshal, 27 Oct 1802, Prince Edward Co VA. The nuncupative will of Robert Walters does mention a wife Nancy and they had named a son Marshall. Also, I do not know of what relationship there might be to the Noel Waddill that had married Seletha Walters, an aunt of this Robert Walters. That's Noel's parents were Charles Waddell and Ann Marshall. There likely was a relationship - the Waddills of Pittsylvania & Halifax Co VA have never all been sorted out in any meaningful way. Several online databases of the Waddills have impossible gaps in dates and locations.

It is highly likely Patience and Ann Marshall were both daughter of Alexander Marshall. His will of December 1828 names grandson Noel Waddell and his sister Nancy Walters, as well as their half sister, Martha "Patsy" Akin, daughter of their mother, Patience, deceased, and her second husband. The will also bequests Charles Waddell (whose wife Ann was also deceased by the time that will was written) but does not explain any kinship to Charles.

John Waddill did leave a will in Pittsylvania Co in 1811 and named a son as Noel and a daughter Nancy - his wife was not named but she remarried resulting in a half-sister named Patsy, or Martha, Akin
DB 11 - There are actually two deed books from Pittsylvania Co that are numbered Deed Book 11 - this has deeds dated earlier than the deeds in DB 9 and also has the following will.
John Waddill
To beloved wife during her natural life, 4 Negroes
Dau Nancy, slave
Son Noell Waddill, increase of above
Son Marshall, next increase
If wife marries, slaves to be hired out for support of my children until youngest comes of age
Crop to be sold for debts
My wife's father & Richard Marshall to have management of my Estate
Executors: Devarius Hightower, Mathew Fitzgerald, Charles Waddill
Dated: 21 Jun 1811
21 Oct 1811, proved by two of witnesses. Mathew Fitzerald made oath, securities with Charles Anderson, Thos. Woody & William Richardson. Bond of $3000.


Birth1 Dec 1793
Marriage20 Oct 1817Caswell County, North Carolina - Nancy C. Waddell
Death24 Jun 1849Warren County, Kentucky


SpouseNancy C. Waddell (1803 - 1876)
ChildJane Walters (1822 - 1846)
ChildAlexander Marshall Walters (1825 - 1848)
ChildLafayette Walters (1827 - )
ChildAbner C. Walters (1830 - )
ChildWilliam B. Walters (1832 - )
ChildEleanor "Leanar" Walters (1836 - )
ChildCindarella Walters (1836 - )
ChildHarriet Walters (1837 - 1876)
ChildFlavius Walters (1840 - )
ChildFelix Walters (1843 - )
ChildRobert Walters (1848 - 1916)
FatherJackson Walters (1772 - 1843)
MotherElizabeth Harrid (1776 - 1803)
SiblingWilliam Walters (1794 - 1794)
SiblingThornton Walters (1795 - )
SiblingFrances "Fanny" Walters (1797 - )
SiblingSeletha Walters (1799 - 1850)
SiblingAbner Walters (1801 - 1825)
