Individual Details

Tabitha Thomas

(26 Mar 1771 - 10 Mar 1849)

She was the daughter of a Phillip & Mary Thomas.

Tabitha and Jackson married in Halifax Co, 11 Apr 1809. Mary Thomas was mother of the bride, Abraham Walters, surety.

Tabitha was named in a probate record, Nov 1803, Halifax Co. The widow and administratrix was Mary Thomas. Heirs of Philip Thomas, dec'd were James & Lucy Woody, Samuel & Elizabeth Peu [Pugh], Mary Thomas, Charles Thomas, Tabitha Thomas, David & Nancy Field, William Thomas, Abraham & Judith Walters.

Warren Co Will Book D, p.258
Know all men by these presents that I Tobitha Walters of Warren Co KY divers good causes and conditions me thereunto moving designated and appointed and by these presents doth nominate constitute and appoint my friend Charles A. Skiles of sd County and State my true & proper and only agent and Attorney in fact for me and in my name & right to demand sue for & collect and receive all money and property real or personal whereever situated which in any manner or form belongs or pertains to me by gift, devise or descent from my Brother William Thomas deceased My brother of the whole blood upon a payment to receipt by the sd. Skiles of any such money or property to sign, seal, execute & defend any & all bonds, receipts or other instruments which may of right be demandable of me on account of such payment or receipt in any manner whatever and I do by these presents further authorize and empower the sd Skiles for me and in my name to nominate constitute and appoint any and such other agents attornies in fact & in law as to him may deem meet & proper in order to obtain any & all my rights in the premises and in the event I should die without any express revocation of this power of attorney to the sd. Charles A. Skiles I do hereby, give, alien & convey unto the sd Skiles in consideration of his intermarriage with my daughter Judith - all the money, property & estate to which I may be in anywise entitled by through or under any sd Brother William Thomas by gift devise descent or otherwise, with full power and authority in him the sd Skiles now and hereafter to act & proceed under the authority hereby confered on him for his personal benefit & advantage. In testimony of all which I hereunto set my hand & seal this 16th day of December 1848.
Signed: Tobitha Walters
Wit: Thomas A. Skiles, W. H. Skiles
State of Kentucky
Warren County Court Sct Mar Term 1849
This writing purporting to be the Last will & testament of Tobitha Walters dec'd was produced in Court and there proved by the Oaths of Thomas A. Skiles & W. H. Skiles two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and is recorded accordingly.
Test: A. G. Hobson CWCC


Birth26 Mar 1771
Marriage11 Apr 1809Halifax County, Virginia - Jackson Walters
Death10 Mar 1849Warren County, Kentucky


SpouseJackson Walters (1772 - 1843)
ChildLouisa Walters (1810 - )
ChildJames H. Walters (1812 - )
ChildGeorge J. Walters (1814 - 1876)
ChildJudith Tabitha Walters (1816 - 1896)
FatherPhilip Thomas ( - 1803)
MotherMary [Thomas] ( - )
SiblingLucy Thomas (1760 - 1832)
SiblingElizabeth Thomas ( - )
SiblingMary Thomas ( - )
SiblingCharles Thomas ( - )
SiblingWilliam Thomas (1768 - 1848)
SiblingJudith Thomas ( - )
