Individual Details

Philip Thomas

( - Bef Nov 1803)

Earliest Philip Thomas 
Henrico Deed dated 28 Feb1684  [DB 1, p.306]   William Cocke to Giles Carter.  59 A on Turkey Island Mill Run, next to sd William Cocke & his brother John. Wit:  Walter Shipley, Phil. (A)Thomas 
Also on 1 Aug 1687 in the Henrico1677-1692 Will & Deed Book, p.451 is a deposition by Philip Thomas in which he states his age as 35, Ann, wife of Philip, gave her age as 50  [I would presume one of these was transcribed in error – either they are 55 and 50 or 35 and 30, most likely the latter.]

VA Patents #23  1743-45; p.718-20
Thomas, Philip   16 Jun 1744
400 A Goochland adj AppomattoxRiver   …begin on River side thence on Richard Randolph …West side Bad Luck Branch …pointers on William Randolph…crossing Bad Luck Branch …to Appomattox R …up River as it meanders
This Patent Sold:  Cumberland DB 2  21 Oct 1753  Philip Thomas of Cumberland to Sarah Cobb of Henrico – 400 acres boundedby Appomattox, Bad Luck Crk, lines of Peter Randolph Esq & Richard Randolph

I originally thought Philip Thomas, the son of William Thomas & Joyce Watkins, owned property in both Halifax and Pittsylvania Counties. I later discovered there was this Philip Thomas, a different person, who lived in Halifax Co and died circa 1803 - he apparently had property on Toby's and the Lower Double Creeks. What his relationship to William Thomas of Pittsylvania might have been is unknown, but I strongly suspect there was a kinship.

9 Mar 1756  Lunenburg DB 4, p.263  William Randolph of Wilton of Henrico Co to Philip Thomas of Cumberland Co for£50, 400 acres in Lunenburg on branch of Cub Creek, adj land of Wm Davis & Nathaniel Barksdale, part of tract Randolph bought of Thomas Williams.  Signed:  William Randolph.  Wit: Paul Carrington, Geo Walton, Francis Moor Petty, Joseph Akin.  Rec. 1 Jun 1756.
NOTE: Lunenburg would become Halifax County.

TLC Genealogy  1998
1787:  N =North District; S = South District
1 = wm tithables over 21; 2 = Free males 16-21; 3 = blacks over 16; 4 = blacks under 16; 5 = horses, mares, colts; 6 = cattle
S  May 22   Thomas, Philip    2/0/8/4/6/17
    Other WM Tithables over age 21:  Jos.? Thomas
S Jun 4   Thomas,Henry Jr                1/0/0/1/0/0
                Thomas, Henry                    1/1/0/0/1/17
                Thomas,Joel                        1/0/0/0/1/0
1788 Tax List – South District
1 = wm above 21; 2 = Slaves over 16; 3 – Slaves bet 12-16; 4– horses
May 25  Thomas,Phillip  2/8/0/6
   Sons, overseers, hirelings, etc:   1 son
1789 Tax List – South District
Thomas, Phillip  2/7/0/5
                Sons, overseers, etc.   A son
1789C Tax List – South District
[may actually be the 1791 missing South District]
Thomas, Philip   2/7/0/5
                Sons, overseers    Overseer
Thomas, Charles                1/0/0/1
[these two adjacent]
Thomas, Henry  3/0/0/3
                2 Sons
Thomas, Joel        1/0/0/1
[these two adjacent]
Thomas, William   1/0/0/0

1786 Halifax P 11, p.475 Philip Thomas on road repair from Country Line to Tobey Creek
Note: Toby's Creek is in Halifax Co.

This deed is a bit ambiguous. It says to Philip Thomas of Halifax, but when it is sold, Philip Thomas of Caswell sells the land and he signs "Ph. Thomas" which is how the Philip Thomas, son of William & Joyce Thomas, signed his named on other records. I have included it with both Phillips.
27 Feb 1787 Halifax DB 14, p.80 George Connally of Caswell to Philip Thomas of Halifax for £25. 167 acres East side Country Line Creek in Halifax. Being on country line of VA, a corner of Wm. Moor's. adj Wm. Moore, John Lewis ?Bird?, & the Country Line. Wit: N. Hobson, H. Haralson, James Moore, John Connally, John Coleman, William Powell, Edward [Edmund?] King. Rec. 20 Apr 1787.
Here is the sale:
6 Apr 1795  Halifax DB 15, p.628.   Philip Thomas of Caswell NC to Jacob Thomas of Pittsylvania for £73 about 167 ½acres in Halifax on branches of the Country Line Creek, bounded by the Country line a little below the Mill. Signed:  Ph Thomas.  Wit: Lewis Cox, George Thomas, Asa Thomas.  Rec. 27 Jun 1796.
Later, in 1815, Philip Thomas will be held not responsible for the taxes on a 167 acre tract in Halifax Co; Halifax Plea Book 32, p.196. Perhaps Jacob who had died in 1803 had never taken possession; or perhaps it was in the hands of his minor sons.

I would think the following to be those of this Philip who died in 1803.
24 May 1787 Halifax DB 14, p.195 Charles Kennon to Philip Thomas, both of Halifax. For £115. 115 Acres on waters of lower Double Creek. Begin corner of Wilkey's survey ..along John John's line. Wit: Robt Walters, Edward Wilson, Jno Johns, John Watkins, William Richardson, Jarrott Groce, John Lawson. Rec. 20 Dec 1787

23 Nov 1787 Halifax DB 14, p.210 John Lewis Sr of Caswell to Philip Thomas of Halifax £275. 275 acres both sides lower Double. Begin at new line …adj William Byrd. Wit: Charles Kennon, James Woody, Charles Thomas. Rec. 20 Dec 1787.

20 Dec 1788 Halifax DB 14, p.428 Samuel & Susannah Mathis [Mathews] to Philip Thomas £160 399 acres on lower waters of Double Creek. Begin at Charles Kennon's corner pine in Philip Thomas's line. Wit: Jno. Jones, Othe. Thorpe, Thomas Gaines, Lewis Carter. Rec. 22 Jun 1789

24 Dec 1789  Halifax DB 15, p.367   John Johnston, Michael Pender of Lunenburg, 315 acres in Halifax & Pittsylvania County,both sides of the Lower Double banks, and bounded by Philip Thomas, George Russell, the widow Carter, Colo. Wilson, Jonathan Hill.  Signed: John Johns.  Wit:  John Morton, Chas Hoyle, Terry Tharp.  Rec. 25 Jun 1792.

1790 Halifax P 14, p.281 Tithes of Philip Thomas assigned to road gang of which Daniel S. Foley [prob Farley] is Surveyor from Country Line to the Lower Double Creek.
[Philip may have moved to Caswell but still has land and slaves in Halifax.]

19 Apr 1792  Halifax DB 15, p.336    Noel Waddell Sr of Pittsylvania to Presley Carter, about 200 acres on branches of Tobey Crk and bounded by Philip Thomas, Russell.  Signed: Noel Waddell.  Rec. 23 Apr 1792.
23 Apr 1792  Halifax DB 15, p.333.  John Lawson to Nowel Waddill of Pittsylvania.  Tract on waters of Toby Crk about 380 acres, bounded by Henry Cook’s line, John Brandon’s line, corner on Philip Thomas’ line, his line to George Russel’s line, thence to Ricd Clayborn. Signed:  John Lawson.  Rec. 23 Apr 1792.

1795   Halifax Plea Book 17, p.262   Tythes of Philip Thomas assigned to Henry Hopson to repair Road from Toby Creek to the lower Double Creek.
[Present day map shows a road linking these two streams,called Goodes Road.  Phillip’s Halifaxland would be  along the road.]

30 Sep 1795  Halifax DB 15, p.443   Thomas Watkins to Edmund King, tract adjoining Edmund King, Richard Finch, Philamon Carlton and surveyed for James Callaham.  Lying on drafts of Little Polecat Crk and bounded by King, a fork of the Branch.  Signed: Thomas Watkins.  Wit:  John Thomas, Joseph Bewell, RoyBoyd.  Rec. 26 Oct 1795.
[Likely not our John, son of William & Joyce Watkins Thomas, but Phillip of Halifax had no known son named John, either.]
4 Jun 1796  Halifax DB 15, p.648   Samuel Jordan of Lunenburg to Henry Cook.  100 acres in Halifax on water of Tobies Crk, bounded by a corner with Noel Waddell on Widow Wall’s line, Richard Claiborne. Signed:  Saml Jordan.  Wit: Saml Jordan Jr., James A. Glenn, Robert Walters, B. Barksdale, Wm Thomas.  Rec. 25 Jul 1796.
[This is property near where Philip Thomas lived on Toby’s Crk. Philip did have a son named William.]

1800   Halifax Plea Books 19 & 20   Charles Kenna [Kennon?]  vs. Philip Thomas, defendant.  Suretyat different times by Thomas Gaines, Charles Thomas, and Wm Munford.  [No details]

21 Jan 1801 Halifax DB 19, p.38 Richard & Alice Kerby his wife to Philip Thomas, all of Halifax. £100. 183 Acres on Double Creek ..begin at a white oak on Philip Thomas's line. Wit: B. Barsdale, Benjn Martin, Wm Barksdale, Hugh darby. Rec. 27 Jul 1801

Sep 1801 Halifax Plea Book 20, p.317 Report by committee to open a new road from near Milton NC, crossing Dan River at the Horse Ford and running to the Road which runs by Thomas Gaines's ...Philip Thomas, others, are summoned to Oct Court 1801. Convenient route: along a public road down to plantation of John Dismukes, thence through his land, thence through Philip Thomas's land at Handses old field, thence to Carter's old road and down sd road to a cross road, thence between the land of John Echols and Richard Clabourn and through the land of Beverly Barksdale into the road running by Thomas Gaines's.

Halifax Co VA Plea Book 22
p.37  October Court 1803      On the motion of Mary Thomas widow and relict of Philip Thomas dec'd who made oath according to law and together with Charles Thomas, William Thomas, David Field, Littlebury Hamlett, Charles Barker, Henry Hamlett and Achilles Whitlock her Securities, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of thirty thousand dollars.  Conditioned as the Law describes.  Certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of the said Philip Thomas dec'd in due form.
Next entry:  Ordered that James Lucas, John Atkinson, William Royall, Beverly Barksdale, and Henry Holman, or any three of them, who being first Sworn for that purpose, as the law directs, do appraise in current money, the slaves, if any, and personal estate which was of Philip Thomas dec'd.  And that they return such appraisement here to Court.

p.78  Oct court 1803  For reasons appearing to the Court, it is ordered; that the Summons issued to Mary Thomas widow and relict of Philip Thomas dec'd, requiring her to appear before the said Court, to deliver whether she will take upon herself, the birthen of the administration of the said intestate estate, and all subsequent proceedings thereupon had, be dismissed.

p.119  Nov Court 1803    James Woody and Lucy his wife, Samuel Pew and Elizabeth his wife, Mary Thomas, Charles Thomas, Tabitha Thomas, David Field and Nancy his wife, William Thomas, Abram Walters and Judith his wife) which said Lucy, Elizabeth, Mary, Charles, Tabitha, Nancy, William and Judith are children and distributees of Philip Thomas dec'd.  Plaintiffs in Chancery against Mary Thomas widow and administratrix of the same Philip Thomas, deceased, Defendant.  The Server of the subpoena in this case,being duly acknowledged and the bill and answer filed.  Thereupon by consent of parties, the same comes on to be heard.  Upon consideration whereof, it is decreed and ordered; that Beverly Barksdale, William Royall, James Lucas, John Atkinson and Henry Hobson, or any three of them who are appointed Commissioners for that purpose, do state, settle and adjust the accounts current of the defendant as administratrix of the said Philip Thomas,dec'd with the said decedents estate. That they do allot and assign unto the said defendant Mary widow and relict of the said Philip Thomas, dec'd one equal third part of the lands and  Slaves of the said intestate to hold as her dower therein, during her widowhood
next page
or natural life and also assign to her one equal third part of the residue of his personal estate to notes or his absolute property.  and that they do allot and equally divide the rsidue of the land, slaves, and personal estate of the said decedent among his children, to wit, Lucy Woody, Elizabeth Pew, Mary Thomas, Charles Thomas, Tabitha Thomas, William Thomas, Mary Field and Judith Walters.   upon the said Plaintiff executing bond with good Security to be approved of by the Commissioners to refund to the said administratrix their due proportion, in case any debts or demand should hereafter appear against the said estate to render such retribution necessary.  And it is further ordered and deemed that such of the distributees as have received advances from the said Philip Thomas in his lifetime, do before they shall be entitled to receive any further distribution of the said estate, account for the value of such advancements before the said Commissioners. And that in laying off and dividing the lands the Surveyor of this County do attend the said Commissioners. and that they report their proceedings to Court in order for a final decree.

Plea Book 23
p. 196   July Court 1804  An inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Philip Thomas dec'd was returned and ordered to be recorded.
p.364   Feb court 1805    Mary Thomas, administratrix of Philip Thomas dec'd Plaintiff on a petition & Summons against James Woody.   This day came as well the plaintiff as the defendant by their attornies, and the said defendant plead the act of Limitation.  And thereupon, On fully hearing the arguments and debates of the parties by their attornies, and the testimony of the witnesses, It is considered by the Court that this petition be dismissed.  And that the plaintiff pay unto the defendant his costs by him about him defence in this behalf expended to by Levies of the goods and chattels which were of the said Philip Thomas dec'd at the time of his death in the hands of the said Mary Thomas his administratrix, if so much thereof she hath to be administered, but if not then to be levied of her own proper goods and chattels.
Note: The film of the Plea Books ended May 1805. There should be more.


DeathBef Nov 1803Halifax County, Virginia


SpouseMary [Thomas] ( - )
ChildLucy Thomas (1760 - 1832)
ChildElizabeth Thomas ( - )
ChildMary Thomas ( - )
ChildCharles Thomas ( - )
ChildWilliam Thomas (1768 - 1848)
ChildTabitha Thomas (1771 - 1849)
ChildJudith Thomas ( - )