Individual Details

Sarah Tenham

( - Bet Apr 1796 and Dec 1796)

Although some databases suggest that James's wife was Sarah Parish, she may instead have been Sarah Tenham. Robert Tenham lived on a plantation adjacent to that of William & Sarah Johnson, James' probable parents. and mentions a daughter Sarah Johnson in his will of 1768. There is a marriage record in Goochland Co between a James Johnson and Sarah Parish that has been attached to this man, but it is much too late for them to have been the parents of these children and is apparently in the wrong place.

23 Dec 1763. Will of Robert Tenham of St. Martins Parish. 5 daus: Mary West, Eliza. Tenham, Rebekah Walker, Sarah Johnson, Ann Tenham. To dau. Mary West, 2 acres where she now lives. Exrs: friend John Boswell of Hanover Co, Thos. Johnson Jr., son of Nicholas Johnson of Louisa Co.
Signed: Robert Tenham
Wit: Pouncey Anderson, Robert Wilson, Elizabeth Anderson.
Rec. 9 Oct 1769. Lousia Co WB 2, p.65

Sarah Tenham Johnson's sister wrote her will in Louisa County in 1783:
WB 3, p.7. Will of Elizabeth Tenham, spinster, Parish St. Martins. To John West, son of Benj. West, all my lands. To Robert West, son of Benj. West. Sarah Perkins, wife of Will Perkins. My sister Ann Isble. Molly Walker, dau. of Peter Walker. My sister Sarah Johnson. Dated 11 Dec. 1783. Signed: Eliz. Tenham. Wit: Thos. Johnson, Jr., Benjamin West, Elizabeth Walker. Rec. 10 May 1784. (Va.GenWeb Louisa Co., WB 3, 7)

Both James and Robert Tenham are listed in the 1767 tithables list for Louisa Co.

In June of 1734, a Sarah Johnson "voluntarily" relinquished her dower rights to a tract of land of 200 acres in St. Martin”s Parish, Hanover County, which had been conveyed by deed from William Johnson, the husband of Sarah, to Robert Temham sometime before 1734. One would conclude from this court action that the William who sold land to Robert Temham before 1734 was still alive in 1734. Otherwise, it would have referred to him as William Johnson, deceased, former husband of Sarah. Hanover County was formed out of New Kent county in 1721. It lies adjacent to King William County on the west side. [This is possibly the mother of James.]
On 12 Jan 1765, Richard Johnson and Dorothy his wife sold 200 acres of land to Sarah Johnson of Louisa County. This was located adjacent Sarah Johnson and Robert Temhams corner on Richard Johnson, now Thomas Johnson (Jr.) line, along David Johnson line. The witnesses were William Johnson, Richard Johnson and Isham Johnson. The deed does not give the name of Sarah's husband, presumed dead. However, I would assume that her husband, deceased, was William, 1746.
This was land which Richard Johnson, son of Thomas and Ann Meriwether Johnson, bought in 1752. It was certainly very near where David and William lived. What is most interesting is that Sarah Johnson was listed as an adjacent land owner in 1752. That is, her husband was dead at that early date.

Louisa DB G, p.393
13 Sep 1792 Wm Johnson and Ann his wife, Isham Johnson, William Moss & Rebecca his wife of Buckingham, Richard Johnson, Sarah Johnson, James Johnson & Kezeiah his wife, William Powers & Elizabeth Whitaker his wife, John Johnson & Mary his wife to John Overton. The land where James Johnson lately lived adj lands of John Overton, Robert Duncan, Minor V. Anderson. Our portions of Sarah Johnson's right of Dower at her death. 200 acres our 1/10 each and 1/10 of Sarah Johnson's dower as hereafter may be laid off to her.
Wit: Samuel Luck, Robert Duncan, John Jackson, Jesse White, William Overton.
Proved 12 Nov 1792 and 14 Apr 1794.
[Thomas Johnson omitted from this list; also daughter Ann "Nancy" although both received shares in an estate division of James Johnson in Dec of 1793. A son John was not mentioned in that estate settlement of his father, nor in the following will of his mother Sarah Johnson, but he is named here. However, there were obviously 10 heirs in 1792.] Louisa DB G, p.308
14 Aug 1793 Justices of Buckingham Co. Not convenient for Rebecca Moss, wife o Wm Moss to travel. Relinquishment of right of dower. Rec. Louisa Co 14 Aug 1793.
Louisa DB J, p.88
8 Dec 1800 Thomas Johnson, son of James Johnson of Louisa, to John Overton for 50#'s. 1/20 of land where James Johnson dec'd lived, supposed to be 20 acres. Signed: ThomasJohnson. Rec. 8 Dec 1800.

Louisa Co WB 4, p.86.
Probate 12 Dec 1796. Written 21 Apr 1796. Sarah Johnson. To son Richard Johnson 2 cows & balance of Valentine Meriwether's Bond for corn after paying my debts. Crops divided between Richard and Thomas Johnson. To my two daughters Sarah & Nancy Johnson, furniture. Son Isham, 1 cow. Son William, Executor. Wit: Joseph Isbell, Reuben Thacker.
Memo. Sons William and James Johnson, son-in-law William Powers, and my duaghter Rebecca Moss having received more of my dec'd husband's estate, I think proper not to bequeath them anything. 25 Apr 1796.


DeathBet Apr 1796 and Dec 1796
MarriageJames Johnson


SpouseJames Johnson (1730 - 1792)
ChildWilliam Johnson (1754 - 1811)
ChildRichard Johnson ( - )
ChildRebecka Johnson ( - )
ChildElizabeth Whitaker Johnson (1753 - )
ChildThomas Johnson ( - 1819)
FatherRobert Tenham ( - )
