Individual Details

Robert Tenham

( - )

Post-em Note in WorldConnect file re Rober Tenham has the following:
22 Sept 1752. Edward Arnold sold to Richard Johnson, 200 acres in St. Martins Parish, bound by Clark now Sarah Johnson & Robt Tenham's corner. Signed: Edward Arnold, Benj. Arnold
Wit: Thos. Perkins, Michael Wright, David Harris, Pouncy Anderson, Nicholas Johnson, Christopher Hudson, William Johnson

23 Dec 1763. Will of Robert Tenham of St. Martins Parish. 5 daus: Mary West, Eliza. Tenham, Rebekah Walker, Sarah Johnson, Ann Tenham. To dau. Mary West, 2 acres where she now lives. Exrs: friend John Boswell of Hanover Co, Thos. Johnson Jr., son of Nicholas Johnson of Louisa Co.
Signed: Robert Tenham
Wit: Pouncey Anderson, Robert Wilson, Elizabeth Anderson.
Rec. 9 Oct 1769. Lousia Co WB 2, p.65

The references to Nicholas Johnson - that is Nicholas (1713-1766) who was a son of Thomas Johnson and Ann Meriwether (dau of Capt. Nicholas and Elizabeth Crawford). Nicholas had a brother William. Nicholas's son Thomas was "Sheriff" Thomas Johnson who married Elizabeth Meriwether.


ChildSarah Tenham ( - 1796)