Individual Details
James Johnson
(Abt 1730 - 23 Feb 1792)
James, if a son of this William Johnson, was born about 1730 because he was not of age when his father died. There is no direct proof he was a son of William & Sarah and he was not included when David's siblings sued concerning the estate of William & Sarah Johnson. He is in fact closely linke to Isham, Susannah, and Richard, none of whom were children of William and Sarah Johnson.
Although he is often seen as having married Sarah Parish, 3 Nov 1768, in Goochland - that cannot be this man. Son William was married in 1781 and probably was born 25 years earlier, or ca 1756. It is more likely his wife was Sarah Tenham.
In 1757, James purchased 186 acres of land in St. Martins parish from David Johnson:
22 Feb 1747 David Johnson of St Martin's Parish, Louisa Co to James Johnson. 186 acres. Corner in pine in Benjamin Arnold's line
Signed: David Johnson. Ack. by David Johnson. Mary, his wife, declared her consent. DB B, 132.
Since David sold the same amount of land on the same day to William Johnson, it has led some to speculate that both were brothers to David.
Then, in 1760, David Johnson, Richard Johnson, James Johnson, William Johnson and John Glenn were abutters to 400 acres that Richard and Dorothy Johnson sold to Thomas Johnson, Jr., (son of Nicholas). This land was sold by Thomas, Jr., to Pouncey Anderson in 1765. A James Johnson was listed again as an abutter.
In 1769, Thomas Darricott "conveyed 200 acres of this land and a plantation to James Johnson ". This land was "Located north of Shelfar on the south side of the South Anna River". It carried the strange name of "Devil's Den". "Although little is known about James Johnson, he apparently made his home at Devil's Den. In 1792, after his death, James' heirs sold the 200 acre plantation to Col. John Overton"
It is interesting that in April 1770 James Johnson and his wife Sarah sold 192 acres of land in St. Martins parish to David Johnson for 100 pounds. This was adjacent to the lands of Pouncy Anderson, William Johnson and the said David Johnson. It appears that this was the same land that James bought from David in 1757.
Listed in a tithables list, Louisa Co, 1767. As was Robert Tenham.
Louisa Co VA DB D, p.246
12 Apr 1770 Jas. Johnson of St. Martins Parish, Louisa, planter, and his wife Sarah to David Johnson of same for 100£. 192 acres both sides Elk Swamp. Adj lands of Pouncy Anderson, William Johnson, William Priddy & the sd David Johnson.
Signed: James Johnson, Sarah (X) Johnson
Wit: John Scott, John Higgason, George Matlock
Lousia Co VA WB, Page 0
Wills not fully proven Book
7 Mar 1792 On Wednesday 22 February 1792 James Johnson of Louisa at his dwelling house called on me and informed me his will was that his younger children Sarah, Nancy and Thomas to make them equal with his older children should have a small Negro each as all his other children had been very expensive to him in furnishing them with floating money and sundry other things and all children to be equal and he had frequently mentioned it before his [illeg.] James Johnson was of sound mind and in his last illness and he departed this life 23 same Feb. 1792. Sig. 7 March 1792. Sig. William Johnson. The above was committed in writing in my presence and I heard William Johnson declare it. Sig. John Overton
WB 3, p.508 Sarah Johnson's Dower land on River adj OVerton, Anderson, Shelton, 80 acres. Dated 23 Jan 1792, but likely an error as that would have been prior to his death. I believe it should have been 23 Jan 1793 based on where it appears in the Will Book and the date of recording.
Commissioners, Cors. Dabney, Saml. Dabney. Rec. 11 Feb 1793
p.115 WB 3, p.508 Sales of James Johnson. Buyers: Richard, Nancy, Thomas, Sarah, Benj, John & William Johnson, Edward Curd, John Overton, Thomas Meriwether. Rec. 11 Feb 1793
p.116 WB 3, p.512 Bond of Sarah Johnson as Admin of James Johnson. Sec: Will Johnson. 11 Mar 1793.
p.134 WB 4, p.32 Div of est of James Johnson 25 Dec 1793. Lot 1 to Ann. Lot 2 to Sarah. Lot 3 to Isham. Lot 4 to Thomas. Lot 5 to James. Lot 6 to Richard. Lot 7 to William Powers. Lot 8 to William Johnson. Div. By Cornelius Dabney, Robert Duncan, thos Shelton, Saml Dabney. 9 Dec 1793. Rec. 11 Sep 1797.
WB 4, p.34. Report by Mrs. Sarah Johnson, widow of James, her legal share. Dated 26 Dec 1793. Cornelius Dabney, Robert Duncan, Saml Dabney. Rec. 11 Sep 1797
Louisa DB G, p.393 13 Sep 1792
Wm Johnson and Ann his wife, Isham Johnson of Louisa, William Moss and Rebecca his wife of Buckingham, Richard Johnson and Sarah Johnson of Louisa, James Johnson and Kezekiah his wife of Louisa, William Powers and Elizabeth Whitaker, and (John) Johnson and Mary his wife of Louisa to John Overton - land where James Johnson lately lived adjoinging lands of John Overton, Robert Duncan, Minor v. Anderson, and each of our portions of Sarah Johnson's right of Dower at her death containing by estimation 200 acres, that is our 1/10 each and 1/10 of Sarah John's dower as hereafter may be laid off.
Sold by Wm Johnson and Ann his wife, Isham Johnson, James Johnson and Keziah his wife, William Powers and Elizabeth Whitaker his wife, and John Johnson and Mary his wife.
Wit: Samuel Luck, Robert Duncan, John Jackson, Jewwe White, William Overton. Reb. 12 Nov 1792. Proved again 14 Apr 1794.
Louisa Co VA WB 4, p.32
25 Dec 1793 Division of estate of James Johnson. Lot 1 to Ann Johnson, Lot 2 to Sarah Johnson, Lot 3 to Isham Johnson, Lot 4 to Thomas Johnson, Lot 5 to James Johnson, Lot 6 to Richard Johnson, Lot 7 to William Powers, Lot 8 to William Johnson. Each 51£ 26sh. Division by Cornelius Dabney, Robert Duncan, Thos. Shelton, Saml. Dabney. 9 Dec 1793. Recorded 11 Sep 1797
[A deed dated 13 Sep 1792 states that were 10 shares of the estate of James Johnson and 10 shares of Sarah Johnson's dower and includes a son John Johnson & wife Mary and a daughter Rebecca, wife of William Moss of Buckingham Co.]
Spouse | Sarah Tenham ( - 1796) |
Child | William Johnson (1754 - 1811) |
Child | Richard Johnson ( - ) |
Child | Rebecka Johnson ( - ) |
Child | Living |
Child | Living |
Child | Living |
Child | Elizabeth Whitaker Johnson (1753 - ) |
Child | Living |
Child | Living |
Child | Thomas Johnson ( - 1819) |
Father | Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Isham Johnson (1732 - ) |
Sibling | Susannah Johnson (1734 - ) |
Sibling | Richard Johnson (1736 - ) |
1. Manuscript; The Search for William Johnson, son of Col. Richard, 1629-1699 by Robert E. Wilson, 10 Feb 2007. .
2. Van A. Stilley of Wilmington, NC, "Some Descendants of John Price and Jane Pugh" Manuscript. Material compiled in the 1970's - the last draft perhaps dated Dec 1993. Sent by email from Bill Johnson
3. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.
4. Edited by W. Mac Jones, The Douglas Register. Detailed record of Births, Marriages, kept by the Rev. William Douglas, from 1750 to 1797. [Note: Douglas went to Goochland in 1750 but did not start the Registter until 1756.] An Index of Goochland Wills. Notes on the French-Huguenot Refugees who lived in Manakin-Town. (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore Reprinted 1985; Original, 1928. c1966) Available online at by subscription., p.29.