Individual Details

Rebecca Lariferd

(4 Feb 1684 - )

Although Shubal Stearnes wife is usually seen as Rebecca Lariby, I do not read her name that way in the Tolland Vital Records. Shubael was the town "clark" and entered his birth, Rebecca's birth, their marriage and listed the children born before moving to Tolland. Later those children born in Tolland were added. Her name appears to be Lareferd or Lariferd, certainly it is not Lariby.


Birth4 Feb 1684Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
Marriage28 Dec 1704Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts - Shubael Stearns II


SpouseShubael Stearns II (1683 - )
ChildRev. Shubael Starnes III (1706 - 1771)
ChildRebecca Stearns (1707 - )
ChildPeter Starnes (1710 - 1791)
ChildIsaac Starnes (1713 - )
ChildElizabeth Stearns (1715 - )
ChildHannah Stearns (1718 - )
ChildSarah Stearns (1720 - )
ChildEbenezer Starnes (1722 - 1790)
ChildMary Stearns (1724 - )
ChildMartha Stearns (1726 - )
