Individual Details

John West

(19 Feb 1784 - 30 Apr 1859)

John West's father is said to have been William West. Records in Logan Co KY where the families lived are conclusive. More recent research indicates John and James were sons of Richard West, not William.

TAX Records of Logan Co KY show the first appearance of John, possibly as early as 1803.
1803 Richard, Amos, Leonard, James and William West were already there but now have the addition of John West who had one poll between 16-21 [This could be the John that went to Arkansas; he would have been about age 19]
A John West continues to appear each year through 1815, that the tax records exist except for 1814, which could have just been an oversight.

1810 Logan Co KY Census:
p.768: John West, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45; 1f 16-26. Counted immediately after a Richard West Jr, age 26-45
John West: 2 males 16-26 and 26-45; 1 female 16-26. [John was 26 that year, but had not yet married Lavinia Howard; perhaps a married brother is living with him?]
William West: age 45+. Males: 1m -10; 2m 10-16; 1m 16-26; 1m 26-45. Females 2 -10; 1f 10-16, and 1f 26-45. [If this is John's father, John could also still be living here.]
Between the two men are also James West Senr & James West Junr and Matthew West, all between the ages of 26-45 with families. William West had 11 slaves.
Amos West on p.178b; Leonard West on 177a., Richard West on 180a

Logan Co KY Order Book 5 [June 1809 - Aug 1813]
p.270, May 1813. John West was judged guilty of the crime of bastardy and sentenced to pay 5 £ per year for child support of 7 years. [this was prior to his marriage to Lavinia]

The Tax Lists for 1809 and 1810 show the following Wests:
1809 William West with 533 acres. Matthew still there. John. James, Sr & Jr. Richard, Sr & Jr. Leonard and Amos.
1810 Same as 1809 except that James West Sr is missing and has perhaps died. In fact the Estates book list James West Inventory taken in Feb of 1810 and the Sale of his Estate in March; Susannah West, widow, Administrator. It's strange that James West Sr seems to still appear on the 1810 census, and not Susannah as head of household.

Logan Co WB B, p.4
21 Nov 1816 Appraisal of property of Huldy Stevens, dec'd, by John West, James Steel, Joseph Nave. Executor: William Gray

Logan Co DB F, p.243
1 Feb 1819, Deed Proved
This Indenture made and entered into this 23rd. Of March in the year of our
Lord one thousand Eight hundred & eighteen between Richard West se'r. and his wife Susanna West of the county of Logan and state of Kentucky of the one part and John West of the County & state aforesaid of the other part
witnesseth that the said Richard West se'r. and wife Susanna West for and
in Consideration of the sum of four dollars to him in hand paid & for and
in Consideration of love and affection from a parent to a child the same
being hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold and transfered and by these present doth bargain sell and transfer to the said John West and his heirs forever a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the county of
Logan on the waters of Red River Containing forty acres more or less it
being part of two tracts patoned in his own that is the name of s'd.
Richard West Se'r. and bounded as followeth to wit Begining at a black oak
and dogwood on the bank of spring fork of Red river and Runing thence North 43 degrees west 48 poles to a stone thence south Eighty Degrees West 190 poles to a stone thence south 33 degrees East 38 poles to a stone thence due west 46 to a hickory and red oak thence south 4? degrees West 37 poles to some Sycomere and maple on the bank of the rever thence south 81 degrees East 60 poles to the mouth of the creek thence meandering the creek on the nothern bank the following Courses and distances to wit North 12 degrees West 20 poles thence N 16 E 24? poles thence N 32 E 21 poles thence - S 83 ½ E 12? poles S74 ½ E 20 poles thence N. 75 E 17 poles thence N70 E 20 poles thence S 81 E 20 poles thence N 42 E 26? poles thence N 60 E 25 poles thence S 40? E 68? poles thence N __ E 9? poles to the begining To have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land together with all and singular the appurtenances and priveleges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to said John West his heirs & assigns forever and the said Richard West Se'r. and his wife susanna west hereby covenant for themselves heirs &c. to warrant and forever defend the said tract or parcel of land to the said John west his heirs &c. against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatever in witness whereof we hath hereunto set our hand and affixed our seal this day and date above written.
Richard X West (*Seal*)
Test mark
James West her
Susanna D West (*Seal*)
James Steel mark
Logan County sc't. I Spencer Curd clerk of the county court of Logan
afs'd. Do hereby certify that the within Indenture of bargain & sale from
Richard west Sen'r. & Susanna his wife to John West was this day proven
before me in my office by the oaths of James Steel & James West (witnesses
thereto) to be the act & Deed of s'd. Richard & wife. In Testimony to
hereof and that the same together with this certificate stands truly
recorded in my office. I hereunto set my hand this 22nd. day of April 1818
Spencer Curd

1 Feb 1819
This Indenture made and entered into this 23rd. day of march in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen betwixt Richard West
Sen'r. and his wife Susanna West of the county of Logan & state of Kentucky
of the one part and John West of the county and state aforesaid of the
other part witnesseth that the said Richard West Se'r. and his wife Susanna
West for and in consideration of the sum of six Dollars to him in hand paid
and for and in Consieration of love and affection from a parent to a child
the same being hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold and transfered and by these presents doth bargain sell and transfer to the said John West and his heirs forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the
county of Logan on the waters of Red River Containing three hundred acres
more or less it being part of two tracts patoned in the name of said
Richard West se'r. and bounded as followeth to wit Begining at two white
oaks on the south side of the River and Runing thence south 65 degrees West 262 poles to a stake or stone on Thomas Hills line thence south 4 degrees west 36 poles to a post oak thence south 70 degrees East 198 poles to a post oak thence North 116 degrees East 42 poles to a post oak and hickory thence North 65 degrees East 202? Poles to a stake or stone on James west line thence with his line Crossing the River North 53 degrees west 178 poles to a hickory and dogwood thence crossing the river south 89 degrees West 12 poles to the begining To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of land together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining to the said John west his heirs and assigns forever and the said Richard West Se'r. and his wife Susanna West hereby Covenant for themselves heirs &c. to warrant and forever defend the said tract or parcel of land to the said John West his
heirs &c. against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons
whatsoever in witness whereof we hath hereunto set our hands and affixed
our seals this day & date above written.
Test Richard X West (*Seal*)
James West her
Susanna D West (*Seal*)
James Steel mark
Logan County Sc't. I spencer Curd clerk of the county court of Logan
afs'd. Do hereby certify that the within Indenture of bargain & sale from
Richard West & Susanna his wife to John West was this day proven before me in my office by the oaths of James West & James Steel (witnesses thereto) to be the act & Deed of s'd. Richard & wife. In Testimony whereof & that the same together with this certificate stands truly recorded in my office.
I hereunto set my hand this 22nd. day of April 1818.
Spencer Curd

1820 Logan Co KY Census:
p.14 Nancy West, widow either 26-45 or over the age of 45, two females.
p.29: Ann West, also has two females, 26-45 and over 45 [Either of these could be the widow of Amos whose (2) wife was Ann Thompson since Nancy is often the nickname for Ann. I have also seen Nancy as a nickname for Agnes.]
Also on p.29: John West with 2m under 10; 1m 26-45, 1m over 45. 2f under 10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45 [would appear to have an older couple in the household and some extra children]
As far as is known, daughters Ophelia & Omira were both born before 1820, as was son Myron.
1820 Tax Roll in Logan Co. Shows Anny West with 2 slaves, 3 horses & 55 acres [probably widow of Amos]. Agnes West with 1 slave, 1 horse, no land. John West, one white male over 21 [men over 60 were usually not taxed], 4 horses, and 450 acres on the Red River.

1830 Logan Co KY Census:
John West. 1m under 5 [Mercer], 1m 10-15 [Myron], 1m 40-50 [John]. 2f under 5 [Omanda & Osetta], 1f 5-10 [Omiza], 2f 10-15 [Omira & Ophelia], 1f 30-40 [Lavinia] He had no slaves and appears to have never been a slave owner.
Also living next door to each other and some distance from John West that year were Leonard, age 30-40 & Richard West, age 20-30, and their families. Probably sons of Amos West.
1830 Tax Rolls: James H. West, 3 slaves, 5 horses, 90 acres on Red River. Richard West, 2 slave, 2 horses, 160 acres on Red River. [James & Richard probably sons of Amos] John West, 3 horses, 425 acres on Red River.

Logan Co DB Q, p.399 4 Nov 1830 John West & wife Levina of Logan Co to Aaron Fuqua for $550. Tract of 103 acres on the Red River, part of two tracts patented in his name and his father's name. Signed: John West, Levina West. Levina relinquished dower. Rec. 16 Nov 1830. [Unfortunately this deed did not state who the father was.]
4 No 1830
This Indenture made and entered this 4th day November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty Between John WEST and his wife Levina WEST of the County of Logan & State of Kentucky of the one part and Aaron FUQUAY of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said John WEST and his wife Levina WEST for and inconsideration of the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged hath bargained Sold and transferred & conveyed and by these presents doth bargain sell and transfer and convey unto the said Aaron FUQUAY and his heirs forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Logan on the waters of Red River containing one hundred and three acres it being part of two tracts patented in his Said WESTs own name and his fathers to wit. Bounded as followeth to wit. Beginning at a Spanish oak on the north bank of Spring fork Corner of said WESTs survey and running with the same up the Creek North 59east 46 poles to a sugar tree corner to said FUQUAY thence North 25E 32 poles to a post oak thence N 31 W 90 poles to a post oak thence S 88 W 66 poles to a large post oak thence S 39W 85 poles to
two hickorys, black jack & red oak Saplings thence S37E 56 poles to a rock on the bank of the creek thence up the creek meandering the same as follows N75E 17 poles, S70E 11 poles, S87 E 24 poles, S80E 16 poles, S75E 16 poles N54 E 10 poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said Aaron Fugua and his heirs forever and the said John WEST and his wife Levina WEST Covenanteth for themselves, heirs etc. to warrant and forever defend the tract or parcel of land to the Said Aaron Fuquay and his heris etc against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatever in witness whereof we hath hereunto set our hands and seals this day and date above written.
Signed: John WEST, Levina WEST
Logan County Ct: I Spencer CURD, Clerk of Sd County Court do certify that
this Deed from John WEST & Levina WEST his wife to Aaron FUQUAY was on this day acknowledged before me in my Office by sd. J. WEST to be his Act and Deed and the Said Levina WEST being examined by me Privily and apart from her sd husband declared that she Did freely and willingly seal and Deliver the said writing & wishes not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing again shown and explained to her to be her Act and Deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded. Which together with this certificate Stand truly recorded in my Office. Given under my hand this 16 Novr. 1830. Spencer CURD.

Logan Co DB R, p.48 28 Sep 1831 John West and wife Levina West of Logan Co to Alfred K. Baker. $1532.50 Land on waters of Red River, 250 acres part of 2 tracts patented in name of Richard West Senr. On Reynolds line, James West's line. Signed: John West Levina West. Wit: Zachariah K. ?Hundon, Wm Baker. Levina relinquished to Wm. H. Wilson & Tighlman Offutt on 31 Oct 1831. Proved by witnesses 17 Nov 1831.

This Indenture made and entered into this 28th day of Septenber in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one between John West and
his wife Levina West of the county of Logan and State of Kentucky of the
one part and Alfred K Baker of the County and State aforesaid of the other
part Witnesseth that the Said John West and his wife Levina West for and in
consideration of the Sum of fifteen hundred and thirty two dollars and
fifty cents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained Sold
transfered and conveyed and by these presents doth bargain Sell transfer
and convey to the Said Alfred K Baker and heirs forever a certain tract or
parcel of Land lying and being in the county of Logan on the waters of red
river containing two hundred and fifty acres to the Same more or less it
being part of two tracts patoned in the name of Richard West Sen'r and
bounded as followth to wit beginning on two dead white oaks on the South
Side of the river and running thence S 65 W 265 poles to a Stake on
Reynolds line thence S 4 W 39 poles to a post oak thence S 70 E 182 poles
to a post oak thence N 53 W 172 poles to a hickory and dogwood on the north
bank of the river thence S 88 W 14 poles to the beginning To Have and To
Hold the Said Tract or parcel of Land together with all and Singular the
appurtenances and priveleges thereunto belonging or in any wise
appertaining to the Said Alfred K Baker his heirs and assigns forever and
the Said John West and his wife Levina West hereby covenanteth for
themselves heirs &c to warrant and forever defend the said Tract or parcel
of land to the Said Alfred K Baker his heirs &c against the claim or claims
of all and every person or persons whatever In Witness whereof we hath
hereunto Set our hands and affixed our Seals this day and date above written
Attest Zachariah H Herndon John West (*Seal*)
W'm Baker Levina West(*Seal*)

Logan County Sct
We Tiglman Offutt & Wm H Wilson two Justices of
the peace in & for the County aforesaid do certify that Levina West wife of
John West this day personally appeared before me and acknowledged this Deed
to Alfred K Baker to be her Act and Deed we also examined the Said West
Separate and apart from her S'd husband when She declared that she did
freely and ______ relinquish her right to dower in Sd Land without threats
or persuasions of her husband and the Same being again shown and explained
to her where She again acknowledged the Same to be her Act and Deed and
that she does not now wish to retract it and consenteth the same may be
certified to the ______ office for record Given under our hands and Seals
this 31st October 1831
Wm H Wilson (*Seal*)
Tiln Offutt (*Seal*)
Logan County Sct
I Spencer Curd clerk of Said County court do
certify that this Deed from John West & wife to Alfrred K Baker was on this
day proven before me in my office by the oaths of Zach H Herndon & Wm Baker
subscribing witnesses thereto to be the Act and Deed of Said West Which
together with this certificate and the attached certificate stands truly
recorded in my Office Given under my hand the 17th Nov'r? 1831
Spencer Curd

Logan Co DB S, p.147 19 Aug 1831 John West & Lavinia his wife to Joshua Murrah. $200. A tract in Logan Co on Spring Creek a branch of Red River and adj land of sd Murrah on the South. 58 acres. Begin at double sycamore standing on a small island of river & near the north Bank. Mouth of Spring Creek, meandering the Creek on Northern bank Aaron Fuquas corner. Signed: John West, Lavinia (X) West. She relinquished dower. Rec. 3 Nov 1833

This indenture made this 19th day of August 1831 Between John West and
Lavinia his wife of the one part and Joshua Murrah of the other part Now
these presents witness that he the said West for and in consideration of
the sum of two hundred dollars to him in hand paid at or before the sealing
and delevery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
hath bargained sold aleined and confirmed and by these presents doth
bargain, sell alein and confirm unto him the said Murrah a certain tract or
parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Logan on Spring
Creek a branch of Red River and ajoining the Land of said Murrah on the
south containing fifty Eight acres and is bounded and alotted? As follows
To wit Beginning at a double sycamore tree standing in a Small Island of
River and near the North Bank of said River thence up the river South
eighty one degrees east fifty nine Poles to the mouth of? Spring Creek
thence meandering the Creek on the Northern bank according to the following
courses and distances To wit North twelve degrees West twenty poles thence
North Sixteen degrees East twenty four poles thence North thirty two
degrees East twenty one poles thence south Eighty three and one half
degrees East twelve poles thence South twenty four and one half degrees
East twenty poles thence North Seventy five degrees East Seventeen poles
thence North Seventy degrees East twenty poles thence South Eighty one East
twenty poles thence North Sixty two degrees East twenty six poles to a
stone thence South forty Eight degrees West forty seven and one half poles
to a Small Red oak thence South four degrees west thirty Eight poles to the
beginning also all ways water Courses and appurtenances thereunto belonging
To Have and to Hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and every part or
parcel thereof to him the said Murrah his heirs and assigns forever to the
only? proper use and behoof of him the said Murrah his heirs and assigns
forever. And he the said John West doth for himself his heirs executors
and administrators covenant grant and agree and with him the said Joshua
Murrah his heirs and assigns that he is legally seized of the aforsaid
tract of land and hath a compleat right to sell also that the aforsaid?
tract or parcel of Land and every part and parcel thereof to him the said
Murrah his heirs and assigns against the claim of myself my heirs and every
person claiming by through or under law and against the claim or claims of
every other person or persons whatsoever will by these presents forever
warrant and defend. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and
affixed our seals the day & year. above written.
John West (*Seal*)
Lavinia X West (*Seal*)

Commonwealth of Kentucky
Logan County Sct. }
I Sam'l. H. Curd Clerk of the County Court of
Logan County do certify that this deed from John West & Lavinia West to
Joshua Murrah was on the 3'd Nov 1833 produced to me in my office and
acknowledged by s'd J West to be his act and deed and the s'd Lavinia being
examined by me prively and apart from her husband declared that she did
freely and willingly Seal and delever s'd. Writing and wishes not to
retract it. And acknowledges s'd writing again shown and explained to her
to be her act & deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded.
Whereupon the same together with this certificate hath been duly recorded
in my office. Given under my hand this 3'd. Nov 1833
Sam'l. H Curd

Note that the following deed of James West who was married to Mourning Howard, sister of Lavina Howard West was obviously in a similar location, near Alfred Baker and Aaron Fuqua.
Deed Book U, p.308
16 Dec 1835
James WEST of Simpson Co to William ROSS. $359. 12 1/2. Tract in Logan Co on
North fork of Red River. Bounded by survey belonging to said ROSS, corner to
Alfred BAKER, corner to BAKER & Aaron FUQUA. 42 acres. Signed: James WEST.
James HERNDON & John HAIL, JP's examined Mourning WEST wife of James WEST, 21
Apr 1836. Rec. 25 Apr 1836.

About 1832, the Wests left Kentucky for Washington Co, AR and by 1840 had moved to Crawford County.

Here is a later deed in Logan Co showing that John, Richard and James West lived near each other.
Logan Co Deed Book W
p.232 27 Mar 1839
Deed from Archibald L. Campbell, Thomas L. Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, Sarah Campbell, Alice Campbell, Montford Campbell, William Campbell, John Campbell & Sophronia Campbell by Richard M. Hannum, Comm.
Petition of Mary Campbell, guardian, etc. to Aaron Fuqua who was highest bidder at $83
Begin on bank of Spring Creek, corner of survey by Henry Glisson and corner to 100 acres survey of John West, running with West, corner to 148 acre survey in name of Richard West, his line. Line of James West 100 acre survey, corner to survey in name of James Rolling, his line, to said Glissons 155 acre survey. 83 acres of land.
Rec. 7 Apr 1839
This Indenture made this 27th day of March 1839 Between Archibald L. CAMPBELL, Thomas L. CAMPBELL, Elizabeth CAMPBELL, Sarah CAMPBELL, Alice CAMPBELL, Montford CAMPBELL, William CAMPBELL, John CAMPBELL and Sophronia CAMPBELL by Richard M. HANNUM Commissioner appointed by the Logan Circuit Court at their October term 1838 by the decree rendered therein pending on the petition of Mary CAMPBELL guardian etc of the first part and Aaron FUQUA of the county aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth that whereas by the decree aforesaid the said HANNUM as Commissioner did expose to sale the land mentioned in the
decree and the said Aaron FUQUA being the highest bidder became the purchaser thereof at the sum of Eighty three dollars. Now in pursuance and by virtue of said decree and for the further consideration of the Eighty three dollars the parties of the first part do by these presents grant bargain sell release and convey unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the county of
Logan and bounded as follows to Wt: Beginning on a sugar tree elm and white oak on the Bank of Spring Creek, sd oak is marked "CAW" Said tree is corner of a 155 acres survey made in the name of Henry GLISSION and corner to a 100 survey made in the name of John WEST running thence with said WEST line S 60 W ?19 poles to a large black oak corner to sd WEST and a corner to a 148 acres survey made in the name of Richard WEST thence with said Richard WESTs line S 20 E 77 poles to a white oak and hickory corner to said Richard and on a line of James WEST 100 survey thence with said James, his line N 50 E 85 poles to a hickory and two black oaks corner to said James thence with another line of said James WEST S 54 E 137 poles to three hickories in said James line and corner to a 212 acre survey in the name of James ROLLINS thence with said ROLLINS line ?N 80 E 17 poles to a post oak corner to said ROLLINS and corner to the said Henry GLISSONs 155 acres survey thence N56 W 72 poles to a hickory thence 55 W 6 ½ poles to two hickories thence N 55 W 14 poles to a cloack oak and two hickories thence N 35 E 57 poles to a red oak thence N ?? W 59 poles to two post oaks thence S 83 W 32 poles to a post oak thence S 76 W 103 poles to the Beginning. Containing 83 acres of Land or there about. To Have and To Hold the before described tract of land unto the said party of the seckond part his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said party of the seckond part his heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part by said HANNUM Commissioner aforesaid sets his hand and affixes his seal the day and date first above written.
By the Commissioner Richard M. HANNUM
Logan Circuit SCT april term 1839
At a circuit court helf for Logan County at the court house in Russellville on
the 1st day of April 1839 the within deed from Archibald L. CAMPBELL & others by Richard M. HANNUM, Commissioner to Aaron FUQUA was produced in open court and acknowledge by said HANNUM Commissioner as aforesaid to be his act and deed…………

1840, Washington Co AR:
John West. 2m -5 [Merton & Marion]; 1m 5-10 [Milton]; 1m 10-15 [Mercer]; 1m 50-60 [John]. 1f 5-10 [Odelia], 1f 10-15 [Omanda], 1f 15-20 [Osetta Susan or Omiza Ann], 1f 20-30 [Omira or Ophelia], 1f 40-50 [Lavinia]

1850, Washington Co AR
John West age 65, b. North Carolina. Lavinia age 54, b. South Carolina. Lavinia age 35, b. KY, John age 19, b. KY, Odelia age 16, b. AR, Milton 13 and Marion 10.

1860, Jasper Twp, Crawford Co. John was deceased, but Lavina is found living with son "John" West, who would be Milton John Tompkins West.
It is interesting that there is a Richard West in Crawford Co AR - age 60, born in KY, living with Margaret age 28, b. Indiana. There's no suggestion that he could be the same Richard West listed as age 20-30 in the 1830 Census back in Logan Co KY, but the name is certainly coincidental. Familes often moved together, or joined each other in new locations.

Buried at old Flat Rock Cemetery. A memorial stone has been placed for John and Lavinia in the Stevenson-West Cemetery, Crawford Co, AR


Birth19 Feb 1784Chatham County, North Carolina
Marriage7 Jan 1814Logan County, Kentucky - Lavinia Jane Howard
Death30 Apr 1859Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseLavinia Jane Howard (1795 - 1867)
ChildOphelia Quine West (1815 - 1886)
ChildMyron Howard West (1817 - 1860)
ChildOmira Lois West (1819 - )
ChildOmiza Ann West (1821 - 1870)
ChildOsetta Susan West (1824 - 1907)
ChildMercer William West (1827 - )
ChildOmanda Melvina West (1829 - )
ChildMilton John Tompkins West (1831 - 1913)
ChildOdelia Jemima Lavina West (1834 - )
ChildOlitia Quine West (1834 - )
ChildMerton Tilghman West (1836 - 1915)
ChildMarion Newton Rector West (1839 - 1885)
FatherRichard West (1739 - 1820)
MotherSusannah Ditto ( - 1820)
SiblingJames West (1772 - 1844)
SiblingWilliam West (1775 - 1859)
SiblingJemima West (1788 - )
SiblingRichard West Jr. (1788 - 1860)
