Individual Details


(Abt 1725 - Abt 1812)

[Several speculative dates found for birth year of William. If dau Seletha was born in 1751, he was likely born by 1730 and probably earlier, given the fact that he was entering land as early as 1746 indicating he was at least 21 or born by 1725.

Other databases list wife Abigail with no known surname. The database showing her name as "Hubbard" gave no sources and gave Abigail's place of birth as Indiana in 1740 which is not possible - basically only Indians were in Indiana in 1740.

A Gannum McBee is often listed as a son of the elder William & his wife Susannah as well as a son of William & Abigail. I can find no record that indicates a Gannum existed early enough to be the son of either. The name does appear later but not until a grandson and great grandsons of William & Abigail. William & Mary Ann Cox McBee had a son Gainum C. McBee, born 1799, and named in his father's will in Knox Co TN in 1826 - he may have been the first McBee of that name. Israel McBee's son William Pryor McBee named one of his sons Gaynum Cox McBee - he was born about 1820 - this Gaynum also named a son Gaynum C. McBee, he was born about 1856. Robert, another son of Israel named a son Gannum, said to be Gannum Dyer McBee but one census has him as Gannum C. - he was born about 1838. Samuel McBee's son Isaac also named a son Gainum McBee - he was born 1829. I have wondered if the name Gannum [Gaynum] is from a mother's side of the family somewhere. I have found connections between the Cox and Gammon families although nothing directly to Mary Ann Cox McBee, other than proximity - they did live in the same area of Tennessee.

William was not named in the will of William McBee, most often "assumed" to be his father. One son, Samuel, and all the daughters received only 1 shilling, indicating they had previously received their inheritance. It seems strange that this son, if that's who he was, was omitted altogether, even if he had previously received his share. Primogeniture was still in effect; an eldest son would receive all property not designated in a will and for that reason, sometimes the eldest was omitted - perhaps William was that eldest son. Certainly the Entry Record Book for the area of Halifax/Pittsylvania Counties where the McBees lived indicates there was both a Senior and Junior William and they had property adjoining and seemed to make land entries at the same time. There is only 600 acres of old William McBee's 800 acre patent distributed by the will of 1759 - 200 acres to Vardry [and there is also a deed dated 23 Aug 1754 for 200 acres, part of the original 800], 200 acres to James & 200 acres to Mathias. Mathias sold 170 acres of his inheritance on 15 Nov 1762; Vardry sold his 200 acres on 26 Nov 1762 - both sold to James Legrand. James sold 127 acres on 20 Jul 1763 to William Owen. The old surveys were often incorrect - either Mathias & James did not sell all their inheritance or they didn't inherit as much as the will stated. Mathias was not to get his portion until after his mother's decease. However, there wasn't 200 acres omitted for William "Jr" to inherit because William & Susannah Magbe sold 200 acres of this same patent to Thomas Dickson on 7 Apr 1752 when the area was still Lunenburg Co. Lunenburg DB 2, pp.415-417, leaving 600 acres to distribute among the sons.

The McBee descendants are establishing a DNA database found here:
Early tests indicate that a proved descendant of Vardry McBee later of South Carolina and the Mockbees in Maryland have quite similar DNA indicating that they are indeed of the same McBee family. DNA tests of a descendant of Samuel McBee who married Anna Hamilton [believed to be a son of William & Abigail, and the DNA of a descendant of James McBee whose wife was Sarah [not a proved relationship] are also quite similar but not a very close match historically to the Mockbees and Vardry. Since Vardry was undoubtedly a son of William & Susannah - proved by a Parish birth entry, that would seem to say that William did indeed belong to the Maryland Mockbees. But the different results of a descendant of Samuel might further show that William McBee "Jr" was not a son of William and Susannah at all.

ENTRY RECORD BOOK, 1737-1770, Chiarito
p.32 23 Nov 1746 William Macby JUNR enters 400 acres begin at White Oak branded WM on North Fork of Medway R up both side.
Also 400 acres on South fork Medway R begin at lower end of an Isle then up and down both sides. [Medway became Birches Creek. If this is William Jr. son of William & Susannah entering land in 1746, he was about 10 years older than his his often estimated birth year of 1730.]
p.33 [Void] William Macby Junr enters 400 acres on S side of Birches Crk begin at Beach near a Spring branded with 2 letters supposed to be S.P. thence up and down.
[this entry follow one for William Macbee Senr which was also void]
p.35 2 Dec 1746 Wm Macby Junr entered 400 acres both sides the lower Double Creeks begin at a White Oak branded WM thence up [appears to be same as the entry on 23 Nov 1746]
p.37 6 Dec 1746 Memorandum agreed on all sides that Capt Nicholas Edmonds is to have Wm Macbys Entry on the double Branches of Birches Crk and William Macby, Junr, his entry begin at a tree mark't S.P. [See p.33]
p.78 6 Jul 1748 James Terry 400 acres begin at Wm Macby Junr his west corner on Birches Crk branches thence towards & on branches of Little Toby's Crk.
p.202 17 Jul 1760 William McBay. 400 acres. Edmonds N line on upper end of his order including branches of Burches Crk for complement
Also 400 acres joining the same line on 2nd fork of the sd Creek on both sides.
p.216 18 Feb 1762 Verdry Macbay all vant land bet lines of Henry Embry, [Hugh] Henry, and Wm Macbay on the Branches of Birches Crk & Tobe's.
p.223 18 Mar 1762 Wm Macbay 400 acres on Mirey Crk adj Robert Boyd's East line including branches of said creek
p.273 4 Mar 1765 William McBay. 400 acres beg at Richards's corner pine thence on his line.
Also all vacant land bet lines of Chaney, Weatherford & Evans on branches of Birches Crk not to exceed 400 acres.
p.33 12 Nov 1777 James Cox entered 400 acres on W side of E fork of Cascade adj James Cox and Maryanney Cox. Transfer'd to William Macbee Jun 1783 by James Cox's order. Joshua Stone Survr.
[William McBee may not have gone to Tennessee as early as indicated by other researchers if he was still entering land in 1783. This is the last entry for any of the McBees. It's likely that of the William who married MaryAnn Cox, son of William & Abigail.]

The old Halifax Survey Books show the following surveys. William Macby Junr, 14 Mar 1747, 400 acres next to William Macby & Robert Walters, and 10 Dec 1754, 190 acres on Burches Creek with neighbors William Keel & Henry Embry, his own land, his father's 800 acres. William Senr's survey for 800 acres on Midway [later Birches] & Little Creek was dated 28-19 Nov 1746 and was adjacent Robert Walters, John Parish, and young William.

VA Land Patent #33, p.882
To William Macby JUNR. 20 Aug 1760. 190 acres in Halifax County on South side Birches Creek. Begin where William Macby's line crosses said creek and thence on his line. Corner black oak on Harrison's line. Hickory in Edmonds's line. Meanders of the Creek.
[By the time this patent was issued the elder William had died, but the survey had been done in 1754.]

Halifax DB 4, p.196
17 Mar 1763. Wm Mackby of Antrim Parish to Daniel Williams. 113 acres. Begin at corner of sd Williams, along his line. Millers line. Part of greater Quantity granted sd Machby on 14 Feb 1761. Signed: William (W) Magby. No witnesses.
[I have found no patent or survey that matches this tract.]
Pittsylvania Co VA
Deed Book 3, p.297
Nicholas Perkins of Cambden Parish to William MAGBEE of same ...for 150£ ...650 acres both sides mountain Creek being part of a greater Tract granted to William Been 30 Aug 1763 ...Jeremiah Walkers line ...crossing sd Creek ...crossing 2 branches and the Creek. Signed: Nicholas Perkins. Rec. 24 Jun 1773
[No Mountain Creek on today's maps - there is a Mountain Run near Cascade Creek in the SW part of Pittsylvania Co. The original patent to William Been contained no details other than it was for 800 acres in Halifax Co [Pittsylvania wasn't formed until 1766], both sides of Mountain Creek.]
DB 3, p.380 28 Aug 1773 Mortgage for William Magbee to Nicholas Perkins for 88£. Horses, 20 head of cattle, two feather beds, four sheep, two Bibles, crops of Tobo made this year on Mountain Creek. Signed: William (M) Magbee. Wit: Peter Perkins, Jno. (x) Lain, Rachl (X) Magbee, Jno. P. Smith.
[I don't know for sure who Rachel might be. James McBee who died in Clark Co GA said to have been married to Rachel Buckley but he's placed in several different families including as a son of William. But I believe James was indeed a son of this William & Abigail, because of this reference to the Mountain Creek land.]
Pittsylvania Co DB 4
p.274 William McBee of Parish Camden in Pittsylvania for natual love & affections I have unto my son James McBee. Tract of 100 acres; begin Walkers corner, on Walkers line, Been's old line. Part of the tract whereon I now live. [This would be the Mountain Creek land] Signed: William (W) Macbee. Wit: Edward (x) Cahol, Richard Lane, William Maacbee Junr.
28 Nov 1776. Acknowledged by William Macbee
[The fact that this deed identifies James, son of William as receiving some of his Mountain Creek land, and the Rachel Magbee witnessed the mortgage deed of the same, supports the fact that James whose wife was Rachel Buckley was the son of William & Abigail McBee. James sold this land back to his father, see DB 5, p.335]p.519
30 Jan 1778 William McBee Sr to William MacBee Jr. 139 acres for 10£. Land on Branches of Mountain Creek. Begin at Jeremiah Walkers, along his line, a new line. Signed: William (W) McBee Wit: James Cox, Dalton Lane, Israel Macbee.
28 May 1778. Acknowledged by William Magbee

Although William McBee appeared to be living in Pittsylvania Co - he may have been speculating in Tennessee. In the early TN grants when it was still part of North Carolina:
#503 State of North Carolina, Washington County, 14 Oct 1778. to th Surveyor of sd County you are hereby req'd. to measure and lay off according to Law for Wm McBee four hundred acres of land on Leek Creek including Baley's cabbin place Given under my hand this 14th day of Jany 1779. Signed: John Carter
398 acres survey'd for William McBee by James Stewart, CS the 11th Oct. 1779.

Pittsylvania Co VA, DB 5, p.335
10 Nov 1779 James Macbee & his wife to William Macbee for 80£. 100 acres in Pittsylvania Co on branches of Mountain Creek, joining sd William Macbee's land, to wit, bounded by Jeremiah Walker. Signed: James McBee. Wit: Joshua Stone, Robert Walters, George Morgan. Rec. 16 Nov 1779. Proved by Oaths of witnesses.

p.505 Articles of agreement between James Cox & William Macbee, James Cox of Henry Co and MareyAnn Macbee of Pittsylvania County. Having had a patent granted to them of 275 acres they with the said Maryanns husband William Macbee hath agreed upon a future division of the said tract or parce of 275 acres, both sides east fork of Cascade Creek. James Cox's part: [metes & bounds; hard to read] William Macbee; pointers in Russells line.
20 Mar 1780. Signed: James Cox, William Macbee, Maryann (x) Macbee
Wit: James Cox, Dutton Lane
21 Mar 1780 proved by oaths of witnesses
[This would be William, son of William & Abigail, who married MaryAnn Cox.]

From others' research:
William and Abigail McBee lived on Birch Creek [The above deeds indicate they may have lived both on Birch Creek, and then later, on Mountain Creek.] in Pittsylvania County, Virginia and moved to Washington County, Tennessee in 1778. Soon after they moved there, Greene County was carved out of Washington County, so the McBee's were living in Greene County, Tennessee.

It isn't certain when the McBees left for Tennessee. This deed is in the Pittsylvania Co DB 11, but deeds often referred to former owners or were written as a previous deed:
p.373 1 May 1798 William Russell to William Burges. 40£ Begin at Dodsons corner, white oak in Macbees line, along the same, Samuel Harris's corner black jack, along his line; to William Walters corner maple on a branch, along Dodson's line to the beginning. Signed: William Russell. Wit: Benjamin Twedwell, Ezekiel Russell, James Harden 18 Jun 1798 Proved by two witnesses. 15 Oct proved by another.

The following dates are significant. Washington County was a part of North Carolina in 1778. Greene Co was formed from it in 1783, but it was still part of NC, too. From 1784 until 1787, Greene & Washington Counties were part of the State of Franklin which tried to secede from NC but was again under the government of NC in 1787. In 1790, NC ceded Tennessee and it was known as the Territory South of the Ohio River. Part of Knox Co came from part of Greene Co in 1792 and then Grainger was formed partly from Knox Co in 1796. Evidence of McBees is found in all these locations. Tennessee became a state in 1796.

Compounding the problem of finding records of the McBees in Tennessee is the problems of lost censuses. There are no extant census records for any of the counties above until 1830 - all federal censuses are lost for Tennessee 1790 & 1800. Only Rutherford County census exists for 1810. All of the district of East Tennesse, which includes the counties where the McBees were located, was lost for 1820.

Greene Co TN, Vol 4, p.20
24 Jan 1789 James Cox of Greene Co NC to William McBee of same for 20£. 173 acres in Greene County NC on the South side of the Nolachuckey River, opposite an island in the river. [metes & bounds only, no neighbors given]
Signed: James Cox
Wit: James Elliot, David McRessan, William Clerk, Alexander Outlaw, John Gorden
Greene Co May Term, 1789 Deed proved & ordered to be registered
There's no way to know for sure, but this is likely the elder William McBee. His son William was married to a Cox, but he appeared to be in Washington Co - however, he sold his land in Washington Co in Feb of 1788. Later when a William McBee buys 100 acres from James McBee and then sells the same to Samuel McBee, he does not sign his name and the witnesses were Israel McBee & Thomas English. See the next deed. The son William McBee who married MaryAnn Cox could sign his name.
Greene Co TN, Vol 4, p.24
3 Nov 1788 John Ryan of Greene Co NC to Israel McBee for 60£. Tract on West branch of Limestone Fork of Lick Creek adjoining James Englishes line, on Englishes line, his corner. 100 Acres.
Signed: John Ryan
Wit: Nathan David, James Roberts
Greene Co Nov Term, 1789 Acknowledged by Ryan & admitted to Record
Registered 5 Dec 1789
[Israel McBee, son of William & Abigail, served in the Revolution and lived a long life in Tennessee.]
Washington Co TN, Vol. 4, p.240
27 Nov 1788 James Mackbee of Georgia, Wilks County, to William Macbee Senior of Washington Co NC for 30£ 100 acres in Washington Co NC near the head of the Fall Branch of Horse Creek being a survey the sd McBee took up.
Signed: James Mackbee
Wit: Thomas English, Israel McBee, Laban McBee
My note: This is obviously the sale of the 100 acres NC State Grant #475 made to James in 1784. He has "gone to Georgia". I have looked very carefully and the word following William Macbee is "Senior". I do know that the William McBee who married MaryAnn Cox was in Washington Co NC at this time. At first look this appears to be James selling his 100 acres of NC land to his brother William, but it may have been to his father - the William married to Abigail - see next.
Washington Co TN, Vol 4, p.228
28 Oct 1791 William McBee ?Senr [this writing is a toss-up and could very well be Junr] of the Territory of the States South of the River Ohio, Washington County, to Samuel McBee of the same for 45£. 100 acres on or near the head of the fall Branch of Horse Creek.
Signed: William "M" McBee [signed with a mark....]
Wit: Israel McBee, Thomas English
My note: Samuel McBee, believed to be a son of William & Abigail appeared in the 1850 census. He was age 88 as given by the enumerator, or born about 1772. It isn't too much of a stretch to think that his father who bought this 100 acres from James who had gone to Georgia and then he sold it to son Samuel about the time he came of age. William McBee who was married to Abigail always signed with his "mark" - his son William wrote his own name.

Tennessee Land Grants, Vol. II, Sistler.
The following grants were all in Washington Co, Northern District
1782 - McBeed, William, 500 acres, Bk 1, p.504 Grant #180
1784 - McBee, William, 340 acres, Bk 4, p.649 Grant #580
1784 - McBee, William, 350 acres, Bk 4, p.392 Grant #586 also listed as
1784 - McBee, William, 358 acres, Bk 6, p.190 Grant #586
Then there are two Grants that have no county designation.
1796 - McBee, William, 40 acres, N. Dist, Bk 9, p.380 G# ____, Eastern Dsitrict.
1796 - McBee, William, 40 acres, N. Dist, Bk F-6, p.93 Grant #199, Eastern district - on the north side of the Holston River
and one grant in Hawkins Co
1796 - McBee, William 6+ acres, N. Dist, Bk F-6, p.93, Grant #198, also in Bk 9, p.381

William McBee perhaps thought about going to South Carolina - he purchased the following tract in 1784 in present day Pickens Co but sold it in 1792. I have found no indication he lived in South Carolina.
Pendleton Co. SC
Date: 10 Aug 1792.
This Indenture was this tenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety two, Between Wm McBee of Washington County and State of Franklin of the one part & Wm Brown of the County of Pendleton & State of South Carolina of the other part. Witnesseth that the sd Wm McBee for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid by the said Wm Brown the receipt the sd Wm McBee doth hereby acknowledge that he the said Wm McBee hath granted, bargained, and alien & confirm & by these presents doth bargain grant & sell, alien and confirm unto the sd Wm Borwn his heirs & assigns for ever all that plantation tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres be the same more or less situate on both sides of Ravens fork of Twelve-mile river, bounding on all sides by vacant land, granted to Wm McBee by his excellency Wm Moultrie, Esqr on the eighth day of June 1784, beginning on a hickory thence NW (54) 63. 24 to a red Oak thence NE 36, 63, 24 to a stake, thence South E 54, 63, 24 to a stake thence SW 36..63,24. to the beginning tree, containing four hundred acres to be the same more or less and all trees, woods & appurtenances whatsoever of him the sd Wm McBee in and to the said messuage tenement premises & every part thereof to have and to hold, the sd messuage tenement & appurtenances unto the sd Wm Brown his heirs & assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the sd Wm Brown his heirs & assigns for ever, and the sd Wm McBee, for him his heirs the sd tract of four hundred acres of land be the same more or less, & every part thereof against him & his heirs the sd Wm Brown his heirs & assigns, shall & will warrant and defend for ever by these presents. In witness whereof the sd Wm McBee hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Uriah Hunt, Jesse (+) Hunt, Thomas (X) Hunt.
Signed William (M) McBee
South Carolina, Pendleton County. To wit, person appeared before me Uriah Hund and oath in due form that he did see William McBee sign, seal and deliver the within instrument of writing for the true use of Wm Brown and that he did see Jesse Hunt & Thomas Hunt sign as witnesses to the same and that he did himself subscribe as a witness also.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th October 1792. Bayley Anderson, JP
Signed: Uriah Hunt
Recorded Jan 24, 1793.
Pendleton Co. SC, Deed Book B, page 120.

The online database of the SC Archives shows a plat, dated 8 Jun 1784 for 400 acres on North fork of Twelve Mile River, Ninety Six District, Surveyed by David Hopkins for William McBee.
Have caused to be admeasured and laid out unto William McBee a Tract of Land containing Four hundred Acres situate in the District of Ninety Six on the N. fork of 12 Mile River and hath such Form and Marks, butting and bounding as the above Plat represent.
Certified for the 8th Day of Jun 1784. D. C. Hopkins D. S, Ephraim Mitchell, Surveyor-General.
This plat in the the SC State Plats [Charleston Series] 1784-1847. Roll 2, Vol. 6, p.307
[The Twelvemile River is now Twelvemile Creek and lies in Pickens County. The North Fork is just NW of the town of Pickens and the map of the plat shows the tract just at the mouth of North Fork.]

Vardry McBee also received land in 96 District, 1774 on Thicketty Creek as one of his first plats. Other McBees were in South Carolina. Their relationship has not been sorted out.

An Obediah McBee that married Catherine Fann on 3 Jul 797 in Grainger Co TN is in a place and time that he's been supposed to be a son of William and Abigail and is often shown as such. However, Obediah is not found as a child of William & Abigail in all databases. DNA tests have in fact shown he probably is not related and I have not included him here.


BirthAbt 1725
DeathAbt 1812Tennessee
MarriageABIGAIL ?Hubbard


SpouseABIGAIL ?Hubbard ( - )
ChildSELETHA MCBEE (1751 - 1830)
ChildWilliam McBee (1756 - 1826)
ChildJames McBee (1757 - 1814)
ChildIsrael McBee (1761 - 1861)
ChildSusannah McBee (1762 - 1850)
ChildIsaac McBee (1764 - 1849)
ChildAbigail McBee (1770 - 1825)
ChildSamuel McBee (1772 - 1858)
Child?Tabitha Ann McBee (1780 - )
FatherWILLIAM McBee (1700 - 1759)
MotherSUSANNAH Vardry ( - 1762)
SiblingSamuel McBee (1728 - )
SiblingElizabeth McBee (1732 - )
SiblingJoannah McBee (1733 - )
SiblingMary McBee (1734 - )
SiblingVardry McBee (1734 - 1800)
SiblingJames McBee (1737 - )
SiblingMathias McBee (1738 - 1817)
