Individual Details

Israel McBee

(Abt 1761 - Jan 1861)

Pittsylvania DB 4, p.519
30 Jan 1778 William McBee Sr to William MacBee Jr. 139 acres for 10£. Land on Branches of Mountain Creek. Begin at Jeremiah Walkers, along his line, a new line. Signed: William (W) McBee Wit: James Cox, Dalton Lane, Israel Macbee.
28 May 1778. Acknowledged by William Magbee

USGenWeb Green Co, TN page Greene County, Tennessee Tax List
Taxables of Captain C. T. Newman's Company for the year 1796
Name Land White Polls Black Polls
Israel McBee 100 1
Greene County, Tennessee Tax List Taxables of Captain Morriss' Company for the year 1797
Name Land WhitePolls Black Polls Stud Horse Town Lots
Isral McBee 100
Greene County, Tennessee Tax List Taxables of Captain William Crawford's Company for the year 1798
Name Land WhitePolls BlackPolls
Isral Mcbey 100 1 1

Greene Co TN, Vol 4, p.24
3 Nov 1788 John Ryan of Greene Co NC to Israel McBee for 60£. Tract on West branch of Limestone Fork of Lick Creek adjoining James Englishes line, on Englishes line, his corner. 100 Acres.
Signed: John Ryan
Wit: Nathan David, James Roberts
Greene Co Nov Term, 1789 Acknowledged by Ryan & admitted to Record
Registered 5 Dec 1789

Washington Co TN, Vol. 4, p.240
27 Nov 1788 James Mackbee of Georgia, Wilks County, to William Macbee Senior of Washington Co NC for 30£ 100 acres in Washington Co NC nears the head of the Fall Branch of Horse Creek being a survey the sd McBee took up.
Signed: James Mackbee
Wit: Thomas English, Israel McBee, Laban McBee
My note: This is obviously the sale of the 100 acres NC State Grant #475 made to James in 1784. He has "gone to Georgia". I have looked very carefully and the word following William Macbee is "Senior". I do not know if the William McBee who married MaryAnn Cox and was in Washington Co NC at this time, also had a son William. At first look this appears to be James selling his 100 acres of NC land to his brother William, but it may have been to his father - the William married to Abigail - see next.
Washington Co TN, Vol 4, p.228
28 Oct 1791 William McBee Junr [this one is a toss-up and could very well be Senr] of the Territory of the States South of the River Ohio, Washington County, to Samuel McBee of the same for 45£. 100 acres on or near the head of the fall Branch of Horse Creek.
Signed: William "M" McBee [signed with a mark....]
Wit: Israel McBee, Thomas English
My note: Samuel McBee, believed to be a son of William & Abigail appeared in the 1850 census. He was age 88 as given by the enumerator, or born about 1772. It isn't too much of a stretch to think that his father bought the 100 acres from James who had gone to Georgia and then sold it to son Samuel about the time he came of age or married

Early Tennessee Tax Lists,
by Byron & Barbara Sistler, 1977, lists Israel McBee on a tax list in Greene County, 1805, and in Grainger Co, 1821

Tennessee Land Grants, Vol. I, Sistler.
Israel McBee had a grant in Greene Co, Eastern District
1810 - 50 acres, Bk 4, p.648 Grant #1848
Married Nancy Hale. Israel McBee moved from Green to Grainger County TN 1810. Said to have died Union Co TN about age 100.

1830 Grainger Co TN Census
Israel McBee, age 60-70. Two other males, one 20-30 and one 30-40. Probably Nancy, age 60-70. 1 female age 10-15, two females age 20-30. Apparently some of the grown children living with their parents.
Other McBee heads of household in Grainger Co that year were George H. McBee, age 30-40 on the same page with Israel. On p.363 was John McBee, age 30-40. P.354, Pryor McBee age 20-30. P. 358, Silas McBee age 40-50.

1840 Grainger Co TN Census
Israel McBee's age now given as 70-80. Another male age 40-50 and three boys under 5 live in the household. Nancy appears to be still living as well, age 70-80. Another female age 20-30 and a little girl under 5 are also present. Again there is evidently a grown married child living with the parents. A note states that Israel is a Revolutionary Veteran, age 79.
Other McBee heads of household in Grainger on p.139 are "C" McBee, age 20-30, and John McBee age 50-60. On the same page with Israel is W. M. McBee age 20-30 and George McBee age 30-40. Silas is on p.130, age 50-60. Wm. P. is on p.110; he is age 30-40.

ISRAEL McBEE Grainger Co Private, Virginia Line, $56.66 Annual Allowance $169.98 Amount Received November 19 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll)

Israel McBee applied for Revolutionary pension while living in Grainger Co TN before 1832. He was born 1756 in Pittsylvania Co VA. His family moved to Washington Co TN and in 1778 his father sent him to Pittsylvania Co to visit relatives. He enlisted there 9 Aug 1778 in VA troops and was in active service until taken prisoner in Buford's Defeat, 29 May 1780, after which he was paroled. He drew pension in Grainger Co until after the Census of 1840. When Union Co was formed his home was in that county. He married Nancy Hale. Died in Union Co in Jan of 1860. Among his children was Rachel, born 1786 who married John Huddleston, son of David & Sallie Easley Huddleston.

Pension File of Israel McBee. 14 pages. They are numbered as found. They were not in order. This is not the complete file that can be ordered from the National Archives. There was no doubt supporting testimony and correspondence that is not given here. This is the “brief” file that would be mailed if you did not request the complete file. Spelling and punctuation as found.
[This record is 57 pages on]

[Cover Sheet]
Israel McBee
BLWt 26413-160-55

[Record Card]
East Tennessee
Israel McBee
of Granger in the State of Tennessee
who was a Private in the compy commanded
by Captain Woodson of the Regt commanded
by Col. Bluford in the Virginia
line for 17 months 1779

Enlisted on the Roll of East Tennessee
At the rate of 56 Dollars 66 cents
To commence [this word marked over & unreadable]
on the 4th day of March 1831

Certificate of Pension issued the 15 day of Dec 1832
Care of Gray and sent to Pensioner [word off edge of page]
Garrett Esq. Tazewell, Tenn

Arrears to 4th of Sept 1832 84.99
Semi anl. Allowance ending 4 March 1833 28.33

Revolutionary Class
Act June 7, 1832

Recorded by Nathan Rice, Clerk
Book D, Vol 9, Page 106

Notes on opposite side [usually refers to correspondence]:

Let to Claimant to Pension Agent
Pension Suspended June 15, 1843
Do to Hon. W. M. Cocke Dec 3 '45
“ “ W. M. Cocke Dec 19 1845
“ “ same Jane 13 1846
“ “ same Mar 20, [page torn]
“ “ W. Lyon Jr. “ “
“ “ A. Noel May 7 1846

[Back of Card]
______a/c Mar. ?/55
May 7/55

Israel McBee, Private

Capt. Woodson
Col. Blanford [error - it was Bluford in the testimony, the name was really Buford]
Virginia Militia

[Note written diagonally across the above]
No. 26413 of May 26/56

P. L. Mynatt
Plains X Roads

[Other side of Card]:
Cr. P. L. Mynatt Jany 31/56

Vol M.1 page 106

The State of Tennessee
County of Grainger
On the twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, personally appeared before
the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, for the County of Grainger
in the State of Tenneessee (the Same as being a Court of Record)
Israel MeBee, a resident of Grainger County in the State of
Tennessee, aged seventy two years, who being first duly sworn
according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration
in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of
Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he enlisted in the Army
of the United States in the year 1779, with Robert Walters and Served
in the third Regiment of the Virginia line, and in the following named
officers - to wit - Colonel Abraham Bluford, commanded the Regi-
ment. Hugh Woodson, Captain, commanded the Company to
which he belonged, the names of the other Company Officers, this decla-
rant cannot now recollect. That some time in the year 1780 he
left the Service. That he enlisted for eighteen months and after
serving for seventeen months, he was taken prisoner by the British
and at the battle of the Hanging Rock in South Carolina in the
Battle known as Bluford's defeat, and was shortly paroled by
Col. Tarlton the British Commander. His parole he has lost and
cannot now produce, the same having been burned many years
since in his father's house. He enlisted in Pyttsylvania County
in the State of Virginia, where he resided at the time of
his enlistment. He states that he was in the battle of the Hanging
Rock, known as Blufords defeat, in South Carolina where he
was taken prisoner. He states that in consequence of being taken
prisoner aforesaid - and the term of enlistment having expired
while he was on parole he received no discharge. He states that
during the period of his Service, he was first rendevouzed, at Frederick-
burg in Virginia - from thence he was marched to Petersburgh in
the lower State, thence to Hillsborough in North Carolina, thence to
Salisbury in North Carolina, then through Charlotte thence to
Camden South Carolina, then to Nelsons Ferry on Santee in South
Carolina, then back to Camden, then to the battle at the Hanging
Rock, where he was taken a prisoner as aforesaid.
He here relinquishes every Claim whatsoever to a pension or
annuity except this present, and he hereby declares that his
name is not on the pension roll of any Agency in any State
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year afroresaid,
Israel (his Mark) McBee

And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion that
the above name applicant was a revolutionary Soldier
and Served as he States.

I, John Cocke, Clerk of the Court of Please and
Quarter Sessions for Grainger County in the State
of Tennessee, do hereby Certify that the foregoing
contains the original proceedings of the Said
Court in the matter of the Application of
Israel McBee for a pension.
In testimony, whereof I have hereunto
Set my hand and Seal of Office this
20th day of August 1832.
John Cocke, Clk.


BRIEF in the case of Israel McBee [printed form]
County of Grainger in the State of Tennessee
(Act 7th June, 1832)
1. Was the declaration made before a Court or a Judge? Court
2. If before a Judge, does it appear that the applicant is disabled by bodily infirmity? -
3. How old is he? 72
4. State his service, as directed in the form annexed.
enlisted in 1779 served 17 months as a private. 3rd Regmt Va. Line, Col. Abraham Bluford, Capt. Hugh Woodson
5. In what battles was he engaged? Hanging Rock or Blufords Defeat, SC
6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Pytsylvania Cty. Va.
7. Is his statement supported by living witnesses, by documentary proof, by traditionary evidence, by incidental evidence, or by the rolls? By witnesses
8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? And if so, in what respect? Correct

I Certify that the foregoing statement and the answers agree with the evidence in the case above mentiond.
F. Waugh, Examining Clerk

State of Tennessee
County of Grainger
On the 26th day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five
personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State
aforesaid Israel McBee aged 93 years a resident of Grainger County in the State of Tennessee an he being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Israel McBee who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Woodson in he thinks the 3rd regiment of Virginia militia commanded by Col. Bluford in the war of the revolution with Great Britain resulting from the declaration of Independence of the United States on the 4th of July A.D.1776. That he was a substitute for one Ingraham who had been drafted, that he took said Ingraham's place in Pitsylvania County Virginia on or about the 15th day of July AD 1779 for the term of eighteen months and continued in virtual service in said war for the term of fourteen days [obvious error but it does say fourteen days!] and was honorably discharged at Salisbury in North Carolina on or about the 15 day of December AD 1780 being at the time by the enemy having been taken captive by the enemy at Bluford's defeat. He is now a pensioner, his certificate is recorded at the pension agency at Knoxville, Tennessee. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land, to which he may be entitled under the act approved March 3d 1855. He also declares that he has not received any bounty land warrant under this or any other act of Congress, that he has made application for a warrant per service against the Indians rendered in 1783, 1793, and 1796, but his claim was suspended. He hereby constitutes and appoints. P. L. Mynatt of Knox County, Tennessee to present his claim and Receive his warrant, revoking and countermanding all other authority that may have been given for the above specified purpose.
Signed: Israel (his + mark) McBee

We, John Hamock and Abraham Hayns residents of Grainger County in the State of Tennessee upon our oaths declare that the foregoing declaration was sighed and acknowledged by Israel McBee in our presence and that we believe from the appearance statements of the applicant that he is the identical person he represents himself to be.
John (his + mark) Hamock
Abraham Haynes

The foregoing declaration and affadavit was sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year above written and I certify that I know the affiant to be credible person, that the claimant is the person he represents himself to be and that I have no interest in the claim.
John M. Laggance (?)
Justice of the peace for Grainger
County Tenn

State of Tennesse
Grainger County
Be it know that on the
12th day of October one thousand eight hundred
and forty-three before me John Bullard
a justice of the peace in and for said County
and State aforesaid personally appeared Israel McBee
a citizen of the said County and made oath that
in the month the day a certifi-
cate of pension issued to him granting him a
pension of per annum. That he has
drawn his pension ever since regularly up to
March 4th 1843 since which time by a
notice rec'd from the commissioner of pensions
the payment of his pension has been suspended
for causes which he is unconscious of having
done any wrong, and in consequence of a
new roll of Captain Hughs Woodsons Company
having been obtained and his name not having
been found on it, and in order to be rein-
stated on the pension roll and obtain what
he knows to be his rights; he makes the
following declaration; he states that he was
born in Pittsylvania County in the state of Virginia
and in the year 1761; and my father moved
in time of the war to what is now Washing-
ton County in the state of Tennessee then
it was a County of the Territory of North Carolina.
In 1778 there was a call for men to go under
Colonel Cambell and Shelby to join Marion and
Sumpter to put down the Tories; I was the rise
of sixteen years old at the time the men was
balloted for and it fell to my lot to go. I being
young and on that account, my Father fixed
me with horse saddle bridle & money and sent
me back to Virginia to Pittsylvania County
to my relatives to stay there a while, for the
purpose of avoiding a tour of service to the
South. I remained in Virginia
from May 1778 to the 9th of August of the
same year. There being a call for Malitia
men and recruiting officers in the County
at the time; I was again called on to
go and serve a Malitia tour of service.
My friends persuaded me and I preferd
doing so to enlist in the eighteen months ser-
vice; I did then enlist on the 9th of
August 1778 under Captain Cummings and
was sworn in by Col. John Nelson then
a Justice of the Peace for that County.
Our Company was Marched from the place
of my enlistment of through Virginia
by to Norfolk Virginia there
I was attached to Captain Hughs Woodsons
Company; near the last of November or
first of December 1778; from Norfolk we
was marched as far North as Phyladelphia
remained there perhaps about two weeks and
the Call for men at the South. There
was three Redgments of us detaild for
the Southern Service under Col. Parker;
Col. Heath, Col. Bluford under
Brigadeer Genl. Scott on our Southern
March. We passd through Alexandria,
Dumfier [?], Fredericksburg, Richmond and
to Petersburg Virginia. Col. Parkers and
Col. Heath Redgments was Marched on
to the south and Col. Bleuford Redg-
mint was ordered to remain there
until further orders; Captn Woodsons
Company was one of the companies
that composed that Redgment. I was
still attachd to it. About the first of
March 1779 we was ordered on to join the
other detachment that had gone on before
under Col. Heath and Col. Parker at Camden
South Carolina, when we started for the South
From Petersburg a circumstance took place
which will account perhaps for my name
not being found on Captn Woodsons Roll
there was Waggoners wanted and Obediah
Britts who was Wagon Master was ordered
to select Waggoners that understood managing
teams and driving from the line to take
the charge of several teams; I having been
brought up to driving was one that was
selected to drive; on the March to the
South and until the day of battle at
the Hanging Rock where I was taken pris-
oner in South Carolina I did not Muster
in my Company but I was engaged in
the Scrimage & was taken prisoner
waggon and all. Previous to this battle
we joind the Brigade at Camden and was
ordered on the Charlestown in Company
with Col. Haws Redgment to join at
Head Quarters; but could get no further
than a place calld Monks Corner
being there interscepted by the Brittish
we was compelld to take a Retrograde
March up Rocky River and at the
Hanging Rock the place before referd
to we fell in with Col. Tarltons de-
tachment of Brittish troops, a battle
followd and Col. Bleuford was there de-
defeated and all taken prisoner. Captain
Woodson was there my Captain and made
prisoner also, but as before observed from
Petersburg Virginia until this time I
did not muster in the line still driving
the waggon but never left my Company.
being the 24th day of May when this
took place; three days after we were
all Parolld by the Brittish Commander
or by his orders on our being sworn
not to take up arms again until we
were exchanged for in consequence of
which I was not calld into service after
my time having expired before any
exchange took place of prisoners taken
in the South by the Brittish; from this place I
in company of many others returnd to Pyttsylvania
County in Virginia where we was first
Enlisted; Col. Tarltons Detachment of lighthorse
and was the Brittish command that took
us prisoners; I then remained in Pittsylvania
County until the latter part of July 177 [last number torn off]
and returned home to Washington County
now in Tennessee in August in going to
Virginia previous to my enlistment I went
by the lead miners as I returnd home
twenty two months after I come on by
there is being the nearest and the com-
mon traveling road from that part of
Virginia to the Holstein and Watauger
settlements in Washington each of these
trips Mr. Eliot Grills was in Service
there how long he served each time I
do not know. I become acquainted
[there almost seems to be a page of testimony missing]
Fact of my name not being found
on the Roll of Captain Woodson
I may in this Declaration have
committed errors in point of dates
for extreme old age, loss of memory
and bodily affliction I find is well
calculated to impair our memory it is hope
therefore that the department will exercise
as much charity on my case as is consis-
tent with justice; and restore to me
that which according to law I know
is just and not deprive me of the
little pittance that it has pleasd the
goverment to give me for services so
well earnd at a time when I so
much need it for causes or supposed
errors or mistakes never intended to be
committed. All of which is cheerfully
submitted with such evidence hereto
affixed as I have been able to prove
not doubting but the department will
do what they believe to be right.
I will here make one statement
relative to my parole when I arrivd
home it was put in my fathers desk and
was lost in the lapse of years and prays
that justice may be done here
Sworn & subscribed the day and year
first above written.
Israel (his+mark) McBee
Before me
John Bullard
Julstice of the peace for
Grainger County

[Typed Letter]

Rev. & 1812 Wars Section

Nov. 23, 1923

Mrs. John McBee
202 Michigan Ave.
Mobile, Ala.


I have to advise you that from the papers in the pension claim S.2784, it appears that Israel McBee was born in Pittsylvania Co Va. in 1761.
While living in Washington Co.N.C. (later in Tenn.) his father whose name is not stated, sent him to relatives in Pittsylvania Co. Va. where he enlisted August 9, 1776, served as a private and wagoner in Capt. Hughes Woodson's Company, Col. Abraham Buford's Va. Regiment, was taken prisoner in May 1780, at the battle called Buford's Defeat, was soon after paroled and returned home in August 1780.
He was allowed pension on his application executed August 20, 1832, while living in Grainger Co. Tenn. It is not stated whether he was married.
A careful search of the records fails to show a claim for pension on file on account of the services at any time prior to 1840, of a Vardry Magby, or McBee, or Mabgly, who is reported under the last name, as a pensioner residing in Walker Co. Ala. In 1840.

There are handwritten notes in the margin of the first page of the letter. One says:
Nothing said about allegations as to serving in 1793 etc. everything so mixed up & no data

Another note says:
Officers roll. Div the man mixed up his battles.
Bufords Defeat was May 29, 1780, the battle of Waxhaws
Hanging Rock battle was Aug 6, 1780 and soldier was then a prisoner on parole.

It is proper to add that the Census of Pensioners of 1840 was compiled from the reports of the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking th sixth census, and without reference to the archives of this Bureau, and it is not always possible to verify the data contained therein.


1850 Census. Grainger Co TN, Dist 15, p.133, Dwelling 1847. Israel McBee was living in the household of Robert McBee, age 52, born in TN. Israel gave his age as 88, born VA. Possible sons in this census are the Robert age 52, John age 58, Silas age 60 and William P. McBee age 47.

In 1854, Israel must have testified for his brother Samuel who appears to have served in the Indian Wars, 1791. This paper is in the hands of a descendant.
State of Tennessee County of Grainger
Before the subscriber an acting Justice of the peace
in and for the County of Grainger and state aforesaid
personally appeared Israel McBee a resident of
said County of Grainger to me well known to be
a man of credibility and truth and makes oath in
Due form of Law that he is well acquainted with
Samuel McBee who is an applicant for a Land Warrant
No. 44.877 that said Samuel McBee did serve in Capt
Edward Tates Company in the Indian war in the year 1791
That the affiant knows of said service by the following
facts  this affiant was drafted in Greene County on or
about the 1st____ day of _____ month 1771 for six
months and hired said Samuel McBee a substituted in this
affiants place and served 6 months as a substitute
for this affiant and returned home to Greene County
with said Capt.Edward Tate and his company when said
6 months had expired  further the affiant saith not
Sworn and Subscribed this ____ day of August 1854
Before me
Israel [his mark] McBee
State of Tennessee
County of Grainger

1860 Census, Union Co TN, Dist 3, Hh 304. Israel still living with Robert. Age given as 99 1/2. Occupation says: none - Revolutionary soldier. b. VA.

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004
From: Valorie Zimmerman
Southern, John Nelson, lawyer, was born August 25, 1858 in Claiborne County, Tennessee. His parents were Neal and Sally (Huddlestone) Southern, both of whom were natives of Tennessee. The mother's grandfather, Israel McBee, was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, and lived to the remarkably advanced age of 103 years. John N. Southern is one of the few men of his years who can truthfully say that after reaching the age of young manhood he was privileged to converse with one who served in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Southern was twenty years of age when his great-grandfather was 102 years old, and remembers distinctly a conversation with the centenarian of his own blood. The mother's ancestors lived in Virginia, and it was from that colony that Israel McBee enlisted for service against an oppressive crown.
Author: Conard, Howard L.
Title: Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri Vol. VI, page 27
Publication date: 1901
Collection: Missouriana Digital Text Collection

Although it appears Israel did not live to be quite 103 - he was pretty close:
By leave of court Robert McBee takes upon himself the Executorship of the last will and testament of Israel McBee deceased, and entered said bond and security as required by law which bond is in words and figures to wit:
Know all men by these presents that we Robert McBee and Allen Hurst are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the pursed sum of $100; for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, or administrator jointly and severally giving by these presents; sealed and dated this day April 1, 1861. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Robert McBee Executor of the last will and testament of Israel McBee deceased do well and truly perform the duties enjoined on him by the will of said Israel McBee deceased account therefor in such a way and at such time ad the said will and law of the land may require. Then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed: Robert McBee Seal
Allen Hurst
Signed. sealed and aknowledged in open court.
Signed: L. Huddleston, Clerk.

Israel is said buried in the family cemetery, Hickory Valley Road & Highway 33, Maynardville, Union Co. Said to be the only marked grave in the cemetery. Picture on FindAGrave shows a military stone of fairly recent vintage and a sign "Israel McBee Cemetery"


BirthAbt 1761Halifax County, Virginia
DeathJan 1861Union County, Tennessee
MarriageNancy Hale
BurialMcBee Cemetery, Maynardville, Union County, Tennessee


SpouseNancy Hale (1767 - 1850)
ChildRachel Miranda McBee (1786 - )
ChildAnn McBee (1789 - )
ChildSilas McBee (1790 - )
ChildJohn McBee (1792 - 1867)
ChildAbigail McBee (1794 - 1870)
ChildIsrael McBee Jr (1796 - )
ChildRobert McBee (1798 - 1866)
ChildGeorge H. McBee (1799 - 1878)
ChildWilliam Pryor McBee (1803 - )
FatherWILLIAM McBee (1725 - 1812)
MotherABIGAIL ?Hubbard ( - )
SiblingSELETHA MCBEE (1751 - 1830)
SiblingWilliam McBee (1756 - 1826)
SiblingJames McBee (1757 - 1814)
SiblingSusannah McBee (1762 - 1850)
SiblingIsaac McBee (1764 - 1849)
SiblingAbigail McBee (1770 - 1825)
SiblingSamuel McBee (1772 - 1858)
Sibling?Tabitha Ann McBee (1780 - )
