Individual Details

Samuel McBee

(14 Jan 1772 - 1 Jul 1858)

In 1854, Israel must have testified for his brother Samuel who
appears to have served in the Indian Wars, 1791. This paper is in the hands of a descendant.
State of Tennessee County of Grainger
Before the subscriber an acting Justice of the peace
in and for the County of Grainger and state aforesaid
personally appeared Israel McBee a resident of
said County of Grainger to me well known to be
a man of credibility and truth and makes oath in
Due form of Law that he is well acquainted with
Samuel McBee who is an applicant for a Land Warrant
No. 44.877 that said Samuel McBee did serve in Capt
Edward Tates Company in the Indian war in the year 1791
That the affiant knows of said service by the following
facts  this affiant was drafted in Greene County on or
about the 1st____ day of _____ month 1791 for six
months and hired said Samuel McBee a substitute in this
affiants place and served 6 months as a substitute
for this affiant and returned home to Greene County
with said Capt.Edward Tate and his company when said
6 months had expired  further the affiant saith not
Sworn and Subscribed this ____ day of August 1854
Before me
Israel [his mark] McBee
State of Tennessee
County of Grainger

Bond to marry Annie Hamilton dated 25 Oct 1797 in Grainger Co TN. James Bean was bondsman. Recorded as Samuel Magby and Anney Hamilton. The family bible record states that Samuel McBee and Anna Hamilton were married 2 Nov 1797.

Washington Co TN, Vol 4, p.228
28 Oct 1791 William McBee Junr [this word could very well be Senr - the earlier deed of sale from James to William definitely says "Senior"] of the Territory of the States South of the River Ohio, Washington County, to Samuel McBee of the same for 45£. 100 acres on or near the head of the fall Branch of Horse Creek.
Signed: William "M" McBee [signed with a mark....]
Wit: Israel McBee, Thomas English
My note: Samuel McBee, believed to be a son of William & Abigail appeared in the 1850 census in Claiborne Co TN where he was also listed in 1830 and 1840. He was age 78 in 1850 as given by the enumerator, or born about 1772. It isn't too much of a stretch to think that his father who bought this 100 acres from James who had gone to Georgia and then he sold it to son Samuel about the time he came of age. William McBee who was married to Abigail always signed with his "mark" - his son William [Jr] wrote his own name.

Note dated 1 Nov 1799 assigned from Samuel Nicholson to Samuel McBee, Esq of Grainger County - $12 worth of pine boards at 9 shillings per hundred from his sawmill lately bought of Frederick Hershman,, Sam Blyth to Samuel Nicholson

In 1799, Samuel McBee was on a tax list in Grainger Co, TN
Early Tennessee Tax Lists, by Byron & Barbara Sistler, 1977

20 Feb 1809
Sheriff's deed, Grainger Co TN
Lewis Edwards, in debt to Gilbert Vandergriff for about $25, was forced by the court to sell 80 acres of his land on Hogskin Creek in Grainger County. It was part of Certificate #20, originally containing 500 acres and bounded Joseph Beeley. The land was sold at auction for $6.25, at the Court house at Rutledge, to John Holly for the use of Samuel McBee. James Conn, sheriff of Grainger County made out the deed to Samuel McBee. Recorded 11 May 1809.

Knox Co TN, Estate Book 1
Oct 1808
p.274 List of property of Samuel Cox sold by Matthew Tally & Prestly Buckner
Some of Names: Benj. Condra, Margaret Cox [probably the widow - bought households good, bedding, slave Tobias, furniture, etc], Dennis Condra, Matthew Talley, James Dyer, Moses Brock, Jacob Tally, Rice Buckner, Samuel McBee - 5 sheep & bell, Obadiah Walters - keg, one terrapin, dutch oven & hooks, Jacob Cox, Prestly Buckner, John Cox
Obadiah Walters and Samuel McBee are brothers in law. Presley Buckner was married to Nancy Cox, sister of Samuel Cox.

Samuel McBee is on a tax list for Grainger Co, TN, 1810 [ database]

Two Samuel McBees served in the War of 1812 - it's doubtful either was this man. See note at end.

Grainger Co Marriages. Samuel McBee was Bondsman for Thomas Waggoner who married Elizabeth Bolton, 15 Feb 1813.

Family papers include the following:
This is to certify that by the uanimis [unanimous] Call of the church of
Christ on the head of Barrin [Barren] Creek Claburn [Claiborne] County, to
inquirer into the qualifications of Samuel Mcbe [McBee] as a Minister
of the Gosple [Gospel]; we do Consider him qualified an [and] as such
have Set him apart to the Sacrid [Sacred] office
given under our hands this 29th day of Otober [October] 1820.
Isaac Barton
William Williams
 My Notes: 
Transcription made as found.  Words in brackets are spelling corrections for clarity.
Isaac Barton was an early minister in this part of Tennessee. Other churches organized by Isaac Barton were referred to as “Church of Christ” although he was in fact a Baptist minister.  I would think this certification was directed toward a local church interested in having Samuel McBee as their minister.  Although many of the early censuses are missing for Tennessee, Samuel McBee [1772- ca 1856] was in Claiborne Co in the 1830 census.  As early as 1811, deeds naming Samuel McBee were found in Grainger Co which is adjacent.  Claiborne was in fact formed out of Grainger,1801.  Big Barren Creek can be found on Tennessee maps today. 

Grainger Co TN DB F, p.38
15 Dec 1824 David Branson to Peter Bolton, both of Grainger Co for $125. 60 acres in Grainger Co on waters of Williams Creek, part of survey claimed by Samuel Nickelson & sold by Nickelson to Samuel McBee conveyed on 15 Feb 1811 and by the said McBee conveyed to Thomas Waggoner who conveyed to David Branson.

The Big Springs Primitive Baptist church is located 4 miles south of Tazewell just off Highway 25 East at Springdale, Tennessee. It is a log church built 1795-96. Among charter members were Jesse Dodson, the Moderator, and Ritt Dodson who might have been his wife. Jesse Dodson served as moderator along with Will Jones until July of 1825. None of the McBees were charter members. It is noted that from March 1825 to July of 1837, Samuel McBee served as preacher and moderator.
[Copied what appears to be an advertisement about the structure and nearby pioneer works operated by W. S. Rosenbalm of Tazewell as found on an Ancestry Family Tree]

1830 Claiborne Co TN
Samuel McBee 3m 5-10, 2m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 50-60. 1f 10-15, 1f 40-50
Alexander McBee 2m 20-30, 1f -5, 1f 15-20
Isaac McBee 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 20-30, 1f 5-10, 1f 20-30
Caswell McBee 2m -5, 1m 20-30, 1f 10-15, 1f 20-30
William McBee 2m -5, 3m 5-10, 1m 30-40. 1f 5-10, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40

29 Jul 1835. Samuel McBee, Sr. sold to his sons, Samuel Jr., John, Calvin, and James H., for $200, 200 acres of land in Claiborne Co, on the north side of Lone Mountain. It was bounded by William Parkers grant, the top of Wallen's Ridge, William McBee, and Caswell McBee [their older brothers], and a deed of Jacob Peck. The land was granted by the state of NC to William Parker, Grant #22, 18 May 1789. Witnesses were James Hodges and John R. Pixly, and registered in Book M, p.29 & 30, on 25 Aug 1835. The younger three later relinquished their title back to their father in 1845, see later.

1840 Claiborne Co TN
Samuel McBee Snr. 3m 15-20, 2m 20-30, 1m 60-70. 2f 15-20, 1f 50-60
Samuel McBee 1m -5, 2m 20-30, 1f -5, 1f 15-20
Laborne McBee 1m -5, 1m 20-30, 1f -5, 1f 20-30
Isaac McBee 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 40-50
1f -5, 1f 15-20, 1f 3-40
Caswell McBee 2m -5, 1m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40. 1f 5-10, 1f 30-40
William McBee 2m 5-10, 4m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50. 2f -5, 1f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 2f 15-20, 1f 30-40

Receipt for newspaper subscription: "Argus & Herald" Office.
Knoxville, April 1840
Received of S. McBee three dollars. for subscription to the "Argus & Commercial Herald" from No. 41 to No. 100
Gifford & Eastman Publishers

Claiborne Co, TN Will Book A, p.300
Sam'l McBee and Wm McBee both noted as owing the Estate of D. B. Alexander, 3 Sep 1842. Samuel owed $1.14; William $4.20.
p.301-303 - Sale of David B. Alexander personal estate. Samuel McBee bought two small items for less than $2. Recorded 6 Mar 1843.

Samuel McBee, as a minister, and therefore a man of reliable character deposed for Revolutionary solders when they applied for their pension. I doubt that he had personal knowledge of their service but testified to their veracity and the fact they were known in the community to have served. He deposed in 1833 for John Sanders, Claiborne Co, who had served under Col. Richard Caswell from Dobbs Co, NC in 1777 - the applicant was actually John Sanders' widow, Mary, widow's pension file, W3874., Samuel also gave affidavit for Richard Harper who was age 69 in 1832; Richard had enlisted Halifax Co, NC in 1780, soldier's pension file S1908.

4 Oct 1844, Grainger Co. Samuel McBee, of Claiborn County deposed to help his older brother Israel reclaim his pension which had been suspended, after receipt of the pension for several years. Samuel was then age 73 and had known Israel McBee from his earliest infancy to the present day. He very well recollected Israel returning home to his father's in Washington Co. "I recollected seeing Israel's parole from Col. Tarlton" [Israel had been taken prisoner]. Samuel remembered that Israel was exempt from serving in the militia on account of the parole. His father's house burned and all the papers burnt. A question was asked of Parson McBee about whether or not Israel was in the regular service during the time he was away. Samuel answered that he was enlisted as stated. At the time of the defeat of Col. Bluford, his father and mother concluded that Israel was among the slain which had caused great grief in the family. The contrary was not known until Israel returned to his father's house. The neighbours all gathered to see him with his uniform dress on. Singed: Samuel McBee. Jesse F. Beeler, justice of the peace, certified that Samuel McBee was a man of respectable standing and had been a minister of the gospel for many years and that Samuel McBee wrote down the forgoing testimony by himself.
4 Oct 1844.

17 Sep 1845. Deed of John, Calvin, James H. & Samuel McBee, Sr. to Samuel McBee Senior, for $100, all right, title, and claim to land conveyed to them by deed on 29 Jul 1835. John, Calvin, and J. H. all signed. Witnesses were Isaac and Eli McBee. [I believe Isaac to have been another of the brothers and son of Samuel Sr; Eli not definitely identified. There was an Eli McBee living near the others in 1850, but he isn't the same as Elijah Dickinson McBee, son of Samuel Sr's eldest son William because that son was still living with his parents.]. Isaac and Eli attested to the court clerk, 16 Oct 1845 and it was registered in Book S, p.419 on the 20th of October.

1850 Claiborne Co TN, p.28, Hh 714
Calvin McBee age 29, Eveline 27, Sarah A. 3, and Orleany 5 months.
Samuel age 78, born in Virginia.

Samuel is said to have died about 1856 in Claiborne Co TN.
The Bible states that he died 31 Jul 1858, age 86 years, 14 days old. {If that is correct, he was born on the 17th of Jun 1772.] Then the Bible says he "was born Halifax County, State of Virginia on Burches Creek, 1772, January the Fourteenth. This is a true copy of the church book at Lone Mountain church in Clabourn, Claborn Co, Tenn"

Other McBee families in Claiborne in 1850 to include 4 heads of household named Samuel McBee:
Hh 711 Pleasant McBee age 40, wife Nancy 36. Mary A. 16, Susan J. 12, Isaac 11, John 10, Luiza 7 and Mahulda age 4
[Pleasant was a son of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 713 Burton "Burton" [Probably should have been Burton McBee because the rest of the family is listed as McBee] Mary A. McBee age 21. Wm W. S. McBee age 1, Ava A. McBee age 1 month.
[Burton was a son of Caswell, grandson of Samuel & Anna.]
Hh 715 Eli McBee age 26, Almeady 21 and Nancy J. age 1
[Elijah Dickinson McBee, son of William, grandson of Samuel & Anna.]
Hh 722 Samuel McBee, age 39, wife Mary 29. Wiley 11, Martha 10, Sarah E. 8, James A. 5, Will. C. W. 3, and Prior 1
[Son of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 723 Isaac McBee, age 49, wife Elizabeth 46. John 15, Sally, 7, Prior L. 4
[Son of Samuel and Anna]
Hh 730 Samuel McBee age 27, Almeady 20, and Prior Lea 2 months
[possibly unidentified son of Isaac - was present in early census]
Hh 731 Samuel McBee age 17 and Nancy J. age 20
[Son of Caswell, grandson of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 745 Caswell McBee, age 49, Polly 43, wife. Prior 22, George 18, Averiller 16, Alexander 13, Manerva 10, Lucinda 7
[Son of Samuel & Anna.]
Hh 782 Laborne McBee age 37, Susan 34. Luretta 14, William 13, Alexander 9, Henry 8, Marshal 5, and Easter 2
[Son of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 785 John McBee age 32, Louiza 28. Emily 9, Amanda 8, Charles 6, Martha E., and Mary A. 3 months.
[Son of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 931 Family of Green Palmer. Gainum McBee age 20, is living with them and working as a farm laborer.
[I think it possible this is a duplication of Gainum, son of Issac, who married in July of 1849 - possibly he worked for Palmer prior to his marriage.]
Hh 1142 Houstin McBee age 24, Lucinda 18 and Martha J. age 1
[Son of William, grandson of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 1150 William McBee Jr age 22, wife Lilly J. age 16
[Son of William, grandson of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 1167 William McBee age 50, wife Barbary age 46. Nathan 21, Dickinson 19, Elizabeth A. 16, Manerva J. 14, Martha W. 10, Isaac T. 6, and James H. 1
[This William was a son of Samuel & Anna]]
Hh 1168 Samuel McBee, age 28, wife Emily age 26. Luize 8, Mary A. 6, Marleny 4, and Sarah J. age 1
[Son of William, grandson of Samuel & Anna]
Hh 1424 Gainum McBee age 21, wife Rebecca age 19
[Son of Isaac, grandson of Samuel & Anna]

From Earl Quintrell's (deceased) book on the McBee's
1st records of Samuel: List of Taxables 1790, Washington County, 1794 & 1795 in Court Records of Knox County as selling land on Falling Branch of Horse Creek, Washington County, Purchase of 580 acres, Dec 14 1816, north side of the Clinch River in Lone Mtn (purchase from Thomas McCarry of Knoxville for $1,200 as witnessed by son William, Wlm. Hamilton Sr., and Wlm. Hamilton Jr.). County records also show Samuel as slave owner in 1811 & 1815. Big Springs minister, 1824-1835. In Mountain Creek Baptist church in 1839 and again in 1850. (As delegate to Association of Baptists) 3 Oct 1859, a paper purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Samuel McBee, deceased was presented in open court. Samuel Vance appeared as a subscribing witness. The will never found in records of Claiborne County.
[FamilyTree on]
Note: There is some question about Quintrell's conclusions. He appears in some cases to have confused the Samuel McBee, a Primitive Baptist Minister in Claiborn Co, TN, with another Samuel McBee who lived in Franklin Co TN and after about 1841 in Dade Co, GA and was also a Primitive Baptist Minister. Or perhaps someone else has mis-interpreted his writings.

Did Samuel serve in the War of 1812? I think not, but apparently two Samuel McBees did serve. lists two Samuel McBees. A Samuel McBee served as a private in the 1st Regt, (Wear's), East Tennessee Volunteers, and a Samuel McBee served as a private in the 1st Regt (Metcalfe's) West Tennessee Militia. This latter Samuel is believed to have been a Samuel married first to Eleanor Standridge and second to widow Millie Francis who claimed a pension for his service, stating he had served under Metcalf and joined from Franklin Co, TN.
Found at
are regimental histories of these units:
DESIGNATION: 1st Regiment East Tennessee Volunteer Militia
DATES: September 1813 - December 1813
MEN MOSTLY FROM: Knox, Sevier, Blount, Washington, Anderson, Campbell, Carter, and Jefferson Counties
CAPTAINS: John Bayless, Samuel Bowman, Joseph Calloway, John Chiles, Jesse Cole, Robert Doak, James Gillespie, William Mitchell, Rufus Morgan, Simeon Perry, Daniel Price, Jehu Stephens, James Tedford
BRIEF HISTORY:Muster rolls show this regiment at Fort Strother in early November 1813 and at Fort Armstrong in late November of the same year. The regiment, in the brigade commanded by General James White, helped attack a tribe of Creek Indians known as the Hillabees on 18 November 1813 where sixty-eight Creeks were killed and about 250 taken prisoner. Unbeknownst to the Americans, the Hillabees had sued Jackson for peace the day before the attack. Actually, a detachment of Cherokees friendly to the United States did most of the fighting -- there were no American casualties.
DESIGNATION: 1st Regiment West Tennessee Militia
DATES: November 1814 - May 1815
MEN MOSTLY FROM: Davidson, Bedford, Franklin, Lincoln, Maury, Warren, and Giles Counties
CAPTAINS: John Barnhart, Daniel M. Bradford, Barbe Collins, John Cunningham, Lewis Dillahunty, Alexander Hill, Bird S. Hurt, John Jackson, Thomas Marks, William Mullen, Andrew Patterson, William Sitton, Obidiah Waller
BRIEF HISTORY:Part of the division under Major General William Carroll's at New Orleans, this regiment comprised the right section of Carroll's line at the breastworks at Chalmette. Muster rolls show casualties in the engagements of December 1814 and January 1815. Lieutenant Colonel James Henderson was killed in the skirmish of 28 December 1814. Captain Daniel Bradford led the elite corps known as "Carroll's Life Guard." The division reached New Orleans in mid-December 1814 after an excursion down the Mississippi River.


Birth14 Jan 1772Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Marriage2 Nov 1797Grainger County, Tennessee - Anna Hamilton
Death1 Jul 1858Claiborne County, Tennessee


SpouseAnna Hamilton (1781 - 1845)
ChildWilliam McBee (1798 - )
ChildIsaac McBee (1800 - 1870)
ChildCaswell McBee (1802 - )
ChildAlexander McBee (1804 - )
ChildElizabeth McBee (1807 - 1860)
ChildPleasant McBee (1809 - 1880)
ChildSamuel McBee (1811 - )
ChildLabourne McBee (1813 - 1896)
ChildMary Ann McBee (1815 - )
ChildJohn McBee (1818 - )
ChildCalvin M. McBee (1820 - 1870)
ChildJames Hamilton McBee (1823 - 1853)
FatherWILLIAM McBee (1725 - 1812)
MotherABIGAIL ?Hubbard ( - )
SiblingSELETHA MCBEE (1751 - 1830)
SiblingWilliam McBee (1756 - 1826)
SiblingJames McBee (1757 - 1814)
SiblingIsrael McBee (1761 - 1861)
SiblingSusannah McBee (1762 - 1850)
SiblingIsaac McBee (1764 - 1849)
SiblingAbigail McBee (1770 - 1825)
Sibling?Tabitha Ann McBee (1780 - )
