Individual Details

Mathias McBee

(Aft 1738 - Oct 1817)

[Some databases list both a Mathias and a Matthew - this would be doubtful. Mathias was named in the will of William McBee.]
When William McBee's will was proved in 1759, Mathias who had been named one of the Executors, could not serve as he was not yet age 21.

ENTRY RECORD BOOK, 1737-1770, Chiarito
p.10 28 Oct 1743 Wm Macby enters 400 acres both sides Midway adj Mich. Youngs upper line. Transferred to James & Mathias Macby. [There is no date for the transfer but certainly Mathias was not of age until at least 1760.]

In his father's will, Mathias was given 200 acres, the dwelling and plantation of his parents, after his mother's decease. By 1762, he sold at least part of this land to James Legrand who also bought Vardry's share.
Halifax DB 4, p.171
15 Nov 1762. Mathias Machbee of Halifax to James Lagrand for 75£. 170 acres. Both sides Burches Creek called Midway. Patent granted to Wm Machbee, dec'd, on 5 Jul 1751 containing 800 acres. Corner in Vardry Machbees line. Signed: Matt Machbee. Wit: John Lee, H. Powell, Richard Finch, John Goff.
Either the survey was incorrect and Mathias did not get the full 200 acres, or he could be selling all but the home and surrounding property.

American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796
Franklin Co Militia (GA) Ward's Mill Lt. Charles Gilbert's Detachment. May 5-Aug 5, 1794
Matthias McBee, Sergeant

1790 Reconstructed Census (tax list) Franklin Co GA: Robert Walters, John Walters, Moses Walters and Peter Walters. Charles Cawthon, Claborn Cawthon, and David Cawthorn. Mathias Magbe (McBee) and James McBee.

Whether or not this Mathias in Halifax is the same Mathias McBee later in Spartanburg, SC, is debatable, but it seems likely. His brother Vardry is thought to have moved to Spartanburg.
Last Will & Testament: (Recorded the 23rd of October 1817)
In the name of God Amen. I Matthew McBee of the State of South Carolina and District of Spartanburg, being very weak in body but perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God ) calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and First of all I give and recommend my soul unto the Lord, of almighty God that gave it and my body I recomment to the earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the General resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as for my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life,
I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First, I give to my son Matthew McBee a part of the tract of land I now live on lying on Packolet River beginning on a Red oak in the bent of the branch above the fork of the branch running a straight line to his fence then a strait line to a big ded oak at the lower corner of the wheat patch fence then through the old fields with a strait line to the crab apple tree on the river. Also, I do give the other part of the tract to my son Jeramiah McBee. Also, I do give my daughter Rachel McBee a tract of land lying on the head of Horse Creek with a plantation on it. My household furniture I equally divide between my daughters Rachel and Anna at my wife's death. Also, I give all my plantation and working tools to my son Jeramiah McBee but nothing to be interrupted till my wife's death. I also leave my granddaughter, Betty Dodd one cow & calf & one feather bed. I give to my sons John, Elijah, and William McBee and James Dodd five shillings to be paid unto each of them out of my estate by my executors, Fanny McBee, John and Jeremiah McBee. My wife, John and Jeremiah, my sons, to be my executor of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, and disannul all and every other testaments, wills, legacies bequeath and executor by me in any wise before named willed or bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this ninth day of January 1817.
Signed in the presence of us William Gore
Jeremiah McBee
Mathew McBee Matthew McBee (seal)
Recorded in Will Book 119 Box 140 Package 100
Recorded 23 October 1817 W. Lancaster
From the book Spartanburg Co. South Carolina Will Abstracts 1787 - 1840 compiled by Brent H. Holcomb, C.A.L.S. Spartanburg co. Will Book A Pp. 119-121: L.W. & T. of Matthew McBee of Dist. of Spartanburg; rec 23 Oct 1817; to my son Matthew McBee, land I now live on lying on Packolet River; the other part of sd. tract to my son Jeremiah McBee; to my daughter Rachel McBee, tract on head of Horse Creek; divided between my daughters Rachel and Anna at my wifes death; to my granddaughter Betsy Dodd, one cow & calf; to my sons John, Elijah & William McBee and James Dodd, five shillings; wife Fanny and sons John, Jeremiah to be Exrs; 9 jan 1817; Matthew Mcbee. Proven by William Gore 6 Sept 1817. Exrs. qualified 23 Oct 1817


BirthAft 1738
DeathOct 1817Spartanburg District, South Carolina


FatherWILLIAM McBee (1700 - 1759)
MotherSUSANNAH Vardry ( - 1762)
SiblingWILLIAM McBee (1725 - 1812)
SiblingSamuel McBee (1728 - )
SiblingElizabeth McBee (1732 - )
SiblingJoannah McBee (1733 - )
SiblingMary McBee (1734 - )
SiblingVardry McBee (1734 - 1800)
SiblingJames McBee (1737 - )
