Individual Details

James McBee

(Abt 1737 - )

ENTRY RECORD BOOK, 1737-1770, Chiarito
p.10 28 Oct 1743 Wm Macby enters 400 acres both sides Midway adj Mich. Youngs upper line. Transferred to James & Mathias Macby.
[In 1743, James & Mathias, sons of William would have been only small boys. Could this have been other kin of William? Brothers? Sons?]
p.257 17 Feb 1764 James Mackbe. 400 acres on Suck branch of Birches Crk adj Wal.s [Walters? Wallers?] N line. Beg at white oak mark't [Capital I with cross bar for "J". M.]

Halifax DB 4, p.339
20 Jul 1763 James McBee of Halifax to William Owen of same for 50£. 127 acres on both sides the 1st fork of Burches Creek. Crossing the creek to Talmon Harbours corner and on his line. McBee's old line. Signed: James McBee. No Witness
Acknowledged 21 Jul 1763.
James was left 200 acres of his father's 800 acre survey by the will of 1759. Either he isn't selling all of it or the old survey was not correct.
Halifax DB 5, p.378
11 May 1765 William Owen to Moses Echols for 80£. 127 acres both sides of Little Creek belonging to Burches Crk. Talmon Harbours corner, his line, on Mackbees old line.
That this tract sold by James McBee to William Owen and then sold again by this deed is definitely part of old William McBee's 800 acres is shown by the fact that William Senr's survey for 800 acres was on Midway [later Birches] & Little Creek, dated 28-19 Nov 1746
Are these records of this James in South Carolina? He disappeared from the Virginia records:
24 Dec 1770 James McBee. 200 acres, S side Packolet River on Reedy Branch including improvement bout of Charles Park on 29 Apr 1768. 22 Nov 1769 - Surveyed for James McBee on S side North Fork Packlet adj Sam Young, Zach Bullock.
Wit: Jas. Howard, Alexr Kilpatrick
[Area of Spartanburg]
13 Sep ?179 James McBee of Franklin Co GA to Andrew Colley of Spartanburg. 400 acres on McBee's Crk on N. Pacolate River and on S. side S Pacolate river adj Saml. Young, granted 24 May 1770 to James McBee.
Wit: Wm Cawley, Isham McBee

1790 Reconstructed Census (tax list) Franklin Co GA: Robert Walters, John Walters, Moses Walters and Peter Walters. Charles Cawthon, Claborn Cawthon, and David Cawthorn. Mathias Magbe (McBee) and James McBee.

Deeds of Franklin Co., GA. Posted on

6 Oct 1794. JAMES MCBEE of Franklin Co. to John BROWN, ...30 pds.,...200 acres in Franklin Co. on headwaters of Shoal Creek, granted to said MCBEE 16 Nov 1793. [s] James MCBIE. Witness: Jno. SMITH, J.P.

6 Apr 1795 (recorded 28 May 1795). JAMES MCBEE of Franklin Co. to Randolph WALKER of same. ...30 pds...175 acres in Frankin Co. on waters of the north fork of Broad River... [s] James MCBEE. Witness: A. BLACKBURN, J.P.

30 Dec 1795 (recorded 12 Jan 1796). John CLARKE and wife Rebekah of Franklin Co. to Benjamin ALLEN...north side of North Fork Broad River....witness: MATTHIAS MCBIE, John SMITH, J.P., S. LANE....

13 Sept 1799 (no recording date). James MCBEE of Franklin Co. to Andrew COLLEY of Spartanburg Co. [SC]...400 acres in Spartanburg Co. on a branch now called MCBEE's Creek, of North Pacolet, originally called Plumtree branch, lying on south side of Pacolet River, granted to grantor 24 May 1770, by William TYRON, Governor of North Carolina.
5 Apr 1800 (recorded 10 Oct 1801). JAMES MCBEE and wife SARAH to John TEMPLES, all of Franklin Co....$250...185 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Big Shoal CREEK, waters of Tougaloo River, adjacent PULLIAM. [s] JAMES MCBEE (Sarah's signature missing). Witnesses: Benjamin PULLIAM, Charles FORD.

Georgia Property Tax Digests, 1793-1892;
1800 - Capt Thompson Epperson's District, Franklin Co, GA
James McBee 334 Acres, entered by P. McBee; adj. B. Pullam, Shoal Creek

Note: FamilySearch has Sarah as Sarah Womack but I know of no authority for her surname.

31 Aug 1804 (recorded 23 Dec 1805). Joshua KENNEDY of Washington Co. GA, to JAMES MACBIE of Franklin Co. ...$100...200 acres in Franklin Co. being part of 800 acres granted to John HINSON...July 1788, and conveyed by him to the executors of Doctor Joseph KENNEDY deceased, who willed it to his two youngest sons, Joshua and Joseph KENNEDY. Witnesses: James BARR, SAMUEL (x) MACBY. Sworn to by SAMUEL (x) MCBEE before A. FRANKLIN, JIC, 19 Dec 1805.
[Note: I believe this is my Samuel MCBEE, but wonder if it was legal to witness a deed when 19 or 20 years of age - does anyone know? - Yes, one could witness at age 14.]

13 June 1805 (recorded 23 Dec 1805). Joshua KENNEDY of Washington Co., GA to JAMES MCBEE of Franklin Co...$30,...50 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Beaverdam, adj. said MCBEE, being part ...granted to John HINSON.... Witnesses: Lem'l BEAN, JOHN MCBEE. Sworn to by JOHN MCBEE before A. FRANKLIN, JIC, 19 Dec 1805, that he and Lemuel BEAN witnessed the above.

10 June 1805 (recorded 23 Dec 1805). Joshua KENNEDY of Washington Co., GA to JOHN MCBEE of Franklin Co. ...$30,...100 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Flat Creek, adjacent Thomas HULL, DYKES, ADAMS, JONES, being prat of ....granted to John HINSON.... Witnesses: Lem'l BEAN, Huky BROWN.

21 Dec 1805 (recorded 23 Dec 1805). JAMES MCBEE of Franklin Co. to Mical WILSON of same.... $500...150 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Beaverdam Creek, adjacent JAMES MCBEE, John ADAMS,...Witnesses: Tho's RUTLEDGE, James HENDRIX, JIC.

7 Dec 1802 (recorded 13 Feb 1806). JAMES MCBEE and wife SARAH to John BROWN, both of Franklin Co.,...$100...96 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Shoal Creek, surveyed for said MCBEE 6 July 1797, granted to him 23 Nov 1801, adjacent WILKINS, PULLIAM, CLEVELAND at time of survey, ...Witnesses: JOHN MCBEE, Benjamin (x) ROBERTS.
18 Oct 1805 (recorded 17 Oct 1806). Randolph WALKER and wife Sarah of Franklin Co. to Redfearn WEEMS of aforesaid...$100...47 acres in Franklin Co. on MCBEE's Branch, adjacent MCBEE, MCDONAL. Witness: V. GARNER, Thos. D. WEEKS.
[Here's the same deed again, I believe.]

18 Oct 1805 (recorded 17 Oct 1806). Randolph WALKER and wife Sarah of Franklin Co. to Redferring WIMS of aforesaid...$150...150 acres in Franklin Co. on MCBIE's Branch of North Fork of Broad River, surveyed by said MCBIE and conveyed by him to said WALKER, adjacent ROGERS. Witnesses Vincent GARNER, Thos. D.WEEKS.

24 Jan 1806 (recorded 16 Nov 1815). JOHN MCBEE of (Franklin Co.) to ALEXANDER STANDRIDGE [Note: Alexander STANDRIDGE moved to Franklin Co. Tennessee before 1812]...$30...100 acres in Franklin Co. on waters of Flat Creek, adjacent John HINSON, DYKES, Thomas HULL... Witnesses: Mannen GORE Jr., ISHAM MCBEE.

20 Oct 1807 (recorded 10 Nov 1809) JAMES MCBEE of (Franklin Co.) to Joseph CANTERBURY... $150...100 acres in Franklin Co. on a branch of Beaverdam Creek, being part of ...John HENSON... which wsa conveyed to said MCBEE by Joshua KENNEDY, adjacent John ADAMS, David FORD, M. WILSON. Witnesses: Mannon GORE, William SPRADLING.

8 Jan 1808 (recorded 22 Oct 1813). Joseph CANTERBARY of Franklin Co. to ISHAM MCBEE of aforesaid...$60...40 acres in Franklin Co. on a branch of Flat Creek, being part of ...John HINSON...conveyed to Mary GIBSON, adjacent John OWENS' land, now owned by Alexander BEARY. Witnesses: William SPRADLING, Michael WILSON.

These tax lists need to be examined further - found in Ancestry tree but don't know where they got the "Alfred" middle name.
Franklin Co., GA TAX LISTS. 1807:
McBee & Brown 1807 p. 49, partnership names unknown
McBee, Isham 1807 p. 14, son of James Alfred born 1766*
McBee, J.1807 p. 49, James T, John Jr., or William Sr.’s son James
McBee, James 1807 p. 47 we know James Alfred held land through 1807 (age 70)
McBee, James 1807 p. 112, James T or William’s son James
McBee John 1807 Capt. Harden’s Dist. (270 acres), son of James Alfred

Franklin Co., GA TAX LISTS. 1808
McBee, Isham 1808 Capt. Yowens Dist., son of James Alfred born 1766McBee, James 1808 p. 19, James Alfred or son James T or son of William Sr. born 1788.
McBee John 1808 Capt. Wimses Dist., Poll Tax only
McBee, Sarah 1808 p. 83, Capt. Wimses Dist. (100 acres) wife or widow of James Alfred born about 1740 (Tax paid by son John McBee as her agent.)

Neither Sarah nor any other McBee appear on the Franklin County Tax Rolls the following year in 1809 or 1810. William Senior and his son James were in Franklin County, Tennessee, on the county’s first first Tax Roll in 1812. We suspect, but cannot find records to prove that Sarah sold her property and moved with the family of her children, possibly John T. McBee.

The book Out of the Wilderness, by Janice Mercer, 1973, attempts to make a rather loose connection to this James. No proofs connecting the generations are offered and much of it is just wrong. She states that Vardry and James, sons of William & Susannah, moved to North Carolina, but the boundary line changed and they ended up living in South Carolina. James said to have remained in South Carolina. A son of James's, a Thomas, said to have married Rachel Riley and moved to Ohio. They had nine children who left Canton Ohio about 1835, with their mother, and went to Missouri. Some of the family continued on Oregon about 1852; several members of the family died of cholera. Three of the sons remained in Missouri. This book is about this branch of the family. The book itself is unclear and has been further misrepresented in databases online. Given the fact that William McBee died in Halifax Co in 1759 and his other offspring left records in that area of Virginia, it seems likely that some large mistake has been made. Thomas McBee married Rachel Riley, 21 Feb 1797 in Frederick Co, Maryland - they were not in Virginia, North or South Carolina. Other researchers online have traced this same Thomas as a son of Higgason/Hickinson McBee - son of James Offutt Mockbee of Maryland which seems much more likely. James Offutt Mockbee was a son of Brock Mockbee, grandson of Matthew Mockbee of Prince George's Co, MD.
There was apparently a christening record for Thomas, as a son of Hickinson & Rebecca McBee:
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, MD
Thomas Hickison, son of Hickison and Rebecca Macbee, b. 16 Feb 1777,
bp. 6 Oct 1778. Sponsor: Mary Nailor Frederick S. Weiser, Maryland
German Church Records, Volume 3, Baptismal Records of ... the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Frederick, ... 1742-1779 (Manchester,
MD:.Noodle Doosey Press, 1987), p. 90.


BirthAbt 1737


FatherWILLIAM McBee (1700 - 1759)
MotherSUSANNAH Vardry ( - 1762)
SiblingWILLIAM McBee (1725 - 1812)
SiblingSamuel McBee (1728 - )
SiblingElizabeth McBee (1732 - )
SiblingJoannah McBee (1733 - )
SiblingMary McBee (1734 - )
SiblingVardry McBee (1734 - 1800)
SiblingMathias McBee (1738 - 1817)
