Individual Details

Moses Higginbotham

(Abt 1715 - 1790)

Albemarle Co VA Road Orders, 1744-48, p. 65
26 Sep 1745 Ordered that Moses Higginbottom be Overseer of a Road from the said Higginbottom's Mill a cross Buffiloe to Mr. Harveys Road and that the male Tithables Between Buffiloe and the Secretarys Mountains do Clear the same and that the said Gang do Join Jno. Graves's to the mouth of Tye River.
[Albemarle at this early day contained most of the modern county of Amherst as well as several others. Amherst not created until 1761.[

Moses operated a Mill as early as 1745; see above. Matthew Whittall received a patent in Albemarle Co on 5 Sept 1749. 400 acres under the Buffalo Ridge on branches of Rocky Creek and Christian's Path to Moses Higginbotham's Mill. VA PB 28, p.695

Albemarle Deeds & Wills Book 1
p.8 Moses, Aaron, & Joseph Higginbotham were commissioners for the Inventory & Appraisement of the estate of Barnard Gaines as shown to them by Elizabeth Gaines, Administratrix. Aug Court 1749.
p.17 Moses, Joseph, & Benjamin Higginbotham were commisioners for the Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of James Williamson, dec'd. Returned 12 Feb 1750.

1 Jun 1750 VA Land Patent to Moses Higginbotham. Albemarle Co. 200 acres, south side of Buffalo River on Rutleges Creek. PB 29, p.215

The couple was married by the Parson Rose and noted as "a pleasant evening" in his diary. Although the book said they married in Amherst County, it did not yet exist.

Henrico Co Deeds 1750-1774
p.60-83 5 Aug 1751 Purcharsers of 1/2 lots in town called Westham laid off in Henrico Co. Deeds executed by Peter Randolph Esq. Moses Higginbotham of Albemarle Co, Lot 75.

"In the Name of God Amen I Moses Higginbotham of the County of Amherst and State of Virginia being very sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the direction of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give Demise and Dispose of the same in the manner and form as followeth-Item, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Frances Higginbotham six negroes, to wit, Lewis, Phillis, Elisabeth, Amy, Sarah and Caroline and two hundred and four Acres of land i now live on, and all my Horses, Cattle, Sheep and hogs and all my Household furniture during her widowhood or life -Item, I give to my well beloved son, Joseph Higginbotham one negro boy named Solomon and Two Hundred Acres of land on both sides of Rutledges Creek the Land my aforesaid son Joseph now lives on, to him and His heirs forever-Item I give to my well beloved son Robert Higginbotham one negro by named Fountain and one feather bed, to him and His heirs forever-Item I give to my well beloved son Moses Higginbotham one negro boy named Stephen to him and his heirs forever -Item I give to my well beloved son William Higginbotham ,one negro boy named John and two hundred and four acres of land whereon I now live and that the said William Higginbotham to take possession of the said land at my well beloved wife's Marriage or Death, to him and his heirs forever-Item I give to my well beloved daughter Rachel Higginbotham on negro boy named Lewis and two hundred acres of land on the Branches of Harris Creek to be taken off of the lower end of my tract of four hundred acres of Land on the Branches of the said Creek to her and her heirs forever - Item I give to my well beloved son Charles Higginbotham one negro boy named Bartley, and two hundred acres of land on both sides of Rutledges Creek and adjoining Buffaloe River on the south side whereon I formerly had a mill to him and his heirs forever. - Item I give to my well beloved daughter Frances Higginbotham one negro girl named Easter to her and her Heirs lawfully begotten and one feather bed. - Item I give to my well beloved sons Joseph, William and Charles Higginbotham all my Black Smith's tools and one Still, and one Whipsaw to be in common between the above mentioned Joseph, William and Charles Higginbotham. Item I give to my well beloved sons Robert and Moses Higginbotham, two hundred acres of land on the branches of Harris Creek to be taken off the upper end of my tract of four hundred acres of land on the Branches of the said creek to be equally divided between them.
Item I give to my well beloved Sons and Daughters Joseph Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham, Charles Higginbotham, Moses Higginbotham, William Higginbotham, Rachel Higginbotham, and Frances Higginbotham, Six Negroes, to-wit, Lewis, Phillis, Elizabeth, Amy, Sarah and Caroline and their Increase, to be equally divided between my aforesaid children, Joseph, Robert, Moses, William, Charles and Frances, at my well beloved Wife's death.
Item. I give to my well beloved son William Higginbotham, Rachel Higginbotham and my well beloved daughter and my well beloved son Harles Higginbotham all my Horses, Cattle and Hogs to be equally divided between my before mentioned Children William, Rachel and Charles at my well beloved wife's Marriage or Death.
Also i constitute and ordain Frances Higginbotham my well beloved wife, and my sons Joseph Higginbotham and William Higginbotham my sole executors of this my last Will and Testament all and singular my Lands Messuages and Tenements by them freely to be possessed and enjoyed, and I do hereby utterly Disavow, Revoke and Disannul all and every other Former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests and Executors by me in anywise before named. Willed and Bequeathed, Rattifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty Ninth day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety.

MOSES Higginbotham L.S.

Signed, Sealed published pronounced and Delivered by the said Moses Higginbotham as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names
Jno Higginbotham
James Higginbotham
Rachel Higginbotham

The will was probated 7 Feb 1791, Amherst Co VA WB 3, p.165


BirthAbt 1715
Marriage19 Aug 1750Albemarle County, Virginia - Frances Kyle


SpouseFrances Kyle (1734 - 1825)
ChildJoseph Higginbotham (1751 - 1827)
ChildRobert Higginbotham (1752 - 1825)
ChildJames Moses Higginbotham (1755 - 1826)
ChildRachel Higginbotham (1758 - 1833)
ChildCharles Higginbotham (1760 - 1815)
ChildWilliam Higginbotham (1762 - 1832)
ChildFrances Higginbotham (1765 - 1830)
FatherHigginbotham ( - 1747)
MotherWidow Higginbotham ( - 1751)
SiblingJoseph Higginbotham (1717 - 1805)
SiblingAaron Higginbotham (1720 - 1784)
SiblingBENJAMIN Higginbotham (1723 - 1791)
SiblingRACHEL Higginbotham ( - 1809)
SiblingCapt. John Higginbotham (1726 - 1814)
SiblingCol. James Higginbotham (1729 - 1813)
