Individual Details

BENJAMIN Higginbotham

(1723 - 1791)

5 Sept 1749 VA Land Patent to Benjamin Higginbotham. Albemarle Co. 30 acres both sides Buffalo River. PB 27, p.329

The marriage of Benjamin Higginbotham and Eliza Graves was recorded in the Diary of Pastor Robert Rose. The entry is as follows:
February 21, 1751--Rain and Warm in ye Morning, cleared up in ye afternoon, cool, married Benjamin Higginbotham and Eliza Graves, got Home at Night where found on George Damerel with his wife and child brought to be Christened--Blowd Hard
There are numerous references to Higginbothams in Rose's diary and he was a frequent guest at the Widow Higginbothams house. Unfortunately Rose never gave her given name.

30 Apr 1751. Moses conveyed to Benjamin the 204 acres of land from his tract. It was already in the possession of Benjamin, on branches of the Buffalo, Albemarle Co, part of a tract of 1430 acres conveyed to Moses Higginbotham by George Braxton, the younger. For the consideration of 5 shillings. Albemarle Co Deed Book 1, p.300.
2 May 1751, Benjamin sold this tract to Richard Davis. Amherst Co Deed Book A, p.10

10 Mar 1756 VA Land Patent to Benjamin Higginbotham. Albemarle Co. 355 acres, both sides a south fork of Huffs Creek on the north side of the Fluvanna. PB 34, p.6 [This is likely the same as the 335 acres sold to his son Caleb in 1775]

2 May 1761 Benjamin Higginbotham of Amherst to Richard Davis. 204 acres on Buffalo River, being a tract granted to Benjamin by Moses Higginbotham by deed dated 14 May 1741. 60£. Amherst Co DB A, p.20
Some believe Richard Davis was the father of Moses Davis whose daughter Mary married William Higginbotham, son of Caleb and grandson of Benjamin.

30 Aug 1763 VA Land Patent to Benjamin Higginbotham. Amherst Co. 236 acres on North branches of the Buffalo River. PB 35, p.337

26 Jul 1765 VA Land Patent to Benjamin Higginbotham. Amherst Co. 130 acres on North side of Buffalo River in Dennis's thoroughfare. PB 36, p.763
and on the same day: 280 acres on head branches of Horseley's Creek. PB 36, p.764

1766 Benjamin and Joseph Higginbotham appointed by the Court to view certain lands. Amherst Order Book 1766-1659, p.5

7 Sep 1767 Benjamin with Power of Attorney for James Colbert Blair, sold to Alexander Baggs of Augusta Co, 160 acres on the Pedlar River, Amherst Co. Amherst DB B, p.249

2 May 1768 Benjamin Higginbotham served on a jury with his brother Joseph as foreman. Dudley Gatewood and Samuel Ayres also served. Amherst Order Book, 1766-1769, p.304-305

6 Jul 1768 John Phillips, Constable, weighed 171 pounds of hemp for Benjamin Higginbotham. Amherst Order Book, 1766-1769, p.342

14 Jul 1769 Three VA Land Patent to Benjamin Higginbotham. Amherst Co. The first for 390 acres on Davis's Mountain and the south branches of Franklin's Creek, PB 38, p.677. The second was 75 acres on the north branches of the South Fork of Buffalo River. - it was sold to his brother James in 1774. PB 38, p.746. The third patent for 54 acres on branches of the the South Fork of Buffalo River. PB 38, p.748

4 Jul 1774 Benjamin Higginbotham to James Higginbotham, both of Amherst. 75 acres on the north branches of the South Fork of the Buffalo River, granted by a patent to Benjamin at Williamsbury on 14 Jul 1769. Bounded lands of Benjamin Higginbotha, Aaron Higginbotham, Pounding Mill Crek, and James Higginbotham. 20£. Amherst DB D, p.168

4 Dec 1775 Benjamin Higginbotham and wife Elizabeth to Caleb Higginbotham, all of Amherst. 335 acres of land beginning corner of Braxton & Company's land. 5 shillings. Amherst DB D, p.328.

3 Mar 1777 Benjamin Higginbotham was one of the Appraisers of the Estate of Neill Campbell, Dec'd.

Three of the sons of Benjamin and Elizabeth - Caleb, William and Benjamin Jr., served in the Revolutionary War.

14 Jan 1781 Benjamin Higginbotham listed on the pay roll of Captain William Tucker's Company of Militia from Amherst Co. He joined the army 14 Jan 1781 and was discharged 26 Mar 1781. Seventy-two days. [Miscellaneous papers K-8, Archives Division, VA State Library]

2 Apr 1782 Benjamin Higginbotham made claim for "driving publick beeves" during the Revolutionary War. Amherst Order Book 1773-1782, p.492

May Court, 1783, he put in a second claim for 675 pounds of beef. Amherst Order Book, 1782-1783, p. 121.

Tax list of Amherst Co for 1783 includes Benjamin Higginbotham, 3 white polls, 10 slaves. Benjamin Jr. with 3 white polls, 1 slave. Jacob [his son-in-law] with 8 white polls, 4 slaves. Caleb with 6 white polls, 3 slaves. The next existing tax list was in 1785 and none of these were listed.

18 Mar 1784 VA Land Patent to Benjn Higginbotham. Amherst Co. 251 acres on Horsley's Creek and Pedlar River.
My Note: Amherst deeds must exist for the sales of the land that Benjamin Higginbotham had patented. There are over 1600 acres for which I do have a record of sale.

In 1784, Benjamin and Elizabeth were among the first of the Higginbothams to move to what would become Elbert Co GA. They were soon followed by their 6 adult children and their families.

Wilkes Co GA Deed Book AA, p.112 28 Nov 1786 Micajah & Ann McGehee to Benjamin Higginbotham. 450 acres on Cold Water. Land vacant on all sides; granted 1786 to McGehee. Signed: Micajah McGehee, Ann McGehee Wit: Thos B. Scott, JP Reg. 14 Dec 1786

INDEX TO THE HEADRIGHT & BOUNTY GRANTS OF GEORGIA 1756-1909; Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., Vidalia GA, c1970
Benjamin Higganbotham, Wilkes Co, Grant Book LLL, #335, 200 acres, 1787.

Elbert Co DB H, p.164 Francis & Dolly Higginbotham to John Higginbotham. 103 acres on Beverdam Creek adj Carter, Francis Higginbotham, Phipps, Benjamin Higginbotham. Part of 190 acres granted to Benjamin 31 Dec 1788 and given to his son Francis.

Wilkes Co GA Tax Records, 1785-1805, Vol. 1; Frank Parker Hudson
In 1785, Captain Clark's Distrct FFF: Benj Higginbotham 390 acres and Benj Jr with 950 acres. Francis Higginbotham with 200 acres. Francis Satterwhite with 200. Enumerated together.
1786; Capt Pullom's Dist. BBB: Benj Sr with 640 acres. Benj Jr with 750. Francis with 500. Francis Satterwhite with 827. Still all together. W'm Higginbothom with 550 acres. Joseph Higginbothom with 200 acres. Larkin Gatewood with 200 acres.
1787; Capt Pulliam's Dist BBB: Benj Higginbotham with 750 acres. Joseph with 200 acres. Pulliam's District was split following the 1786 returns.
1790; Capt Blackwell's District BBB: Benj Higgenbotham with 450 acres. Joseph is listed but no acreage shown. This entire district was put into Elbert Co in Dec of 1790.
1790; Capt Higginbotham's District KKK: [this was William Higginbotham] William Higginbotham, total of 370 acres. Larkin Gatewood with 550 acres. Benjamin Higgenbotham with 780 acres. Francis Higginbotham, 300 acres. Francis Satterwhite Sr had 1410 acres. The area that was KKK in currently in Hart, Madison & Elbert Counties.

Benjamin Higginbotham listed in the district designated BBB. He had 450 acres of land and 10 slaves. Son Joseph was in the same district but had no land listed.
Sons Benjamin Jr., Francis & William were all in the district designated a KKK which later became part of Elbert Co. Daughter Anne and her husband [and cousin] Jacob Higginbotham were not found, nor was son Caleb.

Will dated 9 Feb 1790; probate 25 Jul 1791. Will is in Elbert Co records but states Benjamin was "of Wilkes". Wife: Elizabeth - all estate real & personal for life. Lend her Negroes Joe, Will, Anne & Jude, household furniture & livestock - to be divided among the children at her death Dau: Anne Higginbotham, slaves - Lucy & Humpry . Sons: Caleb - slave Jack, William - slave Lewis, Benjamin - slave Charity, Joseph - slave Phillis, and Francis - slave Rachel. Land I now hold to sons Joseph and Francis equally divided. Executors to be sons William, Benjamin, Joseph & Francis and wife Elizabeth. Wit: William McCutchen, Thomas Willy/Hilly, James Morrison.

1 Aug 1791 The accounting of the appraisement of Benjamin Higginbotham's estate by William Melheen, Nathan Bond and Robert Pulliam. The whole amount was 464 £, 5s 9p. Recorded by William Higginbothan, R.P. Rg. Pre. C.E.

Elizabeth may have moved to Tennessee along with son William.


Marriage21 Feb 1751Albemarle County, Virginia - ELIZABETH Graves
Military1781Captain William Tucker's Company of Militia, Amherst Co VA, Revolutionary War
Death1791Elbert County, Georgia


SpouseELIZABETH Graves (1733 - 1791)
ChildCALEB Higginbotham (1752 - 1823)
ChildAnne Higginbotham ( - )
ChildWilliam Higginbotham (1762 - 1842)
ChildBenjamin Higginbotham Jr. (1757 - 1810)
ChildFrancis Higginbotham (1759 - 1828)
ChildJoseph Higginbotham (1761 - 1817)
FatherHigginbotham ( - 1747)
MotherWidow Higginbotham ( - 1751)
SiblingMoses Higginbotham (1715 - 1790)
SiblingJoseph Higginbotham (1717 - 1805)
SiblingAaron Higginbotham (1720 - 1784)
SiblingRACHEL Higginbotham ( - 1809)
SiblingCapt. John Higginbotham (1726 - 1814)
SiblingCol. James Higginbotham (1729 - 1813)
