Individual Details
CALEB Higginbotham
(Abt 1752 - Abt 1823)
Caleb was an officer in the Amherst Militia. He served in the 2nd VA Line under his brother William. Caleb was paid for driving "publick beeves", along with his brothers Benjamin & Francis to Washington's Army near Yorktown. The family moved to Georgia ca 1790 to join his father and brothers and settled near Danielsville in what is now Madison Co [Madison Co formed 1811]. Identification of the children is difficult although Don's ancestor William is believed to be one of the sons. Only the most likely children are listed here.
4 Dec 1775 Benjamin Higginbotham and wife Elizabeth to Caleb Higginbotham, all of Amherst. 335 acres of land beginning corner of Braxton & Company's land. 5 shillings. Amherst DB D, p.328.
[no date, but only a few pages after the above] Caleb Higginbotham and wife Mary Ann to James Lively. 13 acres adj Lively's line in Amherst Co. For 5£, Amherst DB D, p.336
5 May 1777 Caleb Higginbotham to Moses Penn. 342 acres both sides south fork of Huff's Creek, Amherst DB D, p.426
6 Jul 1778 Philip Smith to Caleb Higginbotham. 244 acres both sides of Buffalo River, the land Smith purchased of James Smith. Amherst DB E, p.2
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2;
15 Oct 1779. Petition of freeholders and inhabitants of counties of Amherst, Albemarle & Buckingham to repeal the act for tax on certain commodities as thereby the poorest man is compelled to pay as much of those of opulent fortunes for the conduct of the present war with Great Britian:
Caleb Higginbotham was one of the signers along with Joseph & Samuel Higginbotham
15 Dec 1779 Petition of freeholders & inhabitants of Amherst & Buckingham requesting appeal of act requiring a fee of 12 sh per hogshead of tobacco, per month, stored in public warehouses above 12 months.
Again Caleb, Joseph & Samuel Higginbotham signed.
7 Aug 1780 Caleb Higginbotham to William Higginbotham. 181 acres on Buffalo River, part of 244 acres purchased by Caleb of Philip Smith. Signed: Caleb Higginbotham. Mary Ann Higginbotham. Amherst DB E, p.255
Amherst County Virginia In the Revolution, Lenora Higginbotham Sweeny, J. P. Bell Co., Lynchburg, VA, 1951
p.35 Amherst Court, May 1780: Caleb Higginbotham recommended as Ensign.
p.70 Claims for Property Impressed or Taken for Public Safety, 2 Apr 1782.
Included the following Higginbothams: Aaron, Benjamin, Caleb, Francis, Jacob, John, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, William. Robert & Stephen Cash. John & Pulliam Sandidge. Francis Satterwhite. Edward Ware.
p.92 May Court, 1782. Will of Robert Howard Cash, dec'd was presented in Court by Tamsey Cash, widow and Extrx., Hendrick Arnold & Samuel Higginbotham Exors. Proved by oaths of Caleb Higginbotham, Cahrles Burrus, & Thomas Powell, witnesses.
Virginia Publick Claims. Hanover County. compiled & transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten. Iberian Publishing Co, Athens, GA
p.11 "John Novell cert. by Saml Higginbotham, Capt. pasturage for 10 horses 1 night, 2s-6; by Caleb Higginbotham MD pasturage for 26 cattle & 3 horses 1 night 7s-3"
p.18 "David Richardson cert. Caleb Higganbotham MD pasturage for 25 cattle & 5 horses 1 night 7s-6"
7 Apr 1784 VA Land Patent to Caleb Higginbotham. 36 acres, between the North branches of Buffalo River and the South branches of Franklin's Creek; Amherst Co. Grant Book I, p.549
Between 1785 and 1790, Caleb's father Benjamin and brothers William, Benjamin Jr & Joseph are all found on the Wilkes Co property tax rolls. By 1790, the area in which they lived became Elbert Co. Caleb is not on these tax rolls.
Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters, DAR;
Richmond Co GA Wills, Vol. II, p.10
11 Jul 1787 Will of John Jameson about to go on an expedition against the Indians. Bequest to Elizabeth Dove, no relationship stated; his mother Mary, brother Samuel 400 acres in Westmoreland Co PA, brother Isaac the remainder and to pay sister Rachel Jameson, 20£. Col. Nathaniel Cocke of Augusta GA and brother Isaac of Cumberland Co PA to be executors. Probate 26 Mar 1789.
Caleb Higginbotham appointed one of the appraisors.
p.49 Feb. 1794 Grand Jury included William Hightower, Caleb Higginbotham, and Moses Davis. They were close to same ages.
p.73 List of those who participated in the election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1795 included Caleb Higginbotham.
DAR Collections, Vol II, Richmond Co GA
Wills 1777-1797
John Jameson of Wilkes Co, storekeeper, being ready to go on an expedition against the Indians make this my last will. To Elizabeth Doves, horse,cattle, household goods. Beloved monther Mary. Bro. Samuel Jameson 400 A in Westmoreland Co PA. Bro Isaac, Sister Rachel. S/ 11 Jul 1787. P/ 26 Mar 1789. Caleb Higginbotham, Thos. Pace, Daniel McGehee, Joseph Fargeson, John Leath, James Stallings, Jonathan Wood, appt Appraisers.
Elbert Co Superior Court Minutes
20 Apr 1796 Grievance to the legislature about the condition of the roads. Signed: C. Higginbotham, Fras. Satterwhite
p.129 18 Oct 1797 Case of James Huling vs. James Wright. John M. Whitney & Caleb Higginbotham, securites.
Elbert Co Records in Looseleaf Binder at Thomasville GA Library included a Tax Digest, c 1801 that was copied from THE GEORGIA GENEALOGIST, compiled by Mary Bondurant Warren. Caleb Higginbotham was in Capt. Johnson's Company, listed first. He had two tracts of land. One, 200 acres on the Blue Stone, next to Edward Ware, granted to J. Howard. The second, was 300 acres on West Cold Water, next to Cristly and Higginbotham, first granted to J. Higginbotham [prob his brother Joseph or cousin Jacob]. Other people listed in Capt Johnson's Co included on the Blue Stone: Nathan Williford, James Scott, Solomon Stricklen. David McCardy from Capt Grimes Co had a tract of 200 acres listed on the Blue Stone as did John Andrew of Capt Barnett's Co - both of these men had other properties in the district in which they were listed. The Blue Stone seems to have been only a small watercourse or only a small part of it located in Elbert Co. Most of Johnson's Company lived on Skull Shoal Creek or the Broad River. No one else in this Company had property on West Cold Water, but I found in Capt Blackwell's Company that Joseph & Jacob Higginbotham had property on W. Cold Water, as did Julius Cristley. I believe the land on the Cold Water remained within the bounds of Elbert Co when Madison Co was sectioned off.
HISTORY OF MADISON CO GEORGIA, by Paul Tabor, shows Blue Stone Creek in the northeast quarter of the county. One of the Beaverdam Creeks forms the southern boundary of Madison County.
DB C, p.83 5 Feb 1795 Marmaduke Rickerson & Mary Ann, his wife of Richmond Co GA to Caleb Higginbotham of Elbert Co GA for £35, 200 A in Elbert, formerly Wilkes. Adj E. by William Teasly, all other sides vacant when surveyed. Wit: John Leith, JP, Columbia Co GA. Reg. 2 Feb 1796.
Note: When Rickerson/Ricketson bought this 200 acres, it was remarked that it was on Cold Water Creek, DB B, p.125
DB F, p.154 26 Aug 1799 James Rogers of Jackson Co GA to Caleb Higginbotham. 40 acres on Bluestone Creek adj Cade, Cargile, McIntrye, Hemphill. Witnessed & proved by Joseph Higginbotham. Rec. 15 Jul 1800. William Higginbotham, JP
Solomon Strickland, father of Emily that would marry Caleb's son Robert, sold this 40 acres to James Rogers on 27 Feb 1795. Rec. Elbert Co DB C, p.140
DB G, p.43 26 Aug 1799 James Rogers of Jackson Co GA to Caleb Higginbotham. 156 acres in Elbert Co on Broad River. Witness Joseph Higginbotham. No recording date.
Caleb sold his land on the Blue Stone to William Woods - I have not found the deed of sale but mention of this location is in Woods deed in Madison Co, 1823.
DB G, p.144 28 Jan 1802 Thomas Cargill to Joseph Higginbotham 78 A on S Fork of Bluestone Crk. Wit: Caleb Higginbotham JP. Caleb Higginbotham also witnessed the release of his wife's, Demarl, Dower rights. Reg. 16 Feb 1802
[There are only a couple of other deeds in the same yeaar that Caleb Higginbotham is listed as Justice of the Peace]
DB H, p.164 29 Apr 1803 Francis Higginbotham & Dolly his wife to John Higginbotham; 103 A on Beverdam adj Carter, Francis Higginbotham, Lewis Phelps, Benjamin Higginbotham. Part of 190 acres granted to Benjamin Higginbotham on 31 Dec 1788 and given by him to his son Francis. Wit: Caleb Higginbotham, R. Hunt JIC
DB J, p.145 24 Jan 1805 Joseph Higginbotham gifts to children Bartley, Willis, Permelia, Lindsay, Francis and Jackson. Wit: Edward Ware, Benjamin Higginbotham, Caleb Higginbotham. Deed of gift proved by Caleb Higginbotham on 16 Apr 1805; William Hightower, JP. Reg. 16 Apr 1805
DB M, p.25 18 Apr 1809 John H. Brewer states that Reuben Lindsay, Esqr of Elberton has over the past 14 days been deprived of his reason and is not capable of governing himself or his estate. Nancy K. Lindsay, wfie, agrees. They plead for a Writ de Lunatico Inquirend. On the 10th of July, a jury agreeed that Reuben Lindsay was a lunatic or of unsound mind. Mr. Lindsay was obviously a man of means with several tracts of land and operated a business with a number of accounts outstanding and the resulting inquiries continue throught p. 62 of this book. The names listed are virtually a census of Elbert Co. Caleb Higginbotham along with brothers, nephews, etc. was listed as having an account at Lindsay's store as of 13 Jul 1809.
DB P, p.43 4 Aug 1812 Thomas S. Carter & Charles Carter, admr of the estate of Thomas Carter, dec, sold to George Carter 571 1/2 A that was part of the estate of Thomas Carter dec'd exposed to public sale on 17 Jan 1812. Wit: Geo Cook, Caleb Higginbotham, B. Fortson JP. Rec 4 Apr 1814 [No way to tell for sure which Caleb Higginbotham this is - but it may very well be the Caleb, son of Francis Higginbotham whose sister was married to Geoge Carter.]
Elbert Co WB 1809-1812, p.252
Will of Wilson Penn, dated 19 May 1811, was witnessed by Benjamin Higginbotham, Caleb Higginbotham, William (X) Brown, and William (X) Williford.
4 Nov 1811, Caleb Higginbotham, Brown & Williford testified they were subscribing witnesses.
Madison Co formed in 1811.
Madison Co DB A, 1812-1818, p.283
4 Feb 1817. Burrel Orr sold to Willis Towns, for $100, his part of lot #20 in Danielsville purchased at Sheriff's Sale. Wit: Caleb Higginbotham, Benj Brown, Joshua Johnson, JP. Rec. 8 Feb 1817
[Nelson Higginbotham bought Lot #19 at the same sale.]
Madison Co DB BDE, 1818-1828
p.339 14 Jul 1823.
William Woods of Elbert Co to William C. Carithers of Madison Co for $600. Tract in Madison Co on waters of Blue Stone Creek whereon sd Carithers now lives. 200 acres. Adjacent Col. Edward Ware and others, tract formerly owned and occupied by Caleb Higginbotham. Signed: William Woods.
Wit: P. Christian, James Banks, JP. Rec. 10 Dec 1823
Edward Ware was the father of Judith and Ann, who married sons of Caleb. There are several other deeds showing that Ware and Woods [on Caleb's former land] lived next to each other in Madison Co on the Blue Stone Creek
Elbert Co Tax Digest, 1815, Found in Looseleaf Binder of Elbert Co Records at Thomasville Library: In Capt Carter's District: John Upshaw Sr as admin for Larkin Gatewood, Francis Higginbotham, Caleb Higginbotham and Francis Satterwhite [Again, it is not possible to determine which Caleb Higginbotham is here.]
Georgia Property Tax Digests, 1793-1893 (
Elbert Co, 1815, Capt Carters List "Calob Higginbotham". On the same list is Wm Higginbotham, Charles Carter and Charles Carter as Agent for Heirs of John Carter, George Carter, Francis Satterwhite
Madison Co, 1817, Capt Higginbotham's list, Madison Co "Calip Higginbotham" Henry Weare and James Weare, Jun. also on the same page. Caleb was line 10 - this tax register continues to the next page. Land to whom granted and to whom adjoining - Caleb's was blank. I could not help but notice that several properties adjoined "Strickland". His children married into both the Ware and Strickland families.
Several Deeds in Elbert Co ca 1812 & 1815 involve a Caleb Higginbotham, wife Ann M, property on Doves Creek waters adj John Ham. This appears to be the son of Francis Higginbotham & Dolly Gatewood who married Ann Minerva Bryant about 1812.
DB O, p.78-9 16 Sep 1812 Drury Christian & Elizabeth, his wife to Caleb Higginbotham 25 A adj john Ham & others on Doves Crk waters. 5 Oct 1812 - another 130 A from Christians to Caleb. Witnessed by Oglesby and James Christian.
DB O, p.87 29 Oct 1812 William G. Bryant of Putnam Co gave his son in law, Caleb Higginbotham of Elbert Co 6 slaves. Rec. 3 Dec 1812
DB P, p.7 9 Nov 1812 William G. Bryant gave them 10 more slaves. Rec. 25 Aug 1813 - these slaves were relinquished back to Bryant on 15 Feb 1814 [DB P, p.33]
DB T, p.129 2 Aug 1815 Two deeds from Caleb Higginbotham to Levi Stinchcomb, one for 130 acres, another for 25 acres, on Doves Crk waters adj. John Ham, Critonton, Christian & others. Ann M., wife of Caleb, rel. dower rights on 27 Nov 1815. Rec. 17 Apr 1824.
Perhaps Caleb had thought to go to Tennessee.....but it is more likely this is his cousin Caleb, son of William & Dolly (Sandidge) Higginbotham who was in Tennessee at this time.
Tennessee Early Land Register, 1778-1927; Plats and Surveys
State of Tennessee, First District
Survey drawn & Entry made out 23 Aug 1824 for orders by Wm. Hogins.
By virtue of Entry #14930 dated the 27th day of April 1815, founded on a Certificate #2092 issued by the Register of West Tennesse for six acres. I have surveyed for Abraham Goodman, assignee of Caleb Higginbotham, six acres of land in Dickson County on the North fork of Bear Creek beginning at a white Oak marked AG on the North bank of said Creek about forty poles below the mouth of Jesse G. Christian's Spring branch running from that West forty four poles to a Locust, thence North twenty two poles to a Stake then East forty four poles to a stake, Thence South twenty two poles o the beginning Including the Improvements whereon said Goodman now Lives. Surveyed this 27th day of Sept. 1815. Wm. B. Ross, DS Filed 23 Oct 1815
William Davis & John KIllbreath, SCC
There have been suggestions that Caleb went to Pike Co MS with some of his sons. In 1820, I found Robert, Nelson and Samuel in Pike Co. Robert and Nelson both in the 26-45 age category with spouses and several children. Robert said to have been born ca 1777 so he would have been 43. Samuel and a female both seem to be 16-26 with an older male 45+ in the household - this could of course be an older man with two unmarried children still at home OR it could be young Samuel, newly married, with his father living with him.
Said to have had daughters: Nellie who married Charles Smith and lived on McGee's Creek in Pike C; Betsy who married James Cooper; Sarah Jane who married P. A. Boyd Williams and died in Clarke Co GA, 17 May 1880; Nora who married a Collingworth. Also it's been suggested that Caleb's daughter Mary married a Sandel but that is wrong. Both the Sarah Jane who married Williams & Mary who married William Sandel were in East Feliciana with Francis Higginbotham's family and were not likely daughters of Caleb. I believe Caleb's Mary is the Mary Higginbotham who married William Hightower from the records in Alabama.
Pike County MS was formed from Marion Co in 1815. A courthouse fire in 1882 has made research difficult.
CALEB HIGGINBOTHAM and MARYANN CASH were married about 1775 in Amherst County, Virginia.15 MARYANN CASH44, daughter of Robert Howard CASH and Ruth [CASH], was born about 1755.44 She died after 1794 at the age of 39 in Elbert County, Georgia.44
I believe there is no hard and fast proof that Maryann Cash was the wife of Caleb Higginbotham. However, the following circumstances substantiate that she was probably the same.
In the will of Howard Cash he did name a daughter Mary Lively as well as an apparently unmarried daughter Maryann. The will is dated 1772. Mary Ann received a slave boy Ralph, bed & furniture, cow & calf - the typical gifts to a daughter at the time of her marriage, so he was providing for that event which had not yet happened. One of the bequests of the will, to his son Benjamin, makes clear that Aaron Higginbotham and Howard Cash lived on adjoining properties. One of Aaron's daughters, Tamasin Higginbotham, married Robert Cash, a son of Howard's. Caleb Higginbotham was a nephew of Aaron - Aaron and all of his brothers lived on the divided property of their father so certainly Caleb was "in the neighborhood" as well. Caleb Higginbotham and Maryann Cash probably married about 1775. When Ruth, wife of Howard Cash, died in 1784, Caleb Higginbotham was security for Hendrick Arnold who was by then married to Ruth, daughter of Howard Cash - this would be a common task for a brother-in-law.
Birth | Abt 1752 | Amherst County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Abt 1775 | Amherst County, Virginia - MARYANN Cash | |||
Military | 1776 | Amherst Co VA Militia, Revolutionary War | |||
Death | Abt 1823 | Pike County, Mississippi |
Spouse | MARYANN Cash (1755 - 1794) |
Child | Robert H. Higginbotham (1777 - 1831) |
Child | Nelson Higginbotham (1780 - 1860) |
Child | Nellie Higginbotham ( - ) |
Child | WILLIAM HIGGINBOTHAM (1788 - 1852) |
Child | Samuel Higginbotham ( - 1829) |
Child | Mary Higginbotham (1793 - ) |
Child | Betsey Higginbotham ( - ) |
Father | BENJAMIN Higginbotham (1723 - 1791) |
Mother | ELIZABETH Graves (1733 - 1791) |
Sibling | Anne Higginbotham ( - ) |
Sibling | William Higginbotham (1762 - 1842) |
Sibling | Benjamin Higginbotham Jr. (1757 - 1810) |
Sibling | Francis Higginbotham (1759 - 1828) |
Sibling | Joseph Higginbotham (1761 - 1817) |
1. Earl & Nena Higginbotham, Higginbotham Descendants of Moses and Frances Kyle Higginbotham (LDS Microfilm #1697905), p.23.
2. Earl & Nena Higginbotham, Higginbotham Descendants of Moses and Frances Kyle Higginbotham (LDS Microfilm #1697905), p.23.
3. Mabel Marie LaBiche, Higginbotham; Descendants of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Graves) (Rayne, Louisiana: Hebert Publications, 1996), Chapter 4, Family of Caleb and Maryann (Cash).