Individual Details

John Hite Morton

(1 May 1784 - 15 Aug 1830)

Fayette Co KY DB C
p.155 16 Jan 1807 John Rutledge to John H. Morton & John Gardner. John H. Morton has recovered his judgement by confession on two notes assigned to him by said Gardner for $50 each to which amount said Rutledge is indebted to said John H. Morton. John Gardner is security for said Rutledge in a Replevy Bond for $53. John Rutledge hath this day sold to Morton & Gardner a waggon and full set of geer, a brown horse fourth leader a bay horse his fellow, and two grey mares behind with all the appurtenances to them. Signed: John (x) Rutledge. Rec. 19 Jan 1807

p.184 10 Jan 1807 James Moore and Margaret his wife to John H. Morton. 51£ 6sh. Parcel on waters of Hickman Creek 20 and ¼ acres. Robert Todds land; west side of Jake Creek road; edge of Millars field. Signed by James & Margaret Moore.
Rec 11 Jan 1817

p.192 1792 Trustees for the Transylvania Seminary. Benjamin Logan, Levi Todd, John Campbell, David Rice, Jno Edwards, Robert Johnston, Christopher Greenup, John Crittenden, Willis Green, James Garrard, William Ward, Robert Todd, Edd. Payne, Jno Hawkins, Robt Barr, Peyton Short, Deerborne Dudley, Jas. Crawford, Thomas Lewis, Thomas Young, Jno. Coburn, John Bradford, William Morton, James Parker & Nathaniel Wilson. To George Adams, assee of Fayette Co, state of Virginia. Parcel 7 containing 96 acres. To George Adams, George Adams Junr and John Adams or heirs. Annual rent of 40sh. 18 bu of corn. Will build within five years a dwelling house equal to 16 square feet of hewn logs, frams, brick or stone, shingled roof, brick chimney. Also a barn. Plant an orchard, at least 50 apple trees, 100 peachtrees, properly clear some good meadow grass, 5 acres of meadow. Or forfeit.
Lexington, 14 Dec 1804. I do hereby assign all right and title to John H. Morton for 164£. Signed: George Adams. Wit: Benjamin Parrish, John Downing, Thos. Butler
In consequence of having purchased the fee simple Estate in the lands contained in the within lease, I hereby relinquish all claim to the same by virture of the sd lease and hold only by virture of the purchase. 18 Feb 1805. Signed: John H. Morton. Wit: John W. Holder, Wm Scott. Rec. 19 Feb 1807

p.236 31 Mar 1807 John H. Morton, Deputy Sheriff for Charles Carr Sheriff of Fayette Co to Levi Outten. Executions on David & James Mitchell against Thomas Authen/Outten??. Undivided moiety of 335 acres. Highest bidder. $1460. Levi Outten gave bond & security.

p.253 7 May 1807 Robert Todd & Ann his wife to John Hite Morton. $275. Tract on waters of Hickman Creek. 36 ½ acres. Begin corner to North Parkers land, corner to George Adams, Edge of Millers field. Signed: Robert Todd, Ann Todd
Ack Thos. Butler, DC
Thomas Bodley, Clerk rec. 7 May 1807 Ack & release of dower.

Fayette Co KY DB 5/E
28 Mar 1807 Between William R. Morton Deputy Sheriff, John H. Morton Sheriff, of Fayette Co to Henry Clay. Property sold for debts
p.369 8 Oct 1810 James Morrison sold to the Justices of the Peace of Fayette Co, the lot whereon the Jail was located. Justices: Wm Dudley, Richard Higgins, Leonard Young, John E. Richardson, Robert L. Russell, Robert Frier, David Logan, Ambrose Young, James Wood, Guin R. Tompkins, Wm W. Worsley, Wm Davenport, Walter Bullock, N.G.S. Hart, Joseph H. Daviess, Joseph Robb, James True, Price Curd, John Bradford, Edward Payne, John H. Morton.
p.426 18 May 1811 Robert Poage & Nancy his wife to John H. Morton. $60. Tract on waters of Hickman, 5 acres. Corner to said Morton, Morton's field. Signed: Robert Poage & Nancy Poage. Ack by Robert Poage & Nancy Relinquished dower

Fayette Co KY DB 6/F
p.13 Agreement 22 Aug 1811
John H. Morton and David Bell Tract of land where Morton resides, 350 acres to be ascertained by Survey. Possession to Bell on 1 Mar next. $25 per acre $1200 in Jan next. $2133.13 on 1 Mar next and the balance in annual installments of $1000, 1st installment on 1 Mar 1813 and $1000 on 1 Mar every year thereafter until the whole is paid. More about Negro Billy, etc.

Also from DB F:
p.71-73 John H. Morton and the steam mill
7 Sep 1811
Thomas Bodley & John H. Morton & Charles Humphreys of one part. Luther Stephens & Hallet M. Winslow of the other part. 22 Dec 1807 Luther Stephens for & behalf of the Lexington Steam Mill Co….transferred the right from Oliver Evans to secure, employ a steam engine or engines with his patent right for a scopy of country, the extenet of fifteen miles distance in every direction.
Erect steam engines for the manufacturing paper of all and every kind.
Also steam eangines for the purpose of any kind of spinning
Agreement about water rights.

Also p.91
Thomas Bodley & John H. Morton purchased from Stephens & Winslow and Jno Maxwell their interest in the Lexington Steam Mill Engine and Machinery. A certain principle in mechanism of which I claim to be inventor I do hereby give and grant full and free permission to the sd persons to make use of the same. Signed: Luther Stephens.
7 Sep 1811

p.77 7 Sep 1811 Luther Stephens & Mary his wife and Hallott M. Winslow & Sarah his wife all to John H. Morton. 147 £, 12 sh, 7 p. Tract on waters of Town fork of Elkhorn, undivided third of the steam mill tract containing 5 acres. West corner of the Junction of Steam Mill St and Upper St, then with Steam Mill St, stake east corner of the burial ground, with the line of the burial ground, South east side of Curds road. Signed: Luther Stephens, Polly Stephens, Hallet M. Winslow, Sarah Winslow

p.188 7 Sep 1811 John H. Morton and Sarah his wife to Luther Stephens & Hallot M. Winslow of Lexington. Morton stands justly indebted 1407£ 12 sh 7p.
Mortgage/Deed of Trust

Wife named as Sarah P. Morton in deed. Morton data says she was Sarah Price.
Online data gives a date of their marriage as 2 May 1802.

Fayette Co Will Book C: Oct 1813 - Apr 1816
p.424 John H. Morton was one of the Commissioners to settle the account of Mrs. Jane Lewis admin of Jessee Lewis deceased who was the adm of the estate of Samuel Lewis. 18 Feb 1815

p.445 8 Jul 1815. John H. Morton appointed as one of the commissioners to divide the real estate of the late Levi Todd.. Subsequent to the death of Genl. Levi Todd in 1808, Commissioners divided the land among those of age and the Guardians of those under age. Put in possession of their estates 1 Mar 1808. Division was never forwarded to the County Court. The division was undisputed and some have disposed of their parts and others have improved their allotments. New division would be difficult.
26 Jun 1815 Consent to proposition:
Robert Stewart, C. Carr, John Todd Senr, David Todd, John Todd Jr., Maria Todd, Saml. B. Todd,
David Todd guardian for Jane Todd
North Todd by C. Carr his Guardian
David Todd Guardian for Margarent & James Todd
Land redivided with payments for differences.

Logan Co, KY Deed Book F, p.54 14 Jun 1818 John H. Morton and Sarah his wife of Fayette Co to James Haden of county of Logan for $374 ...on the waters of the Gasper River ..180 acres Signed: John H. Morton; Sarah P. Morton

John H. Morton of Lexington, Fayette Co, KY gave his brother George W. Morton power of attorney. 8 Sep 1819. Logan Co Deed Book H, p.94

Kentucky Obituaries, 1787-1854, Compiled by G. Glenn Clift, 1977
Page: Pg. 61
Text: John H. Morton. Died Sunday August 15, 1830. R 8/18


Birth1 May 1784
Death15 Aug 1830Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky


FatherWilliam Morton ( - 1807)
MotherElizabeth Hite Smith ( - 1811)
SiblingElijah Morton ( - 1834)
SiblingElizabeth Hite Morton ( - 1862)
SiblingCharles Smith Morton ( - )
SiblingRebecca S. Morton (1781 - 1842)
SiblingGeorge Washington Morton ( - )
SiblingAbraham Bowman Morton ( - )
SiblingFrances Terrill "Fannie" Morton (1788 - 1862)
SiblingGabriel J. Morton ( - )
SiblingJoseph Morton ( - )
SiblingKitturah "Kitty" Morton ( - )
SiblingSarah "Sallie" Morton ( - )
SiblingWilliam R. Morton (1783 - 1841)
SiblingMary Morton (1800 - 1878)
