Individual Details

Ziltha Rebecca Mainard

(1809 - Bef 1865)

The old Haggard files gave her name as Ziltha Rebecca Rogers - but the estate file of James Mainard in Franklin Co, TN, 1858, makes plain she was his daughter. Her mother, Rebecca, died in the same place in 1859. Either she had a brief early marriage to a Rogers or the old research was in error.

Ziltha gave her age as 50, born in Tennessee in the 1860 Census. In 1865, in Kansas, she wasn't listed with the family.

According to the Haggard files, Ziltha died probably in Franklin Co from "hardships of the war". She may very well have died of the hardships, but she died in Crawford County, as she's there with George in the 1860 Census.


Birth1809North Carolina
MarriageAbt 1835Carroll County, Tennessee - George William Haggard
DeathBef 1865Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseGeorge William Haggard (1813 - 1886)
ChildAlfred M. Haggard (1837 - 1864)
ChildFrancis Neely Haggard (1839 - )
ChildGeorge Riley Haggard (1843 - 1885)
ChildWilliam Willis Haggard (1845 - 1923)
ChildRebecca C. Haggard (1849 - )
ChildCharles Mc. Haggard (1852 - )
FatherJames Mainard (1782 - 1858)
MotherRebecca [Mainard] (1782 - 1859)
