Individual Details
William Harrison Christenberry
(Jan, 1865 - Jan 19, 1931)
Nickname:<NICK> Billy Cause of Death:<CAUS> a morphine overdos e Obituary: Bil ly Christenberry Dead. Farmer of Morgan Township A Vi ctim of Overdose of Medic ine Containing Morphine. William Christenbe rry, 65 years old, a farmer north o f Vandalia, died Monday morning (J anuary 19, 1931), his death being due to an o verdose of Morphine. Tw o years ago he was hurt in an auto wreck, his chest bei ng caved in, a nd since that time he had suffered continual pain. Medicine cont ainin g morphine was constantly at his command in order to deaden pain and i nduc e sleep. Saturday night he could not sleep and at 2 a. m. Sunda y got up and tu rned on his radio. After listening in for a time he t ook a dose of his medicin e and went to bed. When breakfast was read y Mrs. Christenberry went to awaken him, but he was sleeping soundly a nd she did not disturb him. Later she attemp ted to awaken him and h e appeared sluggish and almost in a state of coma. At 9 o'clock, Mrs . Christenberry became alarmed and called a physician who said it wa s plainly an overdose of the medicine and that he could do nothing, a s it had been too long since the medicine was taken. The heartbeat s grew gradually wea ker and Monday morning he died. Mr. Christenberr y was a son of James and Dova (Freeman) Christenberry and was born i n January 1865, on the farm where he has continued to live out his lif e. He was married at the age of 17 to Miss Prilda Sanders. To thi s union 14 children were born, four of whom have died. Those survivin g are Zora, Nellie, Minnie, Florence, Ruth, Lewis, Lee, Arva, and Howa r d. Their oldest daughter was married when she was seventeen and Mr . Christenbe rry became a grandfather at the age of 36 - probably th e record for this state. He had always been a hard working man unti l the accident two years ago render ed him unfit for further labor. H e has two sisters living, Mrs. Henry Williams of Jordan and Mrs. Am y Hendricks of Terre Haute. Funeral services will be hel d at 10 o'cl ock today (Wednesday) at Garrard Chapel and internment will be made i n the cemetery there.
Spouse | Schrilda Jane Sanders (1862 - 1945) |
Child | Dora Christenberry (1883 - 1945) |
Child | Minnie Christenberry (1884 - 1926) |
Child | Elmer Christenberry (1886 - 1913) |
Child | Nellie Christenberry (1888 - 1945) |
Child | Millie Christenberry (1890 - 1977) |
Child | Florence Christenberry (1892 - 1973) |
Child | Mollie Christenberry (1894 - 1925) |
Child | Lewis C Christenberry (1896 - 1971) |
Child | Albert Christenberry (1899 - 1899) |
Child | Lee Christenberry (1900 - 1989) |
Child | Ruth Christenberry (1901 - 1999) |
Child | Oliver Christenberry (1903 - 1908) |
Child | Alvin Lee Christenberry (1905 - 1975) |
Child | Howard Christenberry (1907 - 1971) |
Father | James W Christenberry (1831 - 1915) |
Mother | Dovey Ann Freeman (1848 - 1911) |
Sibling | Lucinda Jane Christenberry (1862 - 1941) |
Sibling | Amy Ann Christenberry (1868 - 1942) |
Sibling | King Edward Christenberry (1873 - 1881) |
1. Owen Leader, Spencer Indiana, Wednesday, January 21, 1931, Number 8.
2. Supplemental Marriage Record, Owen County, Indiana, Book C-39, Page 6.
3. Indiana Marriages, Owen County, Book 31, page 402.
4. Owen Leader, Spencer Indiana, Wednesday, January 21, 1931, Number 8.
5. Garrard Chapel Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County Indiana.