Individual Details

William Harrison Christenberry

(Jan, 1865 - Jan 19, 1931)

Nickname:<NICK> Billy Cause of Death:<CAUS> a morphine overdos e Obituary: Bil ly Christenberry Dead. Farmer of Morgan Township A Vi ctim of Overdose of Medic ine Containing Morphine. William Christenbe rry, 65 years old, a farmer north o f Vandalia, died Monday morning (J anuary 19, 1931), his death being due to an o verdose of Morphine. Tw o years ago he was hurt in an auto wreck, his chest bei ng caved in, a nd since that time he had suffered continual pain. Medicine cont ainin g morphine was constantly at his command in order to deaden pain and i nduc e sleep. Saturday night he could not sleep and at 2 a. m. Sunda y got up and tu rned on his radio. After listening in for a time he t ook a dose of his medicin e and went to bed. When breakfast was read y Mrs. Christenberry went to awaken him, but he was sleeping soundly a nd she did not disturb him. Later she attemp ted to awaken him and h e appeared sluggish and almost in a state of coma. At 9 o'clock, Mrs . Christenberry became alarmed and called a physician who said it wa s plainly an overdose of the medicine and that he could do nothing, a s it had been too long since the medicine was taken. The heartbeat s grew gradually wea ker and Monday morning he died. Mr. Christenberr y was a son of James and Dova (Freeman) Christenberry and was born i n January 1865, on the farm where he has continued to live out his lif e. He was married at the age of 17 to Miss Prilda Sanders. To thi s union 14 children were born, four of whom have died. Those survivin g are Zora, Nellie, Minnie, Florence, Ruth, Lewis, Lee, Arva, and Howa r d. Their oldest daughter was married when she was seventeen and Mr . Christenbe rry became a grandfather at the age of 36 - probably th e record for this state. He had always been a hard working man unti l the accident two years ago render ed him unfit for further labor. H e has two sisters living, Mrs. Henry Williams of Jordan and Mrs. Am y Hendricks of Terre Haute. Funeral services will be hel d at 10 o'cl ock today (Wednesday) at Garrard Chapel and internment will be made i n the cemetery there.


BirthJan, 1865Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana
MarriageMar 26, 1882Owen County, Indiana, USA - Schrilda Jane Sanders
DeathJan 19, 1931Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana
BurialGarrard Chapel Cemetery, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseSchrilda Jane Sanders (1862 - 1945)
ChildDora Christenberry (1883 - 1945)
ChildMinnie Christenberry (1884 - 1926)
ChildElmer Christenberry (1886 - 1913)
ChildNellie Christenberry (1888 - 1945)
ChildMillie Christenberry (1890 - 1977)
ChildFlorence Christenberry (1892 - 1973)
ChildMollie Christenberry (1894 - 1925)
ChildLewis C Christenberry (1896 - 1971)
ChildAlbert Christenberry (1899 - 1899)
ChildLee Christenberry (1900 - 1989)
ChildRuth Christenberry (1901 - 1999)
ChildOliver Christenberry (1903 - 1908)
ChildAlvin Lee Christenberry (1905 - 1975)
ChildHoward Christenberry (1907 - 1971)
FatherJames W Christenberry (1831 - 1915)
MotherDovey Ann Freeman (1848 - 1911)
SiblingLucinda Jane Christenberry (1862 - 1941)
SiblingAmy Ann Christenberry (1868 - 1942)
SiblingKing Edward Christenberry (1873 - 1881)
