Individual Details

Dovey Ann Freeman

(May 17, 1848 - Feb 11, 1911)

BIOGRAPHY: 1862 Rape Case: State of Indiana v. Wm. H. Carter, Rape com plaint Do vy Christenberry. Ca. 1862 in Box 3. The file in Box 3 onl y contains the indic tment, but shows no verdict. As to the Rape cas e in Book 8, that began in the August term of 1863 and was continued t hree times until the February Term in 18 65. No final entry was found . The next book (9), 1867-1870, has no entry with regard to the compl aint. Note that there are two boys listed in the 1880 Cens us of th e James "Cresonbery" household in Morgan Township, son King E Cresonbe r y age seven and a "boarder" William J Cresonbery also age seven. Al so of note, Mary Ann Evans-Clark , the mother of James W Christenberr y, married John Carte r Sr. in October of 1856 and by 1860 was liste d in that census in John's househ old. Later, John Carter Sr. and Joh n Carter Jr. lived about five households aw ay from James and Dovey Ch ristenberry. Look for "bastardy claims" in Owen Coun ty. Source: e-m ail from Roger Peterson, Owen County Historical Society.


BirthMay 17, 1848Vandalia, Owen County Indiana
MarriageNov 4, 1861Marion County, Indiana - James W Christenberry
Divorce filedAug, 1864Owen County Indiana - James W Christenberry
Divorce filedAft 1880James W Christenberry
MarriageNov 22, 1897Owen County, Indiana, USA - John E Eaton
DeathFeb 11, 1911


SpouseJames W Christenberry (1831 - 1915)
ChildLucinda Jane Christenberry (1862 - 1941)
ChildWilliam Harrison Christenberry (1865 - 1931)
ChildAmy Ann Christenberry (1868 - 1942)
ChildKing Edward Christenberry (1873 - 1881)
SpouseJohn E Eaton (1842 - )
FatherKing Freeman (1811 - 1884)
MotherAmy Humble (1808 - 1884)
SiblingCarlotte Freeman (1833 - )
SiblingHenry H Freeman (1837 - )
SiblingJohn Freeman (1837 - 1912)
SiblingWilliam B Freeman (1841 - )
SiblingAmanda J Freeman (1847 - )
